Presidental Debate One

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Presidental Debate One
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Posts: 42671
By Jetackuu 2012-10-04 21:14:10
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Bismarck.Bloodrose said: »
One way to make things more clear, is to cite sources of information, not bull a bunch of *** out of your ***, and use the cited sources of information to back up your claims. It's called Logic.

One of the many things I do not agree with, is Obama's idea that he does not officially recognize the capital of israel.

EDIT: Having a tangible, citable source, is probably the best way to make a claim worth reading, let alone worth agreeing to. First you say your source is Barack Obama, then say you don't need to cite a source for anything he's ever actually said.

I don't care if Obama doesn't recognize Israel at all, let them fend for their *** selves and fight their own religious wars.
Serveur: Phoenix
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By Phoenix.Amandarius 2012-10-04 21:16:53
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Cerberus.Eugene said: »
Phoenix.Amandarius said: »
Quetzalcoatl.Liadeti said: »
Phoenix.Amandarius said: »

My source is Barack Obama lol. I dont need to cite a source, he said it nearly every day that last month. Im sure you can find it if you rly want to. Get Sylow to google it for you.

I don't quite know what to say to this lol. I'd like a source on this information too, but I really don't want to bog myself down with a google list of homemade youtube videos made by right-wing fundamentalists blindly spewing sourceless propaganda themselves. I kinda want, ya know.. some facts.

Here f#ck ill do the research for you. His own words. Enjoy. Its about 3 minutes in;contentBody

Again, you're only right in part. As I said earlier, his deficit reduction plan doesn't work. The only way you could interpret it otherwise would be "we're borrowing more money to pay down our deficit" which is gibberish (unless you're refinancing, but that's a separate issue).

His plan to reduce the deficit by using war funds is wrong, I agree with you. But stopping these wars will reduce deficit spending, which is a good thing. On the other hand there still is no explanation by Romney on how to pay for his 5 trillion in tax cuts, other than some sort of mystical explosive growth.

Thats the thing, stopping the wars does not reduce the deficit spending cos they will continue the spending at that level even with no war to pay for.
Posts: 42671
By Jetackuu 2012-10-04 21:17:31
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Is this guy serious?
Posts: 1534
By ScaevolaBahamut 2012-10-04 21:18:42
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Gilgamesh.Tenshibaby said: »

No offense, but I am on numerous political forums with people who would have your head spinning with facts you did not know. I think it is the sadist in me that likes to pop in to see what the pseudo-intellectual liberal brainwashed nerds have to say. It's like watching a train wreck.


like what

surely i am operating with an incomplete picture and without your intervention i will be marching off to the polls and voting for the wrong guy of whom i am not especially fond but as i have mentioned his opponent, whom i can only assume you'd have me support, has been conspicuously silent on the aspects i find genuinely objectionable
Serveur: Cerberus
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user: Eugene
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By Cerberus.Eugene 2012-10-04 21:20:42
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Phoenix.Amandarius said: »
Thats the thing, stopping the wars does not reduce the deficit spending cos they will continue the spending at that level even with no war to pay for.
What exactly are they going to be spending the continued borrowing on?

And how is this different than Romney's plan? Romney we know at least where the money will be going, and while he denied it, independent fact checkers have confirmed he's proposed a 5 trillion tax cut.
Serveur: Phoenix
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Posts: 3686
By Phoenix.Amandarius 2012-10-04 21:21:26
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Jetackuu said: »
Is this guy serious?

Take the 4 minutes and listen to Obama's own words. It's not out of context, it is right there. Yes I am serious. you wanted sources and I provided the best source.
Serveur: Cerberus
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user: Eugene
Posts: 6999
By Cerberus.Eugene 2012-10-04 21:22:03
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Phoenix.Amandarius said: »
Jetackuu said: »
Is this guy serious?

Take the 4 minutes and listen to Obama's own words. It's not out of context, it is right there. Yes I am serious. you wanted sources and I provided the best source.
You're not understanding the issue lol. Yes his plan is wrong, but not wrong for the reasons you think it is.
Posts: 42671
By Jetackuu 2012-10-04 21:24:20
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Phoenix.Amandarius said: »
Jetackuu said: »
Is this guy serious?

Take the 4 minutes and listen to Obama's own words. It's not out of context, it is right there. Yes I am serious. you wanted sources and I provided the best source.

lol, no it isn't and you haven't provided poop, wait no you provided exactly that: poop.
Serveur: Cerberus
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user: Eugene
Posts: 6999
By Cerberus.Eugene 2012-10-04 21:27:21
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Also lowering the tax rate but removing deductions and credits disproportionately hurts lower income Americans. I know they were fighting over the "middle class" but still, there was no rebuttal to this.
Serveur: Cerberus
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user: Eugene
Posts: 6999
By Cerberus.Eugene 2012-10-04 21:41:14
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In any event the debate I'm really looking forward to is the Stewart/O'Reilly debate .
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
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user: Nympha
Posts: 78
By Quetzalcoatl.Liadeti 2012-10-04 21:50:15
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Now that has the potential for awesome.
Serveur: Phoenix
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Posts: 3686
By Phoenix.Amandarius 2012-10-04 22:22:28
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Should be fun. But I was surprised to see that Stewart's half of the proceeds are also going to charity. Figured he would just write the check out to the US Treasury. It is afterall Economic Patriotism and the best charity of all.
Posts: 17077
By alyria 2012-10-04 22:38:39
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Really guys...I'm going to start unmaining political threads and topicbanning til you guys can actually debate without being douches to each other.

healthy debates please...
Posts: 1534
By ScaevolaBahamut 2012-10-04 22:44:25
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Tenshi, being a lawyer, should be able to realize he opened the door to an examination of his ability to process and think critically about relevant information
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Eugene
Posts: 6999
By Cerberus.Eugene 2012-10-04 22:45:37
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Serveur: Bahamut
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By Bahamut.Baconwrap 2012-10-04 22:46:22
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ScaevolaBahamut said: »
Tenshi, being a lawyer, should be able to realize he opened the door to an examination of his ability to process and think critically about relevant information
He's also claims to be a scientist at some unknown research facility if I remember correctly- no lol?
Posts: 1534
By ScaevolaBahamut 2012-10-04 22:51:55
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his knowledge of science is not relevant to the current proceedings
Posts: 1534
By ScaevolaBahamut 2012-10-04 22:58:39
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srsly though since he claims his views are influenced by some sort of knowledge that's apparently beyond our comprehension i think it's fair for me to use presented facts to question his credibility

i mean seeing as how we're discussing complex issues of actual consequence and all
Posts: 32551
By Artemicion 2012-10-05 00:34:56
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I wonder if that debate can last 15 minutes without O'Reilly telling Stewart to shut up.
Posts: 42671
By Jetackuu 2012-10-05 04:13:55
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Artemicion said: »
I wonder if that debate can last 15 minutes without O'Reilly telling Stewart to shut up.

probably not as ignorance and lies are what bill thrives on...
Posts: 42671
By Jetackuu 2012-10-05 04:21:36
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Aly Saxena said: »
Really guys...I'm going to start unmaining political threads and topicbanning til you guys can actually debate without being douches to each other.

healthy debates please...

thank you.
Serveur: Shiva
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user: Nikolce
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By Shiva.Nikolce 2012-10-05 09:44:44
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Aly Saxena said: »
Really guys...I'm going to start unmaining political threads and topicbanning til you guys can actually debate without being douches to each other.

healthy debates please...

<president music>

As American males we are endowed, however minutely, by our creator, with three inalienable rights, those are stupidity, being offended as a knee jerk reaction, the freedom to express views we hear incorrectly on talk radio and being douches to one another.

Our founding fathers, having been kicked out of every decent country on the planet, laid the framework, the foundation and many of their slaves to build this great nation based on passages in bible that were incorrectly translated. Nevertheless, these brave fools ignored the advice of every learned person and starved to death and resorted to cannibalism and then they went crazy and burned all their ***.

Several attempts later.... They eventually learned to use fire correctly and survive long enough to have offspring that they did not have to eat in the winter and then they set about to build this great nation.

Using words they plagiarized and copy pasta from the magna carta and wikipedia they created a constitution and a bill of rights so vague that you can extrapolate any meaning out of them you desire as it is your divine right to do so, so help me god.

So I say to you woman, you know you're a woman. You got to be a woman
I got the feeling of love. When you're talking to me, you see right through me I got the feeling of love.

And also.In the words of Thomas Jefferson, Let my people go!
Serveur: Phoenix
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user: rori
Posts: 153
By Phoenix.Valory 2012-10-05 18:09:51
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Reilly/Steward debate is gunna be great. Considering Stewart crushes him with actual facts each and every time they meet on TV while all O'Reilly can do is go 'no no no' but has no evidence to support himself with.
Posts: 48
By BakingJonez 2012-10-06 14:01:49
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Cerberus.Eugene said: »
What exactly are they going to be spending the continued borrowing on?

And how is this different than Romney's plan? Romney we know at least where the money will be going, and while he denied it, independent fact checkers have confirmed he's proposed a 5 trillion tax cut.

Talking head points. Please investigate the actual proposal. If Romney's plan fails we could lose 460+ billion a year for the next 10 years. If it fails.

Do you dwell on the what-if it fails of Obama's proposals? No you do not.

This is the man who is in charge of our foreign policy? The man who cant even look the man addressing him in the eyes when hes talking to him? This man is supposed to be a leader? Hah! No wonder no-one in congress listened to him. I wouldn't listen to my boss if they didn't give me eye contact and kept looking at their desk when I was talking to them either.

The same arguments are made for Romney now that we heard the Republicants use 4 years ago, what is your exact plan? It was all hope and change and nothing specific.

Much earlier in the thread some idiot argued that government jobs are still jobs. That is an illogic fallacy. Government jobs require tax dollars to fund. Burdening the debt even more. While a privatized job will bring in tax dollars.
Big difference, and if you don't see the difference, please leave the voting to the grown-ups.

Both contenders are idiots paid for by the banks. Wish people would wake up and stop idolizing these monsters or at least start being as hyper critical with themselves/party that they are with the 'other side'. Obama is the best most amazing ever.
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Pleebo
Posts: 9720
By Cerberus.Pleebo 2012-10-06 14:36:12
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(Am I doing it right?)
Posts: 42671
By Jetackuu 2012-10-06 14:42:43
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I still think it's funny that they say the man looked distracted when he was obviously listening to everything he said trying not to laugh his *** off.

Everybody listens in different ways, get over yourself.

Cerberus.Pleebo said: »

(Am I doing it right?)

yes, you are.
Posts: 48
By BakingJonez 2012-10-06 15:31:13
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Jetackuu said: »
I still think it's funny that they say the man looked distracted when he was obviously listening to everything he said trying not to laugh his *** off.

Everybody listens in different ways, get over yourself.

In other words, it's Ok because he is Obama. Were that Bush, you guys would have torn his *** apart, being distracted, no respect for his opponent, etc.

Try it on your next job interview. Do not look your interviewer in the eyes when he talks to you. Stare are your desk/hands.

Then when he turns you down, tell him to get over himself.

Maybe Obama can use your line on another world leader if they misread his lack of eye contact as disrespect, or boredom. As most of us in the business world would.

The debate is basicly a job interview.
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Pleebo
Posts: 9720
By Cerberus.Pleebo 2012-10-06 15:40:05
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BakingJonez said: »
Jetackuu said: »
I still think it's funny that they say the man looked distracted when he was obviously listening to everything he said trying not to laugh his *** off.

Everybody listens in different ways, get over yourself.

In other words, it's Ok because he is Obama. Were that Bush, you guys would have torn his *** apart, being distracted, no respect for his opponent, etc.

Try it on your next job interview. Do not look your interviewer in the eyes when he talks to you. Stare are your desk/hands.

Then when he turns you down, tell him to get over himself.

Maybe Obama can use your line on another world leader if they misread his lack of eye contact as disrespect, or boredom. As most of us in the business world would.

The debate is basicly a job interview.

Do you have anything of substance to argue?
Posts: 42671
By Jetackuu 2012-10-06 15:40:33
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BakingJonez said: »
Jetackuu said: »
I still think it's funny that they say the man looked distracted when he was obviously listening to everything he said trying not to laugh his *** off.

Everybody listens in different ways, get over yourself.

In other words, it's Ok because he is Obama. Were that Bush, you guys would have torn his *** apart, being distracted, no respect for his opponent, etc.

Try it on your next job interview. Do not look your interviewer in the eyes when he talks to you. Stare are your desk/hands.

Then when he turns you down, tell him to get over himself.

Maybe Obama can use your line on another world leader if they misread his lack of eye contact as disrespect, or boredom. As most of us in the business world would.

The debate is basicly a job interview.


There's a difference, Romney wasn't talking at Obama.

Hell even people I know, they look down when they listen to people, so they're not distracted and they can take more in. Like I said, stop judging people.

Bad argument.

Not really.
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