Ok, I come back to this website after a nice long *** day with the kids, and I see this...
After reading this, I would like to make a few responses:
Shiva.Enjoylife said:
Korpg ~ ur a fat turd
While I did make this thread semi-against you, I got to ask you this: What in the hell brought this along? Playing the RL card too early in the argument doesn't help you at all to be honest.
Its like me coming here and saying nice shoes or something.
BTW: Nice shoes.
Cerberus.Katarzyna said:
I care about a fun thread being locked. You are the reason for it. I come on this forum to have fun. I don't take kindly to someone ruining light-hearted fun that didn't harm anyone. (Except Scott Bromley, who obviously doesn't give a ***.) So, you sir, can gtfo the forums. kthx. Admins, you might as well move this to Flame Core.
This is the truth of everything. 99% of the posters and readers here come here to see whats up. Whats going on in the world of FFXIAH.com. Thats what I am here for to be honest.
Shiva.Enjoylife said:
u beg for attention usua, and i mean beg. its pretty obvious
I find this very hypocritical, don't you?
Cerberus.Katarzyna said:
Shiva.Flionheart said:
penis burger
That's a new one.
Grats to Flionheart for the new word of the year.
Shiva.Enjoylife said:
i also deserve the right to speak my mind freely
While this is true, speaking your mind here is like going to Iran and shouting in the "President's" house that Islam is a bunch of retards. I promise you that you wouldn't even make it to the door, even if you were leaning against it.
Here is a hint though: To defend yourself means that you have to be attacked first. Starting ***isn't the same as being attack
ed, it means that you are attack
ing. The bolded parts might help out alot.
Onto page 2:
Fairy.Usua said:
If you weren't a constant *** to every one you wouldn't have to defend yourself.
I agree, but if he really was misunderstood, he would have figured out by this page that he isn't going to win the fight, and that he should have stopped right there and then. But he didn't.
Shiva.Enjoylife said:
i believe this thead was made to me
Reading Comprehension 101: If a letter is not addressed to you, it is not made to you. This letter was addressed to everyone on Shiva, and while you are a resident to Shiva, it wasn't to you personally. Read please.
Shiva.Enjoylife said:
and yes i AM always right, so kind of you to notice.
In this case, you are wrong. How do I know? Lets use logic:
1. You are always right.
2. You are also human.
3. To human is to err.
4. To err means you are wrong.
5. Since you are human, you are not always right, because to be human is to err.
See what I did with that?
Shiva.Enjoylife said:
*** celebrity to you goons apparently
If you are a celebrity, I'm the President of the United States of America. In which case I will use one of my 3 free kills the Secret Service will allow me on a certain flying nutcase, and I'll just pass it on as a threat to National Security.
Fairy.Usua said:
Shiva.Borealis said:
The hatred for Enjoylife in this thread makes me hard.
Your avatar is *** with my eyes @_@;
Mine too.
Onto Page 3:
Ramuh.Dasva said:
This thread is fail
Sorry, I only use Grade "A" Flame Material on my friends. Enjoylife gets Grade "FDA Rating Pending" Mystery Meat-type of Flame Material. I was truly pissed off that I missed a good thread cause of some person's rantings.
Carbuncle.Callicantzaros said:
I believe I lost a few points off My IQ after reading this thread
My apologies. That wasn't my intent of this thread. I wanted to apologize to Shiva, and let them know that I do not think of all their residence to be of the same grade as Enjoylife.
Hades.Stefanos said:
You'd have to ask Anye if it's permanent or temporary, but considering the PM he sent her after she was courteous to him, I'm betting permanent. It's in Flame Core.
I saw it. Its like going to Iran and shouting in the "President's" house that Islam is a bunch of retards. Yes, I used the same joke. I don't give out too many of these that much.
Anyway, I'm done.
Kat, I love your avatar now btw.