
Eorzea Time
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Screenshots » id:4044
Summer ends so I decided to draw an artwork of my character Esumi Aoi again. I sow a really nice Photo of a cosplayer who had a wonderfull setting on this picture thats why I choose such a background for my setting. I really love that outfit for my Miqo'te ^^ I know the hat has a different colour as the coatee but it's the original colour in game ^^ I hope you will like it :3 Thanks for watching and pls do not upload it on other sites or edit it in any way. Thank you ^__^/
Score: 8.09
Votes: 77
Classification User » Esumi
Tags Esumi Aoi, Perfect Insanity, Coatee, Summer ends
Date Submitted 2011-09-09 15:08:51
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Commentaires (6)
Tbomse Dalegend [Behemoth]Score: 6
Thanks for all the nice comments ^____^

Other Artworks of FFXIV Players here:

(my Character)

(my Boyfriends char, a Miqote)

(Sharky Bait a big Roegadyn ^^)

Lycoris Chan (my sweet Lalafell :D)
2011-09-10 03:08:51
Element Drake [Ragnarok]Score: 3
Wow! That's gorgeous!
2011-09-09 22:52:28
Dark Mist [Hyperion]Score: 3
Such amazing talent <3!
2011-09-09 23:31:56
Claude Lelette [Balmung]Score: 2
nice job!
2011-09-10 02:29:02
Fumbles Trousersnake [Hyperion]Score: 1
This is a really nice picture, i would like to learn how to do that someday.
2011-09-18 00:58:22
Gaddes Ronfaure [Behemoth]Score: 0
just as great as the last artwork i saw u do... think u can show some highlander love since u did muquote,reogadyn and a lalafell
2011-09-18 03:05:53