December 2019 Version Update
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10,481
By Ramuh.Austar 2019-12-10 01:10:28
Wtf are people calling rip on Reiki. Reiki is 7dw and new belt is 4dw. All jobs /nin require 11dw, thf main 6dw, blu main usually 11 or 6. Reiki + Eabani covers 11 dw nicely. Reiki alone covers 6dw. This new belt doesnt really fit anything unless Im missing something. it opens up several options depending on available gear or augments. excluding DW taeon or herculean blu now has two new options for 11 DW, ~31 is also a good set to aim for as BLU with flutter giving 30% haste alone.
Code {'head': {'Head_None': 0}, 'body': {'Adhemar Jacket +1': 6}, 'hands': {'Hands_None': 0}, 'legs': {'Legs_None': 0}, 'feet': {'Feet_None': 0}, 'waist': {'Waist_None': 0}, 'ear': {'Suppanomimi': 5}, 'back': {'Back_None': 0}}
{'head': {'Head_None': 0}, 'body': {'Body_None': 0}, 'hands': {'Hands_None': 0}, 'legs': {'Carmine Cuisses +1': 6}, 'feet': {'Feet_None': 0}, 'waist': {'Waist_None': 0}, 'ear': {'Suppanomimi': 5}, 'back': {'Back_None': 0}}
{'head': {'Head_None': 0}, 'body': {'Body_None': 0}, 'hands': {'Hands_None': 0}, 'legs': {'Legs_None': 0}, 'feet': {'Rawhide Boots': 3}, 'waist': {'Gerdr Belt +1': 4}, 'ear': {'Eabani Earring': 4}, 'back': {'Back_None': 0}}
{'head': {'Head_None': 0}, 'body': {'Body_None': 0}, 'hands': {'Hands_None': 0}, 'legs': {'Legs_None': 0}, 'feet': {'Feet_None': 0}, 'waist': {'Shetal Stone': 6}, 'ear': {'Suppanomimi': 5}, 'back': {'Back_None': 0}}
{'head': {'Head_None': 0}, 'body': {'Body_None': 0}, 'hands': {'Hands_None': 0}, 'legs': {'Legs_None': 0}, 'feet': {'Feet_None': 0}, 'waist': {'Reiki Yotai': 7}, 'ear': {'Eabani Earring': 4}, 'back': {'Back_None': 0}}
{'head': {'Head_None': 0}, 'body': {'Body_None': 0}, 'hands': {'Hands_None': 0}, 'legs': {'Legs_None': 0}, 'feet': {'Feet_None': 0}, 'waist': {'Gerdr Belt +1': 4}, 'ear': {'Dudgeon+Heartseeker': 7}, 'back': {'Back_None': 0}}
Cool in theory, but imo I can hardly find it practical for anything, unless you really have some killer herculean DM augment with DW that pairs well with this new belt.
Going for 31%DW is a niche thing. You would rather use MG to cap haste and if you are forced to go for 31%DW, then Reiki is even better anyway. what theory? that there are more options for DW sets? i don't think the belt is ideal either, but it isn't useless and does bring more options.
MG is also not up fulltime and i get a lot of use out of my 31DW set on BLU and NIN.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
By Asura.Veikur 2019-12-10 01:10:46
Yngvi Earring
DEF:17 Enmity-5 "Regen"+2 Boosts enmity decrease +8
Interesting earring.
It is a Neck piece. Translation fail. Ah. That's.. less appealing. Neck slots are pretty well occupied.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 54
By Bahamut.Hismena 2019-12-10 01:11:30
Aurgelmir Orb +1
STR+7 DEX+7 VIT+7 Attack+10 "Store TP"+5
Well... R.I.P Ginsen, you had a great run.
Why does BRD need to be on this when it still has better TP options in the range/ammo slot? :thinking:
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3,113
By Asura.Aeonova 2019-12-10 01:11:48
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 34
By Asura.Aessk 2019-12-10 01:12:00
PSA, Bonanza Marble sales end in another hour and a half too. Though, at least on not-mules, with all this new gear not wasting 10 inventory spots for a month might be worth a rank 3 prize.
Don't *** scare me like that, though thank you for the reminder. According to the Japanese website it actually ends tomorrow night.
How many ppl I've seen say marbles end tonight. 08:00 GMT 11 December = 2 AM December 11th CST. That is Tuesday night(if you're a late night person)/Wednesday morning. Whatever you want to call it.
people are getting their information from the english website.
says on there: Marble sales period: Sunday, November 10, 2019, at 12:00 a.m. (PST) to Tuesday, December 10 at the same hour.
There's confusion because the post on the front page last month says Dec 11 12am PST. I guess we'll know pretty soon.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,832
By Bahamut.Celebrindal 2019-12-10 01:12:07
Going for 31%DW is a niche thing. You would rather use MG to cap haste and if you are forced to go for 31%DW, then Reiki is even better anyway.
most RDMs I know that build for melee soloing have a 31 DW set for when they've only got self Haste II. Yes, with trusts on hand its very likely that you'll have at least 1 march, but its a pretty standard set to build.
RDM/DNC with DW cape(10), carmine+1 legs(6), suppa(5), and new belt+1(4) just got a little more interesting than /NIN.
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,410
By Fenrir.Melphina 2019-12-10 01:18:34
Almost everything they added is completely underwhelming. Out of that whole list of stuff I saw about a handful of things with any practical use. New evisceration earring and torcleaver/upheaval earrings sticks out, decent ammo to replace yamarang or ginsen in some cases, and a build around belt that competes with reiki yotai if you have a niche setup I guess? I don't know how all the dual wield jobs are oriented, but thief needs exactly 7 dual wield coupled with the 500 job point gift to cap, so I'm in simon's boat. I'd still take reiki over it. Maybe a few magic skill earrings for the mages. That's mostly it. Well unless doman invasion really becomes popular for some reason that is, and I really don't see that ever happening.
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 241
By Cerberus.Mrkillface 2019-12-10 01:22:02
PLD job ability recast/duration makes perfect sense if it wears off after the first cast...
I hope that's not it though.
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10,481
By Ramuh.Austar 2019-12-10 01:22:28
thf needs 6, not 7.
i also want to know how you all have brd trusts maintain marches 100% of the time, because mine don't.
By Aerix 2019-12-10 01:22:33
Almost everything they added is completely underwhelming. Out of that whole list of stuff I saw about a handful of things with any practical use. New evisceration earring and torcleaver/upheaval earrings sticks out, decent ammo to replace yamarang or ginsen in some cases, and a build around belt that competes with reiki yotai if you have a niche setup I guess? I don't know how all the dual wield jobs are oriented, but thief needs exactly 7 dual wield coupled with the 500 job point gift to cap, so I'm in simon's boat. I'd still take reiki over it. Maybe a few magic skill earrings for the mages. That's mostly it. Well unless doman invasion really becomes popular for some reason that is, and I really don't see that ever happening.
If this update's items are underwhelming to you, then are you only satisfied by Malignance-levels of power creep? Because that's only going to trivialize content in this game even more.
There are a bunch of accessory upgrades in this patch for practically every job. That's more than anyone expected.
By SimonSes 2019-12-10 01:24:56
what theory? that there are more options for DW sets? i don't think the belt is ideal either, but it isn't useless and does bring more options.
MG is also not up fulltime and i get a lot of use out of my 31DW set on BLU and NIN.
This belt is probably from really high lvl synth and will probably be priced really high for a long time (idiot tax + actual mats will probably be for points from DI, so probably very limited, especially at start when people will use points for different stuff), so it will be hardly an option or stop gap for new players and like you said it's not ideal, so players who have other DW gear will probably has no use for this belt. It adds options, but options that will be less ideal and probably harder to obtain than existing ones.
I dont doubt that 31DW set is helpful sometimes, but again I dont feel that this belt will create any practical options for those sets too, but I would need to look into it more.
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10,481
By Ramuh.Austar 2019-12-10 01:31:44
Bahamut.Celebrindal said: »
Going for 31%DW is a niche thing. You would rather use MG to cap haste and if you are forced to go for 31%DW, then Reiki is even better anyway.
most RDMs I know that build for melee soloing have a 31 DW set for when they've only got self Haste II. Yes, with trusts on hand its very likely that you'll have at least 1 march, but its a pretty standard set to build.
RDM/DNC with DW cape(10), carmine+1 legs(6), suppa(5), and new belt+1(4) just got a little more interesting than /NIN. Here is every combination that gives 30, 31, or 32 DW for you using only augmented Taeon boots as a random augment, since those are a really efficient slot for it anyways.
Code {'head': {'Head_None': 0}, 'body': {'Body_None': 0}, 'hands': {'Hands_None': 0}, 'legs': {'Carmine Cuisses +1': 6}, 'feet': {'Taeon Boots': 4}, 'waist': {'Shetal Stone': 6}, 'ear': {'Suppanomimi': 5}, 'back': {'JSE_Cape': 10}}
{'head': {'Head_None': 0}, 'body': {'Body_None': 0}, 'hands': {'Hands_None': 0}, 'legs': {'Carmine Cuisses +1': 6}, 'feet': {'Taeon Boots': 4}, 'waist': {'Shetal Stone': 6}, 'ear': {'Eabani Earring': 4}, 'back': {'JSE_Cape': 10}}
{'head': {'Head_None': 0}, 'body': {'Body_None': 0}, 'hands': {'Hands_None': 0}, 'legs': {'Carmine Cuisses +1': 6}, 'feet': {'Taeon Boots': 4}, 'waist': {'Reiki Yotai': 7}, 'ear': {'Suppanomimi': 5}, 'back': {'JSE_Cape': 10}}
{'head': {'Head_None': 0}, 'body': {'Body_None': 0}, 'hands': {'Hands_None': 0}, 'legs': {'Carmine Cuisses +1': 6}, 'feet': {'Taeon Boots': 4}, 'waist': {'Reiki Yotai': 7}, 'ear': {'Eabani Earring': 4}, 'back': {'JSE_Cape': 10}}
{'head': {'Head_None': 0}, 'body': {'Body_None': 0}, 'hands': {'Hands_None': 0}, 'legs': {'Carmine Cuisses +1': 6}, 'feet': {'Taeon Boots': 4}, 'waist': {'Gerdr Belt +1': 4}, 'ear': {'Dudgeon+Heartseeker': 7}, 'back': {'JSE_Cape': 10}}
{'head': {'Head_None': 0}, 'body': {'Body_None': 0}, 'hands': {'Hands_None': 0}, 'legs': {'Carmine Cuisses +1': 6}, 'feet': {'Taeon Boots Aug.': 9}, 'waist': {'Shetal Stone': 6}, 'ear': {'Eabani+Suppanomimi': 9}, 'back': {'Back_None': 0}}
{'head': {'Head_None': 0}, 'body': {'Body_None': 0}, 'hands': {'Hands_None': 0}, 'legs': {'Carmine Cuisses +1': 6}, 'feet': {'Taeon Boots Aug.': 9}, 'waist': {'Shetal Stone': 6}, 'ear': {'Ear_None': 0}, 'back': {'JSE_Cape': 10}}
{'head': {'Head_None': 0}, 'body': {'Body_None': 0}, 'hands': {'Hands_None': 0}, 'legs': {'Carmine Cuisses +1': 6}, 'feet': {'Taeon Boots Aug.': 9}, 'waist': {'Reiki Yotai': 7}, 'ear': {'Eabani+Suppanomimi': 9}, 'back': {'Back_None': 0}}
{'head': {'Head_None': 0}, 'body': {'Body_None': 0}, 'hands': {'Hands_None': 0}, 'legs': {'Carmine Cuisses +1': 6}, 'feet': {'Taeon Boots Aug.': 9}, 'waist': {'Reiki Yotai': 7}, 'ear': {'Ear_None': 0}, 'back': {'JSE_Cape': 10}}
{'head': {'Head_None': 0}, 'body': {'Body_None': 0}, 'hands': {'Hands_None': 0}, 'legs': {'Carmine Cuisses +1': 6}, 'feet': {'Taeon Boots Aug.': 9}, 'waist': {'Waist_None': 0}, 'ear': {'Suppanomimi': 5}, 'back': {'JSE_Cape': 10}}
{'head': {'Head_None': 0}, 'body': {'Body_None': 0}, 'hands': {'Hands_None': 0}, 'legs': {'Carmine Cuisses +1': 6}, 'feet': {'Taeon Boots Aug.': 9}, 'waist': {'Waist_None': 0}, 'ear': {'Dudgeon+Heartseeker': 7}, 'back': {'JSE_Cape': 10}}
{'head': {'Head_None': 0}, 'body': {'Body_None': 0}, 'hands': {'Hands_None': 0}, 'legs': {'Carmine Cuisses +1': 6}, 'feet': {'Feet_None': 0}, 'waist': {'Shetal Stone': 6}, 'ear': {'Eabani+Suppanomimi': 9}, 'back': {'JSE_Cape': 10}}
{'head': {'Head_None': 0}, 'body': {'Body_None': 0}, 'hands': {'Hands_None': 0}, 'legs': {'Carmine Cuisses +1': 6}, 'feet': {'Feet_None': 0}, 'waist': {'Reiki Yotai': 7}, 'ear': {'Dudgeon+Heartseeker': 7}, 'back': {'JSE_Cape': 10}}
{'head': {'Head_None': 0}, 'body': {'Body_None': 0}, 'hands': {'Hands_None': 0}, 'legs': {'Carmine Cuisses +1': 6}, 'feet': {'Feet_None': 0}, 'waist': {'Reiki Yotai': 7}, 'ear': {'Eabani+Suppanomimi': 9}, 'back': {'JSE_Cape': 10}}
{'head': {'Head_None': 0}, 'body': {'Body_None': 0}, 'hands': {'Hands_None': 0}, 'legs': {'Legs_None': 0}, 'feet': {'Taeon Boots': 4}, 'waist': {'Reiki Yotai': 7}, 'ear': {'Eabani+Suppanomimi': 9}, 'back': {'JSE_Cape': 10}}
{'head': {'Head_None': 0}, 'body': {'Body_None': 0}, 'hands': {'Hands_None': 0}, 'legs': {'Legs_None': 0}, 'feet': {'Taeon Boots Aug.': 9}, 'waist': {'Shetal Stone': 6}, 'ear': {'Suppanomimi': 5}, 'back': {'JSE_Cape': 10}}
{'head': {'Head_None': 0}, 'body': {'Body_None': 0}, 'hands': {'Hands_None': 0}, 'legs': {'Legs_None': 0}, 'feet': {'Taeon Boots Aug.': 9}, 'waist': {'Shetal Stone': 6}, 'ear': {'Dudgeon+Heartseeker': 7}, 'back': {'JSE_Cape': 10}}
{'head': {'Head_None': 0}, 'body': {'Body_None': 0}, 'hands': {'Hands_None': 0}, 'legs': {'Legs_None': 0}, 'feet': {'Taeon Boots Aug.': 9}, 'waist': {'Reiki Yotai': 7}, 'ear': {'Suppanomimi': 5}, 'back': {'JSE_Cape': 10}}
{'head': {'Head_None': 0}, 'body': {'Body_None': 0}, 'hands': {'Hands_None': 0}, 'legs': {'Legs_None': 0}, 'feet': {'Taeon Boots Aug.': 9}, 'waist': {'Reiki Yotai': 7}, 'ear': {'Eabani Earring': 4}, 'back': {'JSE_Cape': 10}}
{'head': {'Head_None': 0}, 'body': {'Body_None': 0}, 'hands': {'Hands_None': 0}, 'legs': {'Legs_None': 0}, 'feet': {'Taeon Boots Aug.': 9}, 'waist': {'Gerdr Belt +1': 4}, 'ear': {'Dudgeon+Heartseeker': 7}, 'back': {'JSE_Cape': 10}}
{'head': {'Head_None': 0}, 'body': {'Body_None': 0}, 'hands': {'Hands_None': 0}, 'legs': {'Legs_None': 0}, 'feet': {'Taeon Boots Aug.': 9}, 'waist': {'Gerdr Belt +1': 4}, 'ear': {'Eabani+Suppanomimi': 9}, 'back': {'JSE_Cape': 10}}
By Tarage 2019-12-10 01:32:35
PSA, Bonanza Marble sales end in another hour and a half too. Though, at least on not-mules, with all this new gear not wasting 10 inventory spots for a month might be worth a rank 3 prize.
Don't *** scare me like that, though thank you for the reminder. According to the Japanese website it actually ends tomorrow night.
How many ppl I've seen say marbles end tonight. 08:00 GMT 11 December = 2 AM December 11th CST. That is Tuesday night(if you're a late night person)/Wednesday morning. Whatever you want to call it.
people are getting their information from the english website.
says on there: Marble sales period: Sunday, November 10, 2019, at 12:00 a.m. (PST) to Tuesday, December 10 at the same hour.
What's funny is the website news entry correctly says the 11th.
By SimonSes 2019-12-10 01:34:10
Bahamut.Celebrindal said: »
Going for 31%DW is a niche thing. You would rather use MG to cap haste and if you are forced to go for 31%DW, then Reiki is even better anyway.
most RDMs I know that build for melee soloing have a 31 DW set for when they've only got self Haste II. Yes, with trusts on hand its very likely that you'll have at least 1 march, but its a pretty standard set to build.
RDM/DNC with DW cape(10), carmine+1 legs(6), suppa(5), and new belt+1(4) just got a little more interesting than /NIN.
What haste you assume for that set with /DNC??
You need 35DW with Haste2+haste samba
You need 21DW with capped haste
Your set has 25DW. Doesn't fit for neither.
By Chimerawizard 2019-12-10 01:36:21
cap haste & haste samba obv.
new belt+1(4) & suppa(5)
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,832
By Bahamut.Celebrindal 2019-12-10 01:36:57
austar I agree that a pair of aug'ed taeon boots are great for DW builds- I have a pair myself. But they are so weak defensively the ability to retire them for something like malignance feet, volte spats, or even carmine+1 make ya a lot more safe and grant some STP. For the extra safety, esp in meva differences by using the first two, I'll take that trade.
@SimonSes- I did math that wrong. yes your DW numbers for /dnc are correct. not sure why I went to 25.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3,113
By Asura.Aeonova 2019-12-10 01:38:23
By Agrestic 2019-12-10 01:40:27
Have a feeling it'll be Goblins or Orcs. It is Goblins
By SimonSes 2019-12-10 01:40:45
Here is every combination that gives 30, 31, or 32 DW for you using only augmented Taeon boots as a random augment, since those are a really efficient slot for it anyways.
And this one: Code {'head': {'Head_None': 0}, 'body': {'Body_None': 0}, 'hands': {'Hands_None': 0}, 'legs': {'Legs_None': 0}, 'feet': {'Taeon Boots Aug.': 9}, 'waist': {'Reiki Yotai': 7}, 'ear': {'Suppanomimi': 5}, 'back': {'JSE_Cape': 10}}
is probably most ideal (free 2nd earring and legs and exactly 31DW) and also probably easiest to get. Again making new belt only a less ideal and probably harder to get option.
By SimonSes 2019-12-10 01:45:58
cap haste & haste samba obv.
new belt+1(4) & suppa(5)
I would rather use Eabani and Windbuffet +1
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,427
By Sylph.Funkworkz 2019-12-10 01:47:19
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10,298
By Asura.Sechs 2019-12-10 01:48:04
My take on these items:
Audubla Sash: nice replacement for Flume Belt+1, just for some jobs though. Very nice for SIR builds.
Balder Earring/+1: nice for TP in low acc? I dunno.
Gersemi Earring: It might be nice for Horde Lullaby/II on BRD, I need to re-check if it opens up another tier of range without too many sacrifices. Like in the "BiS" duration Lullaby set, would it grant 1 more tier of range? I need to check, it might.
Lodurr Earring: Skill+5 for SMN to potentially increase duration of BP: Ward buffs
Meili Earring: Small buff to healing spells for jobs going /WHM or /RDM or for jobs with C4 as their highest cure spell.
Mimir Earring: Replacement for augmenting earring, which I personally didn't own. Nice for PLD, RUN, RDM and other jobs going /RDM who want to benefit from +1 damage reduction Phalanx. For RDM and RUN main it might help reaching one more tier of Temper/II
Njordr Earring: nice for potentially 1 more tier of Occultation on BLU, I guess?
Odr Earring: Q_Q RDM is not on it. I guess CDC/Evisceration piece. Not sure how it compares to Mache+1. 2% DA vs 2 DEX for Rudra's Storm. This might win at a wild guess? Pretty close though.
Tuisto Earring: I'm gonna love this on RUN in my swap sets where I want to keep my HP above a certain level. Will replace either Odnowa or Odnowa+1
Vor Earring: Lovely on RDM for Frazzle3 and Distract3
Embla Sash: BiS for Fast Cast (but no quick magic), sorta-BiS for Sublimation, bloody BiS for Enha Duration. Man I want this!
Aurgelmir +1 Orb: Is this gonna beat Ginsen for jobs that can equip it? Maybe. What about WS? Might be a nice option for some jobs. Wonder how many hundred millions this is gonna cost at start lol.
Rest is, I dunno, strange.
Weapons look cool for people without RMEA. Actually some of those weapons might beat RMEA during Domain Invasion?
Dual Wielding jobs get pretty nice Offhand options.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3,113
By Asura.Aeonova 2019-12-10 01:52:13
So glad I don't have to write out walls of code like this just to play my job. At this point, do you just press a button and every variable enemy action is taken into account and you just sit there and watch the game play itself?
By SimonSes 2019-12-10 01:55:45
So glad I don't have to write out walls of code like this just to play my job. At this point, do you just press a button and every variable enemy action is taken into account and you just sit there and watch the game play itself?

Is that another meme?
By Prong 2019-12-10 01:56:11
So glad I don't have to write out walls of code like this just to play my job. At this point, do you just press a button and every variable enemy action is taken into account and you just sit there and watch the game play itself?

I was thinking the same thing...damn. I mean I use GS and Windower and all but damn...I don't even recognize what that is.
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10,481
By Ramuh.Austar 2019-12-10 01:56:44
it took me 10 minutes to write the code to print that and i originally wrote it to find various combinations of DW to pair with malignance for DT sets.
By Prong 2019-12-10 01:58:56
it took me 10 minutes to write the code to print that and i originally wrote it to find various combinations of DW to pair with malignance for DT sets.
It took me 3 mins to write my comment above that said I don't even know wtf you're using that code for. Your move.