Has This Happened To You?

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Has this happened to you?
Serveur: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: zanno
Posts: 2849
By Carbuncle.Zanno 2010-03-05 09:28:41
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Fairy.Spiriel said:

On the rare occasion that I build a party, IF I start picking up people I know are Japanese, I try to get at least two. That way, they feel more comfortable about the party.


Then you can also send tells saying {english}/{japanese} {party}, {do you need it?}
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Bug Hunter
Serveur: Asura
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user: dameshi
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By Asura.Dameshi 2010-03-05 09:30:43
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Pandemonium.Bartimaeus said:
Seraph.Dricent said:
So im on ninja partying (which im lucky to be doing at all) and about 2 hours into it we have to swap some ppl around and we get a paladin tank (Kyoji). I no longer have to tank for the party I get to dd. Now with Innin ninja can sorta dd, not the best mind you but it can. We had a samurai who changed subs to /dnc which any good player knows rocks in parties. About 20 mins into kyoji gets there he attains level 70. Partway into the next mob he disbands saying "(I'm sorry) (Disbanding Party) (Amateur) (Party) (No Thanks)!" I mean wtf? Thats just rude as hell. As a result everyone in the part died.... If he winds up on your server beware!

Dumb. Never play with that person again.. And that's not even sarcasm. *** *** like that.
Serveur: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Spencyono
Posts: 23779
By Fairy.Spence 2010-03-05 09:35:40
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Everytime I see a "JP only" seacom, I'm tempted to seek on BRD with "English only", but then I remember not every JP is a ***, only a few are, same deal goes with NA players.

Honestly, no reason to start a thread about this IMO.

Downrate away
Serveur: Hades
Game: FFXI
user: Dizzmal
Posts: 227
By Hades.Dizzmal 2010-03-05 09:44:05
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I hate to sound like an jack ***, But if I'm exping I have one goal in mind. Get as much exp in the shotest time possible. Now 90% of the time I only exp with friends. But the 10% of the time I take a invite, when I get into party or to camp, I start checking party setup and gear. I'm not to the point where I wont level with certain jobs (Unless it is a pld and nin in the same party) but if your Sam has crap gear and then a Hagun, that doesn't make you a good DD.

I normally take it a step further and parse almost every party I get into, even ones with my friends. If I notice that a DD is holding us back with ***damage,If I'm the leader, I'll let the player know that he/she needs to pick it up or I'll find a replacement for them. I have no intention to sit there for 3-4 hours to get the same exp I could have gotten in 1 hour. Call it what you want, but exping isn't fun, its about getting to a goal. Still I would give notice to the leader if I didn't find the party acceptable to get a replacement for me.
Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Jumatelo
Posts: 154
By Leviathan.Tamian 2010-03-05 10:12:40
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I normally take it a step further and parse almost every party I get into, even ones with my friends. If I notice that a DD is holding us back with ***damage,If I'm the leader, I'll let the player know that he/she needs to pick it up or I'll find a replacement for them. I have no intention to sit there for 3-4 hours to get the same exp I could have gotten in 1 hour. Call it what you want, but exping isn't fun, its about getting to a goal. Still I would give notice to the leader if I didn't find the party acceptable to get a replacement for me.

Well with gear you have to be a little flexible, specially with players for what this is his/her first or second 75. It is not easy to make gil and takes a lot of time... that being said I agree that you have to stay at least close to the acceptable gear. You don;t have to buy the +1s and the crazy *** expensive gear, just try to be close to the level for whatever the specialty of your job is.

Once I hit 61 on my SAM and ended up spending 500k in gear (which got me broke and owing money to half LS) but not everybody has that kind of gil and friends.
Serveur: Hades
Game: FFXI
user: Dizzmal
Posts: 227
By Hades.Dizzmal 2010-03-05 10:40:23
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Leviathan.Tamian said:
I normally take it a step further and parse almost every party I get into, even ones with my friends. If I notice that a DD is holding us back with ***damage,If I'm the leader, I'll let the player know that he/she needs to pick it up or I'll find a replacement for them. I have no intention to sit there for 3-4 hours to get the same exp I could have gotten in 1 hour. Call it what you want, but exping isn't fun, its about getting to a goal. Still I would give notice to the leader if I didn't find the party acceptable to get a replacement for me.
Well with gear you have to be a little flexible, specially with players for what this is his/her first or second 75. It is not easy to make gil and takes a lot of time... that being said I agree that you have to stay at least close to the acceptable gear. You don;t have to buy the 1s and the crazy *** expensive gear, just try to be close to the level for whatever the specialty of your job is. Once I hit 61 on my SAM and ended up spending 500k in gear (which got me broke and owing money to half LS) but not everybody has that kind of gil and friends.

Yeah I don't mean I'm nit picky on +1s or anything like that, I just mean that they have to be acceptable. As far as parse goes they need to be a good 20-25% behind before I say anything. Out of 3 DDs 2 of them can't be @ 40-45% each with the gimp doing the other 15-20% damage.
Serveur: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
user: Nympha
Posts: 676
By Unicorn.Nymphadora 2010-03-05 11:56:00
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To be fair, a lot of NA's leave parties too without giving any warning. It's not a reason to go NA~Onry, it's just a matter of the individual person being a ***. It happens.

I'm in agreement with whoever mentioned picking up at least two at a time, that way they're more likely to be comfortable and stay around longer. That and make sure you auto-trans congrat them or emote to them when they level or something. At least then they feel welcomed even if they don't know what you're saying.
Serveur: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
user: Ignasio
Posts: 152
By Unicorn.Ignasio 2010-03-05 13:01:34
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Having made virtually every party for 3 of 3 of my 75 jobs, I can say this does not happen often if you have a competent party. This means 10~18k/hr on birds... not 7k or some stupid ***. I would say one out of every ~10 people that I have invited have force disconnected or just dropped party. Most of the time, said person was the PLD. Both NA and JP players do it. ***happens in life that you need to take care of without notice.
Serveur: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
Posts: 251
By Unicorn.Ducea 2010-03-05 13:17:39
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nothing wrong with bailing on a crap party. we've all done it. just give a 10 minute warning and everyone is happy. is that really so hard? there is no excuse for dropping or d/c cause youre unhappy. unless people die every fight no reason to ever just bail. xbox ruined ffxi keep it out of xiv please!
Serveur: Seraph
Game: FFXI
user: drakelth
Posts: 59
By Seraph.Drakelth 2010-03-05 13:24:00
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I had a party that was rdm brd cor sam sam sam and the rdm left because he said there wasnt enough MP for him to heal and we where going to fast. it was lvl 56 @ birds.... searously if you cant heal with that much refresh...
Serveur: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
Posts: 251
By Unicorn.Ducea 2010-03-05 13:25:09
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lol i had a brd in my party the other day level 60 I believe, he said "I can't handle songs, and pulling" ...classic
Serveur: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
user: Ignasio
Posts: 152
By Unicorn.Ignasio 2010-03-05 13:42:10
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Unicorn.Ducea said:
lol i had a brd in my party the other day level 60 I believe, he said "I can't handle songs, and pulling" ...classic

Please tell me this is just Unicorn. I *** hate that ***. Or seeking on brd/whm, I ask to come /nin >>> sry i dnt have nin :(
Serveur: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
user: Nympha
Posts: 676
By Unicorn.Nymphadora 2010-03-05 15:46:05
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Why level brd and can't handle pulling? >.< Wouldn't that defeat the purpose of inviting a brd? just a little...

Also, /poke Ig. Hope all's well. ^^
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: zangada
Posts: 249
By Ramuh.Zangada 2010-03-05 16:05:37
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I was in a 2 brd pty once, me being the other brd and the other 5 were jp. I left cause all they wanted me to do was stand there casting 2 songs, how *** boring.

Serveur: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
user: Nympha
Posts: 676
By Unicorn.Nymphadora 2010-03-05 16:26:49
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I left a party once on smn. Granted, smns get left with sucktastic parties and whatnot anyways. I get to camp, pop an avatar, buff, get a tell from pt leader "please don't use avatars, cure only." Then why invite me, lol, I needed skillups too. I felt bad leaving at the time, but I figure I just cleared up some space so they could get a real whm which was what they wanted.
Posts: 4572
By Alimorel 2010-03-05 21:16:59
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I had a bird PT lvl ~56 once that within 30 minutes of getting started, we wiped twice. The leader then proceeds to examine me and tells me how it was my fault that we did so and I need to stop playing the game because I was wearing a soldier's ring. Then just disbands and runs off, sending me a tell saying I suck. >.> Now I don't mind having a SMN in a pt, but when it's the pt leader and he sends out avatars and doesn't bother to get a back-up heal or a proper tank, then proceeds to blame me, that irks me. >.<
Serveur: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 14155
By Valefor.Slipispsycho 2010-03-05 21:57:30
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I don't party anymore, but when I used to, it wasn't uncommon for this to happen on a regular basis... People constantly leaving is one of the reasons I stopped partying to begin with.. I mean I understand people have lives and things to do and they can't just sit infront of the computer for hours at a time sometimes, that's fine, I totally understand that, and don't even think badly of people for it..

But when it's constantly happening to me, it gets tiresome really quickly, so I just removed myself from that situation.. I've been part of a party that was put together completely in Jeuno, we go to camp (I think Gustav) and 3 mobs in the party LEADER decides he doesn't like the party he put together and just up and disbands the party, warps back to Jeuno and put his flag up.

We had no problems, at all.. The mobs were falling just fine, we weren't struggling for MP, everyone was getting along, no bickering, and the mobs were IT and we chained the few we did kill..

To this day I still can't really figure it out, maybe if the party sucked, or something suddenly came up and you had to get off the game all together, or people were bitching and fighting back and fourth I could understand it.. But the party, the camp and the EXP for lack of a better word, was perfect, it couldn't have been improved upon in any fashion...
Posts: 119
By Alaik 2010-03-06 02:25:36
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Ramuh.Zangada said:
I was in a 2 brd pty once, me being the other brd and the other 5 were jp. I left cause all they wanted me to do was stand there casting 2 songs, how *** boring.

Whip out the Blau! Seriously, I'm not a fan of mage melee but on the rare occasion there's 2 Bards and the other one actually knows how to juggle songs/pulling.. I'll whip it out and Mordant Rime.

Two mage songs, 2 melee songs, lol600dmg Mordants, repeat.
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Gylfie
Posts: 605
By Shiva.Gylfie 2010-03-06 02:48:36
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Seraph.Dricent said:
So im on ninja partying (which im lucky to be doing at all) and about 2 hours into it we have to swap some ppl around and we get a paladin tank (KYOJI!!!!). I no longer have to tank for the party I get to dd. Now with Innin ninja can sorta dd, not the best mind you but it can. We had a samurai who changed subs to /dnc which any good player knows rocks in parties. WITH THE HELP OF KYOJI!!!! he gets there and he attains level 70. Partway into the next mob he disbands saying "(I'm sorry) (Disbanding Party) (Amateur) (Party) (No Thanks)!" I mean wtf? Thats just rude as hell. WITH THE HELP OF KYOJI!!!!! everyone in the party died.... If he winds up on your server beware!

Serveur: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
user: Neonracer
Posts: 2748
By Caitsith.Neonracer 2010-03-06 02:58:35
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Asura.Saikotic said:
That's why I always make my parties, I'm not gonna waste time LFP to get 2k an hour and a thf asking how to pull. So if it sucks I crack my whip and whip it into shape :D

Righty-o! You nailed that one right on! That what I would just do. Not hard to make partys up, even if they can be makeshift... get it to work.
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: krazyrs
Posts: 716
By Fenrir.Krazyrs 2010-03-06 03:14:04
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but if your Sam has crap gear and then a Hagun, that doesn't make you a good DD.

better then me, if i see a SAM using GK in a PUG merit party
i took a invite to, i tend to dc

much rather go with friends were we can hit 20k+/hour and still have fun

but i have had a JP BRD leave because the RDM kept curing his Ring Latent, didnt bother me, since he kept saying "yellow hp please", he apologized to us, and my BRD and RDM friend happend to log in then lol
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 23653
By Shiva.Flionheart 2010-03-06 05:58:06
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Fenrir.Krazyrs said:
but if your Sam has crap gear and then a Hagun, that doesn't make you a good DD.

better then me, if i see a SAM using GK in a PUG merit party
i took a invite to, i tend to dc

much rather go with friends were we can hit 20k /hour and still have fun

but i have had a JP BRD leave because the RDM kept curing his Ring Latent, didnt bother me, since he kept saying "yellow hp please", he apologized to us, and my BRD and RDM friend happend to log in then lol

If you DC without saying anything, you're a ***.
Serveur: Remora
Game: FFXI
user: Ryujia
Posts: 50
By Remora.Ryujia 2010-03-06 07:25:24
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On the topic of "Things Parties Do That Irk You", one thing that is guaranteed to get under my skin is when it's an invite to some off the wall place (or even somewhere not off the wall!) and 15-20 min after you get there, they say their disbanding..

When that happens to someone else in my party, I always always apologize to them, even if it's not my fault.

It's even worse when you get another invite on the way there..
Serveur: Seraph
Game: FFXI
user: xdudemanx
Posts: 990
By Seraph.Xdudemanx 2010-03-06 07:34:36
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fn hell hes on seraph? fn hell...i usually only xp with people i know lately or solo so i shouldnt run into this guy
Serveur: Seraph
Game: FFXI
user: xdudemanx
Posts: 990
By Seraph.Xdudemanx 2010-03-06 07:37:47
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Seraph.Drakelth said:
I had a party that was rdm brd cor sam sam sam and the rdm left because he said there wasnt enough MP for him to heal and we where going to fast. it was lvl 56 @ birds.... searously if you cant heal with that much refresh...
rofl..wtf man?..rdm said that? with a brd and cor? ....huh? (i dont understand)
Serveur: Pandemonium
Game: FFXI
Posts: 72
By Pandemonium.Knightofdragons 2010-03-06 08:01:36
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I don't blaim the PLD, You invited him pure so you could be lazy, and not do your job as the Ninja and tank @ the level your at.... else i was replaceing you i'd never of accepted that invite,
only time you shld start considering DDing is when you get Jin, outside that your a tank.

Thow i do disagree with the metode he used to leave, he could atleast given you warning he's going, or just not accept invite..
Serveur: Pandemonium
Game: FFXI
Posts: 993
By Pandemonium.Kajidourden 2010-03-06 08:36:04
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Ramuh.Zangada said:
I was in a 2 brd pty once, me being the other brd and the other 5 were jp. I left cause all they wanted me to do was stand there casting 2 songs, how *** boring.

While that's your prerogative, I would have stuck it out for easy xp :/ personally lol.
Serveur: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
user: Nympha
Posts: 676
By Unicorn.Nymphadora 2010-03-06 17:20:19
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Seraph.Xdudemanx said:
Seraph.Drakelth said:
I had a party that was rdm brd cor sam sam sam and the rdm left because he said there wasnt enough MP for him to heal and we where going to fast. it was lvl 56 @ birds.... searously if you cant heal with that much refresh...
rofl..wtf man?..rdm said that? with a brd and cor? ....huh? (i dont understand)

Unless I'm having to cure excessively, I don't have that much problem with mp on rdm even when I'm the only source of refresh other than sanction. >.<
Serveur: Seraph
Game: FFXI
user: drakelth
Posts: 59
By Seraph.Drakelth 2010-03-06 18:23:42
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Unicorn.Nymphadora said:
Seraph.Xdudemanx said:
Seraph.Drakelth said:
I had a party that was rdm brd cor sam sam sam and the rdm left because he said there wasnt enough MP for him to heal and we where going to fast. it was lvl 56 @ birds.... searously if you cant heal with that much refresh...
rofl..wtf man?..rdm said that? with a brd and cor? ....huh? (i dont understand)

Unless I'm having to cure excessively, I don't have that much problem with mp on rdm even when I'm the only source of refresh other than sanction. >.<
he said and i Quote more or less "I am sorry party to fast"
but auto translated.