Gear check please!
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 11681
By Fenrir.Nightfyre 2010-03-07 22:23:06
Garuda.Glaciont said: Well, I'm doing limbus now. I just started Salvage and I'm lined up for um, ares pants first and ares body last. I'm not really good with HNMs either so I just don't do that ahaha. I unno I just got back from a 7 month break so I gotta get back into things hehe Perfect. If you pick up a good Einherjar shell every single one of my recommendations will be within reach except Black Tathlum. Astrolabe is more than acceptable so that's not an issue, and if you're ever sitting on an asston of gil with nothing else to spend it on you'll know what to pick up. If you can't swing an Ein shell (it's only 30 minutes, so I'd assume you can if you do Limbus), scratch off NHead. Aurum Cuirass can be merced if you like, if not you could try and kill it with friends or pick up a ZNM shell. I understand that you're not a fan of the look of it (I personally don't mind it) but it's really a good piece. If you're on PC you could .dat-swap it out.
Serveur: Garuda
Game: FFXI
Posts: 318
By Garuda.Glaciont 2010-03-07 22:40:50
Fenrir.Nightfyre said: Garuda.Glaciont said: Well, I'm doing limbus now. I just started Salvage and I'm lined up for um, ares pants first and ares body last. I'm not really good with HNMs either so I just don't do that ahaha. I unno I just got back from a 7 month break so I gotta get back into things hehe Perfect. If you pick up a good Einherjar shell every single one of my recommendations will be within reach except Black Tathlum. Astrolabe is more than acceptable so that's not an issue, and if you're ever sitting on an asston of gil with nothing else to spend it on you'll know what to pick up. If you can't swing an Ein shell (it's only 30 minutes, so I'd assume you can if you do Limbus), scratch off NHead. Aurum Cuirass can be merced if you like, if not you could try and kill it with friends or pick up a ZNM shell. I understand that you're not a fan of the look of it (I personally don't mind it) but it's really a good piece. If you're on PC you could .dat-swap it out.
lol i have trouble with gil despite having th4... I sold a KO for 3m before i left for my 7 month break and I'm basically still living off that. Down to 200k though... needed to buy cursed harness and gloves, and a seiryu seal as well as dusk pants for thf ><. Was worth it though lol. I woodwork abit but i only get like... 100k profit when i do, not really enough to go crazy hehe
I actually consider myself quite lucky for finishing CoP, ZM, DM, AN, ToAU, TH4 ...
I've always wanted to do einherjar but I thought I should finish up with Limbus before touching that heh.
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 11681
By Fenrir.Nightfyre 2010-03-07 22:42:43
Given the price tag I said that with full awareness that it's a really big "if". No worries. No reason not to start doing Einherjar as soon as you're able - finishing your Limbus gear can take a while if drops are stingy. Just make sure you pick up a shell that actually clears all chambers on an efficient schedule lol.
Serveur: Garuda
Game: FFXI
Posts: 318
By Garuda.Glaciont 2010-03-07 22:45:42
Fenrir.Nightfyre said: Given the price tag I said that with full awareness that it's a really big "if". No worries. No reason not to start doing Einherjar as soon as you're able - finishing your Limbus gear can take a while if drops are stingy. Just make sure you pick up a shell that actually clears all chambers on an efficient schedule lol.
O_o when i did Einharjar once upon a time my shell never won...
Serveur: Garuda
Game: FFXI
Posts: 318
By Garuda.Glaciont 2010-03-07 23:03:34
well since we're on the topic of drg gear, one of my friends who kinda broke has a 75 drg and needs some help. He does limbus dynamis and sky but I think his problem is gil. Maybe you guys can suggest some items i can suggest to him?
Weapon Dark Mezraq
Grip Pole Grip
Head AFv1
Neck Fortified chain
Body Scorpion Harness
Hand AFv1
Waist Warwolf
Legs AFv1
Feet AFv1
Back Psilos mantle
Rings ether, jelly,
insomnia, antivenom,
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 11681
By Fenrir.Nightfyre 2010-03-07 23:04:00
Skilled shells can do Odin every fourth run or so with feather mules. It's probably not the norm, but by this time I wouldn't say it's too uncommon either.
EDIT: Finish /SAM and /BLU, update weapon, get hands, legs, feet, rings, and earrings that actually do something for them (for TP and WS, obviously legs and feet should be macrod appropriately). Actual gear progression can come later, first they need to get up to speed.
EDIT2: and a Haste belt to TP in, and a neckpiece that actually does something useful... Chiv Chain at least.
Serveur: Garuda
Game: FFXI
Posts: 318
By Garuda.Glaciont 2010-03-07 23:15:41
anything specific heh, he doesn't have a ton... like 220k he's saved up
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1712
By Phoenix.Airbag 2010-03-07 23:43:02
Help him camp a tharakon breastplate or assauult jerkin and go camp voyager sallet NM for the jaeger rings too!
Your boy is also probably lacking in the acc department so I would suggest a life belt over a headlong belt for now, but ya work on those subs too /sam is a staple
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 33979
By Bismarck.Dracondria 2010-03-07 23:43:10
Phoenix.Mogue said: Garuda.Glaciont said: lol sorry, i was doing the Pulling the Plug ENM so i geared for level 50...
This was actually my suspiscion. Good for you, most DRGs don't realize what a moneymaker this can be.
Fairy.Vegetto said: lol, funny. And your advice? How many ppl PM you when they have questions? Most of us know what we're talking about. You're pulling ***out of your ***. May as well just go Korpg on us and go personal with it, because you're not going to be able to refute very much, if any advice we give on these forums.
Example of you pulling ***out of your ***:
Sword Strap>Pole Grip
Full Usu = Best for polearm SAM
Aurum Cuirass>Zahak's Mail for drakesbane
Joyeuse>M.Kris for COR TP
Do I need to go on? Just because you're a loudmouthed moron and people don't realize it and keep asking for you to repeat your stupidity doesn't make you one iota less HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE.
Aurum cuirass > Zahaks if you don't need the dex to cap dDex and the STP allows you to use Sword Strap over pole which will be better over time. Joyeuse has much higher dot with similar tp gain making it better for COR TP iirc and if you have the STP for it, sword strap > pole grip. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 11681
By Fenrir.Nightfyre 2010-03-07 23:43:24
There's so much... Fay/Thal, Chiv Chain, Dusk Gloves/Homam, Dusk Ledelsens/Aurum Sabatons/Homam Gambieras, Walahra Turban (not sure how I missed that), Swift/Headlong Belt, look into ASA/Askar/Aurum legs, acc rings, brutal + fowling earring (at least get spike/coral for now)... WS swap for Wyvern Helm or preferably Ohat, better yet MKD helm with STR/WSDMG, heca hands/feet (af+1 hands would be ok but he does sky, might as well go straight for heca), askar/aurum legs for ws as well, flame gorget. ACC/STP Nuevo nets him a 6-hit with Rajas, Brutal, and Chiv... if he can't do that get a Rose Strap and camp Thrakon Breastplate. Don't let him use Askar Korazin for the time being, he can't support the loss of accuracy. What ammo? Camp Astrolabe if possible, Smart Grenade at least in the meantime. Sorry it's disorganized, I am really *** tired. Throw together as much acc gear on WS as possible in the meantime while he's working on it, I guarantee he's not capping accuracy. Psilos should eventually move to Amemet +1/Forager's. A little luck with the Toreador's Ring ENM would probably set him up for all of the above. If he chose Tamas and RDM is his only other job try and convince him to swap for Rajas. If not he'll have to use Nuevo + Rose + Brutal + Chiv I guess.
EDIT: Don't even consider Assault Jerkin. He's already got terrible accuracy as it is. Thrakon, ACP, or bust for the time being unless he stumbles into Homam Corazza or Aurum Cuirass. Everything Dracondria said is correct save that Joyeuse vs MKris depends on your TP/WS split per Raenryong's math and also whether or not you have merits in either weapon class.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4554
By Bahamut.Raenryong 2010-03-08 08:32:39
Quote: Sword Strap>Pole Grip
-3% Delay vs 2% DA
-3% delay = +3.09% DoT/WS frequency
2% DA on a 15% DA base = +1.74% DoT/WS frequency and depends on the WS for a damage increase here. Will not make Pole Grip > Sword Strap though.
So yes, if you maintain the same x hit with no sacrifices, Sword Strap > Pole Grip. Next!
Quote: Full Usu = Best for polearm SAM
Not gonna deal with this, too many variables involved.
Quote: Aurum Cuirass>Zahak's Mail for drakesbane
Taking it out of context a bit. The entire discussion is Aurum Cuirass 6hit vs "other" 6hit. You have to think about Sword Strap etc as well.
Quote: Joyeuse>M.Kris for COR TP
This being true unless you have a bias towards one side (eg Dagger merits). Mkris will generate a bit more raw TP gain but Joyeuse's DoT edges it out easily despite COR being largely a WS damage job again unless you have biasing factors.
Me and Vegetto talk a lot about random FFXI math stuff so~
Serveur: Fairy
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3615
By Fairy.Vegetto 2010-03-08 08:37:59
lol so much of that ***taken out of context, Raen hit all the points though. I'll talk about a few of them though
Quote: Full Usu = Best for polearm SAM When did I say this? I said it's what I use and sidegradeable as the best, not that it is the absolute best, blowing all other sets out of the water.
And by the way, this was only said for colibri, where it's kabob or crab sushi. Kabob w/ usu, sushi w/ mix/match. When in ein, limbus, ect that doesn't eat food, I use pizza + my mix/match. Full usu only ever sees the light of day for colibri.
Quote: Aurum Cuirass>Zahak's Mail for drakesbane WHEN DEX IS CAPPED. You left that out though. I never said it's always better than zahak.
Serveur: Garuda
Game: FFXI
Posts: 318
By Garuda.Glaciont 2010-03-08 15:28:45
sooo, i have to focus on Dex gear instead of STR gear first? ._.
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 11681
By Fenrir.Nightfyre 2010-03-08 17:09:41
A lot of the good STR gear has DEX on it, so that's not as big a deal as it might initially appear. Focus on a more STR-heavy build that still caps your accuracy until you have access to enough DEX gear to make it worthwhile though, as DEX won't significantly improve your crit rate until the dDEX = 40+ range.
Serveur: Garuda
Game: FFXI
Posts: 318
By Garuda.Glaciont 2010-03-08 22:45:29
oh okies, and what's the acc cap.. cause i'm wsing with um, +45
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 11681
By Fenrir.Nightfyre 2010-03-08 23:12:32
Depends on the mob!
EDIT: To be slightly more helpful, you're right at the accuracy cap on Greater Colibri with full merits and Hasso.
Hey could someone go onto my profile and check out the gear sets for DRG I have setup please? I want to know if they're good or if something should be changed.