Quickest EXP Party Beside Meripos

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Quickest EXP Party Beside Meripos
Serveur: Hades
Game: FFXI
user: Evilpaul
Posts: 52
By Hades.Evilpaul 2008-10-31 21:18:36
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Ignoring the childish crap about PLs...

Do Threnody stick on Fortifications? If so, you can get to Lv~55 or so cap on those. (Just don't get tags and spam on one.) Then you can head down to Sea and spam Threnody on Hpemdes and cap to Lv75 there.

Also, I hear people say they get nearly 20k+/hr in Ronfaure [S] at level 37 on Ladybugs and Colibri. I'd rather go there, personally. Most people have WotG and everyone has friends with level ~37ish jobs. :-p
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Alijah
Posts: 264
By Fenrir.Alijah 2008-10-31 23:07:05
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As far as skilling my instruments went, I found the best skill ups to be in besieged. I'd just spam Threnodies and usually ended up with a fair amount of xp, too.

Once I got higher skill level, went to sea and played with goldfish for a while.
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Darkmoose
Posts: 456
By Odin.Aramina 2008-11-01 15:16:42
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I can clearly see how this will prepare you for pulling 20k/hour at the Mamool Camp, because Qufim with a PL is almost the same.

As someone who takes pride in their skill as a Bard, this makes me sick.
Serveur: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
user: Ravenlokk
Posts: 60
By Gilgamesh.Ravenlokk 2008-11-01 22:22:55
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Aramina said:
I can clearly see how this will prepare you for pulling 20k/hour at the Mamool Camp, because Qufim with a PL is almost the same.

As someone who takes pride in their skill as a Bard, this makes me sick.

It's a game, and sorry bard takes next to no skill. You're a joke lol.
Serveur: Kujata
Game: FFXI
user: Mochang
Posts: 10
By Kujata.Mochang 2008-11-01 23:44:05
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Yea sure its easy to say it takes no skill if you are just using all the distance plugins and stuff for windower.

BRD is a whole different story without that plugin and not using Pianissimo (SE made BRD way easier with Pianissimo. Was way different before that). It takes a lot more skill than you think. Anyone can just play some songs for a group, but trying to maintain a pt, pulling, and healing takes some experience that Qufim can't give you
Serveur: Ragnarok
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user: Anye
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By Ragnarok.Anye 2008-11-02 09:19:20
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Mochang said:
Yea sure its easy to say it takes no skill if you are just using all the distance plugins and stuff for windower.

BRD is a whole different story without that plugin and not using Pianissimo (SE made BRD way easier with Pianissimo. Was way different before that). It takes a lot more skill than you think. Anyone can just play some songs for a group, but trying to maintain a pt, pulling, and healing takes some experience that Qufim can't give you

It's true. There's a certain amount of devotion to any job in the party, and neither is "easier" than the other because it takes time to develop those skills.

You could very well say "lol brd takes like no skil ata ll cuz all u do is runaround n sing n stuff" but honestly, you could say that about any job: all DDs do is smack the monster, hit a few buttons to swap gear, hit a button to do a weapon skill.... You don't have to do much to do a lot of damage. But damage isn't the gauge by which we measure a player's skill.
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Caclax
Posts: 2
By Phoenix.Caclax 2008-11-02 13:19:30
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looks like a nice fast way to exp jobs for maats cap lol but would only work if the camp was not already taken
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 28
By Odin.Gensouryuu 2008-11-02 16:55:45
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I really only did the Qufin Island to level sub jobs because i could care less about capped skills on subjobs. But the gimp skills on my main jobs would ruin me. Anyway, I think this is responsible for all the new noobs roaming in FFXI. PLDs who lose hate from auto attack, RDMs who spam Cure IV and Curaga (WTF?).
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Darkmoose
Posts: 456
By Odin.Aramina 2008-11-03 09:04:10
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Playing Bard well actually does take some skill, whether you would believe it or not. I have meritted on other jobs with a lot of /fail Bards, who either don't care about Bard or are just using to merit other jobs.

There's a lot of timing, planning, adjustment, etc. that goes on at Merit Party levels. Planning mob sequences that will maintain chains, knowing that you'll probably need to swap Madrigal in for NIN and THF mobs, and then actually doing all of that, while knowing where and when the next mob will pop, and what it will be, yeah, it's more complicated than just run here and sing that. Oh, and don't forget about the other people there killing mobs, too. Being a Bard at a Merit camp on Odin is not a joke. You need to be aggressive and constantly pushing the edge of what's possible, or your party will have nothing to fight and it will fail.

Then again, like I said, many many many Bards fail at this stuff, and by learning synced at 24, you don't have even ONE Ballad, you don't have more than ONE Lullaby, you don't have Elegy, or Finale, or so many other things that become part of the job at higher levels. I'm not saying that someone couldn't figure all of that out later, but it's a lot easier to learn as you go and as the other jobs around you are maturing as well.

If you're planning on being the Bard in the BLM party at endgame, then yes, maybe being PL'd to 75 in Qufim suits you fine.
Serveur: Midgardsormr
Game: FFXI
user: Sect
Posts: 3723
By Midgardsormr.Sectumsempra 2008-11-03 11:42:12
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Ravenlokk said:
Aramina said:
I can clearly see how this will prepare you for pulling 20k/hour at the Mamool Camp, because Qufim with a PL is almost the same.

As someone who takes pride in their skill as a Bard, this makes me sick.

It's a game, and sorry bard takes next to no skill. You're a joke lol.

So Raven, show us a video of you pulling a chain 400 on your BRD without breaking a sweat at all and never stopping for a split second and do your job and all. It's so easy, right? It takes no skill. We'll call this little challenge "just a game" eh, chump?
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 89
By Bismarck.Scuzzelbutt 2008-11-03 14:24:17
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Aramina said:
There's a lot of timing, planning, adjustment, etc. that goes on at Merit Party levels.

Sing 1st Song > Pull > Sleep > Ballad2 > Pull > Sleep > Sing 2nd Song > repeat

My mind just exploded.

Edit: Don't forget about all that running.
Serveur: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Squitt
Posts: 284
By Fairy.Raikan 2008-11-03 14:45:15
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The above posted by a level 1 BRD...

Is this thread getting us anywhere?
Serveur: Remora
Game: FFXI
user: Starsha
Posts: 12
By Remora.Starsha 2008-11-03 18:03:07
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This has clearly gotten off topic. Everyone seems to have focused on the BRD aspect of this and not the DD, tank or mage side of it. Orphanos used this method for his BRD, but it could easily be used for any other job in the game, which I think was his intention in starting this thread. What about the SAMs that do this and never understand how Seigan works...or the PLDs who don't know what Sentinel is...or *gasp* a NIN who never learns how Utsusemi Ichi and Ni work together.

The repercussions of doing this are detrimental to this entire game. Think outside the bard.
Serveur: Fairy
Game: FFXI
Posts: 263
By Fairy.Lethewaters 2008-11-20 18:30:46
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Starsha said:
This has clearly gotten off topic. Everyone seems to have focused on the BRD aspect of this and not the DD, tank or mage side of it. Orphanos used this method for his BRD, but it could easily be used for any other job in the game, which I think was his intention in starting this thread. What about the SAMs that do this and never understand how Seigan works...or the PLDs who don't know what Sentinel is...or *gasp* a NIN who never learns how Utsusemi Ichi and Ni work together. The repercussions of doing this are detrimental to this entire game. Think outside the bard.
YAY! Someone else hits the nail on the head. Gice him a cookie.
My other point on this was, why even bother lvl syncing with less than 6 ppl and have a PL? Make a full PT and actually try for the exp. Yes it may take a lil longer but you'll learn the job better, have to worry about less time for Skillup parties and may *GASP* even learn some nice tricks to your job! This is probaly the reason I hate exping with NIN tanks. Most of them only cast shadows and don't even know any of the other spells.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Shamaya
Posts: 337
By Asura.Shamaya 2008-11-20 19:49:55
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I've done this as well, and it is really quite good. I can't see it working without a PL, as the PL can take care of the many adds in qufim, can tank, has the limitless MP required, and leaves an extra spot for another DD in the party (or allows the healer in that party to actually melee, if they have the combat skills).
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Mmaarrii
Posts: 162
By Odin.Marigrim 2008-11-21 09:10:02
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Anye said:
Lethewaters said:
Absolutezero said:
not to mention any noob who would believe this is all you do for exp would stay a noob. and be my guest and *** at level sync or this setup, but if you had half a brain you would level outside of this regardless, i dont know anyone who wouldnt want to try out their new abilities/spells.
You'd be surprised, many would >.>
Agreed--it depends on what your GOAL in FFXI is, doesn't it? If my goal is to reach Paladin 75 as fast as possible, I would do anything possible in order to get EXP, be it Campaign or a Level Sync party with a PL. If my goal is to be a good tank, I would hone my skills by leveling in parties according to my level, increasing the chances of skilling up abilities, as well as my skills as a tank in different situations (as various camps tend to have different settings, forcing any player--not just the tank--to actually think about his/her actions before just blindly entering into battle). Whichever you'd prefer, is the path you'd take. In my case, I love getting to know a job, and I love the challenge of fighting in different camps, so I'd take the latter. The former is quite possibly what the OP had in mind.
Lethewaters said:
Starsha said:
FFXI has enough high level noobs as it is...don't create more.
Thirded (or whatever numer we're on).
We should keep this going. Maybe it'll have some effect :D *tries not to laugh*

Since I way lost track of which number I would be in the order of nomination

(`^^;)y have the ~ Mari seal of agreement Anye (+ everyone else ahead of yours truely in the order of nomination ^^)
Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 568
By Leviathan.Celestinia 2008-11-24 12:02:27
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Starsha said:
This has clearly gotten off topic. Everyone seems to have focused on the BRD aspect of this and not the DD, tank or mage side of it. Orphanos used this method for his BRD, but it could easily be used for any other job in the game, which I think was his intention in starting this thread. What about the SAMs that do this and never understand how Seigan works...or the PLDs who don't know what Sentinel is...or *gasp* a NIN who never learns how Utsusemi Ichi and Ni work together. The repercussions of doing this are detrimental to this entire game. Think outside the bard.

Seriously, while running around QI is boring its not a bad idea if your looking to go 18-37 for a subjob u wont touch for a year or more but onwards to 75? no no no.
Dont get me wrong i know there are sum inteligent players on here that, having played a long time, have observed how to play the various jobs and would put the time in to get the skill ups, but.... think of being in a lvl55 pt on colibri with a pld and DD like drg and rng and the pld dont know how to use sentinel + flash etc to keep hate? or the DD not knowing that u have to hold back sumtimes not go kamikazi and get killed (or drain healers mp) cus they think they still fighting worms...
QI is fine for experianced "smart" players imo but definitly not for new players.
BTW: aside from tanks most jobs in a pt can be played with little attention, trick is putting that extra effort/concentration in so the pt is actually a decent one, maybe im wrong >.> havent played all jobs just seems that way to me
Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Thoru
Posts: 17
By Ragnarok.Thoru 2008-11-24 15:17:19
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Celestinia said:
Starsha said:
This has clearly gotten off topic. Everyone seems to have focused on the BRD aspect of this and not the DD, tank or mage side of it. Orphanos used this method for his BRD, but it could easily be used for any other job in the game, which I think was his intention in starting this thread. What about the SAMs that do this and never understand how Seigan works...or the PLDs who don't know what Sentinel is...or *gasp* a NIN who never learns how Utsusemi Ichi and Ni work together. The repercussions of doing this are detrimental to this entire game. Think outside the bard.
Seriously, while running around QI is boring its not a bad idea if your looking to go 18-37 for a subjob u wont touch for a year or more but onwards to 75? no no no. Dont get me wrong i know there are sum inteligent players on here that, having played a long time, have observed how to play the various jobs and would put the time in to get the skill ups, but.... think of being in a lvl55 pt on colibri with a pld and DD like drg and rng and the pld dont know how to use sentinel + flash etc to keep hate? or the DD not knowing that u have to hold back sumtimes not go kamikazi and get killed (or drain healers mp) cus they think they still fighting worms... QI is fine for experianced "smart" players imo but definitly not for new players. BTW: aside from tanks most jobs in a pt can be played with little attention, trick is putting that extra effort/concentration in so the pt is actually a decent one, maybe im wrong >.> havent played all jobs just seems that way to me

Fact seen how many Gimp *** Players there are since Level sync Some Quotes:

"BLM is useful on collibri"
"Rook at me! I'm in My WAR AF Hauby is for losers!"
"A THF Out DD's me =D"
"Sentinal wtf is that?"
"Enmity+ means?"
"They don't reflect magic!!!!
Maybe they do.."

SE need to soprt this ***out I am personally againest level sync yeah it's cool with friends lower lvl apart from that it is a huge pain in the ***.
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Jimmyjazz
Posts: 521
By Shiva.Jimmyjazz 2008-11-24 19:09:08
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Mochang said:
Yea sure its easy to say it takes no skill if you are just using all the distance plugins and stuff for windower.

BRD is a whole different story without that plugin and not using Pianissimo (SE made BRD way easier with Pianissimo. Was way different before that). It takes a lot more skill than you think. Anyone can just play some songs for a group, but trying to maintain a pt, pulling, and healing takes some experience that Qufim can't give you

Windower bards aggravate me.

On topic, party setups as defined by the OP are great for puppetmasters in need of skillups!^^ or at least puppetmasters like myself who haven't touched one or another of there automaton frames since acquisition. I personally would go banana cakes exp'ing in qufim (or any area for that matter) for longer than necessary.

Change of scenery yes please!
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Shamaya
Posts: 337
By Asura.Shamaya 2008-11-25 00:45:58
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Nobody's forcing anyone to party with gimps, pre-75 or endgame. Just make your own parties, supply your own PL if possible, bring friends, remember names, and exercise party leader discretion. Do that, exploit the system whenever possible, and profit.
Serveur: Hades
Game: FFXI
Posts: 13
By Hades.Cainen 2008-11-25 09:17:18
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I think youve heard the gist of the conversation on this.. yeah if you can find a brd low lvl 20ish whoes willing to forgo skilling up instruments for a few lvls then It would be a great idea but especially at 20 thats not a good time to be wanting to skil skill lvls because if your skills arent hitting like they should then your failing in the pt.. and like someone said if u can find a brd and a cor both willing to do that or in the 20ish area then youve got a lot more people then Hades.
And if you people are gonna be a jerk on forums maybe you should go get your needs met somewhere else instead of being rude to other people for having an opinion or critizing a job that you feel your know everything about.. oooh.. New forum
Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 568
By Leviathan.Celestinia 2008-11-25 11:51:40
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Thoru said:
Celestinia said:
Starsha said:
This has clearly gotten off topic. Everyone seems to have focused on the BRD aspect of this and not the DD, tank or mage side of it. Orphanos used this method for his BRD, but it could easily be used for any other job in the game, which I think was his intention in starting this thread. What about the SAMs that do this and never understand how Seigan works...or the PLDs who don't know what Sentinel is...or *gasp* a NIN who never learns how Utsusemi Ichi and Ni work together. The repercussions of doing this are detrimental to this entire game. Think outside the bard.
Seriously, while running around QI is boring its not a bad idea if your looking to go 18-37 for a subjob u wont touch for a year or more but onwards to 75? no no no. Dont get me wrong i know there are sum inteligent players on here that, having played a long time, have observed how to play the various jobs and would put the time in to get the skill ups, but.... think of being in a lvl55 pt on colibri with a pld and DD like drg and rng and the pld dont know how to use sentinel + flash etc to keep hate? or the DD not knowing that u have to hold back sumtimes not go kamikazi and get killed (or drain healers mp) cus they think they still fighting worms... QI is fine for experianced "smart" players imo but definitly not for new players. BTW: aside from tanks most jobs in a pt can be played with little attention, trick is putting that extra effort/concentration in so the pt is actually a decent one, maybe im wrong >.> havent played all jobs just seems that way to me
Fact seen how many Gimp *** Players there are since Level sync Some Quotes: "BLM is useful on collibri" "Rook at me! I'm in My WAR AF Hauby is for losers!" "A THF Out DD's me =D" "Sentinal wtf is that?" "Enmity+ means?" "They don't reflect magic!!!! Maybe they do.." SE need to soprt this ***out I am personally againest level sync yeah it's cool with friends lower lvl apart from that it is a huge pain in the ***.

Thankfully most people on my server are patient and we help newer players learn this stuff, i myself didnt know some of that stuff for a long time being blm main and not paying attention to how the melee play thier jobs or xp-ing in an area for the first time, you need higher lvls to explain it to you.

Its when your in a pt and the pld is lvl40 but never uses provoke or sentinel and always loses hate (not joking!)lol then you start to wonder how they got to 40 and get annoyed XD

But yeah like Shamaya sais, just grab some friends and exploit what is a very good way to gain xp, personaly i prefer grabbing pties on colibri 55-60 to merit pld... had some awsome xp there just like QI :)
Serveur: Remora
Game: FFXI
user: Starsha
Posts: 12
By Remora.Starsha 2008-11-25 13:41:55
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Lethewaters said:
YAY! Someone else hits the nail on the head. Gice him a cookie.

Her* And thanks for the cookie...do I get 5hMP with it? :P
Serveur: Garuda
Game: FFXI
user: glaciont
Posts: 318
By Garuda.Glaciont 2008-11-25 15:34:24
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Alijah said:
I get frustrated when I find a level 75 who got PL'd almost the entire way, but a level 75 who got PL'd and didn't even level past 25, Im sure, would make my teeth grind. It's bad enough that bards can be gimp and get away with it (I actually read a Bard FAQ saying "don't need anything but a flute" ... WHAT?) but now they can be gimp AND lazy.

Starsha said:
FFXI has enough high level noobs as it is...don't create more.


Lol, I 100% agree with your. BRD is an easy level trip already, no need for anymore gimped BRDs....
Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Thoru
Posts: 17
By Ragnarok.Thoru 2008-11-25 15:43:29
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Off topic but BRd in Merit is fun as hell!
No one needs a BRD that can't land lullabys but back on topic each for there own my personal best party is crawlers nest 37~48 in a few hours before sync thats what happens when you get good people lol !
Serveur: Seraph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 27
By Seraph.Trowabarton 2008-11-25 22:24:48
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reply to the topic of exp at East Ron S
for the past 3 weeks my ls and i have lvld all our 37 jobs to the 50's there
20k is easy if u have a cor, especially at 40+ but it dies at 42 so just have someone ready to resync and go
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Vexarana
Posts: 19
By Shiva.Vexarana 2008-11-25 22:55:09
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Jimmyjazz said:
Mochang said:
Yea sure its easy to say it takes no skill if you are just using all the distance plugins and stuff for windower.

Windower bards aggravate me.

Honestly I cannot see why people take such a stance.

You played the game for years. You developed the 6th sense on how far things are. I play the game in my spare time. Like maybe 3 or 4 times a week, hour or two each.

However I like being able to play my job to the best of the job's ability to be played, and using small things like Distance or Yarnball help me get there. (No I don't play BRD just saying)
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Evildemon
Posts: 10
By Shiva.Evildemon 2008-11-28 08:48:43
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Vexa you do have a good point. I've played this game 5 years, at the end of March, on and off. And, in that time i've hit 75 on only 3 jobs. Drg, War and Drk respectively. I've been trying to level Monk 69 and Black Mage 56 lately. Me and a few linkshell friends just started doing these party's the last couple of days and its so worth it. i went from 5k into 67 to about 10k into 69 in like 5-6 hours? we didn't always have optimum set-up but we were still getting about 10k or so an hour. Now if we had choose to do any regular camps for those jobs, we would of prolly gotten 4~5k tops, if my Monk sync'd i'd still get gimped out on skill-ups H2H currently around 230. I'd rather take the skill hit and have to go get a skill-up party later on. Even if i level Bard this way, i can sit at my computer and just hit macro's on my controller to skill-up songs its not a big deal.

Faster EXP > Sitting in mog house hoping for an invite, or trying to build for a party around my level which won't produce good exp.
Serveur: Seraph
Game: FFXI
user: ZoeyofS
Posts: 101
By Seraph.Zoey 2008-11-28 16:29:36
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I've been lvling some lately. The best xp I have seen recently are...

lvl 37-38 colibri and ladybug at Eastern Ronfaire {S}, maybe 14k an hour. The main trouble with this spot it that alot of poeple still dont have WOTG, don't know the xp there is good, don't want to take the trip or haven't traveled to the maw close by yet. The good are the xp and the nonstop fighting, given the party is fair to good. I synced here from lvl 50 scholar last week and made 53 in 2-3 hours.

lvl 55-57 lesser colibri at the Leypoint, 10-15k an hour depending on the jobs in the party. The main trouble for some here is getting too comfortable with the spot, especially post lvl 60 when you can olduum ring out to the spot. Many choose to make lvl sync parties to xp there for convinience and end up lacking some skill later. Its best to move on to Puks by lvl 58-59 if you are using a melee class. A good thing about this camp is that many mage jobs dont worry for skillups. Only one good mage is needed for healing, which leaves a spot for bard or another melee, perhaps a second ranger for faster kills/xp.

lvl 62-64 Colibri in Baflau Thickets, 10-15 an hour depending on the party and camp. The best camp for this is at the Tower and the halls nearby. There are Crawler type mobs around that can be pulled when the colibri run out. The only thing I can think of thats not so hawt about this camp is MORE COLIBRI. The good thing is, well, that colibri are reall easy to xp from. Im bot so sure about the premium lvl range being 62-64 on this one.

lvl 68+ Imps and Jnun on the Hill in Cadaerva Mire. There is a common spot by the staging point entrace but an imp pops right at the camp spot. The hill is just past the Jnun puddles up a .... hill and is ultimatlty the favored spot out there. The best thing about the spot is that Imps can die very fast to good melee, very fast. The Jnun are good suppliments when the imps run out. The thing bothersome about this camp is that imps cast enouph status ailments to keep a healing mage very busy. 2 mages are necessary but I have cured that camp with an underlvled rdm pre lvl sync alone, again it depends on the party.

This summs up the camps I have been at since last week and all were fairly good though non of them were as good as some merits camps I have bee too. If you are meriting ofcourse it is probably best to make get into a good merit camp. The thing with meriting is that people consider many jobs taboo to be in merit parties with. This is part of why merit parties move xp so fast. The same thing goes to normal xp parties, you can see that I sum most lvl camps as 10-15xp and hour for good camps. 15xp an hour could be near expected if your sync party setup is like a merit party setup and the camp is good.
Serveur: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
user: Stubbie
Posts: 321
By Unicorn.Smurfo 2008-12-11 02:52:48
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As far as the lvl 75 noob thing goes:

In this day and age of ffxi i doubt were going to have much if any difference, we have little influx of new players, though there are some.

Most of the ones who are the biggest noobs already have a 75 job.

i doubt the 75's being full on newbs will drastically change much, we've always had HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE players since NA release and many of them from NA release are still in fact HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE even if they have maats cap by now.

That being said, i dont really care either way i guess, i play 2 craft nowadays anyway.