I Need A New Server Please Assist ; ;

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I need a new server please assist ; ;
By 2008-11-20 10:54:48
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most emotional thread ever
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Mmaarrii
Posts: 162
By Odin.Marigrim 2008-11-20 11:47:51
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Epics said:
most emotional thread ever

I hope that wasn't sarcasm ; ; I was being serious :/ I don't have family and very few friends, so it means alot to me that anyone would care for my health though I admit an mmo forum may not be the best place for it - we're still human on the other sides of these computer screens, and sometimes it really is nice to see it from that side ~ the human one.
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 24
By Odin.Angrykitty 2008-11-20 12:14:01
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Marigrim said:
Epics said:
most emotional thread ever

I hope that wasn't sarcasm ; ; I was being serious :/ I don't have family and very few friends, so it means alot to me that anyone would care for my health though I admit an mmo forum may not be the best place for it - we're still human on the other sides of these computer screens, and sometimes it really is nice to see it from that side ~ the human one.

I totally agree. I wished there was others out there with that view... I think FFXI would be that much more fun than it already is. If people were considerate towards others^^
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Vexarana
Posts: 19
By Shiva.Vexarana 2008-11-21 17:35:20
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well i sorta skipped over the last part of the first page so I might have missed something..

but you seem like a very laid back and relaxed person and i think that Shiva is a great place.

serveral people in my LS have hopped all around the servers and they think that Shiva is by far the most relaxed. people just get together and have fun.


good luck with everything though, if I'm too late.
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Mmaarrii
Posts: 162
By Odin.Marigrim 2008-11-21 20:29:10
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No not too late ^^; this thread I started asking for an opinion has really made me think alot, even the Jaerik sent me best wishes when he found out I was sick ^^; (would have been better to see it here XD) after reading so many emails and so many posts from genuine caring nice people that at least for a few taps of a keyboard stopped being in game avatars and became human - I wish I could just grab you all up into the same place XD. I even calculated the price of putting a mule in all of your servers so I could at least in a way please everyone ^^; Odin is full no doubts about it at all - alot of people have told me their transfer experiences and how they can't leave their friends, I understand that quite well, because by chosing a new server I am leaving every other kind hearted offer made by each of you behind, no different to me than the accounts of leaving friends behind and regreting it later. So what do I do now?? I have no idea :/ and Vex please accept my thanks for your well wishing ^^ you have joined a growing group of ffxi fans that put the character down for a minute ^^;
Serveur: Fairy
Game: FFXI
Posts: 45
By Fairy.Kuroganashi 2008-11-21 21:19:29
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Fairy Server

Out of Carbuncle ( noobs and *** ) ,Garuda ( Monotone flow ) , Odin ( Better than you Attitude ) , Bahamut ( We got more gil , we better than you ) , and Phoenix ( ooooo we all think you are a noob cuz you new to the server )

FAIRY = Balance ( some *** , some NICE ppl ) mostly Veterans , but we help you and we help "noobs" become veterans

well , the choice is your after all

be my guest , do W/e u wish

but in the end , you gotta admit : NO ODIN , NO BAHAMUT , DEFINALLY NO CARBY
Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Anye
Posts: 5449
By Ragnarok.Anye 2008-11-21 22:36:59
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Lol, Marigrim, you sure are one in a million! I'm glad you received a lot of positive responses, it just goes to show that humanity isn't lost to self-centeredness just yet, hahahahaha~ ;D

Just wanna let you know you are in my prayers, I do hope you can find some sort of peace in your time of struggle^^ You've got a positive point of view on life, that's rare to find these days, but very refreshing to see. = )
Serveur: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Judda
Posts: 25
By Valefor.Judda 2008-11-22 00:41:58
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I didn't read but the first post :D yeah im lazy most because english is my second language ahaha xD

just one thing... even if the server sux there can be 1 single person that makes you love it. And you will never think about leaving, an example can be a bunch of good friends wich is my case, i dont know if my server sux or not coz i have never changed server but i dont think i will never want that because my friends are irreplaceable.

Good luck on what you do :D
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Sidi
Posts: 538
By Asura.Sidi 2008-11-22 02:13:36
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Well, since it is quite difficult to choose when so many people offer...

put pieces've paper in a hate for each server your considering and choose one :D LET FATE DO IT FOR YOU!!!!!! O_O;;

and then you can self doubt yourself at the end and choose the one you really wanted but didn't know until you chose the wrong one :P

(Which is Asura, no? ^^)

Good luck~
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: kiriyu
Posts: 3195
By Ramuh.Kiriyu 2008-11-22 06:14:47
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Heh, with so many responses it's gonna be hard for you to choose now, eh? ;s I like Sidi's response lol. Maybe you should just try that!

Just remember, there's always going to be someone/people you won't get along with on every server. You seem like a really nice, relaxed guy. I'm sure you'll make some good quality friends wherever you end up. Like everyone else has said, take care of yourself and I hope you'll be happy with your final decision :) Now where are my HQ rods at. Lol jk
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Mmaarrii
Posts: 162
By Odin.Marigrim 2008-11-22 08:09:09
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Kiriyu said:
Now where are my HQ rods at. Lol jk

^^; I'll get you one somehow ^^; and yes with so many replies any choice would feel like turning my back on everyone >.< no idea what to do now ; ;
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Mmaarrii
Posts: 162
By Odin.Marigrim 2008-11-22 08:14:59
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Anye said:
Lol, Marigrim, you sure are one in a million! Just wanna let you know you are in my prayers, I do hope you can find some sort of peace in your time of struggle^^ = )
Thank you Anye ; ;

Judda said:
I didn't read but the first post :D yeah im lazy most because english is my second language ahaha xD

And to you also Juda for fighting a language gap to share your thoughts ^^

Too keep from overloading the thread I'll start replying 2-3 at a time :D

Ty all again very much

Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Mmaarrii
Posts: 162
By Odin.Marigrim 2008-11-22 13:04:25
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I will be transfering @ the first of December - any other thoughts and ideas are welcome, and to the contributers thus far I thank you. Many are right about staying in their servers for their friends but the nomads that have flooded odin recently have no become too much to bear. For what time I will be able to play I'll spend it making new friends, or perhaps being the random wall flower I have become now so well known for being. Anyhow I look forward to the last week of posts before transfering I hope there will be many more as your insite has been beyond helpful.

Kiriyu said:
You seem like a really nice, relaxed guy.

Yes umm.. about that XD you're a little off just um.. slightly D:

Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: kiriyu
Posts: 3195
By Ramuh.Kiriyu 2008-11-22 14:27:07
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Soo.. you're saying you're crazy?! o.o

Take care^^
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Mmaarrii
Posts: 162
By Odin.Marigrim 2008-11-22 14:40:54
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Kiriyu said:
Soo.. you're saying you're crazy?! o.o Take care^^

D: not exactly....
Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Saeryn
Posts: 67
By Ragnarok.Saeryn 2008-11-22 17:08:00
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Watch out, Ragnarok has crazy people! *ducks and runs away from Anye* XD

Seriously though, every server has ups and downs, and best of luck to you! <3
By 2008-11-22 19:24:44
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Post deleted by User.
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Mmaarrii
Posts: 162
By Odin.Marigrim 2008-11-22 19:30:15
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Bartimaeus said:
Not too late is it? :P I'd just like to toss the [ Pandemonium ] chip in there. Sure, I could try to entice you into moving by saying were all veterans or we help noobs or this or that like some other places..cough.. but that's VERY MUCH what you want to avoid. The useless banter. Pandemonium is on the smaller side, and I'd like to think I know some of it well enough after 3 years to say its been 90% a good time, 5% bleh, and 3% cookies, and 2% milk (do-do ch!). Why would you deny cookies?????!!!!!!! To that 40% gameplay rating*: bwahaha. :D

lol how could I not accept that chip with a smile?? thank you very much! *^^;
By 2008-11-22 19:32:39
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Post deleted by User.
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Mmaarrii
Posts: 162
By Odin.Marigrim 2008-11-22 19:55:20
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Bartimaeus said:
GL in your search for an excellent server. Accept nothing less!

it isn't that I am looking for, I'm just a wallflower so a wall to grow on would be great ^^;

Serveur: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
user: Emerii1
Posts: 249
By Unicorn.Emirii 2008-11-22 21:56:42
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I like unicorn. theres many linkshells to join and have fun with, and a lot of events are always going on...

ive been on fairy and cerberus too. I do like unicorn. cerberus is not a nice hnmls scene.
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Guffy
Posts: 55
By Ramuh.Guffy 2008-11-22 22:48:27
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Ramuh is boring, not too overcrowded, and pretty uneventful, sounds like your type of server! Join today!
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Demat
Posts: 11
By Bahamut.Demat 2008-11-23 04:20:47
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Yakutatazu said:
I left Fairy for 3 months for Bahamut and found the people there a lot more elitest and rude.

wow o.o u sure?

Kuroganashi said:
Bahamut ( We got more gil , we better than you )

i have been in bahamut since i started for about 2 years now and i havent seen that yet maybe a few people believe in it but that doesnt means the whole server >.>

good luck Marigrim and be well, dont get so confused just choose any server randomly that u might like or perfer or just stay in ur server if u feel like it. ur not turning ur back on anyone. having fun is what matters and thats why we all playing ffxi, its just a game at the end.
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: xChronosx
Posts: 1
By Lakshmi.Xchronosx 2008-11-23 09:10:17
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Well, since it's not too late, I have to throw in the Lakshmi card. We got a nice smallish server here. A fair amount of endgame lses (which you're not interested in) 1 server transfer botting HNMls (the subject of pretty much all server drama) and alot of good people. I'm sackholder in a social ls devoted to helping people, been going for 3-4 years. We do what we can. If you transfer over here hit me up with a tell and I'll throw you a linkpearl. Anyway, I wish you the best of luck and better health for whatever may happen in the future. You seem like a very nice and generally good person, and that's hard to find nowadays.
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: BK
Posts: 21
By Lakshmi.Badkarma 2008-11-23 14:16:17
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Xchronosx said:
1 server transfer botting HNMls (the subject of pretty much all server drama)

All HNM shells bot (the ones who claim anything anyway), if one says they dont they are full of ***lol. And also Lakshmi is a good server, decent crowd of people.
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Salmijr
Posts: 206
By Phoenix.Salmijr 2008-11-24 04:57:46
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Um, why not make a mule and try a server for a few days/weeks before commiting? Sure, Jeuno is dead for the most part, but I'm sure you can get a general idea of how people will be.

Unless you judge a server by it's Aht Uhrgan shouts.
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Mmaarrii
Posts: 162
By Odin.Marigrim 2008-11-25 09:32:11
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Salmijr said:
Um, why not make a mule and try a server for a few days/weeks before commiting? Sure, Jeuno is dead for the most part, but I'm sure you can get a general idea of how people will be. Unless you judge a server by it's Aht Uhrgan shouts.

I avoid white gate when I can, and yes I have been to quite a few servers recently on mules just poking around here and there for a few hours. It's hard to really get an idea of a servers general personality but I can catch little things here or there - and yes in the end it's a game, but in the end it's the people on the playing field that make the game what it is.

Thanks everyone transfer day is coming fast lol and I am still at a loss so let's hope I make a good choice
Serveur: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
user: Shayala
Posts: 1004
By Gilgamesh.Shayala 2008-11-25 09:48:53
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Gilgamesh seems to be a nice friendly server.I've only been playing the game for a few months but so far have had mainly good experiences with other players.
Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 568
By Leviathan.Celestinia 2008-11-25 12:09:55
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I Started game on Gilgamesh and gotta say it was a very friendly place when i was there for a few months, Leviathan is the same made lots of great friends in valkurm dunes i still play with today.

Seems to be some good advice on this thread lol
have thought about changing servers a few times b4 but felt the friends i had were worth staying for, would only move if they did.

Really hope everything works out for you Mari, peaople that do random funny things are awsome lol im sure you'll make a lot of friends where-ever u choose to go
Serveur: Hades
Game: FFXI
Posts: 13
By Hades.Cainen 2008-11-25 13:12:31
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I recommend Hades for a server I think we are under populated and prices for some stuff I think are a little high but then again what server doesnt have that..
if You need a LS if you want to transfer let me know Ive got a very nice social been up and running for more then 2 years now (I joined it 2 years ago) and I can get you in touch with a couple different event LS if your interested too .. I just like posting ... : )