What's fun about 100% success? Everyone would succeed, which would lower the prices of everything that's worth half a dime, and that'd lead to people undercutting until everything costs 10 gil.
Explain to me how that would be "fun"? It'd be fun the first couple of times you don't fail, but then you'd get pissed off at how little the effort's actually worth it financially.
If they implement a crafting system, then I for one, as an experienced crafter who has suffered the same injustices as everyone else, hopes they have breakages. The thought of the next crafter losing 500k on a Haubergeon is what helps me make as much as I do. If there were no risks involved, how would I ever get my hands on the materials? The AH would be bought out of them as soon as they went up and Haubergeons would cost about 20k, if you're lucky.
I can't see how this would help anybody. It'd just tread on everyone's toes; the only people who would benefit is the consumer who's making money by a non-crafting, non-farming crafting materials manner. If you're only considering caps under a specific level proportionate to your craft skill, then what's the point?
I really couldn't care if I break a Bronze Ingot, being 104 levels above the synth.
I get over it and carry on with what I was doing. When I broke a Haubergeon recently and lost a Damascus Ingot, I just moved on and carried on with what I was doing. The element of danger is always there, and it makes it more exciting. If it wasn't and I knew I couldn't possibly lose the ingot, what reason would I have not to bother?
So breakages... What is the point without them?
Alphir said:
It isn't broken it just needs to be more rewarding to those that put in the time to lvl them.
The millions of gil you can make with a 100 craft isn't reward enough, then? You probably put equal time into levelling jobs or skilling up weapons or something. Do you expect a reward for them? The end product, and what you can do with it, is the reward. Same applies to crafting.