Na, I don't speak. My mother never really spoke it around me. I'm the last child and we moved to the states when the volcano was about to blow (4yrs old). I've been back 2x since tho.
I moved to the states when I was really young too but then moved back home when I was around 10. lived there for about 9 years before coming back here^^
it's so different going back. SM malls.... and i got a crazy nokia phone in 04... nokia 6600. it was top of the line back in the day, but like 800 usd.
lol. at home with my crew here... i never thought that we'd get sucked into the karaoke... but you know everyone has that magicmic. everyone. but yeah used to think that was for like old filipinos... but we're doing it at the ages of 18-23 so far.
also, i remember hearing a filipino comedian saying that when guy filipinos get older they start looking like ninja turtles.... lol ninja turtle syndrome.
Probably, i don't remember the comic's name... after we heard that my friend's dad fell from a tree and busted his face pretty bad... so it swole up and dang he looked like leonardo.
My friends are going to go to Manny Pacquiao's fight in may. They know someone that's close friends w/ him and got the hook up.