It depends where you live in the United States. So yes and no. I'll try to give you the Cliff's notes with as much of an unbiased tone.
You have a few states, New York, California, Mass, Washing, Oregon, Illinois who are very liberal and have made legislative changes recently. This has upset surround states and conservative groups, particular midwestern and southern states(red states).
The issue is now boiling down to states rights to define marriage and DOMA, the state supreme courts right to override the right of the people because of constitutionality. Several states as of 2012 have legalized same-sex marriage, while others are currently in limbo due to the nature of the constitutionality.
A few major things happened recently in the US to make national headlines that are magnifying "gay rights in 2012."
President Obama came foward to support same sex marriage to a degree.
Chairman of the Democratic National Convention
Mayor Villariagosa made legalization of same-sex marriage and federal same-sex partnership discrimination, a platform for the party this 2012.
Sally Field Ride, first American female in space died a few weeks ago. She reveled she was lesbian and listed her partner. Due to the Defense of Marriage Act, her partner will not be entitled to any federal benefits or her NASA pension. So now DOMA is coming back on highlight.
President Bill Clinton has officially been announced to introduce Obama at the DNC this year. Ironically, he signed DOMA into effect. So that's causing some commotion.
Last month a Matthew Shepard version 2.0 incident happened in Nebraska which is making headlines. Where a female had lesbian slurs carved into her flesh.
Nebraska July Crime Link ABC News
Dan Cathy, CEO of Chick-Fil-A made public statements confirming his donations to religious and anti-LGBT organizations recently. This has led to a huge ordeal in the US regarding municipal rights to deny business license, same-sex partnership benefits, etc...