Deathcue Is Threatening My Life!

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Deathcue is threatening my life!
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Serveur: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
user: Roxanna
Posts: 1011
By Unicorn.Roxanna 2010-08-21 04:25:25
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Pandemonium.Spicyryan said:
Unicorn.Roxanna said:
Pandemonium.Spicyryan said:
Kingslimeking said:
oh no! not him, do not want it, should not have mentioned the horny party, eh girly?

She is not a girl, she is just married is all.

o.O I do not think I am drunk enough for that to make sense.
Valefor.Slipispsycho said:
I'm sorry, I know I'll be rated down for this, because it's been said in other threads and I don't really care, it's my opinion... But it's open season on his ***.. Sticking up for him, is like sticking up for that dumb ***, Jessi Slaughter I think is her name..

You can say both aren't there completely mentally, but goddamnit, neither am I according to all the shrinks I've seen in my life, does that give me the right to just be completely dimensionally insane, and just have it passed off as "you shouldn't say anything about him, he's not right" ? Hell no.. Truth be told, I've done a lot of dumb ***in my life, and I would be pissed if you tried to just blame it on me not all being there.. I'm responsible for what I do and say in my life.. Not my lack of 'normalcy'.

I'm not saying EVERYONE should be held accountable, sure there are people out there that really do deserve that argument, but he's not one, he's IMHO, no where near that line, he's well within sanity, he's just another dumb *** troll relishing his 15 minutes of fame. The only people I feel sorry for, are the people some of you put him in a category with that actually deserve that title, so when someone like me comes along, and sees him for what he really is, they get lumped in the same group of dumb *** frauds.

Kinda like that?

There is not enough alcohol in the world for that one to make sense
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Nekdal
Posts: 197
By Cerberus.Nekdal 2010-08-21 04:27:49
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well got back on FFXI.. and Deathcue starts frapping his mouth off again... ffs...
Serveur: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
user: Roxanna
Posts: 1011
By Unicorn.Roxanna 2010-08-21 04:29:35
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Cerberus.Nekdal said:
well got back on FFXI.. and Deathcue starts frapping his mouth off again... ffs...

He wants to have ur babies
By 2010-08-21 04:29:49
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Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Nekdal
Posts: 197
By Cerberus.Nekdal 2010-08-21 04:32:15
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im on Xbox so no SS's....
By 2010-08-21 04:33:16
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Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Nekdal
Posts: 197
By Cerberus.Nekdal 2010-08-21 04:35:22
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yea just took the pics with meh phone
By 2010-08-21 04:39:11
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Serveur: Carbuncle
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user: Sevourn
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By Carbuncle.Sevourn 2010-08-21 13:01:04
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i think making fun of a HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE guy in a nursing home is going a bit far

clearly his life is a living hell and it's probably not good to make it worse, no matter how much amusement e-poking and prodding him may provide
Serveur: Ifrit
Game: FFXI
user: Frenchy
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By Ifrit.Frenchy 2010-08-21 13:16:36
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Ragnarok.Anye said:
French press--it's actually a really simple concept of letting the coffee grinds steep directly in hot water for three minutes, then pressing down on the wire mesh to push all the grinds down and leaving the perfectly brewed coffee at the top.

It's so much better than drip, which filters out all the natural oils, making the remaining liquid much more bitter and nasty.
Starbucks sells (overpriced) French Presses, coincidentally. o.O
By 2010-08-21 13:17:04
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Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Anye
Posts: 5449
By Ragnarok.Anye 2010-08-21 13:25:50
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Ifrit.Frenchy said:
Ragnarok.Anye said:
French press--it's actually a really simple concept of letting the coffee grinds steep directly in hot water for three minutes, then pressing down on the wire mesh to push all the grinds down and leaving the perfectly brewed coffee at the top.

It's so much better than drip, which filters out all the natural oils, making the remaining liquid much more bitter and nasty.
Starbucks sells (overpriced) French Presses, coincidentally. o.O
Yes they do. Horribly overpriced. <_>
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Oric
Posts: 340
By Asura.Revelation 2010-08-21 13:27:14
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Pandemonium.Spicyryan said:
Carbuncle.Sevourn said:
i think making fun of a HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE guy in a nursing home is going a bit far clearly his life is a living hell and it's probably not good to make it worse, no matter how much amusement e-poking and prodding him may provide
Buzz kill.

I remember seeing an adress he listed on something older I believe... looked it up and from what I can tell, turned out to be a cancer treatment hospital.

With him being at a nursing center now, kinda makes it all come together.

I'm not one to make fun of people in this kind of situation but with all due respect...

This guys *** nuts, reguardles of his situation..
By 2010-08-21 13:31:06
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Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 23653
By Shiva.Flionheart 2010-08-21 13:32:57
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Caitsith.Shiroi said:
Did you really make a thread to brag about making fun of a mentally ill person? You hit a new low lol.

When mentally ill people decide to make death threats then making fun of them is only right.

Also, I'm not the first one to make a thread about Deathcue, dipshit.
By 2010-08-21 13:35:33
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By 2010-08-21 13:36:36
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Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 23653
By Shiva.Flionheart 2010-08-21 13:38:20
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Caitsith.Shiroi said:
When mentally ill people decide to make death threats then making fun of them is only right.

Also, I'm not the first one to make a thread about Deathcue, dipshit.

True, but others were warnings, which would be totaly normal. But in your case you are baiting him to make fun of him and I think it's really something very very low to do, he's ill man, he wouldn't make those videos and threats if he was sane.

It's exactly the same as making fun of someones handicap, would it be nice if you were in a wheelchair and I'd make fun making you fall over and over?

It would be fun if I was giving you death threats, and pretending to be a god.

People reap what they sow, if he can't handle the internet then he can GTFO. He makes the videos, he has to expect the backlash.
By 2010-08-21 13:40:29
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By 2010-08-21 13:41:54
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Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 23653
By Shiva.Flionheart 2010-08-21 13:42:08
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Caitsith.Shiroi said:
People reap what they sow, if he can't handle the internet then he can GTFO. He makes the videos, he has to expect the backlash.

I think you don't understand what's a mental illness.

And I think you don't understand the internet.

If he's well enough to make a video, he's well enough to expect backlash for it. Obviously he's allowed to make this videos goading people and giving them death-threats, if he's that mentally ill he shouldn't have internet access, or it should be monitored.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Oric
Posts: 340
By Asura.Revelation 2010-08-21 13:43:01
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Pandemonium.Spicyryan said:
Asura.Revelation said:
I'm not one to make fun of people in this kind of situation but with all due respect...
Give me a *** break. I am not as big on picking on him as I would be because he is a mental case, but he does not get a free pass.
Caitsith.Shiroi said:
Did you really make a thread to brag about making fun of a mentally ill person? You hit a new low lol.
You do know this is not the first thread about him, right?

I don't think you understood what I was trying to say.

I meant that I wouldn't normally make fun of handicap/mentally ill people, but reguardless of him having mental issues or w/e, he's *** nuts and deserves crap for all the ***he talks to people.

Oh and for being batshit crazy.
Serveur: Titan
Game: FFXI
user: Prefalin
Posts: 2232
By Titan.Prefalin 2010-08-21 13:43:54
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he hasn't made a death threat for me yet D:
By 2010-08-21 13:44:48
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By 2010-08-21 13:45:47
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Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 23653
By Shiva.Flionheart 2010-08-21 13:47:27
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Caitsith.Shiroi said:
if he's that mentally ill he shouldn't have internet access, or it should be monitored.

I'll give you that, but in the other thread there was all the backstory about him and I think after reading that you would be better to leave him alone.

I understand the internet very well, but by baiting him like that he may end up commiting a murder for real.

Then he'll finally be locked up, like he should be now.

You're like those people who blame violent video games on deaths. At the end of the day it's his decision, and if being on the internet causes him to go haywire, then he shouldn't be here. I'm not going to censor myself because some nutjob thinks he can get away with saying ***about people.
By 2010-08-21 13:48:47
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By 2010-08-21 13:50:24
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By 2010-08-21 13:50:57
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Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Bogamoga
Posts: 1161
By Fenrir.Mtmoogle 2010-08-21 13:51:39
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This thread should be nuked, its only purpose is to poke fun at someone. Flion, you did provoke him by sending him messages and you knew how he would react and made a thread about.. thats just stupid.
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