New Level Cap 99?

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new level cap 99?
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Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Rinako
Posts: 1193
By Bismarck.Rinako 2010-02-28 19:29:53
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Not really, you didn't say anything new D: I already read that.
Posts: 2
By Lughnasadh 2010-02-28 19:33:01
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Wow i hear a lot of bitching about this. . . Truth is those of you who are pissed about lvl 99 are just being a bunch of elitest pansys. Yeah you worked hard to get so many jobs lvl 75 now you will have to work even harder for lvl 99 and the better gear. Yeah linkshells wont make ***loads of money of off ancient currency. (Linkshell leaders I mean) Less ppl will monopolize HNMs, that haidate you spent 3 years working to get may now become the second best leg piece for your job. Now your gonna have to work even harder to get w/e comes next. At some point in time the game gets old when it has gotten to easy. And yes it has gotten to easy. They have already said they are moving more towards augmented gear. So chances are the gear you have will still be good when you add the augments to it. Your just pissed that the ppl who havent gotten relic weapons and haidate ect. will have an easier time getting it than you. (for those of us who work 40 hours a week and dont have time to sit and camp an HNM for 3 days, or cant find an ls that does sky around their schedule) Suck it up, if your as good as your jobs as you think you are then lvl 99 and new god gear should be easy for you.
Serveur: Hades
Game: FFXI
user: Halidar
Posts: 6
By Hades.Haali 2010-02-28 19:47:57
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Why doesn't everyone man up a little? See how things turn out, after we receive the full new cap, then (and only then) should you make a decision if the game has been changed for the worse. SE may have a plan up their sleeve.

See how it goes k? <3
Serveur: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 5
By Carbuncle.Macc 2010-02-28 19:49:15
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I'm genuinely excited that the game is changing for the better. Why should I have to pay 15 mil for a pair of Herald's Gaiters when I can sub /sch now and have the same effect for really cheap? I already have the boots for that. In fact, I fail to see anything that will upset me about this new cap.

Well... The only thing SE needs to do is to get over themselves and either reduce or remove the monthly fee. 13 dollars for a seven going on eight year old game? Sure I'll keep playing, but it's not worth it.
Serveur: Garuda
Game: FFXI
Posts: 464
By Garuda.Feifongwong 2010-02-28 19:50:29
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Think about all the new armor that would come a long with a change like this.
Serveur: Hades
Game: FFXI
Posts: 18
By Hades.Ghostofonyx 2010-02-28 19:51:01
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Hades.Haali said:
Why doesn't everyone man up a little? See how things turn out, after we receive the full new cap, then (and only then) should you make a decision if the game has been changed for the worse. SE may have a plan up their sleeve.

See how it goes k? <3

I know right? They are all acting like 5 year old kids who got something nice for their birthday, but it wasn't that awesome Ninja Turtles toy you wanted.
Serveur: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1
By Unicorn.Lughnasadh 2010-02-28 19:56:37
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whoa. . . . I can sub rdm to my blm then and convert!! sorc ring refresh convert. . . hells yeah!
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 77
By Quetzalcoatl.Terribleone 2010-02-28 20:00:57
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Sylph.Ridley said:
Everyone keeps saying that complaining and bitching won't solve the problem. Well you're wrong, if enough people petition against this it may be changed. I for one will either not play as much or not at all. Also many of the people that say "If you don't like it quit" need to come up with points that make the level cap increase more favourable. Plenty of then just quit and not enough people stating why this is a good thing. But seriously this makes the game just nonsense. I am not looking for anything like this to happen because it changes the game in many negative ways than positive. Does the level cap makes this game fresh and exciting? Not really. Its just more of the same thing that I've been doing in this game for nearly 8 years. Why would I think that taking all the 75's I have leveled to 80 would be a good idea? Point of 75 for the entirety of the game was the be all end all for leveling that job. Now you change it around to "spice" things up. I call foul. Its just going to make it more of the same old. And subjob adjustments, well thats a given. But still, when this was just talk amongst an EXP party I said back then that increasing the cap would be a bad idea. Gaining more EXP isn't going to increase the fun and challenge of this game. More events or level capped events i.e. 50-60-70 would be more fun. So far Square is doing everything in its power to ruin this game. I hope that some staff from Square actually reads the feedback that some players are expressing with their disapproval of the increased caps. And again if all you have is to say quit the game well... You're not presenting a good counterpoint for the argument and to me you're just flaming up the thread.

Good. Quit already.
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Thunderz
Posts: 4118
By Ramuh.Thunderz 2010-02-28 20:03:30
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petition never changed anything

Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 77
By Quetzalcoatl.Terribleone 2010-02-28 20:03:54
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Sylph.Ridley said:
Everyone keeps saying that complaining and bitching won't solve the problem. Well you're wrong, if enough people petition against this it may be changed.

I say we all pettition and *** to make SE give us all the relics for the jobs we have at 75 and to make HMN gear 10k gil each! That will fix the game!
Serveur: Fairy
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2
By Fairy.Constantyne 2010-02-28 20:13:38
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Hades.Kadia said:
i think we are all skipping the most important part of this.... drks finally get a use for their MP, can any1 say tier 3 maybe even 4 nukes?

... DRKs don't use there MP? What, are they mental defectives or something? Or did I /wormhole back to '04
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Jovant
Posts: 234
By Phoenix.Jovant 2010-02-28 20:13:52
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Garuda.Feifongwong said:
Think about all the new armor that would come a long with a change like this.

***... all the new armor? sch & dnc dont have mouch of an option for armor right now... i mean damn at least give sch & dnc some gear love to existing armor before they make whole new armor for every other job. damn SE damn.
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Thunderz
Posts: 4118
By Ramuh.Thunderz 2010-02-28 20:16:45
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Picture new ws they could add


Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Jovant
Posts: 234
By Phoenix.Jovant 2010-02-28 20:21:51
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Fairy.Constantyne said:
Hades.Kadia said:
i think we are all skipping the most important part of this.... drks finally get a use for their MP, can any1 say tier 3 maybe even 4 nukes?
... DRKs don't use there MP? What, are they mental defectives or something? Or did I /wormhole back to '04

its not even a factor if drks use there MP... theyre are drk who use aborb spells (aborb str, tp,acc, drain 2, dread spikes, stun) infact quite frequent. teir 3 & 4 nukes? why would drk even use or have the abiity to use nuke spells a drk's job isnt to cast magic to do damage. how drk is right now is totally fine, period. lets work on fixing the jobs that does need the tweak. i want to lol @ the 2 new smn's but i'll wait to actually see it in action.
Serveur: Garuda
Game: FFXI
user: Pastor
Posts: 76
By Garuda.Pastor 2010-02-28 20:22:50
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when i was told the level cap was being raised to 99 i did not believe my mate...
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Jovant
Posts: 234
By Phoenix.Jovant 2010-02-28 20:27:47
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Ramuh.Thunderz said:
Picture new ws they could add seriously O.O

as for WS they said they are adding new WS that were formorly NPC exclusive in campgain. one of them being some sort of angel wingged salvage blade lol

Edit: i hope that not rdm jse... lol so fail!
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Thunderz
Posts: 4118
By Ramuh.Thunderz 2010-02-28 20:29:23
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Phoenix.Jovant said:
Ramuh.Thunderz said:
Picture new ws they could add seriously O.O

as for WS they said they are adding new WS that were formorly NPC exclusive in campgain. one of them being some sort of angel wingged salvage blade lol


damn npcs, when I saw them use it I was so jealous

gonna be awesum
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Xark
Posts: 37
By Sylph.Xarks 2010-02-28 20:30:26
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i don't get what people are crying about ...."oh no im going to be able to have new job abilities and will be able to do more damage" XD
Serveur: Pandemonium
Game: FFXI
user: Elenya21
Posts: 46
By Pandemonium.Elenya 2010-02-28 20:31:38
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I think it will be very time consuming to get to 99 which is good because people will want to play the game longer while the new MMO is out. I think the new lvl cap will be fun and very interesting especially if they don't change the lvl's of the NM's and regular mobs. Hell maybe someone will beat AV without a glitch or zerg, ect.

The only thing I dont agree with is the server merge, I'm on Pandy which has like maybe 2k at the most so the competition isn't anywhere as bad as it was on Caitsith which is why I moved. Now they want to merge us with Asura so the server will have 6k plus ppl?! That is such garbage when people do make it to 99 end game ls's will be fighting over Dyna and limbus, sky, ect and i'm sure that will cause a whole mess of drama that I don't want to even deal with, I see enough of it on a small server! I know they are preparing for the new MMO and the population drop but they should have waited IMO...

It's going to take a mature group of people to adjust to it and I hope it works out because many people have put years worth of effort into this game, and they deserve to be treated like kings and queens for keeping this game alive.
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: MissJax
Posts: 491
By Sylph.Jax 2010-02-28 20:33:02
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this is ridiculous. i wonder how much exp its going to take to take all the 75s to 99. i quit!
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Jovant
Posts: 234
By Phoenix.Jovant 2010-02-28 20:33:39
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Sylph.Xarks said:
i don't get what people are crying about ...."oh no im going to be able to have new job abilities and will be able to do more damage" XD

actually i think th problem is more like "wtf i workd hard for x type of gear with 18+ people, and now its obtainable with a party of 6 lv99's /fume" lol
Serveur: Pandemonium
Game: FFXI
user: Elenya21
Posts: 46
By Pandemonium.Elenya 2010-02-28 20:37:27
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Phoenix.Jovant said:
Sylph.Xarks said:
i don't get what people are crying about ...."oh no im going to be able to have new job abilities and will be able to do more damage" XD

actually i think th problem is more like "wtf i workd hard for x type of gear with 18 people, and now its obtainable with a party of 6 lv99's /fume" lol

I think just like when they came out with level sync all the vets were like "you spoiled people have no idea how long it took us to level in the past!!"

we may hate it but if it means i can get homam faster i'm all for it! lol And as a 75 WHM, refresh?! [Yes, please.]
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Nightfyre
Posts: 11681
By Fenrir.Nightfyre 2010-02-28 20:40:06
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Considering they'll probably level cap nearly every existing event of significance I doubt that's going to be a problem.
Serveur: Pandemonium
Game: FFXI
user: Elenya21
Posts: 46
By Pandemonium.Elenya 2010-02-28 20:40:47
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oh yeah and I HAVE TO CHANGE MY NAME IV'E HAD ALL THE YEARS I HAVE BEEN PLAYING BECAUSE A STUPID MULE HAS IT all because i HAVE to merge servers?! had me pissed for a good 20 minutes SE...
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Jovant
Posts: 234
By Phoenix.Jovant 2010-02-28 20:41:38
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Pandemonium.Elenya said:
I think it will be very time consuming to get to 99 which is good because people will want to play the game longer while the new MMO is out. I think the new lvl cap will be fun and very interesting especially if they don't change the lvl's of the NM's and regular mobs. Hell maybe someone will beat AV without a glitch or zerg, ect. The only thing I dont agree with is the server merge, I'm on Pandy which has like maybe 2k at the most so the competition isn't anywhere as bad as it was on Caitsith which is why I moved. Now they want to merge us with Asura so the server will have 6k plus ppl?! That is such garbage when people do make it to 99 end game ls's will be fighting over Dyna and limbus, sky, ect and i'm sure that will cause a whole mess of drama that I don't want to even deal with , I see enough of it on a small server! I know they are preparing for the new MMO and the population drop but they should have waited IMO... It's going to take a mature group of people to adjust to it and I hope it works out because many people have put years worth of effort into this game, and they deserve to be treated like kings and queens for keeping this game alive.

i think they are solving the dynamis problem by adding new dynamis zones. its speculated that Abyssea will host a form of dynamis that drop AF3 armor

(rumor that this is possible pld & blm af3)

salvage is multi zoned so more then one group can enter same salavge zone at a time thats what they may consider for normal dynamis & limbus but 1 can only hope.
Serveur: Pandemonium
Game: FFXI
user: Elenya21
Posts: 46
By Pandemonium.Elenya 2010-02-28 20:43:11
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Phoenix.Jovant said:
Pandemonium.Elenya said:
I think it will be very time consuming to get to 99 which is good because people will want to play the game longer while the new MMO is out. I think the new lvl cap will be fun and very interesting especially if they don't change the lvl's of the NM's and regular mobs. Hell maybe someone will beat AV without a glitch or zerg, ect. The only thing I dont agree with is the server merge, I'm on Pandy which has like maybe 2k at the most so the competition isn't anywhere as bad as it was on Caitsith which is why I moved. Now they want to merge us with Asura so the server will have 6k plus ppl?! That is such garbage when people do make it to 99 end game ls's will be fighting over Dyna and limbus, sky, ect and i'm sure that will cause a whole mess of drama that I don't want to even deal with , I see enough of it on a small server! I know they are preparing for the new MMO and the population drop but they should have waited IMO... It's going to take a mature group of people to adjust to it and I hope it works out because many people have put years worth of effort into this game, and they deserve to be treated like kings and queens for keeping this game alive.

i think they are solving the dynamis problem by adding new dynamis zones. its speculated that Abyssea will host a form of dynamis that drop AF3 armor

(rumor that this is possible pld & blm af3)

salvage is multi zoned so more then one group can enter same salavge zone at a time thats what they may consider for normal dynamis & limbus but 1 can only hope.

I just hope they compensate enough to accommodate for the amount of people that will be on the eventual 24 servers :/
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Oddin
Posts: 1756
By Sylph.Oddin 2010-02-28 20:44:07
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Phoenix.Jovant said:
Pandemonium.Elenya said:
I think it will be very time consuming to get to 99 which is good because people will want to play the game longer while the new MMO is out. I think the new lvl cap will be fun and very interesting especially if they don't change the lvl's of the NM's and regular mobs. Hell maybe someone will beat AV without a glitch or zerg, ect. The only thing I dont agree with is the server merge, I'm on Pandy which has like maybe 2k at the most so the competition isn't anywhere as bad as it was on Caitsith which is why I moved. Now they want to merge us with Asura so the server will have 6k plus ppl?! That is such garbage when people do make it to 99 end game ls's will be fighting over Dyna and limbus, sky, ect and i'm sure that will cause a whole mess of drama that I don't want to even deal with , I see enough of it on a small server! I know they are preparing for the new MMO and the population drop but they should have waited IMO... It's going to take a mature group of people to adjust to it and I hope it works out because many people have put years worth of effort into this game, and they deserve to be treated like kings and queens for keeping this game alive.

i think they are solving the dynamis problem by adding new dynamis zones. its speculated that Abyssea will host a form of dynamis that drop AF3 armor

(rumor that this is possible pld & blm af3)

salvage is multi zoned so more then one group can enter same salavge zone at a time thats what they may consider for normal dynamis & limbus but 1 can only hope.

Is it me or does the PLD AF3 look like the Shredder if you put a purple cape on it? >.>
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Jovant
Posts: 234
By Phoenix.Jovant 2010-02-28 20:45:11
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Pandemonium.Elenya said:
oh yeah and I HAVE TO CHANGE MY NAME IV'E HAD ALL THE YEARS I HAVE BEEN PLAYING BECAUSE A STUPID MULE HAS IT all because i HAVE to merge servers?! had me pissed for a good 20 minutes SE...

lol you'll be able to change your name correct... but how do u know what name will be available to you lol? people saying "yes,yes i can change my name" forgeting the fact that they are already 2000+ people and there mules on the server... not the mention EVERYONE on the other server has to possible change there name too lmao!
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