Maat's Cap ...N Smn Burns... >_>

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Maat's Cap ...N Smn Burns... >_>
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Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Nightfyre
Posts: 11681
By Fenrir.Nightfyre 2010-02-12 00:52:51
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Audra said:
Well it seems like even you understand that every job is different and just because you are really good at one DD doesn't mean you'll be good at all the others. It's a bit contradictive to what you said about archetypes, but at least you finally admitted they're all unique and all require their own skillset to properly play them... It's not just a matter of having played a job that fills the same role... Each job will always have key differences that need to be understood.
I've been admitting that all along... If I thought they had no differences I'd assert I need no time whatsoever to learn a job that is similar to what I already have leveled.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4135
By Asura.Artemicion 2010-02-12 00:55:44
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As strange as it sounds, I support Astral burns for the simple fact that it will make it significantly easier to weed out idiots from the flock. If you didn't take the time to learn and gear your class after rushing it to 75, then GTFO, simple as that.
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Nightfyre
Posts: 11681
By Fenrir.Nightfyre 2010-02-12 00:56:50
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Audra said:
Also... What prepares a player for thief or ninja? Two more jobs that are entirely unique. People wouldn't be able to keep their shadows up (most people can't anyways) without playing nin to at least 37 for the sub, so it proves its uniqueness more than any other melee in my opinion. Thief is also a very situational job. You can't really learn how to play it by playing any other job, and it's just another DD, right?
People who can't count to 3, yippee. They suck.

THF has one distinguishing factor from other DDs when it comes to simply being competent: knowing how to use SA and apply TA for planting hate. A good THF, on the other hand, will understand the intricacies of unstacked vs stacked WS, using Accomplice/Collaborator as appropriate, varying WS builds and WS choices based on the situation and whether you're stacked or unstacked, and probably other factors that I'm not aware of because I am not a good THF. Just somebody who would be competent at it given a brief amount of time with the job.
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Nightfyre
Posts: 11681
By Fenrir.Nightfyre 2010-02-12 00:57:08
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Asura.Artemicion said:
As strange as it sounds, I support Astral burns for the simple fact that it will make it significantly easier to weed out idiots from the flock. If you didn't take the time to learn and gear your class after rushing it to 75, then GTFO, simple as that.
Best logic ever XD
Posts: 57
By Audra 2010-02-12 00:57:58
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Fenrir.Nightfyre said:
Audra said:
Also... What prepares a player for thief or ninja? Two more jobs that are entirely unique. People wouldn't be able to keep their shadows up (most people can't anyways) without playing nin to at least 37 for the sub, so it proves its uniqueness more than any other melee in my opinion. Thief is also a very situational job. You can't really learn how to play it by playing any other job, and it's just another DD, right?
People who can't count to 3, yippee. They suck.

THF has one distinguishing factor from other DDs when it comes to simply being competent: knowing how to use SA and apply TA for planting hate. A good THF, on the other hand, will understand the intricacies of unstacked vs stacked WS, using Accomplice/Collaborator as appropriate, varying WS builds and WS choices based on the situation and whether you're stacked or unstacked, and probably other factors that I'm not aware of because I am not a good THF. Just somebody who would be competent at it given a brief amount of time with the job.

Not a ninja i see :P Gotta be able to count to 4 for NI :P
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4135
By Asura.Artemicion 2010-02-12 00:59:41
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It seems the #1 argument against Astral burns is some misguided sense of pride. But that's the thing, if pride is the issue then that's something you cherish yourself. Pride isn't something used to alienate others who decide to do something differently from you.
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Nightfyre
Posts: 11681
By Fenrir.Nightfyre 2010-02-12 01:01:07
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Audra said:
Not a ninja i see :P Gotta be able to count to 4 for NI :P
Au contraire, you're the one in the wrong. Cast Ichi after the third Ni shadow goes down, if not earlier due to being placed in a tanking role against a dangerous mob with Double Attack.

EDIT: Unless you're EVA tanking and feel like gambling... Then, yes, 4. That's a call made with skill though, not one made merely on the level of competence.
Posts: 57
By Audra 2010-02-12 01:08:05
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Fenrir.Nightfyre said:
Audra said:
Not a ninja i see :P Gotta be able to count to 4 for NI :P
Au contraire, you're the one in the wrong. Cast Ichi after the third Ni shadow goes down, if not earlier due to being placed in a tanking role against a dangerous mob with Double Attack.

EDIT: Unless you're EVA tanking and feel like gambling... Then, yes, 4. That's a call made with skill though, not one made merely on the level of competence.

But if you're properly hasted and have a decent evasion build, then your NI recast will be cooled before you need it again. Considering the mob should be slowed and elegied beyond all hope on top of your haste gear and haste spells... You can easily cast ni after the 4th shadow is gone on most mobs.

Besides, if you're counting to three then your ichi is down anyways.

Heheh ^^
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Toufu
Posts: 2083
By Ramuh.Tousou 2010-02-12 01:08:36
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Good-for-nothing -> incompetent-> Average-> Skilled -> Distinguished-> Genius

Notice the ever so subtle differences. /sarcasm

Or, more along Night's lines: I've got a 75 Samurai. When I'm poking things with a polearm, I use lots of ACC for my Penta Thrust.

Now jump down to Warrior. Oh hey, there goes my Sturmwind... Multihit, eh? Definitely need to toss ACC in there.

Strange, it's almost as if there's no difference whatsoever! (GASP!)

Since my WAR is only 40, the next statement will be based on that:

Up to 40 there was nearly no difference in my SAM and WAR. Grab my A+ weapon and wait for TP, then Weaponskill. Turn Berserk off if I'm getting hit. Provoke when asked to be first voke. Rocket Science right here, everyone.

*Note- My playstyle may not necessarily match up to yours. Get over it, I like Berserk!
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Nightfyre
Posts: 11681
By Fenrir.Nightfyre 2010-02-12 01:09:29
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While we're at it, how is admitting to job differences contradicting my notions of archetypes?



1) The original pattern or model from which all things of the same kind are copied or on which they are based; a model or first from; prototype

"DD" is the archtype. The DD jobs themselves are elaborations, variations, on this concept that accomplish the same purpose (dealing damage) in different ways (poking, stabbing, nuking, punching, SEBW, etc). Hence the need to learn the variations, but also the understanding of underlying principles.

But if you're properly hasted and have a decent evasion build, then your NI recast will be cooled before you need it again. Considering the mob should be slowed and elegied beyond all hope on top of your haste gear and haste spells... You can easily cast ni after the 4th shadow is gone on most mobs.
You assume the ability to EVA tank =P The need or lack thereof for a fourth shadow is outside my ability to evaluate; I'm not a NIN. I'm just going off of what I do when /NIN, which has the third Ni shadow going down as my Ichi shadows go up. In this case, once the third Ni shadow goes down (there's that 3 again), I time my cast so as to lose the fourth Ni shadow (that I didn't have to count to) and gain 3 (again) Ichi shadows. Ni's cast time is low enough you can cast it after Ichi goes down.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Patriclis
Posts: 389
By Asura.Patriclis 2010-02-12 04:24:48
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People are seriously still here bitching and complaining? Christ people, it's a video game stop making a moral issue out of it, you're not gonna make people stop summoner burning if you cry about it all day, and likewise no-ones gonna all of a sudden like summoner burning after hating it this whole time if people try and argue them into seeing how awesome it is.

Seriously you could be using this time to do something worthwhile. Go outside and ride your bike, play with some kittens, or do productive work. Hell flionheart in particular has a gimp DNC sub to level

Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 23653
By Shiva.Flionheart 2010-02-12 05:08:42
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Asura.Patriclis said:
People are seriously still here bitching and complaining? Christ people, it's a video game stop making a moral issue out of it, you're not gonna make people stop summoner burning if you cry about it all day, and likewise no-ones gonna all of a sudden like summoner burning after hating it this whole time if people try and argue them into seeing how awesome it is.

Seriously you could be using this time to do something worthwhile. Go outside and ride your bike, play with some kittens, or do productive work. Hell flionheart in particular has a gimp DNC sub to level

Only just started levelling dnc recently, but you're right, I should have said nope when someone asked me to sub it.

Also I've noticed you replying to EVERY SINGLE smn burn thread you've come across.

Pot meet kettle.
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Panthra
Posts: 714
By Odin.Kalico 2010-02-12 05:53:32
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GO to fukin sleep already lol. I went to bed this ***was still going on hard, now i'm getting up for work and this ***is still going on lmfao. You people are fuking sick!!!!!! 8)
Serveur: Seraph
Game: FFXI
user: Doebie
Posts: 25
By Seraph.Doebie 2010-02-12 06:58:24
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Since when was Maat's cap ever an accomplishment? Even years ago all I ever thought when I saw someone with it was "there is someone who exp's a lot".

Beating Maat on all the jobs isn't impressive. Especially when you usually have a couple of 75s, gil for meds and decent/HQ gear.

If you think beating the same mob over and over again (ie an exp party) for 75 levels is why someone is good at their job, you're mistaken. Exp partys are repetitive, and for DD jobs you can watch tv occasionally glancing back to see if you have 100tp. If you're dumb, don't listen to advice and learn your job you could exp to lvl 750 and still suck at the job. Most good players could play any job well (even ones they have never played before) if they somehow got it at 75 job instantly. FFXI isn't a hard game.

Ive smn burned some jobs to 21, and smn from 21-42. Its fun, funny to watch and is efficient. My 75 jobs I got from partying/campaign/FoV though. But, I will be smn burning smn to 75. Why would I take months, when I can do it in days/weeks?

Play for fun people, in 10yrs time noone is going to care if you had a Maat's Cap on ffxi. Or if you smn burned.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Patriclis
Posts: 389
By Asura.Patriclis 2010-02-12 07:18:51
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Shiva.Flionheart said:

Also I've noticed you replying to EVERY SINGLE smn burn thread you've come across.

Pot meet kettle.

I've leveled all my subs, done all my housework, i don't have any kittens, and I'm in Canada and it's winter so i can't bike, what else am i gonna do? XD
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Panthra
Posts: 714
By Odin.Kalico 2010-02-12 07:24:19
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Seraph.Doebie said:
Since when was Maat's cap ever an accomplishment? Even years ago all I ever thought when I saw someone with it was "there is someone who exp's a lot".

Beating Maat on all the jobs isn't impressive. Especially when you usually have a couple of 75s, gil for meds and decent/HQ gear.

If you think beating the same mob over and over again (ie an exp party) for 75 levels is why someone is good at their job, you're mistaken. Exp partys are repetitive, and for DD jobs you can watch tv occasionally glancing back to see if you have 100tp. If you're dumb, don't listen to advice and learn your job you could exp to lvl 750 and still suck at the job. Most good players could play any job well (even ones they have never played before) if they somehow got it at 75 job instantly. FFXI isn't a hard game.

Ive smn burned some jobs to 21, and smn from 21-42. Its fun, funny to watch and is efficient. My 75 jobs I got from partying/campaign/FoV though. But, I will be smn burning smn to 75. Why would I take months, when I can do it in days/weeks?

Play for fun people, in 10yrs time noone is going to care if you had a Maat's Cap on ffxi. Or if you smn burned.

TY ^^ this
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4135
By Asura.Artemicion 2010-02-12 07:43:40
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Seraph.Doebie said:
Since when was Maat's cap ever an accomplishment? Even years ago all I ever thought when I saw someone with it was "there is someone who exp's a lot".

Beating Maat on all the jobs isn't impressive. Especially when you usually have a couple of 75s, gil for meds and decent/HQ gear.

If you think beating the same mob over and over again (ie an exp party) for 75 levels is why someone is good at their job, you're mistaken. Exp partys are repetitive, and for DD jobs you can watch tv occasionally glancing back to see if you have 100tp. If you're dumb, don't listen to advice and learn your job you could exp to lvl 750 and still suck at the job. Most good players could play any job well (even ones they have never played before) if they somehow got it at 75 job instantly. FFXI isn't a hard game.

Ive smn burned some jobs to 21, and smn from 21-42. Its fun, funny to watch and is efficient. My 75 jobs I got from partying/campaign/FoV though. But, I will be smn burning smn to 75. Why would I take months, when I can do it in days/weeks?

Play for fun people, in 10yrs time noone is going to care if you had a Maat's Cap on ffxi. Or if you smn burned.

Not to go against your argument per say, but all job classes change in how they're played as you go through the tiers of leveling up. EXP parties in general are repetitive in nature, however, I'm sure everyone can say without hesitation that leveling up from 60-75 is not the same as it would be from say 20-40 for any class.
Serveur: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
user: Jadi
Posts: 200
By Caitsith.Jadi 2010-02-12 08:31:43
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Seraph.Doebie said:
Since when was Maat's cap ever an accomplishment? Even years ago all I ever thought when I saw someone with it was "there is someone who exp's a lot".

Beating Maat on all the jobs isn't impressive. Especially when you usually have a couple of 75s, gil for meds and decent/HQ gear.

If you think beating the same mob over and over again (ie an exp party) for 75 levels is why someone is good at their job, you're mistaken. Exp partys are repetitive, and for DD jobs you can watch tv occasionally glancing back to see if you have 100tp. If you're dumb, don't listen to advice and learn your job you could exp to lvl 750 and still suck at the job. Most good players could play any job well (even ones they have never played before) if they somehow got it at 75 job instantly. FFXI isn't a hard game.

Ive smn burned some jobs to 21, and smn from 21-42. Its fun, funny to watch and is efficient. My 75 jobs I got from partying/campaign/FoV though. But, I will be smn burning smn to 75. Why would I take months, when I can do it in days/weeks?

Play for fun people, in 10yrs time noone is going to care if you had a Maat's Cap on ffxi. Or if you smn burned.

OMG someone with common sense. Quick flame his ***!

No this is exactly right. Being "good at your job" to me means you are able to react to changing circumstances quickly and you are good at communicating. This is one of the reasons I like doing endgame things low-man, because it's a hell of a lot more fun and challenging.

Some of the best players I know:
1. Have not played the game forever, some have played for less than 2 years.
2. Do not all have several 75 jobs, some only have only one or two.
3. Do not posses the most ultimate pimp *** gear there is.

This game and the fun you will have playing it has absolutely NOTHING to do with the number of 75's you have or the hat your wearing on them.. in the end that stuff is just for the braggarts.. and the fun to be had from bragging is very limited and shallow.
Serveur: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Jornna
Posts: 147
By Fairy.Brenda 2010-02-12 09:47:33
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People act like Maat's cap is a relic.
Serveur: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Shiyo
Posts: 250
By Fairy.Shiyo 2010-02-12 19:13:56
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Maat's cap hasn't been an accomplishment/taken skill since like......2005? Or whenever TOAU came out. Almost every single person with a maats cap is terrible at this game.
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Kuwoobie
Posts: 765
By Sylph.Kuwoobie 2010-02-13 17:57:50
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Getting exp in any other way aside from killing colibris over and over totally makes people suck at their job.
Serveur: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Shiyo
Posts: 250
By Fairy.Shiyo 2010-02-13 18:00:18
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Sylph.Kuwoobie said:
Getting exp in any other way aside from killing colibris over and over totally makes people suck at their job.

Killing colibri makes people suck at their jobs.
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