I'm having bratwurst for dinner. Deer Chili does sound good. With a baked potato and corn bread.
Between this and the food discussion about greens over yonder, I have to ask.
Where do you live, and exactly how deep in the rural south is it?
TN but my paw and maw are from all over. You city folk sure do have some weird contraptions. all those moving metal things and them picture boxes
One day, I was at K-Mart, looking for a K-kick *** deal on vidya gaems and on the next aisle over, I hear an old man who has apparently been living in the woods since the fourties.
"GAW-LEE, MARTHA! Lookit this clock, it's got all these lighty numbers! It lights up! *touches button and radio comes on* I'LL BE GOD DAMNED, IT HAS A RADIO IN IT! Martha, you see this? Gaw-lee,
we need one'a these!" I look over at the three other dude in the vidya aisle, all are laughing. One is biting his finger trying not to laugh, it looks like he could cry.
...then Martha spoke. What she said was unintelligible because she had a speech impediment and no teeth.
Was funny as ***.