Signs Of Too Much FFXI(ing?)

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Signs of too much FFXI(ing?)
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Serveur: Fairy
Game: FFXI
Posts: 263
By Fairy.Lethewaters 2008-12-11 18:15:04
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New one just used today.

I told me coworker,"BRB. Bio" when I ran to the restroom.

He thought I was going down the hall to the Bio Dept.
Serveur: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Narayan
Posts: 108
By Siren.Narayan 2008-12-11 18:15:20
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Kuroga said:
PD: sorry my english is not at a high lvl, maybe you need LvlSync english to read it.

Lv Sync English is too cute
Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Saeryn
Posts: 67
By Ragnarok.Saeryn 2008-12-11 19:28:34
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Frobeus said:
Playing any other video game and trying to use autorun, getting angry that it's not working, realize autorun is ffxi only, getting angry that w/e game doesn't have autorun.

This. ALL THE TIME. My roommate was wating me play Portal and had to ask why I kept randomly stopping. Stupid lack of auto-run. Dx lol
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 17
By Bahamut.Sendrethol 2008-12-11 19:49:44
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Ok ive done most of them all, including the IM thing, also the waking up half asleep and wondering what job to be, also playing the guitar and saying Stringed Instrument Skill rises .2 .

But best one was about a month ago, My sister who used to play and got me into it came home for holiday, and she had been known for using game lingo when she played too and i made fun of her. Well, we were eating dinner and i got up and said "brb wc" and she almost fell out of her chair, Then again when my mother asked what i was going to do when i got home, i said "Camp NM" she had managed to control herself this time but still let out a very loud giggle. My parents and her boyfriend couldn't stop giving me and her very confusing looks.
Ive also done the auto-follow while driving and got angry whn i started to slow , people behind me honked, and i remembered it was RL no auto-follow here
Serveur: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
user: Tomas
Posts: 830
By Unicorn.Tavlov 2008-12-11 19:52:24
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You've got to be in some serious "zone" to think you can auto-follow in a car lmao

edit: not responding to anyone in particular, seen like 10 ppl say that now tho ><
Serveur: Garuda
Game: FFXI
user: Vanya
Posts: 1
By Garuda.Vanya 2008-12-11 23:16:06
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I've done the same things as most people have said.
Escing IM windows when trying to re-do my sentences.
Crtl+p, Crtl+l, Crtl+r/t when typing.

And everytime I talk to people on AIM, when I agree with them, I always do "/".
Most of them wait because they think its a typo or I get some WTFs.

Also, my dog doesn't like my brother very much and usually goes after him around the house for no apparent reason, I'd go: "You got aggro, ***. Zone it, gg."
Serveur: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Flattus
Posts: 8
By Siren.Flattus 2008-12-12 00:11:59
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Tavlov said:
You've got to be in some serious "zone" to think you can auto-follow in a car lmao

edit: not responding to anyone in particular, seen like 10 ppl say that now tho &gt;&lt;

Cruise Control!
Serveur: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
user: ameilie
Posts: 8
By Unicorn.Ameilie 2008-12-12 01:14:57
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I will regularly type /tell in messenger. I hum along to the XI music in my head when i'm away from my comp. I constantly esc out of messenger and think that tab is going to auto-trans something for me. My bf and I talk in auto-trans sentences on msn, complete with brackets. I have had dreams of XI. I spend my hours away from the computer strategizing what my plan is on the game when i get back. My mom will ask me what i'm doing, have replied "farming", "bazaaring", "partying" (when i'm obviously sitting in front of my comp) and have referred to money as gil in public. I need help -_-

EDIT* I'm definitely yelling DING!!! on my next b-day. Blizzard I and Enfire here I come! Oh, one more thing, I use XD in all my messenger convos now. My non-gamer friends claim it stands for XtraDorky. XD
Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Anye
Posts: 5449
By Ragnarok.Anye 2008-12-12 01:45:03
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Just remembered: I do "\o\" irl. All the time.

OH, and in California, license plates are "0AAA000." I will always see a "0WHM000" or "0DRG000" or "0DRK000" somewhere; it's even better if I see something like "0PLD750" and get all depressed. (I don't play as much as I'd like to, but that doesn't keep FFXI from taking over my mind.)
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Arroon
Posts: 28
By Shiva.Arroon 2008-12-12 03:45:50
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The worst i have done so far is to write "<thanks for the offer but i'll have to pass>" to my boss in an e-mail when i was offered overtime.
Serveur: Hades
Game: FFXI
user: Cyeira
Posts: 1
By Hades.Cyeira 2008-12-12 04:14:28
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I was talking to a friend on the phone and they fell asleep. When I woke them up they dropped the phone and shouted "I'm dispelling!" Iono >.> sounded like they needed some poison pots there...
Serveur: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Tussilo
By Fairy.Tussilo 2008-12-12 06:16:23
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There's a company on the freeway near me called RMT Robotics. Every time I pass by I chuckle a little on the inside. I also
a) constantly wipe my messages in IM programs;
and b) dream of FFXI. The other night I had a dream I wanted to do Ballista on COR. However, once I got to Pashhow for the match I realized I had 10 bullets left, no warps, and not enough gil to buy another stack. I woke up so distressed.
Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 568
By Leviathan.Celestinia 2008-12-12 09:23:16
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I'm definitly addicted :( havent been able to play for 5 weeks now because my laptop is broken and having withdrawl symptoms. Spend most nights dreaming about what im going to do when I get back on the game =/

Also was playing Army of Two with my friend the other day and he was getting killed so I looked for my "provoke" macro... heh he was dead by time I realised what I was doing 0.o
By 2008-12-12 10:21:00
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Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 568
By Leviathan.Celestinia 2008-12-12 10:30:12
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Bartimaeus said:
I often wish that when my General Manager of my place of work finds me, I could repose her and run away. :s


You also need to dispel her dread spikes. Or perhaps cast teleport-yhoat on her when she's in a meeting 0=)
Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Anye
Posts: 5449
By Ragnarok.Anye 2008-12-12 10:56:02
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Celestinia said:
was playing Army of Two with my friend the other day and he was getting killed so I looked for my "provoke" macro... heh he was dead by time I realised what I was doing 0.o

I've done this.... Cept it was when my prof. was scolding a friend of mine and my left hand started twitching in the conformation of "ctrl-2" D:
Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Anye
Posts: 5449
By Ragnarok.Anye 2008-12-12 10:56:30
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Celestinia said:
Bartimaeus said:
I often wish that when my General Manager of my place of work finds me, I could repose her and run away. :s


You also need to dispel her dread spikes. Or perhaps cast teleport-yhoat on her when she's in a meeting 0=)

Invite to join party and D2 :D
By 2008-12-12 11:33:45
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Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Toabea
Posts: 33
By Cerberus.Toabea 2008-12-12 11:39:25
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Me and my friends who play FFXI always talk on Xbox Live or Teamspeak, Most of the time we will talk using the auto-translate function lines. Yesterday, however, I was walking my dog and this guy I know started talking to me and he never shuts up, so I just said "I got to go, I'm in a party" which he relpied to with "Ah you have friends over?" so I just decided to say yes and walk away lol.

Also guilty of the typing /poke and other stuff over MSN, Replying to people with {Long time} or {Short time} and me and my friends always say brb, wc, afk, wb, etc.
Serveur: Remora
Game: FFXI
user: EnricO
Posts: 80
By Remora.Mitsurughy 2008-12-12 13:28:44
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Well this is not mine but a friend told me, i think i need to post it:

While talking to an LS member on msn while beeing online, and trow in "Zone" in MSN chat.
Serveur: Hades
Game: FFXI
user: Dizzmal
Posts: 227
By Hades.Dizzmal 2008-12-12 15:40:13
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The other day my boss asked me to stay late for a customer.. my responce with out thinking was " can't killing kirin tonight" ><.... ah the look I got was great...
Serveur: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
user: Tomas
Posts: 830
By Unicorn.Tavlov 2008-12-12 15:45:15
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Serveur: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
Posts: 72
By Unicorn.Yojimmbo 2008-12-12 15:53:23
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I asked my buddy if he had gil to tip the pizza guy lol
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Mmaarrii
Posts: 162
By Odin.Marigrim 2008-12-12 17:56:41
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I was typing in a messenger just now and hit "Alt R"... I remembered this post so I had to write it :/
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Lariel
Posts: 12
By Fenrir.Lariel 2008-12-12 23:14:03
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Going to check ffxiah to see if your stuff sold, then realizing you're on a break from the game...
Serveur: Seraph
Game: FFXI
user: xdudemanx
Posts: 990
By Seraph.Xdudemanx 2008-12-13 02:59:00
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I work at pizza place....someone messed up and made the wrong pizza so it was extra....i said,(do you need it?) (can i have it?)
i had a dream i was xpn in the mire.....
Serveur: Pandemonium
Game: FFXI
Posts: 74
By Pandemonium.Alexanderofodin 2008-12-13 04:57:47
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Xdudemanx said:

i had a dream i was xpn in the mire.....

i'd call that a {Nightmare} :p
Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 568
By Leviathan.Celestinia 2008-12-13 06:37:05
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lol /votes this as best thread ever. Respect to Barti!!!
Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Anye
Posts: 5449
By Ragnarok.Anye 2008-12-13 11:00:19
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Celestinia said:
lol /votes this as best thread ever. Respect to Barti!!!


and yeah. Freaking best thread ever. Next to mine ;D JAYKAY! XD

I haven't played in 3 weeks, and I JUST had a dream that my ls and I were coffer hunting in what seemed to be a mix of Castle Zvahl Baileys and Promyvion. It was kinda weird O_o;
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 240
By Lakshmi.Septroth 2008-12-14 10:21:00
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Babiedoll said:
umm.. There is no auto follow while your driving... &gt;.&gt;

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