Highlight Economic Index Items

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Highlight Economic Index Items
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Jesyvut
Posts: 101
By Asura.Jesyvut 2008-12-15 13:55:52
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Just out of curiosity I have always wondered which items make up the 30 items in the server ranking. I assume that for now this list is static and does not change.

If that is so, I think it might be informational for some of us who delve in Economics, or just like to scour over information, to highlight those items which make up the server ranking.

Like the NYSE, certain companies will have a note next to their name - "Makes up part of the Dow Jones Industrial Average"

My idea is to possibly mark these items with an asterisk or colored box (only on the item's single page?).
-Here is a rough example I made really quick with photoshop

You could then also have a link showing all the items and their current prices for each server, under each server's link.
Serveur: Pandemonium
Game: FFXI
Posts: 505
By Pandemonium.Luignata 2008-12-15 15:18:13
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I doubt they'll devulge that info, because there'll be someone out there that would try to manipulate that data for malicious purposes.
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Scragg
Posts: 2579
By Fenrir.Scragg 2008-12-15 15:50:46
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This probably won't happen anytime soon.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Jesyvut
Posts: 101
By Asura.Jesyvut 2008-12-15 16:22:34
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What kind of malicious purpose?

Not saying I don't believe you because too many people have too much free time. All the server rankings are inconsequential anyway, so I don't see why people would screw with items just so their server would move up or down. I find that incredibly ridiculous.

I could go out and create a short program that makes a table of numbers showing server ranking by value of key items such as Sole Sushi, Shihei, Scorpion Harness, etc (things that sell frequently at a fairly level price). Somebody tries to jack up the price of Sushi, just to make their server ranking go up. What does that show? You have one incredible idiot on your hands on such-and-such server.

As for any reason that they don't want to divulge that info, is their prerogative, however I don't think it would cause any problems if they did say what items make up the ranking. I am very curious to know myself, simply to feed the human hunger for information.
Serveur: Midgardsormr
Game: FFXI
user: Sammitch
Posts: 1353
By Midgardsormr.Sammitch 2008-12-17 02:30:01
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Well the main reason against is ostensibly people messing with the "goods basket" items "for the lulz" which may not be a ~huge~ issue, but the only apparent reason for releasing the list of items is simply to satisfy our collective curiosity.

Cons: 1
Pros: 0.01

Even though I myself would like to like to know the list, I think they should keep it under their hat simply to keep the ratings accurate and not make any extra hassle for themselves. Plus, I'm sure as tastes change they might re-evaluate the list for a better reading on the current market.