Nahiatsu on Ramuh server (formerly known as Tygiuu when he was on Kujata server) has managed to successfully swindle me out of a very rare item. Unfortunately it's my own fault for being too damn nice and trusting.
A few months back I received a Bellonna's ring in a cross-server trade for a Cerberus Mantle +1 that I arranged through bazaar listings. Hoping to make a bit of a profit since my server has never had an AV kill, I advertised the ring for sale for several weeks. I finally found a buyer, Nahiatsu.
Nahiatsu transferred to Ramuh shortly before this deal was brokered. He is a Mandau holder, currently in the Insurrection HNMLS on Ramuh. Given the "one-of-a-kind" nature of this ring on our server, the deal was for 25 million gil and a pair of homam legs that he said he could get, as he claimed to run his own Limbus LS that did mercenary runs. After talking to him for several days, I got the impression that he was a decent guy. We both took a few days to "sleep on it" before mutually agreeing to go ahead with the deal. Nahiatsu said he had 12 million gil available up front and could provide the rest within "a week or two." As collateral, he offered to give me some expensive items to hold. I accepted 12 million gil, an Osode, and an E Bow and relinquished the ring to him that night.
I only wish I had known then what I know now.
In the days and weeks following the trade things began to feel a bit strange. Nahiatsu stopped responding as quickly as he used to do. When I asked about the next scheduled Omega run he was very wishy washy, saying he "wasn't sure" and that "people weren't around to do it this week." This was the answer whenever I asked. To date I have never actually seen him in Limbus. Wheather or not he actually does run a Limbus shell I do not know, I've not yet been able to find proof either way.
The other 13 million gil never materialized. A story was offered in an attempt to explain this delay. Nahiatsu claimed to have sent all of his gil to Kujata on a mule to buy dynamis currency, citing excessively high prices on Ramuh. He stated that he was working on a G horn and was on the final stage. Whiteshells are notoriously overpriced on Ramuh, so this was fairly believable. This mule supposedly had the bulk of his gil and he claimed to be slowly purchasing shells. Every week he said "next weekend I'll be done" but then on Monday morning would always say "Demo LS beat me to the bazzars, one more weekend."
Fastforward two months. For the last three weeks Nahiatsu has not acknowledged any of my attempts to communicate. He does not return tells in game. He does not return POL messages. He does not return to PM's on his own LS forums. He does not respond to threads posted on his forums saying "If you see Nahiatsu please ask him to send me a tell." He has apparently told at least a few of his ls mates that he "has a problem with his POL messages" and that is why he hasn't been in touch with me.
the fact of the matter is I see him changing zones, send him a tell, and he never answers. I ask my friends to send him a tell, he answers, and as soon as he realizes that the person is just telling him to talk to me he ignores them too.
I'm an idiot for trusting this guy. He's never going to pay up. If you ever find yourself in a similar situation with this guy don't trust him. If he wants to buy something from you, wants to join your LS, wants anything... watch your back. you could be next.
I know Bellonna's ring may not be the best item or seem like much of a big deal to people but it's not the value of the item that is up for debate here. It's the fact that he boned me out of 13 million gil and some r/ex gear. A deal's a deal.