Random Politics & Religion #06

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Random Politics & Religion #06
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By 2016-06-14 01:37:27
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Serveur: Bahamut
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user: Kara
Posts: 3544
By Bahamut.Kara 2016-06-14 01:38:51
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Siren.Akson said: »
Jassik said: »
Siren.Akson said: »
Jassik said: »
Siren.Akson said: »
Jassik said: »
[The point is nobody CHOOSES to be gay, it's just who they are, and there's nothing wrong with it.
Are you gay?

I'm happily married to a woman, but what if I was gay?
Your opinions would carry more weight.

I don't remember ever choosing to be straight just like I never chose to be tall.
Apparently you chose not to get into Gay Porn or consider men as sexual objects?

Why do you keep harping on gay porn?

Does watching two men have sex automatically make someone into a gay man?

Does that mean if you watch lesbian porn you really want to be a lesbian? Do a lot of straight men who watch lesbian porn really have fantasies about switching genders?

Most people start having sexual feelings before being exposed to porn....especially older generations who didn't have access to the internet.
Serveur: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: AKs0n
Posts: 2172
By Siren.Akson 2016-06-14 01:38:52
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Shiva.Carrelo said: »
Siren.Akson said: »
Jassik said: »
Siren.Akson said: »
Jassik said: »
[The point is nobody CHOOSES to be gay, it's just who they are, and there's nothing wrong with it.
Are you gay?

I'm happily married to a woman, but what if I was gay?
Your opinions would carry more weight.
I'm gay and have been telling you the same things he has bruh.

Siren.Akson said: »
Probly none of us are gay. Which is extremely funny. A bunch of straight ppl trying to dissect LGBT behaviour.
That's fine yet nobody has explained why gay ppl do not always stay gay. If they are born that way by thier genes then something doesnt add up.
Posts: 1600
By Ruaumoko 2016-06-14 01:39:25
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Going back to guns.

While I think that a ban on guns and repealing the 2nd Amendment is utterly stupid I do think that the issue lays with the availability and cost of mental healthcare. The recurring theme I've noticed with mass shootings is that the shooters were not getting, for whatever reason, mental healthcare attention when they were clearly unstable. In this most recent case the shooter's ex-wife said that he was very disturbed and violent. He was also on the FBI watch list too, so how the *** was he able to walk into a store and legally buy assault rifles and all the ammo he would need? That should have INSTANTLY been a HUGE red flag.

Despite having said that, banning guns is an unrealistic pipe-dream because it will result in a booming black market too meet demand that will put the prohibition to shame. All the US can do now is address the issue that mental healthcare is brick-walled off to many. That won't outright solve the issue but there is no real way to win this battle decisively. Gun control is America's 'Kobayashi Maru'.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Kara
Posts: 3544
By Bahamut.Kara 2016-06-14 01:43:31
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Siren.Akson said: »
Shiva.Carrelo said: »
Siren.Akson said: »
Jassik said: »
Siren.Akson said: »
Jassik said: »
[The point is nobody CHOOSES to be gay, it's just who they are, and there's nothing wrong with it.
Are you gay?

I'm happily married to a woman, but what if I was gay?
Your opinions would carry more weight.
I'm gay and have been telling you the same things he has bruh.

Siren.Akson said: »
Probly none of us are gay. Which is extremely funny. A bunch of straight ppl trying to dissect LGBT behaviour.
That's fine yet nobody has explained why gay ppl do not always stay gay. If they are born that way by thier genes then something doesnt add up.
Or maybe they are bisexual. Or maybe it's not the physical gender that attracts them but the person. Or maybe they want to have kids. Or maybe they succumb to peer pressure. Or maybe they are lying.

Too many variables to make a blanket statement on "some people" when you can't provide specifics on what they did when they were "gay" versus "straight"
Serveur: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Lordgrim
Posts: 2020
By Siren.Lordgrim 2016-06-14 01:48:46
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Jassik said: »
Siren.Akson said: »
Jassik said: »
Siren.Lordgrim said: »
Calm down.and take a few deep breaths Jassik I'm not advocating stoning or killing anyone. I do not follow the label of majority or minority groups.

If you want to talk about the population between straight people and homosexuals you will see how small the population is. I still stand by homosexuality as being a Mental Disorder.

My reasoning for this is because ALL ethnicities have a small part who are homosexual. How they got this way could be from incest which has been practiced in all regions of the world throughout history and which is why it's ILLEGAL in most civilized nations.

Do I hate them ? No

Do i want to help them recondition back into society? Absolutely.

Now it's a mental disorder resultant from incest... just stop posting.
I said it was a personal preference of choice. Ya'll wont accept that idea. Saevel put it together alot more scientifically. Rejected again.

If yall insist that it's a genetic one is born with and not thier own personal choice then Im agreeing with that "gene" being a "mental disorder". Makes more sense.

Are blue eyes a mental disorder?

You just don't get it. The point is nobody CHOOSES to be gay, it's just who they are, and there's nothing wrong with it.

No I do get it it's just we disagree on the subject which is ok.

When Rick looks at another guys hairy butt and finds that attractive there's something wrong with Rick because no matter how hard Rick will try to procreate it's never going to happen and it's disgusting.

Now when Joe finds the woman he is attracted to there's something right with Joe because when they procreate they have a high chance to have a baby and that is beautiful.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Kara
Posts: 3544
By Bahamut.Kara 2016-06-14 01:53:37
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Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Ravael
Posts: 13638
By Bahamut.Ravael 2016-06-14 01:54:24
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Ruaumoko said: »
Going back to guns.

While I think that a ban on guns and repealing the 2nd Amendment is utterly stupid I do think that the issue lays with the availability and cost of mental healthcare. The recurring theme I've noticed with mass shootings is that the shooters were not getting, for whatever reason, mental healthcare attention when they were clearly unstable. In this most recent case the shooter's ex-wife said that he was very disturbed and violent. He was also on the FBI watch list too, so how the *** was he able to walk into a store and legally buy assault rifles and all the ammo he would need? That should have INSTANTLY been a HUGE red flag.

Despite having said that, banning guns is an unrealistic pipe-dream because it will result in a booming black market too meet demand that will put the prohibition to shame. All the US can do now is address the issue that mental healthcare is brick-walled off to many. That won't outright solve the issue but there is no real way to win this battle decisively. Gun control is America's 'Kobayashi Maru'.

I certainly hope that, in spite of all the shouts for red herrings fixes, at least some people will take away the fact that mental health issues are often a major factor in these disasters and they're not being dealt with quickly enough. I know we still have a long way to go when it comes to understanding some forms of mental illness and how to treat them, but we've come a long way from the not-too-distant age of the forced lobotomy, thank goodness.
MSPaint Champion
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: JeanPaul
Posts: 2623
By Sylph.Jeanpaul 2016-06-14 01:56:22
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Ruaumoko said: »
While I think that a ban on guns and repealing the 2nd Amendment is utterly stupid I do think that the issue lays with the availability and cost of mental healthcare. The recurring theme I've noticed with mass shootings is that the shooters were not getting, for whatever reason, mental healthcare attention when they were clearly unstable. In this most recent case the shooter's ex-wife said that he was very disturbed and violent. He was also on the FBI watch list too, so how the *** was he able to walk into a store and legally buy assault rifles and all the ammo he would need? That should have INSTANTLY been a HUGE red flag.
I can't recall having heard anyone say "we must ban all guns", and I listen to NPR and my Facebook feed is almost entirely all hippies, artists, etc. The general mindset is in line with your opinion on this: 1) Re-evaluating and improving our mental health care system and 2) regulating the sales and ownership of firearms and ammunition to make them harder for people with red flags to acquire.
By 2016-06-14 01:56:31
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By 2016-06-14 01:58:29
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Serveur: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: AKs0n
Posts: 2172
By Siren.Akson 2016-06-14 02:01:37
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Bahamut.Ravael said: »
Ruaumoko said: »
Going back to guns.

While I think that a ban on guns and repealing the 2nd Amendment is utterly stupid I do think that the issue lays with the availability and cost of mental healthcare. The recurring theme I've noticed with mass shootings is that the shooters were not getting, for whatever reason, mental healthcare attention when they were clearly unstable. In this most recent case the shooter's ex-wife said that he was very disturbed and violent. He was also on the FBI watch list too, so how the *** was he able to walk into a store and legally buy assault rifles and all the ammo he would need? That should have INSTANTLY been a HUGE red flag.

Despite having said that, banning guns is an unrealistic pipe-dream because it will result in a booming black market too meet demand that will put the prohibition to shame. All the US can do now is address the issue that mental healthcare is brick-walled off to many. That won't outright solve the issue but there is no real way to win this battle decisively. Gun control is America's 'Kobayashi Maru'.

I certainly hope that, in spite of all the shouts for red herrings fixes, at least some people will take away the fact that mental health issues are often a major factor in these disasters and they're not being dealt with quickly enough. I know we still have a long way to go when it comes to understanding some forms of mental illness and how to treat them, but we've come a long way from the not-too-distant age of the forced lobotomy, thank goodness.
I agree that the idea of giving someone a lobotomy might be one of the worst ideas ever. While now we have shut down all mental institutions and just drugged up everyone on meds. Which I think is more of a step backwards turning such healthcare into a 35 billion dollar opioid business.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Kara
Posts: 3544
By Bahamut.Kara 2016-06-14 02:08:57
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Ruaumoko said: »
Going back to guns.

While I think that a ban on guns and repealing the 2nd Amendment is utterly stupid I do think that the issue lays with the availability and cost of mental healthcare. The recurring theme I've noticed with mass shootings is that the shooters were not getting, for whatever reason, mental healthcare attention when they were clearly unstable. In this most recent case the shooter's ex-wife said that he was very disturbed and violent. He was also on the FBI watch list too, so how the *** was he able to walk into a store and legally buy assault rifles and all the ammo he would need? That should have INSTANTLY been a HUGE red flag.

Despite having said that, banning guns is an unrealistic pipe-dream because it will result in a booming black market too meet demand that will put the prohibition to shame. All the US can do now is address the issue that mental healthcare is brick-walled off to many. That won't outright solve the issue but there is no real way to win this battle decisively. Gun control is America's 'Kobayashi Maru'.
The FBI conducts a lot of interviews (thousands) every year. He was known to the FBI, but was dismissed as harmless based on his answers and previous actions.

1. Joe Shmoo gun store owner should never, ever have access to FBI files and internal documents about investigations. That would be such a large invasion of privacy

2. If all it took was being interviewed by the FBI or the police for various investigations to disqualify a person from owning a gun, then there is your super strict gun law.

3. The FBI and various other agencies have a notorious reputation for putting people on watch lists who don't belong on watch lists. There is currently no way to remove yourself from a watch list.

Mental health is an issue. Many of his co-workers, family members, and ex-wife knew he had problems. They still worked with him and still associated with him, and from what I've read no one tried to get him any help besides the one co-worker who called the FBI in response to his claim that he knew the guys from the Boston bombing. And that was about criminal charges not about getting him help for his rage issues.
Serveur: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Lordgrim
Posts: 2020
By Siren.Lordgrim 2016-06-14 02:12:19
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Bahamut.Kara said: »

Then call me crazy I'm ok with that.

Normal is a failure of imagination.

Normal is a easy going oppresson.

Normal is a silent violence against progress.

Normal is an insidious benevolence a sweet tool of conformity responsible for incalculable loss.

Normal is the greatest constraint and coercive force in the world.

If you do not feel the constant threat and ruthless pressure of normalcy bearing down on you it is because you are apart of it.

An unknowing devotee of the unremarkable.
Serveur: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: AKs0n
Posts: 2172
By Siren.Akson 2016-06-14 02:17:19
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Bahamut.Kara said: »
I do suppose and accept the idea of genes being the easiest way for one to defend thier position if confronted with hostility. I dont mind that. Personally it's not for me but I respect everyone else's choices made in life and the right for one to defend themself. Maybe both are blanket statements but Im ok with that.
Guide Maker
Serveur: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Seha
Posts: 24219
By Valefor.Sehachan 2016-06-14 02:44:50
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@Jassik/Ramrez: my points is being missed, but I can't articulate better. Besides it's a fruitless conversation if you believe in something "higher". To me we are nothing more than incredibly advanced gut bacteria driving a bio-gundam.
Serveur: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Lordgrim
Posts: 2020
By Siren.Lordgrim 2016-06-14 02:56:35
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Valefor.Sehachan said: »
@Jassik/Ramrez: my points is being missed, but I can't articulate better. Besides it's a fruitless conversation if you believe in something "higher". To me we are nothing more than incredibly advanced gut bacteria driving a bio-gundam.

Jesus still loves you
Guide Maker
Serveur: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Seha
Posts: 24219
By Valefor.Sehachan 2016-06-14 02:57:50
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But I'm a sterile woman who engages frequently in sodomy. Oh poor me!
Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Hev
Posts: 15273
By Ragnarok.Hevans 2016-06-14 03:02:50
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Siren.Lordgrim said: »
Valefor.Sehachan said: »
@Jassik/Ramrez: my points is being missed, but I can't articulate better. Besides it's a fruitless conversation if you believe in something "higher". To me we are nothing more than incredibly advanced gut bacteria driving a bio-gundam.

The gut bacteria driving Gundam Jesus Wing-Zero still loves you

Posts: 24505
By Ramyrez 2016-06-14 07:17:46
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Siren.Lordgrim said: »
Valefor.Sehachan said: »
@Jassik/Ramrez: my points is being missed, but I can't articulate better. Besides it's a fruitless conversation if you believe in something "higher". To me we are nothing more than incredibly advanced gut bacteria driving a bio-gundam.

Jesus still loves you

Jesus, if he ever existed, has been dead for well over two millennia. It's impossible for him to love anything.

Valefor.Sehachan said: »
@Jassik/Ramrez: my points is being missed, but I can't articulate better. Besides it's a fruitless conversation if you believe in something "higher". To me we are nothing more than incredibly advanced gut bacteria driving a bio-gundam.

I get what you're saying. I was just being a wiseass about bio/organic chem.

All I'm really going on about in this vein is that yes everything boils down to biology and electrical synapses firing on some level. But trying to dissect everything down to that sort of begins to lose sight of the bigger picture at some point.
Posts: 24505
By Ramyrez 2016-06-14 07:19:06
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Bismarck.Josiahfk said: »
emotional maturity.

Josi, some people here aren't really ready for this concept. Please be considerate of their emotional deficits.
Posts: 24505
By Ramyrez 2016-06-14 07:19:53
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Bahamut.Kara said: »
Does that mean if you watch lesbian porn you really want to be a lesbian?

If so apparently I'm trans and didn't even know it.
Posts: 4028
By Blazed1979 2016-06-14 07:28:50
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This actually happened, and was actually broadcast - promising:
Posts: 24505
By Ramyrez 2016-06-14 07:29:54
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Blazed1979 said: »
This actually happened, and was actually broadcast - promising:

YouTube Video Placeholder

Spoilers are not always working properly at present.
Posts: 24505
By Ramyrez 2016-06-14 07:30:17
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And I *** it up too somehow.

*** it.
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 33979
By Bismarck.Dracondria 2016-06-14 07:32:24
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Ramyrez said: »
Blazed1979 said: »
This actually happened, and was actually broadcast - promising:

YouTube Video Placeholder

Spoilers are not always working properly at present.
Posts: 24505
By Ramyrez 2016-06-14 07:38:36
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Bahamut.Ravael said: »
but we've come a long way from the not-too-distant age of the forced lobotomy, thank goodness.

Not far enough, sadly. And while the treatments have advanced, a lot of people still think entirely in the same terms as we did back then.
Guide Maker
Serveur: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Seha
Posts: 24219
By Valefor.Sehachan 2016-06-14 07:46:46
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Ramyrez said: »
Bahamut.Ravael said: »
but we've come a long way from the not-too-distant age of the forced lobotomy, thank goodness.

Not far enough, sadly. And while the treatments have advanced, a lot of people still think entirely in the same terms as we did back then.
Only two pages ago we got proof of that.
Serveur: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: AKs0n
Posts: 2172
By Siren.Akson 2016-06-14 08:10:03
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Blazed1979 said: »
This actually happened, and was actually broadcast - promising:

YouTube Video Placeholder

Spoilers are not always working properly at present.
4:50 Would probly set off WW3
5:27 White people - Free to sell/do drugs...
6:13 Wishful thinking
7:02 ....

Extremely emotional speech
Posts: 24505
By Ramyrez 2016-06-14 08:11:57
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Wait. That's not just Nick Nolte in a crazy cult robe?

I didn't watch it, just figured it was something out of whatever direct-to-TV movie NN had done recently.
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