And this one's much slower, and I actually didn't care for it as much when I first heard it, but it's grown on me since then. It's v-e-r-y sleepy, though ^^
Ohhhh, I'd never heard of Carly Comando. I <3 too now.
Alexander.Ultrarichard said:
Always found it to be an amusing song. Can listen to it over and over.
And <3 Crowded House too. I only have their first four albums, but I really love those, especially the first two. I haven't heard much of what they did from the mid-'90s-on. Private Universe is great.
One of the kitties that my sweetie and I got together, named Mao, used to be infatuated with a kitty that Sweetie had before we met. Her name was Crow.
Mao would gaze lovingly at Crow and follow her around, but Crow didn't care much for him.
I'd always sing to Mao: "Hey Mao, heeey Maooo, don't dreeeaaaam iiit's Croooowbaaar."
Haha! ^^ Yeah I sing to the kitties all the time.
*edited to explain that Sweetie called Crow "Crowbar" sometimes, the reason for which, I don't remember.