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Eorzea Time
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I want to thank everyone for thier replys, my post did seriously come off as being a person with an attitude but I know I don't have one, I am helpful and I do believe that RL > FFxi, but I do seem to notice alot of posters missing the point and the point is:

Why join an end-game linkshell if you don't want to raid? (or whatever you want to call it) And when I say 30-35 of course I don't mean all at once, I meant in total 30 to 35 people are attending if they are logged on, but of course school and family comes first, so in reality its about 22 to 25 average which is in my mind not completely horrid but not the greatest either.

Why don't we just face the fact that everyone wants something for nothing?, the very first thing I strived to do as LS leader was to implement a point system (Done), and secondly is to reward dedicated members with cursed armors for thier abjurations or vermys or whatever they need.

The only drama I seem to have these days is when members get caught in another shell that does exactly the same events and then they transform into a two year old when you say something to them about it, and you get "Why?" and "But why?" "Why not?" during the whole convo, and lets not forget the infamous! "but no other shell seems to mind?!" LoL

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