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Screenshots » id:3296
I really had to draw my character after I uploaded the "beta version" of my old char^^ I'm really satisfied with it and I hope you will like it too :3 I got inspired by a really nice photo of a cosplayer. The setting looked so perfect thats why I choose the same field to be the setting of my artwork too ^^ It was so much fun to draw Esumi ^^ This is my favourite outfit and I love playing Pugilist. I didn't draw the Silver Tricorn with Eyepatch because I wantet to show you Esumis wonderfull hair X3 ? Thanks for watching! Please do not upload it on other sites, edit the artwork in any way etc.
Score: 8.44
Votes: 153
Classification User » Esumi
Tags Esumi Aoi Evil_Siren
Date Submitted 2011-07-19 14:35:16
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Commentaires (13)
Rin Locke [Ultros]Score: 2
2011-07-21 16:30:12
Ruby Shwarma [Faerie]Score: 1
2011-07-20 15:14:38
Fredrich Choppin [Hyperion]Score: 1
wow very nice !
2011-07-20 15:47:02
Sir Twispa [Behemoth]Score: 1
holy crap now im jelous, i want one of these of my own character >.<
2011-07-20 20:30:33
Gaddes Ronfaure [Behemoth]Score: 1
screenshot or not this is beast looking, very nice work
2011-07-21 05:06:10
Cristian Lestat [Goblin]Score: 1
that's amazing!
2011-07-22 05:12:42
Marjella Rocka [Coeurl]Score: 1
Looks great. 10!
2011-07-24 16:42:39
Zack Fame [Malboro]Score: 1
Lovely :D just lovely :)
2011-07-25 22:21:17
Tbomse Dalegend [Behemoth]Score: 0
Other Artworks of my Friends:

Kyumin Krow (my bf) -->

Sharky Bait -->
2011-08-05 04:21:08
Elbryan Nightbird [Faerie]Score: 0
Yet another great piece of art. Was so good I thought it was a screenshot. Then I realized screenshots don't look this good.
2011-07-20 21:22:20