Bozzetto Freyja: ~600k
Weak to piercing damage.
At lower HP, a Lamia will gain a regain effect.
If the Skathi and Frigg are defeated before the Bozzetto Freyja they will respawn.
Every 25% HP lost on the Freyja will cause all enemies to simultaneously use Eagle Eye Shot.
If the target with hate turns their back and breaks gaze contact for ~4 seconds then the Freyja will gain an aura.
This causes the Freyja to begin ignoring enmity and changing targets.
The new target should bring the Freyja back to the tank and reestablish a gaze on the target will remove the aura and return enmity to normal.
Uses the following moves:
Tail Slap: Conal Physical Damage damage and Stun.
Pinning Shot: AoE Physical Damage damage and Bind.
Shadow Thrust: Single target Physical Damage damage.
Draw In: Used against players which cast offensive magic (enfeebling magic, geomancy, etc) on Freyja.
Petrifying(Edifying) Dance: AoE Magical Damage Terror and hate reset if directly facing Freyja.
Petrifaction: Conal Magical Damage Element: Earth Petrification if directly facing Freyja.
Imperiling(Implaing) Disregard: AoE 15' Magical Damage Element: Earth Petrification and 3-count Doom if not directly facing Freyja.
Bozzetto Skathi: ~550k
Weak to Blunt blunt damage.
Defeating the Bozetto Freyja will cause the Bozetto Skathi to spam Blight(Noxious) Dance.
If the target with hate turns their back and breaks gaze contact for ~4 seconds then Skathi will gain an aura.
This causes Skathi to begin ignoring enmity and changing targets.
The new target should bring Skathi back to the tank and reestablish a gaze on the target will remove the aura and return enmity to normal.
Uses the following moves:
Tail Slap: Conal Physical Damage damage and Stun.
Shadow Thrust: Single target Physical Damage damage.
Calcifying Deluge: Conal Physical Damage damage and Petrification.
Divine Retribution: AoE 15' Physical Damage Damage, Petrification, and hate reset.
Blight(Noxious) Dance: AoE Magical Damage Element: Earth Petrification and 300/tic poison if directly facing Skathi.
Petrifaction: Conal Magical Damage Element: Earth Petrification if directly facing Skathi.
Imperiling(Implaing) Disregard: AoE 15' Magical Damage Element: Earth Petrification and 3-count Doom if not directly facing the Skathi.
Bozzetto Frigg: ~480k
Weak to Slashing slashing damage.
Defeating the Bozetto Freyja will cause the Bozetto Frigg to spam Raqs Baladi Dance.
Very Difficult:
- The Bozzetto Frigg will repetitively use Raqs Baladi Dance whether Freyja has been defeated or not.
- Will use it much more than the rest of her abilities, therefore using a pet to tank it is more safe.
- Has an additional effect "Petrification" on auto-attacks, last for 1~2 seconds maximum. Cannot be dispelled.
If the target with hate turns their back and breaks gaze contact for ~4 seconds then Frigg will gain an aura.
This causes Frigg to begin ignoring enmity and changing targets.
The new target should bring Frigg back to the tank and reestablish a gaze on the target will remove the aura and return enmity to normal.
Beware that this will also work on pets, so if you're using a PUP tank strategy, make sure the puppet face it before pulling it into a corner.
Uses the following moves:
Tail Slap: Conal Physical Damage damage and Stun.
Raqs Baladi Dance: AoE 15' Magical Damage Element: Light Gaze charm and Burn if directly facing Frigg.
Chastening(Chasting) Disregard: AoE 15' Magical Damage Amnesia and Mute if not directly facing Frigg.