Does Anyone Want Sky, Or Sea Gear? Maybe HNM Gear?

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Does anyone want Sky, or Sea gear? maybe HNM gear?
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Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6
By Bahamut.Iconoclasm 2009-02-25 00:59:29
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After 5 years of playing this game, I continue to be baffled by the lack of fuggin intelligence by some players on this server, they apply to my shell they get caught with a second EGls and then its "oh I didn't know I couldn't be in two different EGls!!" or how about this one "Oh I am sorry! nah... I'm not gonna attend Kirin...cuz I want to level" its amazing to me that my shell is actually doing so well with all the dead weight were carrying, I must applaud everyone in my shell who are actually going to events and who are continuing thier way to Sea and who dedicate thier time to helping with the shell in anyway, but in the end I still wonder where are all those players that are serious about getting a Kirin Osode, or Byakko Hiadate or who want Homam or whatever the *** it is they need, becouse over here we got the same 30 maybe 35 peeps going to events and everyone else is either linkshell hopping or biding thier time till they can lot ***without doing a *** thing. Meh I just wanted to vent some ^^ and also invite anyone who is serious about doing Kirins, Dynamis, Apollyon, Sea jailors, Einharjar, to go to our site and check it out, were in serious need of WHM's RDM's BLM's BRD's and maybe a couple of DRK's. Thnx for your taking your time to read this.


P.S. While I am at it I also wanted to know another thing about people in this server:

If you have Linkshell A and the leader is near 10x 75....has nearly all the gear he'll ever need and his sacks are pretty good people, decently equiped, mostly helpful and knowledgeable.

And then you have Linkshell B and the leader is a *** idiot and who else would follow a *** idiot besides some other *** idiots and they dont gear you, help you, or give a *** about you.

what shell would you pick?

most peeps are picking B on Bahamut...amazing....ain't it?
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Blazza
Posts: 6473
By Odin.Blazza 2009-02-25 01:09:16
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Probably has something to do with your attitude, from that post I'd want nothing to do with your shell. Also, how can you be complaining about getting 30-35 people attending everything? What CAN'T you do with 30 people?
Serveur: Titan
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user: azarashi
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By Titan.Azarasi 2009-02-25 01:27:55
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If someone doesn't want to go to an event then so what. I am in a dynamis shell cause I want my AF2 but but I am also going to college and also there is some nights/days that I just don't feel like sitting on the game for 3 hours and in the end getting nothing out of it besides dieing 5 times and the 10% of getting a drop and winning the lot.

and 30 people? You can do a lot with that.

My shell never complains when I said last week I will go then next week I dont end up going without warning, life > game is how the leaders of the shell work. If not enough people show up for an event, they go ok lets do something else and move on.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: omnico
Posts: 4
By Bahamut.Omnico 2009-02-25 02:09:43
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Blazza said:
Probably has something to do with your attitude, from that post I'd want nothing to do with your shell. Also, how can you be complaining about getting 30-35 people attending everything? What CAN'T you do with 30 people?

i agree
Serveur: Shiva
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By Shiva.Artemicion 2009-02-25 02:27:20
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Blazza said:
Probably has something to do with your attitude, from that post I'd want nothing to do with your shell. Also, how can you be complaining about getting 30-35 people attending everything? What CAN'T you do with 30 people?

Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Riee
Posts: 136
By Bahamut.Rienea 2009-02-25 02:36:20
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^ Pretty much that.

I don't know either of the LS's you're talking about though. Oh well.
Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 568
By Leviathan.Celestinia 2009-02-25 02:47:57
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Azarasi said:
I am in a dynamis shell cause I want my AF2 but but I am also going to college and also there is some nights/days that I just don't feel like sitting on the game for 3 hours and in the end getting nothing out of it besides dieing 5 times and the 10% of getting a drop and winning the lot.

Haha this is how I feel at times, I still have yet to even get a single dyna relic drop but I still keep attending (mostly because I enjoy the event and like the shell i'm in recently) but there are nights when I have to say to myself "I got RL stuff to do, face it as far as game progress goes you'll get nothing tonight, go do that damn essay".

Besides, these days you can win most stuff with just 20-25 people, especially if a number of them are decently geared and are very good at thier jobs.

The best way to keep people in your EGls is to make it enjoyable for them while they are there, make sure they have a "high" chance of walking away with at least something for all the hours they put in and start on-time/don't be under manned.

If you are having trouble holding onto people, the problem might not always be with the people leaving. I don't know why people would want to have 2 EGls's though unless they had friends in another one they wanted to hang with in events =/
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Blazza
Posts: 6473
By Odin.Blazza 2009-02-25 03:08:44
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For the record, a few of us Aussies got sick of not having any LS's do stuff in our time-zone, so we made our own. We've never been able to get much more than an alliance for anything, yet we can still kill everything we've set out to kill. Kirin with 15 people is actually pretty fun.

We've worked our way through sea, developing our own strats for all the gods as we go. Failed our first JoL (I was at work ; ;) but got it to 10% on a second try before time ran out, so we know we'll get that too next time.

The only real issue we have with members at the moment is that we can't always do Ultima when we want to due to lack of members (just means we have to wait a week or so). The annoying part though, is that we have Aussies from other servers who are willing to server hop, but Odin is full :/

All in all, I'm pretty damn proud of my LS and the members in it. I'm still surprised sometimes when I look at what we've accomplished, especially considering most of our members also can't do dynamis/einherjar/HNM because of time-zone issues and don't have all the "uber gear".

It'd be great if we had say, 5 more members that attend all our main events, but at the same time, we understand if people can't make events.

Teach your members how to do their jobs and you shouldn't have an issue with getting "only" 30 members to an event. In sky we often split our LS up into smaller groups to farm different things at once. When we have a lot of semi-new people, we prefer to send a group of people off to farm something without any of the leaders to hold their hand. You'd be surprised how fast people improve at events if they have more to do than just stand around and kill the mobs that are shoved in front of them.

I forgot what my point was a long time ago I think, but what annoys me about my shell, is not that people can't attend anything really, it's that if Odin wasn't full we'd have people from other servers transfer to join us, which would put us at just the right amount of members :/
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Saiya
Posts: 372
By Cerberus.Saiya 2009-02-25 03:45:47
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A well rounded and thought out points sytem = the key to a happy linkshell. That way even after going to events, people have actually earned something tangible even if they didnt get to lot anything that time round.

If it's done properly, I know it works, because my Linkshell is a working example. With regard to drops, 'minimum' of drama, if any at all. Because people know what they want and what they have to do to earn it, we're never short on members for events.

Incentive is the best motivational tool ^_^b. And the people who contribute less will be able to use less points to bid for items, which is only fair. Sure RL > FFXI, but people who dedicate more time should get more reward. Not saying thy're worse/better than each other, but fair's fair.

Sorry if I missed the point a bit. ^^;
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6
By Bahamut.Iconoclasm 2009-02-25 09:06:02
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I want to thank everyone for thier replys, my post did seriously come off as being a person with an attitude but I know I don't have one, I am helpful and I do believe that RL > FFxi, but I do seem to notice alot of posters missing the point and the point is:

Why join an end-game linkshell if you don't want to raid? (or whatever you want to call it) And when I say 30-35 of course I don't mean all at once, I meant in total 30 to 35 people are attending if they are logged on, but of course school and family comes first, so in reality its about 22 to 25 average which is in my mind not completely horrid but not the greatest either.

Why don't we just face the fact that everyone wants something for nothing?, the very first thing I strived to do as LS leader was to implement a point system (Done), and secondly is to reward dedicated members with cursed armors for thier abjurations or vermys or whatever they need.

The only drama I seem to have these days is when members get caught in another shell that does exactly the same events and then they transform into a two year old when you say something to them about it, and you get "Why?" and "But why?" "Why not?" during the whole convo, and lets not forget the infamous! "but no other shell seems to mind?!" LoL
Serveur: Midgardsormr
Game: FFXI
user: frobeus
Posts: 1498
By Midgardsormr.Frobeus 2009-02-25 09:15:45
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Man, my shell would kill to have even 20-25 on at a time. If you have that many active members then just breakpearl the people that are trying to leech. We do everying sans dynamis and ein with 12-15 people, which is plenty. But yeah, if you have more than an ally on at any given time, just get rid of the weight.
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Blazza
Posts: 6473
By Odin.Blazza 2009-02-25 09:26:07
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I guess if you want a lot of sky gear, or just any two kirin drops (let's call haidate a kirin drop) then having to sky shells ain't such a bad idea... It let's you point hoard in both shells, as only being in one doesn't give you the opportunity to save up points fast enough. Of course, you're doing twice the work to get it too.

On one hand, you have someone who's going to be getting gear from another shell, which means less they want from you and more for your other members. But on the other hand, and more importantly, this sort of person is either going to burn themselves out and stop coming, or get what they want and stop coming. I think that if someone only has one EGLS, and if they're made to feel like part of a team especially, then they're more likely to feel a sense of duty and respect to the LS, and are more likely to help out for stuff "they don't need".

Not everyone that attends sky needs a sky drop, same with sea for most jobs after you've got one torque. But if people stop coming to an event the moment they get what they what, you're gonna have issues. Since my LS does sky/sea/limbus/znm, there are people that have everything they want from sky or sea (limbus and znm are still a source of income once you have all the r/e stuff you need), yet they still attend A: to help out the people that still need the drops, B: because they feel like an integral part of the shell (and they are!) and C: because we merged sea and sky points so they have to come to stay competetive >:o

There was a point there... somewhere </rant>
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Blazza
Posts: 6473
By Odin.Blazza 2009-02-25 09:28:10
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Frobeus said:
Man, my shell would kill to have even 20-25 on at a time. If you have that many active members then just breakpearl the people that are trying to leech. We do everying sans dynamis and ein with 12-15 people, which is plenty. But yeah, if you have more than an ally on at any given time, just get rid of the weight.

^ this
Serveur: Garuda
Game: FFXI
user: Wooooodum
Posts: 6310
By Garuda.Wooooodum 2009-02-25 09:29:51
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Celestinia said:
I don't know why people would want to have 2 EGls's though unless they had friends in another one they wanted to hang with in events =/

Greed. They think they'll get what they want faster if they're in two shells to get it.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6
By Bahamut.Iconoclasm 2009-02-25 09:45:12
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Yeah we just recently redid pearl just before a Dynamis-Windurst it was truely hilarious how many tells I got after lol, and yeah Blazza we started off with all points merged so there is incentive to help out (IE: build points ) at all events. ^^

Blazza wrote something that I think most leechers and some new players ( not generalizing both as one and the same! ) are not grasping and that is that when you join a shell, you join to make yourself and your shell mates stronger and the longer you are with the group, the more integral a part of something bigger you become.

It truly says something about the serious depth of this game when people join a shell and they act like a team player, helpful, respectful, and then when they get busted the fangs come out and thier true self surfaces. lol thnx guys for the helpful info I seem to be rambling along in the thread sorry!!

Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 568
By Leviathan.Celestinia 2009-02-25 10:53:22
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Hey Ico, what's your recruitment process like? Some shells i've seen take on a lot of randoms who stay for a few runs then are gone again because they have no connection to the shell they join. Do you guys have a sack holder vouch for someone when they join, or make a new member spend time with the shell outside of EG before they can start attending? Those are things i've seen work in the past...

Iconoclasm said:
when you join a shell, you join to make yourself and your shell mates stronger and the longer you are with the group, the more integral a part of something bigger you become.

Absolutely agree with this, you notice it instantly when going from a fail shell to one that has a good community going where people help each other out with no/little benefit to themselves. You will never fit in right away, but stick around and help out and take part in things and you will build up a group of friends that will help you accomplish a lot together. You'll never accomplish as much by shell hopping as you would working you way up to a reliable, respected and core member of a linkshell.
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Blazza
Posts: 6473
By Odin.Blazza 2009-02-25 11:06:21
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Celestinia said:
Hey Ico, what's your recruitment process like? Some shells i've seen take on a lot of randoms who stay for a few runs then are gone again because they have no connection to the shell they join. Do you guys have a sack holder vouch for someone when they join, or make a new member spend time with the shell outside of EG before they can start attending? Those are things i've seen work in the past...

Iconoclasm said:
when you join a shell, you join to make yourself and your shell mates stronger and the longer you are with the group, the more integral a part of something bigger you become.

Absolutely agree with this, you notice it instantly when going from a fail shell to one that has a good community going where people help each other out with no/little benefit to themselves. You will never fit in right away, but stick around and help out and take part in things and you will build up a group of friends that will help you accomplish a lot together. You'll never accomplish as much by shell hopping as you would working you way up to a reliable, respected and core member of a linkshell.

I agree 100%

We've had members that have come and gone without ever really being noticed. But then we've also had members that right from the very start are happy to help people with anything, and they get a lot of help in return. One new member in my shell at the moment is like this, always willing to help with anything at the slightest suggestion, and in return people have been helping him with CoP pretty full on. He's only been in the shell a few weeks and we've helped him with mammets > 3 paths. That's not uber fast CoP (it's not bad!), but what makes it stand out so much is how he mentioned today that he's actually only asked for help with one mission. It's just that because he's so willing to help others when asked, people offer to help him with missions before he even needs to ask.
By 2009-02-25 14:17:10
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Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Cyr
Posts: 148
By Bahamut.Cyr 2009-02-25 20:10:03
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Yell at people. Kick people. People who take offense will leave. The people who remain will take pride in what they do and respect you for weeding out incompetence.

With 30 you should be fine for anything.

You'll be just as fine with 25.

Hell, same with 20.

Teach your BLMs to cast Sleepga2, sleepga1, Stoneskin, Blink, and Phalanx; only. No nuking allowed in outlands. In cities, they can only nuke when every single mob is already asleep. This will resolve your dynamis problems.

As for stuff like Omega/Ultima, you only need 8 people to kill omega easily; anything more than that is generally gravy(also known as a waste). Learn to split your group into smaller competent teams to accomplish more at once.

Overall, remove the poor players. The good players will find their way to you, when you prove that you have a competent group.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Satanas
Posts: 177
By Bahamut.Avenged 2009-02-25 20:51:01
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Well as Highly as you talk of your LS icon, it isnt that great. The sacks are ***, not good people. They treat us like they are our parents.
Hell you do too. When people who are not sacks send you tells you ignore them. When people who are not sacks ask a question in LS chat, you ignore them. Players on bahamut, if you want to have a good time in your endgame instead of living in another house with moody parents all over again, dont join this shell.

And your post sounds a little conceited, dontcha think?
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Cyr
Posts: 148
By Bahamut.Cyr 2009-02-25 21:09:43
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Avenged said:
Well as Highly as you talk of your LS icon, it isnt that great. The sacks are ***, not good people. They treat us like they are our parents.
Hell you do too. When people who are not sacks send you tells you ignore them. When people who are not sacks ask a question in LS chat, you ignore them. Players on bahamut, if you want to have a good time in your endgame instead of living in another house with moody parents all over again, dont join this shell.

And your post sounds a little conceited, dontcha think?

What choice does he have? His LS is probably full of people like you. One-jobbers with no real endgame experience. In terms of experience, you are children. And he must treat you as such until you begin to understand your role in the group, and are able to play that role efficiently.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Satanas
Posts: 177
By Bahamut.Avenged 2009-02-25 21:13:22
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Players are people. Not pieces of meat that you tame into what you want them to be. Just because he is the "almighty LS leader" doesnt mean we have to bow down to him. We have other things to do that dont always revolve around the "leader", in game and IRL.
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2838
By Shiva.Artemicion 2009-02-25 21:24:48
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Cyr said:
In terms of experience, you are children. And he must treat you as such until you begin to understand your role in the group, and are able to play that role efficiently.

Worst... Comparison... Ever...

Unless the majority of his inexperienced members are mentally challenged or are actually small children there is no reason to condescend anyone to a lower level or treat them any less than the leader himself. If you want people to learn, gain experience in different fields and work with you as a team, you better start with decent social interaction before you get down to the actual task of whatever it is you do.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Satanas
Posts: 177
By Bahamut.Avenged 2009-02-25 21:27:22
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^ This is what i mean. TY Artemicion :P

I cant speak for others, but I AM NOT a small child or mentally challenged. Therefore, dont treat me that way. Nuff said.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Cyr
Posts: 148
By Bahamut.Cyr 2009-02-25 21:29:42
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Avenged said:
Players are people. Not pieces of meat that you tame into what you want them to be. Just because he is the "almighty LS leader" doesnt mean we have to bow down to him. We have other things to do that dont always revolve around the "leader", in game and IRL.

You don't have to bow down to him, of course. That is your choice. But if you choose to do things in HIS linkshell, with HIS group; then you must conform to the way he does things.

Unless of course he has no idea what he is doing, then everything I said is irrelevant.
By 2009-02-25 21:30:48
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Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Satanas
Posts: 177
By Bahamut.Avenged 2009-02-25 21:32:59
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Yeah i agree with you man. I'm not trying to make enemies with you. Just absolution was a new EG and Icon was a New Leader. I guess he just doesnt exactly know how to lead a LS knowing how he treated me and some of my friends in LS who i am good friends with. If i couldnt make an event, i was ridiculed. It wasnt that i chose not to, its just that i had other things going on. My friends left before i did and i guess i was just a little late lol.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Cyr
Posts: 148
By Bahamut.Cyr 2009-02-25 21:33:18
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Endrium said:
I beg to differ Avenged... You still have your gay pld macro's?

Mmm, I am a firm believer in fact that people with "gay macros" are hopeless, and are of no use to anyone in any group/endgame situation; simply because it reflects their inability for learning and growth.

Thusly, these types of people should not be commenting on the inability of their leaders; when they themselves are the incapable ones.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Satanas
Posts: 177
By Bahamut.Avenged 2009-02-25 21:33:26
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And no lmao. PLD macro's = no thanks.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Satanas
Posts: 177
By Bahamut.Avenged 2009-02-25 21:34:35
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End that was a joke my RL friend who used to play the game put in my macros. We were jus messin. Hence why it stayed in for 1 night.
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