Let's Talk Fishing!

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Let's Talk Fishing!
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Serveur: Asura
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By Asura.Bluespoons 2011-10-04 11:27:06
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0/437 gugs now... I really need to stop spending so much money on those lol
Serveur: Siren
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user: Kalila
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By Siren.Kalilla 2011-10-04 11:28:35
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Asura.Bluespoons said: »
0/437 gugs now... I really need to stop spending so much money on those lol
; ;...

Yea don't spend money on it :( Fish them up yourself it's not THAT bad
Serveur: Asura
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Posts: 5,712
By Asura.Bluespoons 2011-10-04 11:34:26
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Siren.Kalilla said: »
Asura.Bluespoons said: »
0/437 gugs now... I really need to stop spending so much money on those lol
; ;...

Yea don't spend money on it :( Fish them up yourself it's not THAT bad

Any time I happen to be in or near Selbina, I run to the shop like a jackass. Hopefully I can catch one of the bazaar folks not afk one day and can make a deal with them. I get excited about the maybe getting the item and forget I am spending way too much lol
Serveur: Fairy
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By Fairy.Spence 2011-10-04 11:38:05
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I'd say it's quicker to earn gil some other way and buy the Gugru/Lik. Fishing them with a Lu Shang's suuuuuuuuuuuuucks.
Serveur: Asura
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By Asura.Bluespoons 2011-10-04 11:48:41
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I'm not cool enough to know an ebisu fisher :\

Just gonna try my luck at getting someone to sell them to me a bit cheaper in bulk. If I can't, then I will either level ww or keep buying them at stupid prices like a fool.
Serveur: Siren
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user: Kalila
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By Siren.Kalilla 2011-10-04 11:54:48
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Shiva.Revanzfett said: »
I thought there was a quest in rabao to fix it? <.< although that means going there everytime
That's what I did everytime my lu broke. If my WW friend wasn't on to fix it I went up there A LOT...

go fishing, catch 2, break, leave, fix, go fishing, cast line, break agian, omfg rage!
Serveur: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Kalila
Posts: 14,552
By Siren.Kalilla 2011-10-04 11:58:02
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I'm doing the whole ebisu quest over again now though fishing them up for dameion while he levels his fishing up (he's at 81 or something now). I bought a few back when i was doing it with lu just because of the hassle of breaking my rod. I have to say now tho with ebisu I don't even consider buying even 1 fish. That is a huge difference lol.

He is currently 0/184 on opal silk/lik and I have 48 more lik on me to cut open.
Serveur: Bismarck
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By Bismarck.Dreadnot 2011-10-04 11:58:40
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Siren.Kalilla said: »
Shiva.Revanzfett said: »
I thought there was a quest in rabao to fix it? <.< although that means going there everytime
That's what I did everytime my lu broke. If my WW friend wasn't on to fix it I went up there A LOT...

go fishing, catch 2, break, leave, fix, go fishing, cast line, break agian, omfg rage!

This.. so very much this. For me however it's actually 'Rodbreak x4 - Lik x1 - Rodbreak x2 - Lik x3 - Rodbreak x 3 /rages and buys all he can find'
Posts: 232
By Greever 2011-10-04 12:02:03
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im lucky i suppose, since my woodworking is 100+everything lol. but i have bought fish since im only at 52k guild points D:

think im like 50/50 on bought liks and gug's and no item for me. but i have the ffxi luck....ill probably go 1/1k on each fish before i get my items
Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Ganukay
Posts: 29
By Ragnarok.Ganukay 2011-10-04 12:14:10
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i didn't want to deal with all of that, just bought all of my lik and gug. was expensive, but worth it. and i made a lot of the gil back selling lu shangs. I did have some great luck though (1/4 saber shoot, 1/194 opal silk)
Serveur: Cerberus
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Posts: 83
By Cerberus.Elgato 2011-10-04 12:32:33
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After the bait stacking update I was doing gugs for a bit. What I found is that I catch fewer gugs than haks and with the bazaar time it works out to be only about 15-20% more profitable to fish gugs. If they don't sell overnight or I make a deal to sell at less than the 30k they're going for on my server, I'd make more just npc'ing haks.

I've since stopped fishing gugs because it took me 4 days to unload 1.5 days worth of fishing - during that time I must have gotten 15 tells from people saying they'd buy all of them if I'd just sell them for 20k or even 25k. Just saying you might want to be cautious about trying to wheel and deal a better deal. I was the only person regularly bazaaring gugs on my server, and now I'm getting tells from people asking when I'll have some up again. For better or worse, haks changed the gug market. So if you're buying your gugs, just pay the asking price and be thankful that somebody is even selling em.
Posts: 232
By Greever 2011-10-04 12:37:18
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ive noticed on my server that even though lik's are cheaper not many ppl are selling them like that. ive found it easier to buy gug's. but i guess its like crafting in that aspect, everything will be diffrent for everybody across servers.


ack nvm, i just checked ffxiah for lik's on my server and saw the price of lik's tanked...can u guess what im going to do when the server comes back up lol
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Mofongo
Posts: 23
By Cerberus.Chinita 2011-10-04 12:51:53
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Siren.Kalilla said: »
Cerberus.Chinita said: »
as of right now got my saber shoot! finally :P
Grats!!!! Still need shoot?

Went 1/73 on Gugrus and 1/178 :P now missing 1 more level of fishing and a few GP, hope i can get it by next sunday the 95K!
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Mofongo
Posts: 23
By Cerberus.Chinita 2011-10-04 12:55:20
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Ragnarok.Ganukay said: »
i didn't want to deal with all of that, just bought all of my lik and gug. was expensive, but worth it. and i made a lot of the gil back selling lu shangs. I did have some great luck though (1/4 saber shoot, 1/194 opal silk)

:S i spend 4mil on fish to both of them! lucky u going 1/4.. went 1/73
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 83
By Cerberus.Elgato 2011-10-04 13:08:43
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Mine and my wife's ebisu both went 2/363 exactly. Cept she needed 287 Gugs where I only needed 18.
Posts: 58
By MissSteph 2011-10-04 13:11:02
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Some people say not to wear crafting aprons while crafting for skills. Do ya'all think this applies with fishing gear and fishing for skill ups?
Serveur: Fenrir
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user: Arriole
Posts: 304
By Fenrir.Savoree 2011-10-04 13:16:37
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How does everybody know how many fish they have turned into Zaldon?
I know I am 0/lostcountmonthsago on gugras
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 5,113
By Bismarck.Dreadnot 2011-10-04 13:18:39
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I update my bazaar comment every time I turn in fish. It lets me keep track and fuels my burning rage to murder Zaldon.
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Avebian
Posts: 31
By Sylph.Avekage 2011-10-04 13:23:25
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Anyone else feel that buying all your Ebisu Rod fish is ruining the fun?

Ebisu is the ultimate goal of fishing, and if you just buy your way to it, what's left to do? Your sacrificing any sense of accomplishment for what? Fishing for gil? Trust me that will get old fast and you'll end up just like all the other ebisu "Buyers"...with it sitting in storage while you find something else to do.

Do yourself a favor and take your time getting the rod, feel the heartache with every fish Zaldon turns down, and the jubilation with each item you receive knowing that, "YOU did that", and finally how wonderful it feels to know that you've truly accomplished something that few other people have.

Not looking down on anyone who chooses to buy the fish, just offering my opinion on why you shouldn't.
Posts: 31
By Skylark1 2011-10-04 13:26:51
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Sylph.Avekage said: »
Anyone else feel that buying all your Ebisu Rod fish is ruining the fun?

Ebisu is the ultimate goal of fishing, and if you just buy your way to it, what's left to do? Your sacrificing any sense of accomplishment for what? Fishing for gil? Trust me that will get old fast and you'll end up just like all the other ebisu "Buyers"...with it sitting in storage while you find something else to do.

Do yourself a favor and take your time getting the rod, feel the heartache with every fish Zaldon turns down, and the jubilation with each item you receive knowing that, "YOU did that", and finally how wonderful it feels to know that you've truly accomplished something that few other people have.

Not looking down on anyone who chooses to buy the fish, just offering my opinion on why you shouldn't.

I'd say this too if I was poor.
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 5,113
By Bismarck.Dreadnot 2011-10-04 13:27:15
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When I first got my serpent rumors I was all gun-ho about fishing up all my fish and doing ebisu 100% fishing. Then I had 8 lu' breaks in a row, having to go to rabao each time, and I had 0 fish to show for it. That broke my fishing spirit for ebisu. Now it's just another rod. I fished all my moat carps (With the help of 2 friends.) That was my rod accomplishment.

Liks and Gugs snapping my rod multiple times in a row is just down right infuriating.
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 123
By Quetzalcoatl.Vintaru 2011-10-04 13:27:38
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Sylph.Avekage said: »
Anyone else feel that buying all your Ebisu Rod fish is ruining the fun?

Ebisu is the ultimate goal of fishing, and if you just buy your way to it, what's left to do? Your sacrificing any sense of accomplishment for what? Fishing for gil? Trust me that will get old fast and you'll end up just like all the other ebisu "Buyers"...with it sitting in storage while you find something else to do.

Do yourself a favor and take your time getting the rod, feel the heartache with every fish Zaldon turns down, and the jubilation with each item you receive knowing that, "YOU did that", and finally how wonderful it feels to know that you've truly accomplished something that few other people have.

Not looking down on anyone who chooses to buy the fish, just offering my opinion on why you shouldn't.
I have to agree. Although, questing for Ebisu is nothing like it used to be. It's so much easier now and almost incomparable to the difficulty of the past.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 5,712
By Asura.Bluespoons 2011-10-04 13:27:54
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I'm not sacrificing a sense of accomplishment for myself. I still made all the money to buy the fish by putting in work. Yeah, I'm gonna fish for gil... hell yes I will, but I'll still be fishing for fun too.

Even buying all the fish, it still sucks *** to see him be like LOLNO every time I trade him, and I'm sure it will still be pretty effing awesome for me to actually get an item from him since I'm already over 400 on gugs.
Posts: 991
By Drjones 2011-10-04 13:30:28
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Sylph.Avekage said: »
Anyone else feel that buying all your Ebisu Rod fish is ruining the fun?

Ebisu is the ultimate goal of fishing, and if you just buy your way to it, what's left to do? Your sacrificing any sense of accomplishment for what? Fishing for gil? Trust me that will get old fast and you'll end up just like all the other ebisu "Buyers"...with it sitting in storage while you find something else to do.

Do yourself a favor and take your time getting the rod, feel the heartache with every fish Zaldon turns down, and the jubilation with each item you receive knowing that, "YOU did that", and finally how wonderful it feels to know that you've truly accomplished something that few other people have.

Not looking down on anyone who chooses to buy the fish, just offering my opinion on why you shouldn't.
I got over that rubbish when I finally finished the quest for Lu Shang's. Being at the mercy of the random number generator rather than slow and steady progress toward a definite end point kind of undermines that whole sense of accomplishment and it quickly turns to rage. I'm not even working on an Ebisu and that's plain for me to see.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 253
By Bahamut.Colonelace 2011-10-04 13:34:29
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I got my key item on friday morning and started fishing for my ebisu. I had the one lu's my friend lent me and then 2 more that were also lent to me. First day i didnt hustle much but i was 0/23 on opal silk and then 0/17 on saber shoot. The next day i started on Lik's again and caught 9 before the 3 rods broke so i decided to trade them in and the 4th one had Silk! So 1/27 opal silk and then i started working on saber Shoot, fished up 41 more gugrus and turned them in went 1/59 on it gave the remainders to friend who lent me lu's since ive been using it to lvl from 45-98 with it. So yea i got lucky got both on 1 day and got my ebisu sunday.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 5,712
By Asura.Bluespoons 2011-10-04 13:36:25
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Bahamut.Colonelace said: »
I got my key item on friday morning and started fishing for my ebisu. I had the one lu's my friend lent me and then 2 more that were also lent to me. First day i didnt hustle much but i was 0/23 on opal silk and then 0/17 on saber shoot. The next day i started on Lik's again and caught 9 before the 3 rods broke so i decided to trade them in and the 4th one had Silk! So 1/27 opal silk and then i started working on saber Shoot, fished up 41 more gugrus and turned them in went 1/59 on it gave the remainders to friend who lent me lu's since ive been using it to lvl from 45-98 with it. So yea i got lucky got both on 1 day and got my ebisu sunday.

I want to say something really mean... but I won't lol grats!
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