By Zaros 2011-03-13 22:04:46
ya, the reactor itself is inside of a steel shell, wich is housed inside of the concrete dome, or box in this case. what i was meaning by blowing its top was the gass's exploded inside of the concrete dome and blew off its top (same with reactor #1)
now if in the event a full meltdown goes off then things will be really bad, in the case of #3 if the box is still intact the core would melt thru and just polp onto the floor of the containment building and if very lucky, sit there. if not it can burn thru the floor and thru the gorund till it hits the water table.
once it were to hit that all hell would brake lose. it would prob do the same thing it would have done at 3mile island and crack the ground all around for about half a mile and send super heated radioactive stream gysers in all directions.
for #1, since its roof is missing already, they would be screwd from the get go