Final Fantasy XIV Database -

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The Returners [Gilgamesh]
Members: 173 | Lodestone
Last Updated: 7 years 11 months
A little bit of everything and a place to go home to.
Rang Nom
0 Mrs Mumbles
1 Gromph Baenre
1 Seryph Toryu
1 Alys Greywoode
1 Makoto Aurora
2 Futayoh Honda
2 Lion Heartid
2 Alma Corvo
2 Drachen Schutz
2 Bilun Salaes
2 Kelectrast Wildwood
2 Ronvin Oakenshield
2 Lil Bitaboost
2 Rebecca Calerian
2 Regyx Greyheart
2 Kenpachi Ken
2 Ken Zai
2 Cat Stevens
2 Lalavys Lavys
2 Lu Dod
2 Callum Riley
2 Duane Anthony
2 Fantas Xephel
2 Tiger Hunter
2 Fallenight Doriana
2 Coeurl Whisperer
2 Astelenis Morrin
2 Dice Mcgee
2 Nitetear Lopu
2 Emperial Quality
2 Katie Rose
2 Ondanya Khilo
2 Katelle Leroux
2 Yachiyo Kasanui
2 Aesmodien Mandragoran
2 J'chah'l Tawnowl
2 Yumi Miyu
2 Maestro Ageofcats
2 Tileana Darksoul
2 Claude Herel
2 Why Run
2 Shamela Darkcloud
2 Ulrika Froststorm
2 Ganne Soupson
2 Macha Mamacha
2 Senri Fuu
3 Pupo Kupopo
3 Wind Ryu
3 Tav Erish
3 Leshrac Descartes
3 Kim Johnson
3 R'aksus Tia
3 Kurumi Hiirokaze
3 Hokage Nick
3 Ceras Lyon
3 Sable Hahma
3 Evale Yukimura
3 Tiz Garnet
3 Grit Loi
3 Gerrick Blacktail
3 Arya Yuy
3 Eldgrim Dubhsyith
3 Ladyloo Lochlan
3 Melissa Lawrence
3 Demon Laharal
3 Aloha Secksjuice
3 Bernon Imbertain
3 Asmodeus Sorrath
3 Abcdefinity Xyzor
3 Kisara Satomi
3 Katheena Razen
3 Lilith Lith
3 Kazuma Yashiro
3 Vendrick Kast
3 Slig Juice
3 Kirei Megami
3 Truffle My'butter
3 Mako Kirani
3 Primal Moon
3 Luna Blossom
3 Dahnee Duhveetoh
3 Avox Kharlu
3 Nymeria Nightshade
5 Pimoh Orinx
5 K'biwali Orinx
5 Rhela Orinx
6 Mirabo Lune
6 Cerulean Wyvern
6 Tael Silvers
6 Arget Brisingr
6 Kurino Lunaire
6 Tyrone Styles
6 Locke Cole
6 Windstrider Coldfoot
6 Hiroushu Valeriant
6 Rumi Puffs
6 Jahti'a Larat
6 Tsutsuki Tsuki
6 Psyanide Slam
6 Viav Vasei
6 Angelus Reiss
6 Cenerae Ten'aire
6 Lupis Draconis
6 Misaka Misaki
6 Miyuki San
6 Yami Lancet
6 Luca Noctis
6 Astro Garcia
6 Gajeel Redfox'
6 Nicollas Zidanexv
6 Hungry Panda
6 Jack Churchill
6 Luna D'miel
7 Friendly Bear
7 Nanfoodle Diberdoodle
7 Lethe Gallia
7 Sand Hightimes
7 Freyr Valandi
7 Miah Lihzeh
7 Breia Tionysus
7 Jasmine Bishop
7 Muffin Destroyer
7 Clissara Hena
7 Alexander Suvarov
7 Marietsy Wildwood
7 Lil Healz
7 Master Roshii
7 Osawari Runner
7 Anukis No'kleopatra
7 Kalten No'elenium
7 K'yhana Nosuk
7 Anwen Greywolfe
7 Rewah Rheemya
7 Eloelle Ar'oefel
7 Katayana Styles
7 Inari Okami
7 Star Boy
8 Siren Prince
8 Nobu San
8 Erstillelo Doubleborn
8 Featharis Tharen
8 Tia'min Cheshir
8 Kairo Blackflame
8 Nyaruko Kato
8 Cailet Kezef
8 Mystic Fate
8 Griswald Redwyne
8 Sehja Polaali
8 Riki Kumano
8 Hetzl Garr
8 Laciea Xysha
8 Zeta Firethorne
8 Mordred Phantom
8 Coco Ciel
8 Haruko Haruhara
8 Leo Bavaria
8 X'linh Agatha
9 Leanna Cosgrove
9 Yuuna Lesca
9 Moirin Fainche
9 Eclair Xysha
9 Spc Johnson
9 Katsu Ry
9 Karate Kidd
9 Soryai Sarutobi
9 Luxard Prince
9 Grimm Jackal
9 Lord' Sesshomaru
9 Rohariel Ripley
11 Alice Lidell
11 Filthy Mudblood
11 Lumia Fist
11 Krysalisa Blackrose