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Eorzea Time
5:52 PM
Langues: JP EN FR DE
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PM Azryel
Joined: 2010-03-01 12:10:54
PM Ragnarok.Azryel
I’ve had some good times with some good people in Vana’diel, but I feel as though the game has run its course, and thus I’m making my departure. I’ve flushed the “New Adventurer” title as a shout out to my excursion into Eorzea. Take care & see you again!
PM Ragnarok.Azalei
I've had a short but full life as a mule, but I think it’s time for a change of scenery… Goodbye, Vana’diel, and hello, Eorzea!
FFXIV Characters
Aza Leia [Balmung]
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