Does Anyone Want Sky, Or Sea Gear? Maybe HNM Gear?

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Does anyone want Sky, or Sea gear? maybe HNM gear?
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Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Memimi
Posts: 163
By Bahamut.Memimi 2009-02-26 03:06:11
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Cyr said:
Save it for tomorrow! I'm working on an essay due in like...5hours ;;

Okay. ; ; But if your essay is due in five hours... you should probably get off the forums. :/
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Cyr
Posts: 148
By Bahamut.Cyr 2009-02-26 03:17:43
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Mmm, trufax. However, I just finished. So I'm going to bed.

I'll leave the window unlatched as always, you know the drill. Nn, babycakes ;o
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6
By Bahamut.Iconoclasm 2009-02-26 16:29:54
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It truly amuses me that someone like Avenged would come onto a forum and flame, check that "try" to flame me, so lets go ahead and do this.

Avenged joined my LS and immediatedly at events began sending me tells saying that with his experience etc. he should be errr I dunno..... Designated franchise player or some ***and was constantly asking to be named the lead linkshell Paladin and so @ every event I got this kind of tell>>> Icon "I can be main tank? can you tell everyone to assist me?" and after responding several times to him that "I dont care work it out with the other paladins" I just gave up responding to the same damned tells over and over again.

My not placing the franchise designation isn't what caused him to come and flame on FFxiAH though, You see the supposed "***" that are sacks in my linkshell had asked, asked! Avenged to assist with their CoP mission runs to get more "Link shell" members to Sea, and his response? "I can't help you guys I need to complete CoP before I help anyone else....Icon wants me in sea over everyone else." or some rubbish along those lines. I logged in and couldn't believe my eyes when I was read this *** in linkshell chat, combined with that train of thought and the fact that he completely became disrespectful to a sack cursing and causing drama in shell chat during the incident he was immediately kicked from Absolution.

And to get on here and say my shell isn't that great? Dude we went from ZM's to Kirin (owned) in less than what 2 month's? Damned dude you must be the Mega ***in FFXI if your not impressed with that fact, but its cool I guess its all part of your flame right? get on here call me a poor leader, call my shell not too great, etc. etc. etc.

P.S. I hope you still find a shell to call home Avenged, I never truly had a bad thing to say about you until that incident, but you knew from the online application at our website and from the very beginning that this type of behavior wouldn't be tolerated. GOOD LUCK Avenged.

P.S.S. To Endrium: Dude..I Apologized to you the night we jacked your Dbastock and I wanted to apologize to you also here, I am truly sorry for the mishap and I will be more careful in the future, I am true old school in this game and that isn't like me at all I hope you know this ^^ peace Endrium.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Satanas
Posts: 177
By Bahamut.Avenged 2009-02-26 16:36:53
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well tbh, half of your post is ***. over exaggeration much? and what started the whole drama over ls chat happened like this: <Avenged>: Any DD's need airship fight?
<Fortkern>: Wanna come help with CoP 2-5? okay didn't think so.
<Avenged>: I would if i wasn't alrdy with this group ***.
<Fortkern>: Blah blah blah blah.

And asking to be "lead franchise player" saying "my experience is 1337"?? wtf man you have no memory. 1. I said i havent done a certain god we were doing and was asking what to do. 2. I asked to be main tank at Dynamis Bastok in /tell, which you ignored. Go figure! 3. F$^k you.

If fort wasnt such an *** then maybe i would still be in your half *** shell. -.-
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Nomad
Posts: 236
By Bahamut.Nomadikhan 2009-02-26 16:50:41
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Well I tried to damage control and seems it did not work.

Pardon me if this sounds harsh, but honestly take it up in tell or PM...

Absolution PR is now in the shits... and you 2 are making yourselves look like noobs.

I've nothing against either of you so please don't take it personal, but let it go, what's done is done.... go your seperate ways. People can read here and make their own opinion, there is no need for you two to keep it going.

~ Nomadikhan, Sack of Absolution
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Satanas
Posts: 177
By Bahamut.Avenged 2009-02-26 17:02:18
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Nomad i have nothing wrong with you man. I didnt mean you were a *** jus the ppl who treated me like a tard. And i'm dropping it. Sorry. I think i got my point across.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Nomad
Posts: 236
By Bahamut.Nomadikhan 2009-02-26 17:03:43
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No offense taken, I'm just damage controlling both of ya guys. No need to continue it ^^

~ Nomadikhan, Sack of Absolution
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Satanas
Posts: 177
By Bahamut.Avenged 2009-02-26 17:05:59
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Alright. See you ingame :P I hope me and you are still cool after the whole Fort, Icon, Murdax and I's arguing.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Nomad
Posts: 236
By Bahamut.Nomadikhan 2009-02-26 17:14:06
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Yea we're good, it's a game and i take stuff with a grain of salt lol, here to have fun ^^
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 5
By Bahamut.Kade 2009-02-26 19:45:41
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Lol, I remember Iconoclasm skipping events in Kaz to level his war alot. He ignored people's messages (tells, shouts, you name it) too. Maybe he just focuses alot when he plays? Or maybe he's just being poopy *coughyes*? Idk, leave your experiences too!

Oh, oh! And he'd skip events to do things with some sky ls he started on the side. He can't say anything about members skipping his own shell's events, lawl.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Satanas
Posts: 177
By Bahamut.Avenged 2009-02-26 19:47:10
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Ty kade, im not the only one that noticed his faults. hahahah. and i never skipped events for leveling hahah. good try icon.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Molson
Posts: 2
By Bahamut.Molson 2009-02-26 20:51:38
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I am just an average player in Absolution. I do not want to see it get lit up here. The leaders and the members of Absolution are what makes it great. Its like having a social linkshell that gets stuff done. They are very willing to help you with anything as long as you make some effort also. Several of the leaders have spent days camping Joytoy nm with me, among other things. Yes, sometimes people get frustrated when stuff doesn't go well, but they apologize afterwards. This has been a much better experience than the other EGLS's I have been in where they constantly yell. Although, I am one of the ones that have had an attendance issue lately, but that is due to the economy >.<
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6
By Bahamut.Iconoclasm 2009-02-28 08:52:01
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I want to thank you...NO TELL YOU *** YOU, for getting on here to lie Kade, the same way some other members of Kazoku lie about me to everyone else, if anyone is curious check Kades friends list, all of them part of his clique and they are the ones spreading lies about me ninja lotting, TBH I simply cannot believe your feeling's are still so hurt over those Homam hands....Kiddo (maybe I should send you a box of tissues?), next time don't afk during an Omega fight and some one else wont have to be kicked becouse your an idiot.

Now I don't know about any other EGLS on Bahamut, I've only been in three, but what does last call actually mean? Hmm....the last time I checked you bid points, the LS leader says "LAST CALL" "insert name here" @ XXX points, and if no one else bids then he leader says "Lot" to whoever "WON" and then no one else can "BID" "ANYMORE".

Not in KazokuLS, its a different matter you see Kade was the popular one...(aww), and so when he came back from giving himself 2" strokes or whatever the hell he was doing, he was allowed to bid even though I had "LAST CALL!" and "I LOTTED" and went semi-afk in the room. I come back to everyone freaking the *** out telling me to pass...I go to pass and it dropped.

Kiddo you need to find yourself a life rather than to linger on some stupid ***that was caused by no one other than yourself, Kade the AFK master of kazokuLS. How ironic I think of myself as a good in-game friend of Cloude's and it comes to this, did I ever flame KazokuLS for *** me like this? Nope....did I ever become enemies with anyone in KazokuLS after this ***? Nope... and yet some of you still go on and on about this garbage, how pathetic.

P.S. I'd like to add that if I skipped an event it was with Cloude's permission, I am sorry we didn't ask for your permission Kade.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1
By Bahamut.Ellani 2009-03-01 14:18:55
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Temper, temper. You wonder why people outside and even in your LS have little respect for you? There is a reason why everyone in the LS likes Kade. He is the last person to be butthurt over a game like you, let alone something as mundane as gear, and he's always willing to help others and attend events without question...and he never once demanded doing a specific event to benefit him like someone that comes to mind... He didn't even mention the homam hands incident. He was simply stating the irony of your OP. But while we're hovering over this topic, lets not forget the homam feet incident too, that involved you as well.
But since I really don't give a flying hootnany about you, or the drama that flies around either, I won't go any further. I normally wouldn't even bother posting on a place like this, but it's interesting to see you flipping out and acting the victim because someone made a point about the way you'd act under another Linkshell's leadership.
Oh, and by the way...cliques? I wasn't aware we were in high school anymore. Real mature.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: mogwae
Posts: 4
By Bahamut.Mogwae 2009-03-01 14:28:42
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Who is we?
Serveur: Midgardsormr
Game: FFXI
user: frobeus
Posts: 1498
By Midgardsormr.Frobeus 2009-03-01 15:22:31
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Coming on a public forum as a LS leader is a really really bad move. You only look childish and as someone on the outside looking in, there is no way I could translate your behavior on these boards into an idea that you have any leadership skills at all.

As a co-leader of a shell myself, I can easily understand your frustrations, but to bring it out here and not keep it in-house shows just how far you have to go. How can you expect people to be loyal to your shell and follow your lead when you display behavior like this?

P.S. to anyone that complains about leaders/sacks not responding to question in /t, gdiaf. If your asking questions about an event, then likely there are 10 other people asking questions too, not to mention 5 other things that the leader is probably dealing with trying to get the event going.
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Blazza
Posts: 6473
By Odin.Blazza 2009-03-01 20:01:39
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Frobeus said:
Coming on a public forum as a LS leader is a really really bad move. You only look childish and as someone on the outside looking in, there is no way I could translate your behavior on these boards into an idea that you have any leadership skills at all.

As a co-leader of a shell myself, I can easily understand your frustrations, but to bring it out here and not keep it in-house shows just how far you have to go. How can you expect people to be loyal to your shell and follow your lead when you display behavior like this?

P.S. to anyone that complains about leaders/sacks not responding to question in /t, gdiaf. If your asking questions about an event, then likely there are 10 other people asking questions too, not to mention 5 other things that the leader is probably dealing with trying to get the event going.

Agree with you 100% until the PS. Ask away peeps, I'll answer to the best of my ability, or I'll tell you to *** off and ask later 'cause I'm busy (but you know I love you) ^^

PS. what's gdiaf?
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Korpg
Posts: 7782
By Asura.Korpg 2009-03-01 21:30:22
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Frobeus said:
Coming on a public forum as a LS leader is a really really bad move.

Point taken. LS leaders should not "be pissed and post it on a public thread" like this.

Frobeus said:
You only look childish and as someone on the outside looking in, there is no way I could translate your behavior on these boards into an idea that you have any leadership skills at all.

Now, anyone who would have doubted Frobeus have not read the last post made by Icon. Your very first sentence shows you have the maturity of a 12 year old who didn't get his way.

Frobeus said:
How can you expect people to be loyal to your shell and follow your lead when you display behavior like this?

That should be your number 1 concern now Icon, since your last post. Otherwise, I would see your shell dying in the near future (from your loyal members leaving and your lootwhores staying until they got their items, then leave your shell)
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Atrithk
Posts: 284
By Bahamut.Atrithk 2009-03-01 22:05:29
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After that display, Iconoclasm, I think even Chaos Knights are better than your LS.
Or even Etrayis's LS, whichever he had.
He's racist against Galka and Taru, though...
Serveur: Garuda
Game: FFXI
user: Wooooodum
Posts: 6310
By Garuda.Wooooodum 2009-03-01 22:07:41
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Blazza said:
PS. what's gdiaf?

go die in a fire, a charming abbreviation to be sure!
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Kelia
Posts: 242
By Bahamut.Kelia 2009-03-01 22:07:42
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this is entertaining, dont stop now
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6
By Bahamut.Iconoclasm 2009-03-01 22:58:45
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I had originally intended my OP to be something that would spark a discussion on how Linkshells operate and the issue with all of the players linkshell hopping these days, it actually did start off that way...but it seems that instead of having a discussion on the topic, some posters came on here with only the intent to flame me, whether it was over being kicked from my shell or over a piece of equipment from a prior shell, it doesnt seem to matter what the flamer posts in here and what my response is...the end result seems to be reflecting on me and only me, so with this in my mind I will no longer respond in here.

Kade and Avenged welcome my Blist, and as far as anyone else I do apologize for not seeing what was truly going on, although I had every right to defend myself against false accusations and lie's about my Linkshell...for the sake of my shell I should have known better.

I want to personally apologize to my linkshell first and foremost becouse no matter what experience or knowledge I possess about this game, they shouldnt have to put up with this garbage. And lastly to all the posters who provided positive input or suggestions...Thank you very much.

Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Blazza
Posts: 6473
By Odin.Blazza 2009-03-01 23:05:11
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You shouldn't sound so ashamed of yourself. You've actually brought a lot of Bahamut members to the forum and have them join forces. Albeit, they joined forces against you, and totally called you out and made you look almost as bad as you made yourself look on your own...

Having said that, good-luck with shell jumpers! ^^
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 5
By Bahamut.Kade 2009-03-02 11:26:58
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Blazza said:
You shouldn't sound so ashamed of yourself. You've actually brought a lot of Bahamut members to the forum and have them join forces. Albeit, they joined forces against you, and totally called you out and made you look almost as bad as you made yourself look on your own...

Having said that, good-luck with shell jumpers! ^^


Hmm, about them gloves. I was happy about the incident because we got rid of a shady character in the shell, not butt hurt in any way. Way to warp the story to your benefit, Iconoclasm.

What really happened is that I was checking my points after the mob died. Tony was rushing so he said something along the lines of, "last call," and, "Ok, Iconoclasm,(as to declare who's currently winning bid? Doesn't matter.)" Iconoclasm lotted the thing, which is not the problem (I can give him that much). That message told me to hurry up, of course, so I started to bid. This is the point where Iconoclasm's story starts to smell >,< He WAS NOT afk because he actually bid over me after my initial bid until I bid last (uh oh! This completely exposes his lie on this thread about being oblivious of me bidding against him). At this point, we repeatedly asked him something along the lines of, "pass or gonna keep bidding?" We realized he wasn't going to pass (*coughshady*) so we tried kicking him from the party. Alas, it dropped to him before that happened. And yes, there was enough time to bid against each other and even repeatedly try to get him to pass after he stopped bidding against me, so not having time to pass isn't an excuse. Can you say SHADY?

What's funny is he makes up really weak lies. He kept saying something like, "I passed, I swear," ....Obviously not if it dropped to him, looool.

This wasn't the first time he did something along these lines. This event (the most undeniably shady of his acts) was the last straw, which got him kicked :) Would you like us to add even more to your shame on these forums, Iconoclasm? I'll share more about your history in Kaz, if you'd like. Suggestion: Don't lie in a written form open to the public because you might just get burned(I have your post ss'd in case you try to correct your lie ;o).

Gasp! Could it be that Iconoclasm is the only butthurt person here? Something about cliques, I hear. Aw, did we leave you out when we'd level sync or have a camp fire at Valkurm? I'm sorry ; ; *shares box of tissue*
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Valetorr
Posts: 10
By Bahamut.Valetorr 2009-03-08 21:44:56
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Please /Assist!

When in a single month… you go 0/4 on ksnm99 runs using other members seals, you go to 3-4 sky events that turn into sky farming events because you left the pop items with holders who are logged out, you no-show for two ksnm99 events you scheduled, you go on ffxiah and make an *** of yourself while alienating most of your shell, you can’t run a dynamis without the help of mocheese, you lot all the money/upgrade drops from every single kill/run and offer little or no information about the status of ls funds or how they are being used, your ls points aren’t updated because a lolsack holder didn’t even record that the event occurred, you leave during events to attend the salvage events of another ls, you let ls members who have only been in the ls for a week openly trash talk sack holders in ls chat, you give a member of less than one week permission to use the ls to farm his kitty pants and then deny the older members the same luxury when they spend hours and hours farming pop items, your real life relative in the ls is nicknamed AFKline because he is so off-axis in the head and chronically afk, you repeatedly screw other linkshells out of there scheduled dynamis events and your response to their justified anger is “/ls F*CK ‘EM” you privately circumvent the ls policy of allowing your members to lot on all drops that they have jobs for, you FAIL at leadership and blame your members for your failure…….You sir are a world class n00bfailleader end of story.

Several members have sent Icon private emails/tells about these concerns in a behind-the-scenes manner and they go unanswered, leaving no way to be heard, maybe this will get enough attention to implement the changes in leadership behavior many of your faithful members have asked for.

Nomadikahn, Aristarkh, (meh stoketta maybe), Fortkern, Cear and Elmaulie are great people and good leaders and these remarks do not reflect the hundreds of hours they have all spent building up this ls. All that has been accomplished in the shell can be attributed to a minority of very loyal and very effective followers who perform far above expectations – in spite of oppressive and biased leadership.

(posted on secondary account to avoid the vindictiveness of Icon who will surely pursue me to the ends of the earth to try and smear my good name as he has with other decent people before.)
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1
By Bahamut.Dartus 2009-03-09 00:07:01
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^this wasnt me btw
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 5
By Bahamut.Kade 2009-03-09 00:51:33
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Sounds like the character, allright.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3
By Bahamut.Auroras 2009-03-09 01:27:36
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odd enough iconoclasm would very often skip events in his past egls to level his LOL warrior, then come to events that he needed something from. and if he didnt have the points to get it, he would ninja lot it and say with a straight face: i swear i passed i dont know why i got it.......... hmmmmm. and for about 3 weeks before he got booted for ninja lotting he would spend hours shouting in jeuno for his "social" sky ls that he was starting wich is now most likely absolution. im kinda impressed absolution is as good as it is at doing anythign considering hes leading it..... but really icono everythign your complaining about you have personally done. please dont respond calling me an e-thug like you did groffy when he let you know how good you are at this game.
Serveur: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: effedup
Posts: 5645
By Fairy.Xxnumbertwoxx 2009-03-09 02:13:57
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Christ Almighty, was this an interesting read...

Out of this kinda ***standard fare in an Endgame LS? All this talk about yelling at people and ***turns me off in a big way. Drama and *** really take away from the fun factor of the game for me...

I don't know, maybe it's just me, but someone would have to *** up astronomically for me to go off on them, whether in game or real life. ***happens, ya know? Who cares who *** up? Everyone has *** something up in this game at some point; who here hasn't died due to noobing it up at an inopportune time? If it's a constant thing, sure...but you gotta start off being nice about it, IDC what a persons position in a shell (or anything, tbh) is, if they can't speak respectfully then they don't deserve any respect.

In my years in management (retail management, the most evil and unholy industry known to man) I learned that a good leader leads by example. Simply telling someone what to do isn't nearly as effective as rolling up your sleeves and doing it with them. From your assistant managers on down to the newest new hire, you've got to be accessible to everyone; yes, that involves answering noobish questions. Like others have said, the only stupid question is the one not asked...and treating people like they're HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE when they ask a simple question only encourages people not to even ask them in the first place. That, of course, leads to more problems and mistakes, and the ***just snowballs...then the blame game gets started and we all know how that ends up playing out (this thread is a good example of that). Some people just aren't as quick on the uptake as others, but I've had people that I thought might literally have a learning disability, with a little work and attention, become the hardest working and most agreeable, team-oriented, people on my team. All it took was a little extra effort on my part, and the end result benefited the whole team.

Anyways...this obviously doesn't concern me, and I'm not directing this at anyone at all, but being treated like crap by superiors is something I feel very strongly about. I've had lots of *** bosses, and I can tell you that attitudes like that always end up alienating their subordinates and decreasing productivity and job loyalty, and ultimately just make people leave.
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Blazza
Posts: 6473
By Odin.Blazza 2009-03-09 03:13:39
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Xxnumbertwoxx said:
Christ Almighty, was this an interesting read...

Out of this kinda ***standard fare in an Endgame LS? All this talk about yelling at people and ***turns me off in a big way. Drama and *** really take away from the fun factor of the game for me...

I don't know, maybe it's just me, but someone would have to *** up astronomically for me to go off on them, whether in game or real life. ***happens, ya know? Who cares who *** up? Everyone has *** something up in this game at some point; who here hasn't died due to noobing it up at an inopportune time? If it's a constant thing, sure...but you gotta start off being nice about it, IDC what a persons position in a shell (or anything, tbh) is, if they can't speak respectfully then they don't deserve any respect.

In my years in management (retail management, the most evil and unholy industry known to man) I learned that a good leader leads by example. Simply telling someone what to do isn't nearly as effective as rolling up your sleeves and doing it with them. From your assistant managers on down to the newest new hire, you've got to be accessible to everyone; yes, that involves answering noobish questions. Like others have said, the only stupid question is the one not asked...and treating people like they're HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE when they ask a simple question only encourages people not to even ask them in the first place. That, of course, leads to more problems and mistakes, and the ***just snowballs...then the blame game gets started and we all know how that ends up playing out (this thread is a good example of that). Some people just aren't as quick on the uptake as others, but I've had people that I thought might literally have a learning disability, with a little work and attention, become the hardest and most agreeable people on my team. All it took was a little extra effort on my part, and the end result benefited the whole team.

Anyways...this obviously doesn't concern me, and I'm not directing this at anyone at all, but being treated like crap by superiors is something I feel very strongly about. I've had lots of *** bosses, and I can tell you that attitudes like that always end up alienating their subordinates and decreasing productivity and job loyalty, and ultimately just make people leave.

All LS leaders should take this advice. I used to manage a video store, I was pretty ***at it for the most part, but I've since learned the truth and effectiveness behind #2's words. I then applied what I've learned to being a leader in an EGLS and I would think that I am considered to be a pretty good leader.

Valetorr said:
Please /Assist!

When in a single month… you go 0/4 on ksnm99 runs using other members seals, you go to 3-4 sky events that turn into sky farming events because you left the pop items with holders who are logged out, you no-show for two ksnm99 events you scheduled, you go on ffxiah and make an *** of yourself while alienating most of your shell, you can’t run a dynamis without the help of mocheese, you lot all the money/upgrade drops from every single kill/run and offer little or no information about the status of ls funds or how they are being used, your ls points aren’t updated because a lolsack holder didn’t even record that the event occurred, you leave during events to attend the salvage events of another ls, you let ls members who have only been in the ls for a week openly trash talk sack holders in ls chat, you give a member of less than one week permission to use the ls to farm his kitty pants and then deny the older members the same luxury when they spend hours and hours farming pop items, your real life relative in the ls is nicknamed AFKline because he is so off-axis in the head and chronically afk, you repeatedly screw other linkshells out of there scheduled dynamis events and your response to their justified anger is “/ls F*CK ‘EM” you privately circumvent the ls policy of allowing your members to lot on all drops that they have jobs for, you FAIL at leadership and blame your members for your failure…….You sir are a world class n00bfailleader end of story.

Several members have sent Icon private emails/tells about these concerns in a behind-the-scenes manner and they go unanswered, leaving no way to be heard, maybe this will get enough attention to implement the changes in leadership behavior many of your faithful members have asked for.

Nomadikahn, Aristarkh, Stoketta, Fortkern, Cear and Elmaulie are great people and good leaders and these remarks do not reflect the hundreds of hours they have all spent building up this ls. All that has been accomplished in the shell can be attributed to a minority of very loyal and very effective followers who perform far above expectations – in spite of oppressive and biased leadership.

(posted on secondary account to avoid the vindictiveness of Icon who will surely pursue me to the ends of the earth to try and smear my good name as he has with other decent people before.)
If this opinion of Iconoclasm is as widespread in the LS as it appears to be, then why not kick him? Just make a new shell, invite all the members, keep the same rules (if they're good) and carry points over, and just don't invite him.
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