Kaboom! A Guide For Black Mage

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Kaboom! A Guide for Black Mage
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Serveur: Asura
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user: Ackeron
Posts: 4307
By Asura.Ackeronll 2013-11-27 00:44:54
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Sorry gonna interrupt this chain of posts about things i don't understand.

Want to point out I had a nicer sounding post about this but I clicked to view sylows Mantis picture and lost the whole thing ; ; All is not lost though for I crudely made this!

Gotta big order sadly,

Need 2 Armor sets:
1 Pre-delve(includes Skirmish 2 and WKR)
1 Post Delve(Not including megabosses)
Order of importance for Post Delve set delve gear.

My LS only has 3 people and no ranged damage so trying to slap together some gear for BLM to lend some support.
By 2013-11-27 01:05:02
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Serveur: Asura
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user: Ackeron
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By Asura.Ackeronll 2013-11-27 01:16:10
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Bismarck.Josiahkf said: »
You could skip delve completely and still nuke for more dmg than any delve gear wearing Blm.

So what's the point? You're trying to skip skirmish and save time using your excess plasma you mean?

If this was aimed at me,

You can skip delve? I honestly didn't know. The front pages sets are out of date but I still figured delve was still in the top tier.

Also not trying to save plasm just would have wanted to know which pieces are the biggest upgrade for the points, but given you are saying that Delve gear isn't as good anymore this is pointless lol.
By 2013-11-27 01:53:12
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Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
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By Quetzalcoatl.Warusha 2013-11-27 05:34:48
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Sylph.Josiahfk said: »
I can't tell you the exact point when Buremte loses to Hagondes hat because it's based on your MAB vs the targets MDB(fixed) at the time you nuke. If you've got MAB+29 augment on everything and you're all hardcore top tier, you'll need a higher MAB augment on Hagondes for it to beat Buremte hat. But if you're just scraping by and missing a lot of MAB then even a MAB+10 Hagondes will kick Buremte's butt with these tier I.

Tested this out just to be sure. Buremte Hat lost to Hagondes Hat with MAB augment +26 regardless of total MAB. It may be true if you're using ToM staves(lol) and have an insufficient amount of mdmg+ gear on, but I didn't check for that.

I check with just staff and hat variations, staff, hat variations and standard gear, and staff AM2 299, hat variations, standard gear.

Buremte always lost to Hagondes MAB 26 augment.

Here's to hoping delve gear replaces all hagondes so people won't be afraid to try out "end game" BLM for money reasons.
By Antisense 2013-11-27 05:50:25
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Fenrir.Jarrin said: »
and yes, we agree that lower tiers are better most the time. we all know this, but why knock the fact that i've worked very hard to be able to use higher tier nukes with magians to out perform atinian staff on even the toughest of bosses?

sure it may only be 300 sometimes, on occassion as high as 700+. but that was my prerogative as an end-game blm and encouraging others to settle is not right.

I question whether you are really even optimizing maximum damage when you don't even realize Voay Staff +1 is typically better than Magian staves for max damage potential. (Someone already mentioned this for Abyssea. Outside Abyssea Magian might be better for trash SoA mobs, e.g., dINT >> 100 if magic accuracy doesn't matter. Or maybe MAB +300, which is not attainable outside Abyssea.)

If you care about max damage potential, swapping out MAB pieces for macc pieces is counterproductive. If you care about minimizing resists before maximizing damage potential, Atinian magic accuracy may be superfluous (at which point Voay +1 would probably be better than Magian staves still) but I seriously doubt you have figured out the minimum amount of magic accuracy needed to minimize resists on Yumcax for wind nukes (for example). You are essentially advocating inventory clutter (Magian staves + macc pieces) for unestablished and/or negligible benefit.
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Serithus
Posts: 28
By Quetzalcoatl.Warusha 2013-11-27 05:54:42
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Fenrir.Sylow said: »
If nuking 9k instead of 8.5k on mobs with 6k HP is really important to you, then by all means.
Story of my life.
Serveur: Fenrir
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user: Motenten
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By Fenrir.Motenten 2013-11-27 12:55:35
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At +199 MAB (without hat), and targetting a mob where you have a dInt of 36, Buremte wins over +26 MAB Hagondes on all T1s, Stone II, and Stonega/Waterga/Aeroga.

Subtracting 100 MAB, Buremte loses on all counts.

Increasing dInt to 100 (and returning MAB to +199), Hagondes wins on all counts once the MAB augment reaches +23.

Overall, it looks like Buremte wins on T1s at low dInt and high MAB. Otherwise Hagondes with about +24 MAB or higher should pretty much always win (unless the magic accuracy matters).

At dInt 19 (for the Magian staff):
Atinian beats Magian for everything except AM2s and Bliz5/Thunder5 (by a very small margin).
Voay +1 is ahead of a Magian staff on all except Thunder 5 and Blizzaja/Thundaja, where Magian is 0%-1% ahead.

At dInt 83:
Magian beats Atinian on all AM/AM2/Ja/T5, and most Ga3's (3%-6% on T5, 4%-7% on Ja).
Magian beats Voay +1 by 0%-3% on those same spells, except Voay+1 wins on most AM1s.

Overall, Magian wins on the highest tier nukes when dInt is high. For all lower tiers, or if dInt is low, Atinian or Voay+1 are generally ahead. And obviously if the M.Acc matters at all, Atinian is the way to go.

Side note: updated the magic damage spreadsheet, and have started separating it by job since the inventory clutter was starting to get annoying.
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6862
By Fenrir.Sylow 2013-11-27 13:05:52
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And of course Atinian is just if you want to be 1/2 decent. But why settle for mediocrity when real champs use Laevateinn.
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Serithus
Posts: 28
By Quetzalcoatl.Warusha 2013-11-27 13:17:06
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So Buremte Hat over Hagondes Hat for T1s with lucky wizards roll and highly augmented gear for mobs like Delve Boss and very hard BCNMs? Sounds like inventory +1.

I'm at 317 MAB on BLM with +268 mdmg with Hagondes Hat. How much base mdmg+ did you account for in your calculation? It does give decreasing returns, and I've already got a lot. I still need 23 mdmg+ and -3 MAB for an optimal set.
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Motenten
Posts: 764
By Fenrir.Motenten 2013-11-27 13:35:01
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I had 228 magic damage on that set: Atinian, Zuuxowu, Dosis and Hagondes pants.

If you're going to use Laevateinn it's still basically the same: at low dInt, Buremte has a marginal edge over Hagondes (26 MAB) on low tier nukes. Maybe 3% for Stone, down to a handful of points on Thunder/Stone II/Water II. By the time you get past about 50 dInt, Hagondes should always be winning.
By 2013-11-28 10:44:43
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Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Ihina
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By Bismarck.Ihina 2013-11-28 11:45:39
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God...all of my jealousy.
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6862
By Fenrir.Sylow 2013-11-29 00:56:01
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Your guide is missing melee sets :(
Quickly, someone tell me how to beat things with a stick!!
By 2013-11-30 15:43:58
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Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
By Bismarck.Leneth 2013-11-30 16:09:31
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Asura.Josiahfk said: »
Fenrir.Sylow said: »
Your guide is missing melee sets :(
Quickly, someone tell me how to beat things with a stick!!
First you take the sharp end of the stick, then you push it towards the bad people
Silly Josi, staves deal blunt damage :P
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Serithus
Posts: 28
By Quetzalcoatl.Warusha 2013-11-30 17:38:45
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Bottom of Mythic is quite sharp.
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Snprphnx
Posts: 2701
By Bismarck.Snprphnx 2013-11-30 18:10:06
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Quetzalcoatl.Warusha said: »
Bottom of Mythic is quite sharp.

use that rank E scythe skill!!
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Serithus
Posts: 28
By Quetzalcoatl.Warusha 2013-11-30 18:16:22
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Still trying to get one of these bad boys.
By 2013-11-30 18:58:13
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Serveur: Fenrir
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user: Minjo
Posts: 2269
By Fenrir.Jinjo 2013-11-30 19:55:10
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I mean they might if it was their last restor
Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Draylo
By Leviathan.Draylo 2013-11-30 19:57:18
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What is the best ws they get with scythe? lol would be fun to mess around with I guess.
By 2013-11-30 19:59:48
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Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Serithus
Posts: 28
By Quetzalcoatl.Warusha 2013-11-30 20:13:06
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No you stack MACC/INT for that attack down 15% son!
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Onorgul
Posts: 3621
By Shiva.Onorgul 2013-11-30 20:20:33
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BG says it is -25% Attack and Black Mage can use it. Which is silly. /shrug
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Serithus
Posts: 28
By Quetzalcoatl.Warusha 2013-11-30 20:21:59
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Ah ok 25% is even better! I'm at work and using my phone so I didn't double check.
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6862
By Fenrir.Sylow 2013-11-30 22:50:52
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Does the "Magic Damage+" statistic work on Magic WS? Trying to gear up for Vidohunir hating life stuff.
Serveur: Sylph
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user: Basilo
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By Sylph.Krsone 2013-11-30 22:59:46
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IIRC yes it does, im not online to check but it would be prety easy to test that yourself comparing even just 2 magic ws results.
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6862
By Fenrir.Sylow 2013-11-30 23:01:25
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Yes but I'm too scared to leave town before my BLM melee spellcast is done!!
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