As for fanboyism, my main gripe with discs is that I'll never forget losing Disc 1 to FF8 as a kid, rendering all the other discs useless!
I went to Hasting's and bought a used copy of FF8. The condition was stunning, the disks were flawless... But someone had swapped Disc 1 with a demo disk for FF7 and some Samurai game XD
And 360 supports 1080p lol, even with component cables, the difference between component and hdmi isnt viisble by the human eye.
So the difference of the resolution will be based on what SE build each systems game with.
As for multiple discs, i love it. FEels like im getting more for my dollar. Nothing was better then having 3-4 discs for an amazing game back in the day. FFVII, FFVIII FFIX and Legends of Dragoon.
Get off your lazy *** and change the disc :P fools
and lastly, yes the gameplay, battle engine and graphics are amazing. I cant wait
umm.. you can tell the difference lol, plus the audio thru HDMI is superb compared to lolComponent. Sure you can sit there and say you'd like to have 20 CDs to shuffle thru, but the rest of us PS3-ers would come by w/ our iPods lolling at ur CD case. Its the same thing w/ the consoles. Its not about getting up and changing the discs, its about the fact that lolbox can't compete. PS3 will dance circles around the sucksbox3sucksty, and yes, I own both of them.
There are several reasons I hate Xbox 360 and the games that are made for it.
1: Red Ring
2: Easily scratched and crackable discs
3: False upscaling on just about every game
4: System can cause #2 on my list
After working at Gamestop for the time that I have, this single system has to be the most annoying piece of crap that gets sold. Even more than those stupid DS games that come out every week. Who wants to be a Imagine Babysitter?! hahah
But really, I hate how high of a defective rate the 360 has, on average I have to ship out 5~7 units per week.
btw by games that are made for it, i mean the actual discs, not the content.
Why the *** balls does Noobosaurus keep posting yet seems banned in every thread? So odd. lol
Ramuh.Tousou said:
Seraph.Caiyuo said:
As for fanboyism, my main gripe with discs is that I'll never forget losing Disc 1 to FF8 as a kid, rendering all the other discs useless!
I went to Hasting's and bought a used copy of FF8. The condition was stunning, the disks were flawless... But someone had swapped Disc 1 with a demo disk for FF7 and some Samurai game XD
Ive never lost a FF disc...although I had a glitched Legend of Dragoon CD..I couldnt ever turn in stardust to that fat lady or my game would freeze. I was /sad
when I first got FFX my first thought opening the case was "...theres only one disc?" a game never felt so short T_T I dont remember how long it took me to beat previous FFs but the 4 cds did make those games feel 4x longer.
so I dont mind multiple cds
I actually hear FF13 is very much so like xenosaga or that last MGS where its more movies then playtime so grab a bucket of popcorn..which makes me an eency bit sad but the game isnt out yet and Im still going to end up playing it just to put our ps3 to use.
There are several reasons I hate Xbox 360 and the games that are made for it.
1: Red Ring
'bout a year and a half ago I decided I finally get a 360. I had nothing against them -- we were just crunching on a release at work for what seemed like ages, and there was no free time to actually play anything for awhile there. They were sold out everywhere in San Diego for some weird reason, but I found a Best Buy online, like an hour away, that had one.
Left work early to pick it up, drove the hour back home, plugged it in, it red-ring-of-death'd right out of the shrink wrap. Incredulous but a little amused, I drove back the next day and exchanged it.
Brought that one home, plugged it in, set up an XBox Live account, and ten minutes later the box had overheated and red-ringed itself.
Furious, I went back to the Best Buy, and made them exchange it again for the last one they had. I made them take it out of the box and plug it in on the exchange counter right there in the store, before I would take it home.
Guess what? Red ring of death.
I gave up, asked for a refund, and tried to buy one again about a year later. That one, incredibly, has worked fine without a single issue ever since.
When I bought my 360, and turned it on for the first time I also got RROD, but strangely all it took to make it work was unplugging the main power cord and pushing it back in. Tah-dah it worked and has been fine since. Granted it seems to just sit there and collect dust compared to my PC except when it comes to exclusives.
Anyways, I'm greatly looking forward to FF13, and in fact I will be purchasing a PS3 on the same day :3
Gonna have one awesome FF party too with friends; even called the day off work for it haha.
I don't really have a preference when it comes to consoles, but I do know the 360 is a piece of ***hardware wise. Jaerik's story brought back some bad memories for me as well lol.
I'm gonna overdose on FF for the next few weeks. Playing FF11 with every moment of free time I have available, ordered the limited edition FF12 soundtrack which should arrive in a week or so, and I will be purchasing a PS3 & FF13 on the 9th and partying out with friends to play it. Whoo!!
Really, though, if there's a book that's even a half-literal version of that, I'd totally put Potter down.
Half literal? Well Patricia Briggs did a really good job with her series, and Kim Harrison's The Hollows series isn't bad. Devon Monk needs to up her "badass females" bit I think, but her series adds a new twist on "magic in the modern world" theme. Kelly Armstong has a good theme going with her "Women of the Underworld" also. Check those out, they're good reads. Not necessarily the "***-as-a-weapon" kind of books, but got the "Tought-as-nails Heroine" theme locked down.
It's funny how folks seem to think which console gets which game is some kind of clannish endorsement of their preferred platform.
In actuality, it's everything to do with IP rights and creative control agreements, and development pipeline concerns. Pretty boring stuff, really.
Developers don't just get to make games for whatever platform they want. The console owners (Sony, Microsoft, etc) want a lot of money up front for licensing and development kits, and usually also want to negotiate some kind of creative control rights. That's right: you have to pay them to make a game for their console.
They also want technical control over many aspects of the game to ensure quality control, plus demand their own (lengthy) rounds of internal testing before they'll let you publish, etc. (All of which you're stuck with the bill for, by the way.)
In the end, the only thing that really determines which game will be on which platform is how well the business-side negotiations go, on all of the above points.
Don't you mean 576p? The 360 version is running at 1024x576(578?) while the PS3 version is running at 1280x720. And horrible looking hair. Seems to be a rather sloppy port, I'm sure people on both consoles will enjoy it though, and that's all that matters.