By nomarzenun 2018-12-12 08:42:17
Please add Mimic job already, is simple just follow this steps:
- In order to open the job player needs all jobs to level 99 with a least one master job.
- Complete Rhapsodies of Vana'diel
- Iroha NPC starts quest by bringing future version of player to teach the job. Also provide help with artifact, relic, empy armor creation.
- artifact, relic, empy armor requires items from all craft at expert level.
- Mimic will become it's support job, example: Mim/Pld will be able to equip any weapon/armor a pld can and have all abilities at appropriate level.
- Mimic cannot be set as support job.
- Abilities and spells:
- Reflect: Return 3% of magical dmg back to the caster. Level 5
- Reflect II: Return 7% of magical dmg back to the caster.
Level 20
- Reflect III: Return 10% of magical dmg back to the caster.
Level 50.
- Reflect IV: Return 15% of magical dmg back to the caster.
Level 85
- Reflectga: Return 7% of magical dmg back to caster. Level 99
-- Overwritten by Absorb-magic, Absorb-Physical.
-- Reflect self-target only.
- Absorb-Magic: Absorb 3% of Magical dmg. Level 10
- Absorb-Physical: Absorb 3% of Physical dmg. Level 15
- Absorb-Magic II: Absorb 7% of Magical dmg. Level 40
- Absorb-Physical II: absorb 7% of physical dmg. Level 45
- Absorb-magic III: Absorb 10% of Magical dmg. Level 70
- Absorb-Physical III: Absorb 10 physical dmg. Level 80
- Absorb-magic IV: Absorb 15% magical dmg. Level 95
- Absorb-Physical IV: Absorb 15% physical dmg. Level 99
-- Overwritten by Reflect
-- Affects party members close to the mimic
- Mimic-Magic: Select target and copy spells it cast as long as
user has MP for the cast, mimics select target before casting
can target Monsters and party members.
- Mimic-Physical: Select target and copy tp moves as long as user has tp, Mimics select target before attacking. Copies ws regardless of weapon equip.
can only target party members.
- Morphing: ability to copy other party member characters completely for 10 mins recast 5mins. Becomes a copy of party member including equipment and stats. Good for a pld is about to die, whm is down, or need more DD, support to end a fight. Artifact, relic and empy armor can be use as way to avoid negative stats or even KO,mp,hp state of the party member.
- One Hrs abilities:
Mimic Berserk trance: Morph into a target monster, includes NMs for 30sec, player will not be able to control its character while on effect.
Mimic Instinct: Will copy all magics and tps moves from all party members one at the time without consuming mp or tp for 2mins. cannot do both a the same time. Target same as caster.
If you need help with armor design and more details about the job send me an email.