Has This Happened To You?

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Has this happened to you?
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Serveur: Seraph
Game: FFXI
user: Dricent
Posts: 74
By Seraph.Dricent 2010-03-05 00:58:26
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So im on ninja partying (which im lucky to be doing at all) and about 2 hours into it we have to swap some ppl around and we get a paladin tank (Kyoji). I no longer have to tank for the party I get to dd. Now with Innin ninja can sorta dd, not the best mind you but it can. We had a samurai who changed subs to /dnc which any good player knows rocks in parties. About 20 mins into kyoji gets there he attains level 70. Partway into the next mob he disbands saying "(I'm sorry) (Disbanding Party) (Amateur) (Party) (No Thanks)!" I mean wtf? Thats just rude as hell. As a result everyone in the part died.... If he winds up on your server beware!
Serveur: Alexander
Game: FFXI
user: Carrelo
Posts: 3706
By Alexander.Carrelo 2010-03-05 01:03:36
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Levelling and leaving is poor form, a warning was definitely in order~

It is not, however, unreasonable to object to a NIN DD or a SAM who isn't prioritizing damage in a party situation. :( I'm not saying these combos don't work, but they are definitely less efficient and some people have no patience.

At any rate, this person was rude and that's uncalled for. Sorry this happened to you !! :(
Serveur: Seraph
Game: FFXI
user: Dricent
Posts: 74
By Seraph.Dricent 2010-03-05 01:05:40
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Well we didnt need the sam to prioritize dmg because we had a Drg for dmg as well as a blu mage! And to be honest the mobs were dropping like flies.... It was really decent exp for where we were. And we only had 1 rdm healing the entire party and we never had to stop -_-
Serveur: Pandemonium
Game: FFXI
user: liquidz
Posts: 615
By Pandemonium.Liquidz 2010-03-05 01:29:34
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Seraph.Dricent said:
Well we didnt need the sam to prioritize dmg because we had a Drg for dmg as well as a blu mage! And to be honest the mobs were dropping like flies....

If you were running out of mobs then I can understand saying the SAM did not need to prioritize damage, if not then I guess the guy who left saw that the setup was not optimal for best exp.

It was rude of him yes and it might have been just an excuse to leave after getting his level. It happened to me before in some very good party, some people expect the party to get the top possible exp for the zone and that is asking for a lot in a pick up party. Some people will also use any stupid excuse to leave when they level. ***happens I guess lol
By 2010-03-05 01:31:34
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Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 23653
By Shiva.Flionheart 2010-03-05 01:38:43
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I hate it, We had a Cor earlier who couldn't keep 2 rolls on the DD's in a bird meripo. My friend and leader didn't say anything because we wanted merits and knew he was temperamental. 5 mins passed and he got a Merit and said "{Party} {Too weak to be worthwhile} {Disband}" The leader replied with "It would be better if you kept 2 rolls on the DD's and mages" to which he replied "Elitism won't get you far" and Warped away.

We were all mega pissed.
Serveur: Seraph
Game: FFXI
user: Yuzuchan
Posts: 112
By Seraph.Yuzuchan 2010-03-05 01:41:33
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Shiva.Flionheart said:
I hate it, We had a Cor earlier who couldn't keep 2 rolls on the DD's in a bird meripo. My friend and leader didn't say anything because we wanted merits and knew he was temperamental. 5 mins passed and he got a Merit and said "{Party} {Too weak to be worthwhile} {Disband}" The leader replied with "It would be better if you kept 2 rolls on the DD's and mages" to which he replied "Elitism won't get you far" and Warped away.

We were all mega pissed.

Lol I love when people don't realize they're being hypocrites. It's funny XD
Serveur: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
user: Jewkitten
Posts: 224
By Unicorn.Jewkitten 2010-03-05 01:44:08
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My best similar story is me and some ls mates threw together a low level party for bibiki bay dhamels and picked up 3 JP randomly to complete the party.

Well, we have a PL. The PL often tanked when it cured us. Well the JP tank is getting squirrley cause he is not tanking and the JP SCH is getting nutty cause he is not healing...


The JP ppl say PL {No thanks!} and bail.
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 23653
By Shiva.Flionheart 2010-03-05 01:45:13
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Seraph.Yuzuchan said:
Shiva.Flionheart said:
I hate it, We had a Cor earlier who couldn't keep 2 rolls on the DD's in a bird meripo. My friend and leader didn't say anything because we wanted merits and knew he was temperamental. 5 mins passed and he got a Merit and said "{Party} {Too weak to be worthwhile} {Disband}" The leader replied with "It would be better if you kept 2 rolls on the DD's and mages" to which he replied "Elitism won't get you far" and Warped away.

We were all mega pissed.

Lol I love when people don't realize they're being hypocrites. It's funny XD

Exactly lol, I'm still not sure whether he was just trolling, or actually being that idiotic lol.
Serveur: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
user: Jewkitten
Posts: 224
By Unicorn.Jewkitten 2010-03-05 01:46:55
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Calling people elitist must be the mythical "I Do What I Want" Card I have been looking for:D

<Leader> Jew go WHM!
<Jewkitten> *** YOU ELITIST I R SAMURAI!:O

hahaha ><;
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 23653
By Shiva.Flionheart 2010-03-05 01:48:04
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Unicorn.Jewkitten said:
Calling people elitist must be the mythical "I Do What I Want" Card I have been looking for:D

<Leader> Jew go WHM!
<Jewkitten> *** YOU ELITIST I R SAMURAI!:O

hahaha ><;

I often annoy my friend by telling him he's elitist because he told of a level 40 pld main tanking to /war lol.

the pld refused.
Serveur: Ifrit
Game: FFXI
user: Itazura
Posts: 134
By Ifrit.Itazura 2010-03-05 01:51:12
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Seraph.Dricent said:
And to be honest the mobs were dropping like flies.... It was really decent exp for where we were. And we only had 1 rdm healing the entire party and we never had to stop -_-
So, the 6-man party was going really well and killing fast, apparently with no down time and no MP problem at all, but...
Seraph.Dricent said:
About 20 mins into kyoji gets there he attains level 70. Partway into the next mob he disbands saying "(I'm sorry) (Disbanding Party) (Amateur) (Party) (No Thanks)!" I mean wtf? Thats just rude as hell. As a result everyone in the part died
... But, wiped immediately when the PLD left? Even though there's a NIN to tank and a RDM to cure and DDs who can kill fast?

Something is wrong with this story...
Serveur: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
user: Jewkitten
Posts: 224
By Unicorn.Jewkitten 2010-03-05 01:51:26
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Doing what works = elitist

Going Rouge = Sarah Palin = Stupid XD
Serveur: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
user: Nympha
Posts: 676
By Unicorn.Nymphadora 2010-03-05 01:53:03
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Lol I had a party not too long ago with this certain pld who I ended up blisting after getting cursed out in pt chat because he almost died due to me not curing him (I was RDM). But what he wasn't paying attention to was the fact that I wasn't curing him because I was busy curebombing the hell out of the war, sam, etc. and effectively cure tanking the bird. He also didn't seem to realise his mp was at 100% for pretty much the whole fight. :D

His excuse: "I'm not supposed to main heal, that's your job! PLD's are supposed to use their cures for hate control!!!"


Serveur: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
user: Jewkitten
Posts: 224
By Unicorn.Jewkitten 2010-03-05 01:56:48
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My best HNM experiences the PLD cure themselves 85% of the time and keep a iron grip on hate.

Everytime I see a PLDs mp at 100% for hours on end my respect level goes down:(
Serveur: Ifrit
Game: FFXI
user: Itazura
Posts: 134
By Ifrit.Itazura 2010-03-05 01:58:23
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Actually, I forgot SAM/DNC and BLU also can cure. With that kind of curing power available, how the heck did OP's party wipe, PLD or no PLD?
Serveur: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
user: Nympha
Posts: 676
By Unicorn.Nymphadora 2010-03-05 01:59:24
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Ditto, and my PLD is at lvl 1 lol. I'm not telling anybody how to play pld, but after whm, rdm, and smn you can't tell me I don't know the hate mechanics of a cure. Especially with whm being my main and first 75, there were fun lessons learned there. XD

Edit: was trying to quote Jew there. hehe~
Serveur: Titan
Game: FFXI
user: MarzBarz
Posts: 7818
By Titan.Marzbarz 2010-03-05 02:08:48
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Yes, unfortunately that has happened many time.. and I gotta say it rrreeeaaally pisses me off. I agree with Bart don't play with him again. Screw that.
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Wynnia
Posts: 149
By Fenrir.Wynnia 2010-03-05 07:53:10
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I'm not trying to be a *** or anything, but how is he at fault for your party wiping? Sure, he was the tank, and losing the tank mid fight is a surefire way to wipe. From what I understand, you have a Red Mage, a Blue Mage, and a Saumrai subbing Dancer. That's 3/5 of your party that can potentially heal. On top of that, you as a Ninja who can tank.

Unless that Dragoon was an MP sponge, you should have had no problems recovering from him dropping, aside from a metric assload of links. I'm not saying he's not a douchenozzle for disbanding mid fight with a HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE reason, there's no reason for that. What I am saying is that you should have recovered from him leaving, and he's not solely to blame for your wiping, which is what I seemed to get out of your post.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Saikotic
Posts: 48
By Asura.Saikotic 2010-03-05 08:25:59
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I can't recall a similar story, but the thing I hate most is when you invite someone and wait 15 minutes for them, to find out they took another invite.

"soz thot it was u" I'm amazed they can read quite honestly.
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 7705
By Ramuh.Kalyna 2010-03-05 08:28:31
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i've had that happen too on Cerberus (my old server)
it sucks
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: altar1
Posts: 1676
By Bismarck.Altar 2010-03-05 08:40:11
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Asura.Saikotic said:
I can't recall a similar story, but the thing I hate most is when you invite someone and wait 15 minutes for them, to find out they took another invite.

My fave is the opposite. Get pt invite to like yhoat or somewhere in the middle of nowhere on rdm. Show up in 5-10 mins only to be greeted w/ "oh thanks for coming but a whm popped up so we're gonna grab him instead"
Serveur: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Basilo
Posts: 650
By Fairy.Basilo 2010-03-05 08:57:10
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Has this happened to you?...

You invite a DD job with {veteran} /seacom take em to colibri and they cant hit it for ***54/55pt. Maybe this is me verging on being elitest ;; lol but lets be reasonable that translate word veteran is there for a reason. You can xp imo "veteran" mage with crap gear still play very well but for melee its 90% about the gear. If you dont have the acc needed for colibri and you dont bring kabobs dont /seacom veteran lol.

Im gonna get dogged for this rofl.
Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Jumatelo
Posts: 154
By Leviathan.Tamian 2010-03-05 09:04:33
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I have to say I can understand why some ppl get frustrated when, after waiting 1-2 hrs for a pt invite,they get to the camp to find out that the pt setup sucks and the exp will be bad and there is a good chance you might die a couple of times. That being said, there is no excuse to leave a pt in the middle of a fight.

Lately I've been getting into bad pt setups as SAM/WAR and of course with the hate I can get I die every now and then, but at least I try to make it work and give pt a chance. if not I just say that I have to go in 15 mins and start looking for rep. I always try to leave pt once rep is present at camp.

Another thing I want to say is : "STAY AWAY FROM JP PLAYERS". Yes, might sound rude and wrong but unfortunately after playing this game for year and a half and hearing others talk about it, I learned that MOST JP players don't give a crap about others and won't stay a minute longer after they achieve their particular goal with that pt.

I think it is also fair to say that if you are building a pt, don't get whatever is available just for the sake of having a full pt and get exp... in the end that will backfire.

Every now and then you'll run into ******** that don't know how to play his/her job and blame others for it. Just tell that person about the issue and give him/her a chance, if nothing changes the pt has every right to kick that person.

Last thing, for people over level 65, there is always campaign battle :)
Serveur: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: zanno
Posts: 2849
By Carbuncle.Zanno 2010-03-05 09:09:22
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I've left a pt in mid fight as nin.

After several times telling the rdm that I need haste to keep my shadows up, and he kept ignoring me. Then he finally started to haste everyone BUT me and gave me an attitude about it, I mijin in mid fight and hp.

Sent the pt leader a tell to apologizing to him and the rst of the party, he said it was all ok and understood why I got pissed and hp lol.
Serveur: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Basilo
Posts: 650
By Fairy.Basilo 2010-03-05 09:10:55
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Leviathan.Tamian said:
Another thing I want to say is : "STAY AWAY FROM JP PLAYERS". Yes, might sound rude and wrong but unfortunately after playing this game for year and a half and hearing others talk about it, I learned that MOST JP players don't give a crap about others and won't stay a minute longer after they achieve their particular goal with that pt.

I gotta admit I can agree with this somewhat but at the same time JP high rank mages I find for sync parties are the best bet for a good non bitchy mage too. They will do their job for hours like a pro and not say a word. But ya some have a habit of saying {time for work!} {take care} without any warning.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Saikotic
Posts: 48
By Asura.Saikotic 2010-03-05 09:13:20
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That's why I always make my parties, I'm not gonna waste time LFP to get 2k an hour and a thf asking how to pull. So if it sucks I crack my whip and whip it into shape :D
Serveur: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Basilo
Posts: 650
By Fairy.Basilo 2010-03-05 09:15:21
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Carbuncle.Zanno said:
I've left a pt in mid fight as nin. After several times telling the rdm that I need haste to keep my shadows up, and he kept ignoring me. Then he finally started to haste everyone BUT me and gave me an attitude about it, I mijin in mid fight and hp. Sent the pt leader a tell to apologizing to him and the rst of the party, he said it was all ok and understood why I got pissed and hp lol.

This is a classic as well lol I lvled nin to 75 like 4 yrs ago but I remember brooding over mijin in a few parties where I wasnt getting haste probably cos i kept asking for it or i was gimp and dmg wasnt worth hasting.
Serveur: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Spiriel
Posts: 74
By Fairy.Spiriel 2010-03-05 09:19:16
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On JP players:

Part of your frustration might be a language barrier. They might not know how to explain their situation to you, so they don't try. This is especially true if they're the only JP player in the party. They have no one to talk to, so it's just mind-numbingly boring grinding.

On the rare occasion that I build a party, IF I start picking up people I know are Japanese, I try to get at least two. That way, they feel more comfortable about the party.

As for ditching mid-party? That's about the only way I'll /blist someone. Had a PLD that "went to {Throne} {room}" and two minutes later faked a dc. Lazy-sauce.
Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Jumatelo
Posts: 154
By Leviathan.Tamian 2010-03-05 09:25:03
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Fairy.Spiriel said:
Part of your frustration might be a language barrier. They might not know how to explain their situation to you, so they don't try. This is especially true if they're the only JP player in the party. They have no one to talk to, so it's just mind-numbingly boring grinding.

True, but they also could leave together and leave you with 2 spots less lol... that has happened to me in the past.

I am not saying that ALL JP players will do that. Some of them actually do a very good job and if they have to go they give you a 15-30mins warning. You don't need to speak the same language to be polite and decent.
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