Smn Burn Getting Crowded And Expensive

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Smn Burn getting crowded and expensive
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Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 115
By Asura.Shiroineko 2010-03-10 17:50:12
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Meh, I agree with Chasuro... what's the difference between skilling after a burn and skilling in a sync party? Eventually you're gonna hit a cap and just go skill in the tree anyway. You can't escape that tree T-T okay yes you can but you all know Martial Master rocks.
Serveur: Fairy
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user: Usua
Posts: 446
By Fairy.Usua 2010-03-11 00:48:37
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Garuda.Wooooodum said:
Fenrir.Shindo said:
On a side note, if you pull slimes, you get Diaga'd. I farm them sometimes.

I wasn't aware Slime Oil only drops from Jellies in Korroloka. =o
no but it has the highest concentrations of slimes with the best drop rates. I farm there too.
Serveur: Seraph
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user: Chasuro
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By Seraph.Chasuro 2010-03-11 00:57:12
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Asura.Shiroineko said:
Meh, I agree with Chasuro... what's the difference between skilling after a burn and skilling in a sync party? Eventually you're gonna hit a cap and just go skill in the tree anyway. You can't escape that tree T-T okay yes you can but you all know Martial Master rocks.

Well, the main thing is it is rare to get invited to a pt to DD and use your Blood Pacts.

Jellies aren't mandatory in an af burn and are more difficult to pull so easily left to the people who farm slime oils.
Serveur: Fairy
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user: Cailleach
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By Fairy.Cailleach 2010-03-11 03:54:58
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With a kc rdm it usually comes out to about 30k/hr.

Edit: But that's with a leecher or two....
Serveur: Shiva
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By Shiva.Weewoo 2010-03-11 03:56:57
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To me, it would be more impressive and praise worthy to play your job correctly and with skill than it would to say you leveled up legitimately through parties instead of astral burn or whatever.

I really don't care how you got to 75, but if you can carry your weight and then some, then it's all good. Otherwise, don't expect much from me or the EGLS for that matter.
Serveur: Carbuncle
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user: zanno
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By Carbuncle.Xandor 2010-03-11 04:07:22
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Midgardsormr.Sectumsempra said:
Asura.Jetzabel said:
Apparently it can be done with M.Kris and even Joyeuse. Interesting!

I do wish I had a KC though =P
They suck that way. lol12k/hr burns

Then you're doing it wrong

I've had RDM/PLD with joyeuse killing sheeps for our chigoe partys, we've been getting 40k + per hour, except for when sync was around lv 56-57. 52-55 though, atleast 40k per hour with Joytoy
Serveur: Lakshmi
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user: darknesss
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By Lakshmi.Darknesss 2010-03-11 04:45:00
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so happy smn burns are getting gimped, ZOMG ppl might have to lfp again to get 12 jobs at 75
Serveur: Sylph
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user: Hitetsu
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By Sylph.Hitetsu 2010-03-11 05:05:10
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Lakshmi.Darknesss said:
so happy smn burns are getting gimped, ZOMG ppl might have to lfp again to get 12 jobs at 75

Totally.. Just make sure you don't level sync at all! Ever! That'd make things too easy for you.
Serveur: Bismarck
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Posts: 40
By Bismarck.Heavendragon 2010-03-11 05:36:04
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Always these SMN Burn discusions. I hate them. SMN Burn destoied the god old pt. Just noobs make SMN burns to level theyr jobs. If you really wanna be a good Player do your jobs in pt´s.

Than you realy can say you can play your job.
Serveur: Sylph
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user: Hitetsu
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By Sylph.Hitetsu 2010-03-11 06:02:50
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Yeah, do your jobs properly people!

Bismarck.Heavendragon said:
Always these SMN Burn discusions. I hate them. Aht Urgan destoied the god old pt. Just noobs make SMN burns to level theyr jobs. If you really wanna be a good Player do your jobs in pt´s.

Than you realy can say you can play your job.
I fixed that for you.
Serveur: Caitsith
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user: blurr69
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By Caitsith.Blurr 2010-03-11 06:15:35
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pld or rdm (anything capable of holding the sheep while JUST meleeing, to pop the chigoes faster) grabs a sheep outside nashmau, and just melees it with a multihit weapon. (kc preferably on account of the fastest possible ws's) everytime they ws on sheep, it pops a chigoe which a level synched party can get optimal xp on. after 5 chigoes pop, sheeps empty, get a new one.
Posts: 1136
By semimmortal 2010-03-11 06:18:07
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Lower the volume if you don't want to suffer from a heart attack like me >.>

Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 7705
By Ramuh.Kalyna 2010-03-11 06:42:00
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SMN burns expensive? Why not just use your connections to find who's doing a smn burn soon and ask if you can join (either aas the syncee or as a SMN)
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Ranae
Posts: 229
By Asura.Chexmix 2010-03-11 07:24:52
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Bismarck.Heavendragon said:
Always these SMN Burn discusions. I hate them. SMN Burn destoied the god old pt. Just noobs make SMN burns to level theyr jobs. If you really wanna be a good Player do your jobs in pt´s.

Than you realy can say you can play your job.

This thread yet again.. I've met idk how many people that have leveled their job legit and still either suck and dont know how to dress themselves or both.

I've smn burned a few jobs to 75 and I can say the ones I actively play are well geared, full merits, capped skills, all WS etc. To say you have to actively EXP a job to 75 to know how to play it is the such a load.

So if someone east ron burns a job to 75 are they better? They basically did the same thing. If you want to be good at your job at 75 you will be if you dont then you wont.

To answer the OP not sure if anyone actively charges for leech on Asura. People ask me often but honestly unless they are willing to pay 300K or more its not worth giving up my leech spot or a friend that I am letting leech. There was one person that charged 2mil for 37-75 but he asked for 2m up front. Needless to say he disappeared after a few people paid :s
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 23653
By Shiva.Flionheart 2010-03-11 07:39:04
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Asura.Chexmix said:
Bismarck.Heavendragon said:
Always these SMN Burn discusions. I hate them. SMN Burn destoied the god old pt. Just noobs make SMN burns to level theyr jobs. If you really wanna be a good Player do your jobs in pt´s.

Than you realy can say you can play your job.

This thread yet again.. I've met idk how many people that have leveled their job legit and still either suck and dont know how to dress themselves or both.

I've smn burned a few jobs to 75 and I can say the ones I actively play are well geared, full merits, capped skills, all WS etc. To say you have to actively EXP a job to 75 to know how to play it is the such a load.

So if someone east ron burns a job to 75 are they better? They basically did the same thing. If you want to be good at your job at 75 you will be if you dont then you wont.

To answer the OP not sure if anyone actively charges for leech on Asura. People ask me often but honestly unless they are willing to pay 300K or more its not worth giving up my leech spot or a friend that I am letting leech. There was one person that charged 2mil for 37-75 but he asked for 2m up front. Needless to say he disappeared after a few people paid :s

Because in an ER(s) party, you're naked and do nothing toward the success of the pt

Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Ranae
Posts: 229
By Asura.Chexmix 2010-03-11 07:44:11
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Shiva.Flionheart said:
Asura.Chexmix said:
Bismarck.Heavendragon said:
Always these SMN Burn discusions. I hate them. SMN Burn destoied the god old pt. Just noobs make SMN burns to level theyr jobs. If you really wanna be a good Player do your jobs in pt´s.

Than you realy can say you can play your job.

This thread yet again.. I've met idk how many people that have leveled their job legit and still either suck and dont know how to dress themselves or both.

I've smn burned a few jobs to 75 and I can say the ones I actively play are well geared, full merits, capped skills, all WS etc. To say you have to actively EXP a job to 75 to know how to play it is the such a load.

So if someone east ron burns a job to 75 are they better? They basically did the same thing. If you want to be good at your job at 75 you will be if you dont then you wont.

To answer the OP not sure if anyone actively charges for leech on Asura. People ask me often but honestly unless they are willing to pay 300K or more its not worth giving up my leech spot or a friend that I am letting leech. There was one person that charged 2mil for 37-75 but he asked for 2m up front. Needless to say he disappeared after a few people paid :s

Because in an ER(s) party, you're naked and do nothing toward the success of the pt


lol I hold and pull if Im leeching =/

But the few times I was a sync in east ron I did just stand there and did cor roll. and when I east roned my sch to 75 did pretty much the same thing. Cor roll onry and PLed.

Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 7705
By Ramuh.Kalyna 2010-03-11 07:48:30
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The only thing about smn burn parties is gimped skills (and armor) which can easilly be caught up by:
skill up parties
Syncing to 10 levels above what your current skil is and skilling it up that way
and other ways.

For armor, it's a money issue instead of smn burn issue (seriously, do you expect me to find 200k total in the crap i get from drops? I can't make 200k in crystals from 1 exp party. In dynamis or BCNM or other end game crap, yeah i can but honestly, in exp parties you don't get much. Yeah farm farm farm but really, with so many people farming, the prices stagger from let's say 5k to 3k (and you always get the item when it's worth 3k right? and then you try selling for 5k and it doesn't sell til 2-3 weeks later) this is why many people RMT. If you jerks would lower the prices on those lvl 30 400k items, RMT would die out. (Especially Utsusemi scrolls. i mean christ! 100k for ichi which the quest is so damn easy and like 300k for ni which you can easilly do BCNM with a few friends and ask for it if it drops.)
Serveur: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: zanno
Posts: 128
By Carbuncle.Kyhira 2010-03-11 08:03:35
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None of you level jobs because you actually enjoy playing the jobs?

If its all about "rushing to 75 to get a bigger epeen" why not just buy an account with all 75's, take a min and feel accomplished and then just uninstall the game and move on with your life?

You can make the money back by selling the account with all 75's all missions, all gear back to someone else who needs a bigger epeen.
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 7705
By Ramuh.Kalyna 2010-03-11 08:08:38
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Carbuncle.Kyhira said:
None of you level jobs because you actually enjoy playing the jobs? If its all about "rushing to 75 to get a bigger epeen" why not just buy an account with all 75's, take a min and feel accomplished and then just uninstall the game and move on with your life? You can make the money back by selling the account with all 75's all missions, all gear back to someone else who needs a bigger epeen.
i don't enjoy NIN or RDM (which i want SMN BURN'D)
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Bug Hunter
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: dameshi
Posts: 29745
By Asura.Dameshi 2010-03-11 08:10:57
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Ramuh.Kalyna said:
i don't enjoy NIN or RDM (which i want SMN BURN'D)
Serveur: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: zanno
Posts: 128
By Carbuncle.Kyhira 2010-03-11 08:12:54
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Ramuh.Kalyna said:
Carbuncle.Kyhira said:
None of you level jobs because you actually enjoy playing the jobs? If its all about "rushing to 75 to get a bigger epeen" why not just buy an account with all 75's, take a min and feel accomplished and then just uninstall the game and move on with your life? You can make the money back by selling the account with all 75's all missions, all gear back to someone else who needs a bigger epeen.
i don't enjoy NIN or RDM (which i want SMN BURN'D)

If you dont enjoy them then why even bother to lv them?

It's like saying "I don't like playing brd, but I'm gonna smn burn it to 75 and cross my fingers no one will ever ask me to play the damn job"
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Ranae
Posts: 229
By Asura.Chexmix 2010-03-11 08:14:53
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Carbuncle.Kyhira said:
Ramuh.Kalyna said:
Carbuncle.Kyhira said:
None of you level jobs because you actually enjoy playing the jobs? If its all about "rushing to 75 to get a bigger epeen" why not just buy an account with all 75's, take a min and feel accomplished and then just uninstall the game and move on with your life? You can make the money back by selling the account with all 75's all missions, all gear back to someone else who needs a bigger epeen.
i don't enjoy NIN or RDM (which i want SMN BURN'D)

If you dont enjoy them then why even bother to lv them?

It's like saying "I don't like playing brd, but I'm gonna smn burn it to 75 and cross my fingers no one will ever ask me to play the damn job"

Maat's Cap?
Forum Moderator
Bug Hunter
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: dameshi
Posts: 29745
By Asura.Dameshi 2010-03-11 08:15:45
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Carbuncle.Kyhira said:
Ramuh.Kalyna said:
Carbuncle.Kyhira said:
None of you level jobs because you actually enjoy playing the jobs? If its all about "rushing to 75 to get a bigger epeen" why not just buy an account with all 75's, take a min and feel accomplished and then just uninstall the game and move on with your life? You can make the money back by selling the account with all 75's all missions, all gear back to someone else who needs a bigger epeen.
i don't enjoy NIN or RDM (which i want SMN BURN'D)

If you dont enjoy them then why even bother to lv them?

It's like saying "I don't like playing brd, but I'm gonna smn burn it to 75 and cross my fingers no one will ever ask me to play the damn job"
Sub job?
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 7705
By Ramuh.Kalyna 2010-03-11 08:22:43
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Carbuncle.Kyhira said:
Ramuh.Kalyna said:
Carbuncle.Kyhira said:
None of you level jobs because you actually enjoy playing the jobs? If its all about "rushing to 75 to get a bigger epeen" why not just buy an account with all 75's, take a min and feel accomplished and then just uninstall the game and move on with your life? You can make the money back by selling the account with all 75's all missions, all gear back to someone else who needs a bigger epeen.
i don't enjoy NIN or RDM (which i want SMN BURN'D)
If you dont enjoy them then why even bother to lv them? It's like saying "I don't like playing brd, but I'm gonna smn burn it to 75 and cross my fingers no one will ever ask me to play the damn job"
did i say i want it 75?

i want to be DNC/NIN (and when i'm NIN i get bugged to tank and i don't like tanking)

here let me rephrase that:
I don't enjoy playing jobs other people expect something different of.
Example: RDM main healer (lol they don't heal very well. they're main focus is ENFEEBLING MAGIC aka casting Dia, Paralyze, and so on with good accuracy as well as refreshing. Convert is what makes them main healers)

another Example: NIN tanks. If it wasn't for Utsusemi, they'd suck as tanks. They're more DD+Enfeeble instead of tanking. Do you really expect them to go thru 20k/party just to tank for 2 hours when they can use that stuff on other tools or DD equipment. (I mean they dual wield! DUAL WIELD!!!!!! WAR/WHM decently equiped can tank better than a NIN/WAR. This is coming from a WHM main job. NIN tanks are MP drainers more than WAR main as tanks. Hell DRK are better tanks than NIN.)
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Ranae
Posts: 229
By Asura.Chexmix 2010-03-11 08:33:01
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Nin tanks can be okay.. they sort of get the shaft in ToUA because they cant use food, WS really and pecking flurry :s
Serveur: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: zanno
Posts: 128
By Carbuncle.Kyhira 2010-03-11 08:34:52
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Oh, so having lv 75 RDM with the skills and experience of a lv 1 RDM is gonna benefit you how?

You'll land dia at best with your ENFEEBELING MAGIC lol, did you know that EG RDM's are mainhealing as well btw? you expect to show up to events casting paralyze only, because RDM is ENFEEBELING MAGIC job?

NIN tanks that are mp sinks are just bad player, and they sure as hell arent gonna get any better from smn burn their nin.
If it wasn't for Utsusemi, they'd suck as tanks

Well, If it wasn't for Cure spells, WHM would be horrible healers.

Fail logic is failed
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 7705
By Ramuh.Kalyna 2010-03-11 08:35:39
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Asura.Chexmix said:
Nin tanks can be okay.. they sort of get the shaft in ToUA because they cant use food, WS really and pecking flurry :s
yeah then once pecky flurry ends, they get boned the next hit going from 100%hp to 1% hp when a war can make it from 50% to 45% in that hit.
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 77
By Quetzalcoatl.Terribleone 2010-03-11 08:41:35
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I guess the problem people have are the leechers. I hate the leechers too. That's why I only have two of 3 people leech in my burns (myself being one of them).

I NEVER sell the leech spot. I get asked all the time if the leech spot is open and have to turn them away. I guess I'll have to put the leech spot up for 3 million per pull in my /seacom. Suckers welcome.

Syncs get rotated in and out. They get to skip the Dunes, that's a good thing, wouldn't you say?

I suppose botters are more acceptable than people that SMN burns according to everyone here.
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 7705
By Ramuh.Kalyna 2010-03-11 09:03:40
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Quetzalcoatl.Terribleone said:
I guess the problem people have are the leechers. I hate the leechers too. That's why I only have two of 3 people leech in my burns (myself being one of them). I NEVER sell the leech spot. I get asked all the time if the leech spot is open and have to turn them away. I guess I'll have to put the leech spot up for 3 million per pull in my /seacom. Suckers welcome. Syncs get rotated in and out. They get to skip the Dunes, that's a good thing, wouldn't you say? I suppose botters are more acceptable than people that SMN burns according to everyone here.
i don't mind the dunes, i just don't really want to sit there lfp as NIN/DNC with seeking party comment as "I don't tank." then have people ASKING Me to tank. (already happened... and i'm only 14nin/7dnc) i swear people don't effing read.
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