Sylph.Oddin said:
I don't remember all the phone calls. I never went through and got all the numbers. I do remember they were all usually funny little conversations/answering machine messages.
Ah, neither do I since it was quite a while back, but there were two things that stuck with me just cause they were pretty funny. One was dialing 911, and the operator started saying something like "911 emergency service, press 1 if you are witnessing someone being stabbed, press 2 if you are currently being stabbed, press 3 if you are currently stabbing someone".
And the other one was a number you called, and the guy kept telling you to *** off, till you called him enough times for him to say something about knowing the world's greatest secret. Then you have to find all these telephone numbers and keep calling them from the payphone and he keeps giving little hints saying you're closer to knowing, and at the end of the lonngggg *** ***, the greatest secret is that Elvis Presley was actually an alien.