I see your point, but you can’t compare KJ with the likes of SB or mistral Axe. Both of those WS’s have a 50% mod, but their fTP starts at 4.0 and scales dramatically. I have just found personally that UF’s seems to hit better numbers than KJ at low tp. If your crit rate/dmg/multi hit is high enough you can yield some good numbers. Having said that, KJ is probably the best GA WS in the game now with the Mythic GA + AUGS. So I guess it comes down to what GA your actually using to SC with. If you have a Chango, then yes, you should be using it.
If you have either Chango or Conq then KJ's going to easily beat Ukko's. That leaves two other REMA's, Bravura and Ukon. Bravura is a utility weapon leaving Ukon as the other DPS choice. Ukon has 50 STR which benefits Ukko's more then KJ and no other benefit for KJ.
KJ is probably the best GA WS in the game now with the Mythic GA + AUGS
No Chango Upheaval still beats it, but the difference isn't as dramatic as it was before. Again check the main thread to see us discussing this recently.
And yes you can compare it to Savage and Mistral because 2H weapon base DMG is much higher then 1H and Utu's exists. Also you can only MA twice per WS regardless of your weapons base DMG, thus for non-fTP transfer WS's 2H adds more power on extra hits then 1H.
Standing outside MH with just Hasso up this is the breakout.
R15 Chango
WDMG: 352
STR 114+199=313
DEX 101+148=249 * 0.10 = +24
VIT 104+235=339 * 0.85 = +288
fSTR = +29 [47 cap]
BDMG: 693
The WSC component is 41.5% of the total damage while the weapons D value contributes the most.
Savage Blade
WDMG: 164
STR 114+227=341 * 0.50 = +170
MND 97+115=212 * 0.50 = +106
FSTR = 36 [26 cap]
BDMG: 466
What really powers Savage Blade is TP past 2K and because WAR has Jesus level Fencer bonus's it automatically is over 2K. COR's also get this by using the Magian TP Bonus Gun.
What your making an argument for is an Ukon build where Ukko's becomes better then KJ but still weaker then Upheaval.