Does Anyone Want Sky, Or Sea Gear? Maybe HNM Gear?

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Does anyone want Sky, or Sea gear? maybe HNM gear?
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Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Suotuo
Posts: 32
By Odin.Suotuo 2009-03-09 06:48:52
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wow i loved reading all this kinda made me wanna go to baha just to hear the shout wars
Serveur: Bahamut
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user: nats4life
Posts: 16
By Bahamut.Maven 2009-03-09 09:18:12
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Endrium said:

Quality not quantity!

Something I will take from my day's in Wish. It was borderline scary how much we got done in sea/dyna with sometimes less then 15 people. God forbid 30 people were ever on. Probably would have done 2 dyna zones and 3 limbus areas lol.
Serveur: Odin
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user: Blazza
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By Odin.Blazza 2009-03-09 09:39:44
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***, 30 for people for limbus we'd be doing Omega 3 times in two weeks. Keep that up for a few months and then do Ultima once every 3 runs. It amused me the other day when we did the temenos run with the dragon and the ahriman with 6 people, considering my first Limbus LS wiped with nearly a whole alliance.
Serveur: Odin
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user: Darkmoose
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By Odin.Aramina 2009-03-09 10:05:54
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Sometimes less people is more, but that depends a lot on how many leaders are present. I know in Sky, sometimes you can get more done with 15 people than you can with 22 because it's easier for command and control purposes.

As far as success and efficiency in sea/sky/etc., a lot of that ties into your working relationships with other shells. I absolutely can't stress that enough. If other shells get to know and respect you and the way you operate, you get room when you need it (i.e. not blocking kite paths), sometimes unasked for outside help, and also information.

#2 is right on about managing things. Too many times what happens is:

Mistake happens.
People point out mistake.
People lose focus on the TASK AT HAND.

Mistakes will always happen.

Some are minor and some are major, but at the end of the day, it's all just pixels.

Good leaders will do what it takes to get the focus back where it needs to be and get the mission done. If they have to do a little ego-smoothing and temper calming in the back channels, that's just part of being a leader in an EGLS.
By 2009-03-09 14:42:02
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Maven said:
Endrium said:

Quality not quantity!

Something I will take from my day's in Wish. It was borderline scary how much we got done in sea/dyna with sometimes less then 15 people. God forbid 30 people were ever on. Probably would have done 2 dyna zones and 3 limbus areas lol.

Exactly. I run a tight ship with my ls, alot of people talk alot of crap but we don't care. We play the game and do our best. I don't tolerate deadbeats or cry babies, we kick them and move on. We do more with 16-18 people than most ls do with 30+. Our last Dynamis-Beaucedine, we came out with 432-currency, 13-Af2, 2 Wootz and a clear with 16 people. Anytime anyone in my ls wants to know something (ls fund status) I tell them, they know exactly how much we spend and how much comes in. They know were building a relic and they know exactly where we are with it. If your going to lead, you need to lead. Don't ignore people and expect it to go away. Hell I give them an answer even if its something that is going to upset them, but you know what they get over it.

My best suggestion with Icono is exactly what others said, kick him. If he can't lead his ls why stay? If your that frustrated with him and things not bein fair, move on. Seriously, let him keep shouting for hours picking up deadbeats and ls hoppers and go no where.
Serveur: Bahamut
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user: Cyr
Posts: 148
By Bahamut.Cyr 2009-03-09 14:46:58
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3 simultaneous Omegas would be more accurate, Maven, lol. We usually do quadruple Apollyon clear with 15 in one day xD

In other news:

Kelia said:
this is entertaining, dont stop now

***, Kelia. Show us your *** ;x
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Stoketta
Posts: 10
By Bahamut.Stoketta 2009-03-09 15:19:49
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Wow, after reading this post, I felt the need to also comment.

I am new to Bahamut, started in January and was in Whitegate to hear the /shout for Icon's new linkshell. The previous endgame LS I was in would NEVER shout for members and this scared me. I had no LS and felt bored so I decided to join anyway and now I am very glad I did.

Some people have really been doging Icon on this thread but I tell you, I have done more with his new LS in 3 months than I did with my previous shell on Bismark in 2 years. I think that people do make mistakes and must learn from them, and I believe he is doing that. Can we forgive past and move forward? Yes, he does still mess up (as we all do) but I honestly believe he is a good person and a good player and is just misunderstood at times.

I had a discussion with Icon about fairness and will stick with him as long as everyone is treated fairly and that is what I have seen so far. I have seen his LS members get 3 osodes, 2 vermy's, multiple haidates, plenty of AF, etc. If it were all about him getting his ***, he would sell the osode's as many other LS' do.

I say fk the drama, no more emote posts and lets have some fun! If you post again like this Icon we gonna change your name to EMOTOCON! Drama, no thanks! See you in the game.

~ Etta
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Valetorr
Posts: 10
By Bahamut.Valetorr 2009-03-09 18:07:16
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Valetorr said:
When in a single month… you go 0/4 on ksnm99 runs using other members seals, you go to 3-4 sky events that turn into sky farming events because you left the pop items with holders who are logged out, you no-show for two ksnm99 events you scheduled, you go on ffxiah and make an *** of yourself while alienating most of your shell, you can’t run a dynamis without the help of mocheese, you lot all the money/upgrade drops from every single kill/run and offer little or no information about the status of ls funds or how they are being used, your ls points aren’t updated because a lolsack holder didn’t even record that the event occurred, you leave during events to attend the salvage events of another ls, you let ls members who have only been in the ls for a week openly trash talk sack holders in ls chat, you give a member of less than one week permission to use the ls to farm his kitty pants and then deny the older members the same luxury when they spend hours and hours farming pop items, your real life relative in the ls is nicknamed AFKline because he is so off-axis in the head and chronically afk, you repeatedly screw other linkshells out of there scheduled dynamis events and your response to their justified anger is “/ls F*CK ‘EM” you privately circumvent the ls policy of allowing your members to lot on all drops that they have jobs for, you FAIL at leadership and blame your members for your failure…….You sir are a world class n00bfailleader end of story.

Nice try Stoketta. I love the fact that you are a peace maker and for that you are respected. But could you, as a sackholder, not side step these issues and dismiss shady behavior as "Drama." You are doing as Icon has in the past, instead of answering to the call for accountancy, your dodging it. This is about accounting for poor leadership and you have benefited, although not intentionally, from the favoritism. As to getting more done; I believe the quantity statement was clear in this, anybody can clear dynamis with near max capacity pc's in the area and anybody can take down Kirin with a full alliance + 2 standby parties. Icon is getting things done because he's throwing bodies at the challenge not because of skillful leadership. Your post does not account for the way other linkshells on this server trash me for being with absolution, your post does not account for what Icon is doing with the gil he is profiting from our activities, your post is shifty and disappointing, but par for the course in this ls.

I reject your claim that Icon is being Emo and that this amounts to drama. Everybody reading this can recognize that he is abusing his power as lead and your kind to say that he is learning from his mistakes. So when Icon plays favorites and Stoketta is one of the few who have directly benefited from this, nobody should be surprised by her fluffy response.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Stoketta
Posts: 10
By Bahamut.Stoketta 2009-03-09 22:22:05
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Thanks Valetorr for your response. I do not recognize your name. To also get respect in return, you need to identify yourself. To do other than that is to say you ph33r what others might say about you.
Those who know me know that I tell it like it is, regardless of any consequence (and I don't hide to say it). So I will say it, I have received zero favoritism or benefit from being given a sac. I never asked for one, and accepted only to help the new team. I believe it was given to me due to my knowledge in sky and experience at end game.
I have met many kewl peeps in bahamut and on this LS and will not let a few tear them down. I have no enemies and do not consider you one whoever you are. Opinions are like ***, we all have em. If you want to bash someone at least have the courage to identify yourself otherwise you can pay me 5K and I might let you kiss my opinion.
Haha I will say no more, it ends now as I hate drama. Good luck to you and don't go on the boat to Nashmau if a bst invites you.
Serveur: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
user: alyria
Posts: 13080
By Gilgamesh.Alyria 2009-03-09 22:24:13
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Stoketta I like your avatar!!!

*cough* sorry carry on :)
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Kelia
Posts: 242
By Bahamut.Kelia 2009-03-09 22:34:33
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sorry what ls is this again? i'm confused
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Valetorr
Posts: 10
By Bahamut.Valetorr 2009-03-09 22:48:56
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Stoketta sweety, i'm not bashing you, you simply refuse to account for your leadership in the same way Icon won't. I even quoted myself to stay on topic and help you out. Take it as you will, but how long have you known Icon? Read the thread... he is a well-known abuser. You trust him I guess, but ask around honey, he hasn't earned it from anybody, especially in one month. Or maybe he has told you the answers to the questions that he won't tell his pearled members, must be nice to be on the inside i suppose.

Valetorr said:
... you privately circumvent the ls policy of allowing your members to lot on all drops that they have jobs for...

>>>>>Stoketta Hm??? You forget so soon?

As to my identity I remain anonymous for the reason that I already stated. If you had any power whatsoever, you would have offered me imunity and a listening ear with the assurance that you would take action. Since this has failed for 3 sacks before you, I know that you will not make a difference. It's cute that you think it will, however several of us have passed this way before. Some of us are simply starting to smell the smoke, the rest have vacated the building lol.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Stoketta
Posts: 10
By Bahamut.Stoketta 2009-03-09 23:32:17
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TY Alyria ^^ I like your avatar too, saw it and was LMFAO!

Valtorr, OK but it is only fair that we give people a chance before we decide for ourselves. If you are right, we will see it, and will also evacuate. Your words against someone will not change any opinions nor should mine.

I say life is short, let the guy be, and move on. If you see unfair activity, run from it or change it. I can promise you that if I see any favoritism going on(even if directed at me) I will protest and probably run away. Peeps may not understand that.... but I play for the fun. If FFXI ends tomorrow, it will not be the gear or gils that I will think of, it will be the relationships and friends I have made. It's all about having fun. Why would I shell out the $30/mo. to be angry, harbor ill feelings and fight about ***? Dude if you are unhappy you should move on if you have not already to a new LS where you can trust the leader.

Lastly as to the gils.... It costs money to host dynamis. I am not "privey" to any information on where gil goes but I am not dumb either, I know what the sky money drops sell for. We are not selling the stones or seals, only the non-equip items. Some pop items are being purchased. Cursed items are being synthed for the abjuration drops at no charge to LS members. I have seen the open LS offers and the members that do take advantage of it. Have you priced cursed items? If you want to know where gil is going specifically, ask on specifics instead of assuming.

Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Valetorr
Posts: 10
By Bahamut.Valetorr 2009-03-10 01:48:35
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Raenryong said:
Thanatos as any resident of Bahamut knows are worthless slimes who don't deserve to play. Pathetic useless botters who contaminate endgame.

Why put up with such filth? Report them. Over and over. Anything to purge endgame of their blight.


Are a start to the aery ones. Please feel free to add to the list.

Thanatos are scum. Exclude them from any activities. MPK them at will.

Lol you forgot to put Iconoclasms name on this list.

Well Stoketta I admire your buoyancy and Huggableness.

1. Like Raen, even if not an AbsolutionLS member I am making sure that as many people know to stay away so they don't have to waste their game time doing Dynamis-Beaucedine for umm... zero ls points.

2. I didn't see you protest or run when you got that relic drop ahead of two other (albeit n00b) Bards who had just as much right to it as yourself. But I guess I had to say it while you play ignorant and innocent.

Stoketta you are a great player I meant no disrespect -- being naive is not a sin. This thread has gotten 1000 some odd hits since my first post and that translates to keeping Icon and his behavior under the microscope.

valetorr signing off.
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 870
By Bismarck.Kiddosyzed 2009-03-10 03:26:50
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Stoketta said:
Wow, after reading this post, I felt the need to also comment.

I am new to Bahamut, started in January and was in Whitegate to hear the /shout for Icon's new linkshell. The previous endgame LS I was in would NEVER shout for members and this scared me. I had no LS and felt bored so I decided to join anyway and now I am very glad I did.

Some people have really been doging Icon on this thread but I tell you, I have done more with his new LS in 3 months than I did with my previous shell on Bismark in 2 years. I think that people do make mistakes and must learn from them, and I believe he is doing that. Can we forgive past and move forward? Yes, he does still mess up (as we all do) but I honestly believe he is a good person and a good player and is just misunderstood at times.

I had a discussion with Icon about fairness and will stick with him as long as everyone is treated fairly and that is what I have seen so far. I have seen his LS members get 3 osodes, 2 vermy's, multiple haidates, plenty of AF, etc. If it were all about him getting his ***, he would sell the osode's as many other LS' do.

I say fk the drama, no more emote posts and lets have some fun! If you post again like this Icon we gonna change your name to EMOTOCON! Drama, no thanks! See you in the game.

~ Etta

/wave taru
Serveur: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
user: kynadre
Posts: 24
By Gilgamesh.Kynadre 2009-03-10 10:25:05
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Wow this thread has gotten crazy, but man... if there's one thing the rest of us can take away from digging through it, it's that anything you do to further yourself at the expense of others will come back to haunt you.

There's so many times I've seen people screw others over on my server, and then wonder why suddenly they can't get any endgame LS's, and why they're on everyone's blacklist. I won't name names of course, since everyone already knows who they are :p What is it about some people and online games, where they think they can get away with being rude to their fellow player and expect the person to go /cry in a corner and forget about it the next day? I mean my god, we're all human beings here, not lines of code...

The new warrior you get in your LS who seems to be asking a lot of questions, what if he's a business leader IRL who would have a lot of sage leadership advice you can tap into? It disgusts me when I am in a setting like a party and I make a suggestion to optimize our efficiency, and the party leader pretty much says, "I invited you guys here so that makes me God, what I say is the best and none of you have a clue how to play effectively". I leave very shortly after those sorts of things...

... maybe that's a clue to what the so-called "JP button" is? Working as a team to better ourselves and always be improving, rather than trying to make ourselves out as gods who know everything already and have to prove it at every opportunity, and only looking out for ourselves at the expense of the team? Just speculation, of course.

As a leader, You gotta know your people and know what they can do, and you gotta treat them with respect. If they point out something you do wrong, fighting back with bitter words just makes you look worse; fess up and humble yourself and prevent it from happening again. If they have an idea that's worth trying, go for it! Encourage thought and creativity. You never know what might happen. Always work for inclusiveness even with the new people because you never know where they've been before they joined your shell in FFXI. They could be a lot smarter than you would initially label a "new person" as!

~End Ramble
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Stoketta
Posts: 10
By Bahamut.Stoketta 2009-03-10 13:45:52
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End Ramble says it well, enuf said.

and I wish I could contact you valetorr ; ; we need to talk about what you list as #2... the relic horn.... I told LS mates that I wanted it and would spend my points on it. I was willing to lot it out for points..... and I had alot cause I rarely need the drops and go to every event if I am on. If you recall I did bid 5 points for it in the LS chat when it dropped..... I would NEVER take someone's item, I don't roll that way. If I had known the other bards wanted, would gladly spend points for it, wtf else am I gonna use points on LOL

Take care and thanks for the info.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Stoketta
Posts: 10
By Bahamut.Stoketta 2009-03-10 14:06:58
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<3 Kiddo!
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4
By Bahamut.Cloude 2009-03-10 14:12:12
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wtf is this ***lol icono what have you done lol
Serveur: Midgardsormr
Game: FFXI
user: frobeus
Posts: 1498
By Midgardsormr.Frobeus 2009-03-10 14:18:55
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QQ about relic weapon in dynamis is pretty freaking funny.
By 2009-03-10 14:34:32
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Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Stoketta
Posts: 10
By Bahamut.Stoketta 2009-03-10 14:56:40
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Frobeus said:
QQ about relic weapon in dynamis is pretty freaking funny.

Yea like WTF, I was LMFAO! the relic weapon will give me storage-1 for a long *** time. If I ever upgrade it, will take years.... sorry a better example of my greediness could not be found, I usually help more than I receive :)
Serveur: Midgardsormr
Game: FFXI
user: frobeus
Posts: 1498
By Midgardsormr.Frobeus 2009-03-10 15:04:16
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I didn't think anyone was inferring that you were greedy or anything of that nature. I know you wanna stick up for your shell and whatnot, but that icon guy really does seem like a jackass.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Serj
Posts: 6179
By Bahamut.Serj 2009-03-10 19:45:02
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I think it stands rational to call out Kade, Avenged, and Vale. As this being my first EG ls, everything seems almost as rational as it can be. People who work hard get what they want if its a harder to obtain item. You three in particular seem to have person vendettas you are taking out on icon and bashing the entire linkshell for, which is inexcusable. Icon just gets pissed off at morons like you, which is entirely understandable. I'm not entirely condoning his behavior on these forums, but I understand where he is coming from, esp with *** like you running around. False and biast unfounded rumors shouldn't be standing and I for one have no idea why they are. Can someone throw me a bone to why jackass trolls are free to harass here? Oh, i know, our entire shell is too busy helping each other out to check and read this nonsense. Seriously, today we spend hours helping people with no reward on WSNMs with everyone in the shell who wasn't busy at the time. People like etta help run this if it says more about our character.
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Blazza
Posts: 6473
By Odin.Blazza 2009-03-10 23:16:55
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Serj, people are free to harass people like Iconoclasm here because he started a thread ranting and raving at... I dunno, at someone. And lo and behold, people saw his post and said, hey, that's a little hypocritical isn't it? And proceeded to bag Iconoclasm for such and such reasons.

I really couldn't give a crap who stole what in whatever limbus/dynamis run or whatever, and I'm sure most people here, and even most people on Bahamut probably don't either.

The point of the matter is that Iconoclasm started this thread with a very bad attitude, people have sledged him, and people have stood up for him. To the people around him, regardless of who on this forum they believe, now probably see him and his LS as somewhat dodgy. Iconoclasm has caused himself irreparable harm by first, screwing people over (according to people on this forum) and secondly (and more importantly) by starting a recruitment thread with a bad attitude.
Serveur: Seraph
Game: FFXI
user: Kyaaadaa
Posts: 429
By Seraph.Kyaaadaa 2009-03-10 23:54:02
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Love the avatar Serj
Serveur: Seraph
Game: FFXI
user: Kyaaadaa
Posts: 429
By Seraph.Kyaaadaa 2009-03-10 23:54:04
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Love the avatar Serj
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Serj
Posts: 6179
By Bahamut.Serj 2009-03-11 16:45:46
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I said i didnt condone him didnt I blazza? I could quote it if you have trouble reading. I'm just here to provide another side to the argument seeing how people are trying to give us a horrific name, let them defend themselves if they have the spine for it. Attacking the ls in turn attacks everyone in it, and i refuse to put up with someone who doesn't know me bashing me.

And ty kyaa ^.^ Im very fond of it lol
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: bigboss
Posts: 2
By Bahamut.Moj 2009-03-11 16:47:44
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Serj said:
I said i didnt condone him didnt I blazza? I could quote it if you have trouble reading. I'm just here to provide another side to the argument seeing how people are trying to give us a horrific name, let them defend themselves if they have the spine for it. Attacking the ls in turn attacks everyone in it, and i refuse to put up with someone who doesn't know me bashing me.

And ty kyaa ^.^ Im very fond of it lol

what he said ^^
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Carbon4
Posts: 246
By Bahamut.Revision 2009-03-11 16:57:45
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Omnico said:
Blazza said:
Probably has something to do with your attitude, from that post I'd want nothing to do with your shell. Also, how can you be complaining about getting 30-35 people attending everything? What CAN'T you do with 30 people?

i agree

Please Omnico. You left one of the best up and coming EG LS after 2 weeks because people didn't help you. Anyone who has flamed the original poster for his attitude is naive to leading a LS. It can be overwhelming and seem like babysitting much of the time.
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