This Game Is Supposed To Be Fun.. Right?

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This Game is Supposed To Be Fun.. Right?
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Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: chimeran
Posts: 15
By Lakshmi.Chimeran 2009-12-22 09:14:42
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I'm still p!ssed about being main healer all of the time as RDM. YES RDM are DD's ... they have a B in sword and dagger and a C- in healing!!!!!!! Get the d@mn SCH to do it! At least their skills are a B+ with light arts in healing. /end rant
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: chimeran
Posts: 15
By Lakshmi.Chimeran 2009-12-22 09:24:29
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Oh yea, @Akuma: Yes, this game is supposed to be fun ... I have a friend who leveled PUP to 75 and is PO'ed he can't get into end-game or finish CoP or anything and I keep telling him he needs a "useful" job. We go around and around about this constantly. He says he just wants to have fun and doesn't understand why people won't invite him. I keep telling him that he just needs to find SOMETHING that people will invite him to. Like bird parties or missions. idk. End-game though, not so much. We need people with a variety of jobs (unless you're rdm or whm then you're stuck on that ALL of the time.

Personally, I enjoy farming. I have a very stressful job and I like the mindless smacking around of low level stuff. Konshtat saps and bees or Upper Delkfut tower elementals and pots ... all 3 floors. Fun and Excitement! *grin*
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Renjii
Posts: 16
By Asura.Renjii 2009-12-22 09:26:56
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I usually sit back and watch the shitshow on threads like this but I'm sorry.. it's getting out of hand.

all of them are op has been "Playing for a wile" Well how long is a wile? I've been around since a little after JP launch. I was around all the times changes "Ruined!" the game. I understand the frustration that is caused by the constant criticism of ingame players be it LS mates or pickup party "know-it-alls". Half the time they are regurgitating what they've read or been told, the other half they are honestly trying to help you excel at your job, be it so it helps them accomplish their goal of mission/xp/NM or what have you.

like others have said: it's a double edged sword. If I have someone in my party who just wants to play their own way. I'm sorry but you're not helping anyone that way. They are ruining my fun. I feel accomplished working really hard in my merit party and seeing 25k per hour come out as a result of my work. Have you ever tried giving someone a helpful suggestion in party? like "Hey, you might want to try TPing in ACC rings instead of STR.. the result brings up your DoT a lot more" to then be yelled at back like "STFU I know my job Nub!" People get SUPER defensive against any criticism, even helpful kind. There is a reason you see jobs wearing the same stuff all the time ... Pst *whisper* IT WORKS!.. You mentioned trying to cap different weps etc to see what type of damage they do... I hope you didn't do this in EXP party (Aside from the plethora of weps WAR is already efficient with) because a simple visit to the wiki could have told you that without wasting your time.

You also need to keep in mind the finite curve that the game engine is built on, the fact that very minute changes based on complex equations can have a night/day effect on your effectiveness. To a point it ISN'T e-peen or *** waving, it comes down to basic math. Someone has already done the footwork for you, and it's a spit in the face to say "LOLOLOL I'm gonna use this C- wep in party! because it's FUN!" I've had a DRG/NIN using joyeuse before because he honestly thought more hits = more damage in his situation. There are times to play around and be experimental. Some people just don't know the times to be serious. FFXI is a strategic based MMO. (No not RTS..) a lot of people enjoy this. the fact that all of the party members need to fulfill the set role for the task at hand so we can all achieve the same goal. One person not pulling their weight makes a lot of grief for everyone else. (Anyone who has had a crappy stunner knows this truth VERY fast) If you think people take FFXI seriously, Have you ever played any online FPS?

Honestly it could be time for you to go if you're not enjoying it. Pick up something that requires less dedication, MMO's are a huge market now. you chose to play FFXI and to stay knowing all of these problems you're having. I don't go into a restaurant and order Grilled cheese, then complain about it not tasting like Filet Mignon.


1. Op needs to stop q.q'ing
2. That's the nature of the beast, sorry of you don't like it.

It's nothing personal Akuma, but everyone lately seems to want the game to bend around them. Tired of reading it. Hope you find your niche soon.
Serveur: Pandemonium
Game: FFXI
user: Isiolia
Posts: 70
By Pandemonium.Isiolia 2009-12-22 09:35:18
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Lakshmi.Chimeran said:
I'm still p!ssed about being main healer all of the time as RDM. YES RDM are DD's ... they have a B in sword and dagger and a C- in healing!!!!!!! Get the d@mn SCH to do it! At least their skills are a B with light arts in healing. /end rant

The only jobs in the game that don't have at least a B- in some melee weapon are SCH and PUP, and PUP has the Automaton. RDM's skill caps don't make it a DD. Skill cap doesn't matter a whole lot for healing either >_>

By that logic, WHMs are even more of a DD than RDM are, they have that B+ club skill after all.

Far fewer jobs have a comparable spell list to RDM, and fewer still have Haste, which is a big reason to pick a RDM over a SCH for main healing.

I can understand the frustration, but really, skill caps? RDM is picked for the role because they can provide so many support necessities all from one party slot, with low downtime to boot.
Serveur: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Spiriel
Posts: 74
By Fairy.Spiriel 2009-12-22 09:44:34
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Fairy.Specopsz said:
A reason to quit.
A reason I did quit.
A reason to go outside and do something.
A reason to get laid.
A reason to stop reading my reasons.
You quit yet you hang around a game-related forum...
Yeah, you'll be back.
Lakshmi.Chimeran said:
I'm still p!ssed about being main healer all of the time as RDM. YES RDM are DD's ... they have a B in sword and dagger and a C- in healing!!!!!!! Get the d@mn SCH to do it! At least their skills are a B with light arts in healing. /end rant
Look, I started as a RDM. And I loved the concept of the job. But let me get this straight.

You're never going to pop an 800 damage WS on an EM mob, let alone something exp-worthy. Never. And sword DoT isn't really that much to look at. So measured against other jobs that are clearly DDs instead of a vague definition of DDs... you're pretty weak.

You're going to feed the mob TP with your sword, making healing harder on you. You're going to hit the mob and deal damage, giving yourself more hate, and making hate management harder on yourself. You're going to stack Acc gear to compensate for your B skill instead of MP, MND, or INT, making your spells weaker. You're going to hit the mob instead of backing off to /heal your MP when you get too low, because we all know Refresh sometimes isn't enough. And don't tell me you're going to be standing next to a VT or IT mob and converting down to double-digit HP. And you're going to stand up close to the mob, working at DDing it down, and making it hard to pay attention to Refresh and Haste cycles.

I got RDM to 40 and could clearly see it just wouldn't work, and that was solo or the rare party from the back line. If you really want a mage job that can get up on a mob's face, solo, and do acceptable damage, level BLU. There is a time and a place where RDM can throw down and melee, but in exp you're just going to slow down the party. Sure, it's fun for you, but is it fun for everyone else having to stop every five minutes so the RDM can /heal MP? Is it fun for everyone else when they die because the backup heal was watching their damage numbers and not HP? Not going to make many chains that way.
Forum Moderator
Bug Hunter
Serveur: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: dameshi
Posts: 1603
By Carbuncle.Dameshi 2009-12-22 09:51:17
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yar, the mini-hauby is upset by this thread . Just look at his face!
Serveur: Remora
Game: FFXI
user: Ampelius
Posts: 54
By Remora.Ampelius 2009-12-22 10:37:11
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the game is like 10 years old. The most efficient(functioning in the best possible manner with the least waste of time and effort) methods for almost all situations, especially xp parties, have been discovered. So if you think it's "fun" to mess around and skill up different weapons in an xp party, you're wrong. and you're dumb too.

Maybe its just me but I happen to find the established party set-up to be fun. idk I guess I just enjoy getting the most XP possible for my time. weird huh?
Serveur: Midgardsormr
Game: FFXI
user: TuTone
Posts: 41
By Midgardsormr.Tutone 2009-12-22 10:42:12
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Lakshmi.Chimeran said:
I'm still p!ssed about being main healer all of the time as RDM. YES RDM are DD's ... they have a B in sword and dagger and a C- in healing!!!!!!! Get the d@mn SCH to do it! At least their skills are a B with light arts in healing. /end rant

I love watching the RDM's i static with Melee, especially since I hardly come across a RDM that melee's. Joytoy, with there en-elementals pretty cool stuff. Of course we are on headsets, so if something serious comes along, we may ask them to start healing or whatever. But seriously yeah, the game is suppose to be fun, you arent letting anyone down but yourself, so if it's that bad just hit the power button, or just leave that specific l.s. Or do as other players do, and don't admit to having that job.( I know a guy with maats cap, but only has gear for two jobs now, so thats the only thing he plays) It's not that serious, just dont say you are okay with it, and d/c in the middle of something. It's your money, and your game, so why play if you aren't enjoying it.

Just because they have stict requirements to how they want it done, doesnt necesarily mean to take it personal, it may be anal, but most of the strict ordering leaders get the job done, and the end result makes it very enjoyable. Especially when the event requires your pop item, knowing they wont put up with bull, should bring a smile to your chances to getting what you want.
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: nasamoo
Posts: 108
By Fenrir.Akuma 2009-12-22 10:44:49
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All in all I was just looking to get opinions, I always /nin for dyna and merit pt's on my war, sam(lvl 73), and blu. I've found /nin has saved my *** alot. I always use a GA or axes on my war swords on my blu and GK on sam. So it's not how I play that keeps me from getting good gear lol. All in all it was just me trying to get more view points from others and see if there was a method to the madness.
Serveur: Kujata
Game: FFXI
user: Daus
Posts: 3451
By Kujata.Daus 2009-12-22 10:46:29
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Too bad everybody has a different opinion on fun.

Too some whm/thf in ungimped CoP missions was fun. I think thats incredibly stupid and would have never invited that person or would have never done that on my own whm.

Too some the introduction of FoV and level sync and toau have ruined the fun-ness and challenge of the game. I worship all three 8| I srsly need a tshirt that says "I survived pre-toau"

But theres alot of stuff in the game that I find fun. I enjoy being on my smn, I enjoy wearing new gear and getting things for free, I enjoy doing missions and theres alot of stuff I dont find fun crafting, most money making things, HNMs, buying things, building my own pts etc etc.

I think if you want to do things your own way, nows the time to do it because now you dont need to pt with others, you can just solo! if you find a pt with others then you're totally on your own as far as reactions go and you shouldnt be surprised with or complain about said reactions.
Serveur: Hades
Game: FFXI
user: Lilg
Posts: 2
By Hades.Darkus 2009-12-22 11:05:31
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Fenrir.Akuma said:
Maybe I'm just getting to where I need to retire from this game, but I think people need to stop thinking about themselves and think about others and just enjoy making friends. Am I wrong?

I would agree with you here.
Fenrir.Akuma said:
As for wanting to be the best, I try and have tried time and time again to get good gear for my war but every time I always hit snags like- bad luck, SKY ls disbands when it's my turn to lot GOD gear( has happened 4 times) Dynamis LS has issues and disbands( about 3 times) let alone my shitty luck with BCNM's. But too me all these things come last in place of making friends and helping them. After 6yrs I still have not finished getting any of the "awesome" gear I want for war... BTW 57 pup here, it's fun :D

The part I bolded is what you should keep in mind when you play. These friends and the ones you make in the future will be the ones who will get you the "awesome" gear you want someday. Your friends = Your rules, you do not need to listen to others telling you how to do things as it does not effect them. Do not relay on your luck of random pick up groups. Do stuff with friends, the way you guys want.

"Awesome" gear is worthless if your friends to do not need help.
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: nasamoo
Posts: 108
By Fenrir.Akuma 2009-12-22 11:16:08
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Lakshmi.Chimeran said:
I'm still p!ssed about being main healer all of the time as RDM. YES RDM are DD's ... they have a B in sword and dagger and a C- in healing!!!!!!! Get the d@mn SCH to do it! At least their skills are a B with light arts in healing. /end rant

Hell because all people want is for rdm to do is heal, refresh, and haste I can no longer think about lvl'ing it. Main heal puts me to sleep now if people let me toss heals while melee'ing and everything that would be different.
Serveur: Kujata
Game: FFXI
user: Daus
Posts: 3451
By Kujata.Daus 2009-12-22 11:41:00
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Sometimes I wonder if Im the only rdm who enjoyed rdm because of how the majority wants it played. Back in ye olden days I took great pride in my ability to keep up a refresh cycle and secondary haste cycle (because the whm was supposed to be main haster, I still struggle with keeping up haste because of this) and be able to help heal and magicburst but refreshing and curing always took priority. I met several good friends that way, they'd be like "please come party with me, you're the only rdm I know who's ever kept me refreshed".

It was a shock to start main healing (I had to go lvl my whm to 37 real fast when toau came out lool) but it wasnt that huge of a change.

I never had the urge to melee, I thought I was supposed to briefly up until like..lvl 25 in the jungles when mandies put you to sleep and then I was like "frick I aint meleeing no more, its stupid"

I <3 my joytoy and all but even when soloing I end up sleep nuking the majority of the time 8| Im afraid of using shihei to be honest, everytime I use one I hear the sound of a toilet flushing my money away.
Serveur: Seraph
Game: FFXI
user: Helixx
Posts: 103
By Seraph.Helixx 2009-12-22 11:41:24
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Game's are supposed to be fun, and most fun is attained when you are #1.

I really doubt you'll be having fun when you see all other WAR's doing 1k WS while you are stuck with ~400. Trying to be better and actually being the best is what i understand as fun.

Of course i like to goof around (MNK/sam, BRD DD) but when i am with a group of people I will do what is good for the team rather than have "fun DD'ing Kirin as BRD". A quick and easy victory is more fun than going your favorite job, wiping 10 times and loosing pop.

Goofing around = Fun
Fun = being the best

Goofing around =/= being the best.

mathematically impossible, logically reasonable
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Hitetsu
Posts: 2617
By Sylph.Hitetsu 2009-12-22 11:43:59
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The reason people expect RDM to heal, is because they do it very efficiently. If you're in a party, you shouldn't be looking at whats more "fun for you", you should be looking at what's best for the party.

You've said it yourself, you don't have much time to play, so would it not make more sense to get the most out of the time you DO play?

As a lot of others have said, feel free to have fun, just don't expect the other 5 people in your party to want to have your fun.

Personally, I prefer not wasting my time in a 6k/hr Aht Urgan PT, instead I'll get people that are willing to be "bored" for a couple of hours so they get to the point where they can have all their "fun".

Don't get me wrong, it's a game, it's here to enjoy, blah blah blah.. I get that, I really do. Don't forget though, it's a game for other people too.

I've had PLD's turn up with a GS and refuse to use a sword because it's "more awesome". I've had WHM's turn up /BLU because they had "better spells". I've had NIN's come along /THF because they wanted to "enjoy the game".

Do you know how much of that was fun for me? Yeah.. you guessed it, none of it.

If you want to "enjoy the game", then I recommend you do it alone, most people prefer to get the most out of the time they can play. If that means that they only PT with friends (like I typically do now) or they solo the way, then so be it.

No, I don't like the "grind" to 75. Yes, I do enjoy beating things to a pulp at 75.

That being said, I'll let you help other people want to brutalise a small furry animal. I'll be over here having fun.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Pjohn
Posts: 303
By Bahamut.Pjohn 2009-12-22 12:20:48
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Fenrir.Akuma said:
I've been playing FFXI for a long while now and I've noticed alot of people talking about what's the best for this and what's best for that... why not just let people play how they want to play?

I would have to say you are wrong.
Your idea of fun and my idea of fun can be 2 totally different things.

For instance in an exp PT i want to maximize the the exp per hour. So while you want to play with daggers on your war when its been proven you will do more damage with Axe or G Axe. So while you are having fun you are messing up what my idea of fun is.

For me I would try to replace you for messing up "my fun" and try to find someone that has my same idea of fun in mind. 10/10 that weird DD will be pissed you replaced him.
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Panthra
Posts: 714
By Odin.Kalico 2009-12-22 12:43:35
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Not to turn this to a RDM melee discussion but you have to understand
what a RDM is its a Jack of all trade job. Playing RDM well and i stress the point playing the job well takes a very long time. A true rdm has to study all aspects of the job. (Buffer Enfbler Tank DD healer Nuker)Rdm's DD and Nuking will never be able to compete with the best(blms,sch,sam,drk ect...) period. You should only play these roles if and only if there is not a better job available atm.(thats what it was ment for to compensate when needed). Now as a Tank, soloist, enfblr we are exceptional and these are our strong points exploit these.Healing and buffing we can play these roles also but again there jobs who can do it much better (whm sch brd) but we are better healing and buffing than DD. Rdm DD is not really great kinda like cor and pup you can pull
off ok numbers but for ex its impossible for RDM to out DD a BLU so why try. To me its just easier to enfbl and heal it really takes no skill and any lolRDM can pull this off. A rdm soloist speaks for itself and as far as tanking is concerned we are 1 of the best but most Rdm cannot. This is 1 reason why no 1 is going to take the chance of inv a random RDM to tank because you might be a lolrdm so they just make you heal and get a pld or nin so be safe. If you want to play a different role like tanking then perfect it then start your own prtys
and customize the prty to your liking.
Serveur: Ifrit
Game: FFXI
Posts: 24692
By Ifrit.Kungfuhustle 2009-12-22 12:49:55
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ok, FUN is working through missions/quests/exp parties with either random people or friends you've made along the way.

Fun is helping people out with their missions, or being a PL, or crafting.

Sure, there are some fun things to do when you're 75 in an EGLS that isn't 75% ***, yeah that can be fun too.

If you HAVE TO play a game while in the back of that useless brain you actually wanna do something else, then your game has become A CHORE!

We're all different, some of us have been face deep in the *** of End-game drama, while others haven't been close enough to smell its farts. In that case, whose to say that crafting isn't fun, or soloing ***as a band-wagon RDM, or spiking dmg as a run-of-the-mill SAM, its all fun ***to someone.

Just remember, wear sunscreen.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Pjohn
Posts: 303
By Bahamut.Pjohn 2009-12-22 12:55:55
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Kujata.Daus said:
Sometimes I wonder if Im the only rdm who enjoyed rdm because of how the majority wants it played. Back in ye olden days I took great pride in my ability to keep up a refresh cycle and secondary haste cycle (because the whm was supposed to be main haster, I still struggle with keeping up haste because of this) and be able to help heal and magicburst but refreshing and curing always took priority. I met several good friends that way, they'd be like "please come party with me, you're the only rdm I know who's ever kept me refreshed".

It was a shock to start main healing (I had to go lvl my whm to 37 real fast when toau came out lool) but it wasnt that huge of a change.

I never had the urge to melee, I thought I was supposed to briefly up until like..lvl 25 in the jungles when mandies put you to sleep and then I was like "frick I aint meleeing no more, its stupid"

I <3 my joytoy and all but even when soloing I end up sleep nuking the majority of the time 8| Im afraid of using shihei to be honest, everytime I use one I hear the sound of a toilet flushing my money away.

I award you the common scene award. \o/
I'd like to join you in game sometime . . . too bad we on diff servers :(
Seraph.Helixx said:
Game's are supposed to be fun, and most fun is attained when you are #1.

I really doubt you'll be having fun when you see all other WAR's doing 1k WS while you are stuck with ~400. Trying to be better and actually being the best is what i understand as fun.

Of course i like to goof around (MNK/sam, BRD DD) but when i am with a group of people I will do what is good for the team rather than have "fun DD'ing Kirin as BRD". A quick and easy victory is more fun than going your favorite job, wiping 10 times and loosing pop.

Goofing around = Fun
Fun = being the best

Goofing around =/= being the best.

mathematically impossible, logically reasonable

Couldn't agree more :)
Posts: 3188
By Neonracer 2009-12-22 13:02:32
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What Hustle said...

Fun is enjoying yourself on the game by not being harrassed on the game.

with that being said, just watch out for the EGLS stuff, and you will be alright.
Serveur: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
user: rwgun
Posts: 60
By Gilgamesh.Rwgun 2009-12-22 13:09:49
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this thread is now fun because it's about kittens.

Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Panthra
Posts: 714
By Odin.Kalico 2009-12-22 13:12:26
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Serveur: Midgardsormr
Game: FFXI
user: TuTone
Posts: 41
By Midgardsormr.Tutone 2009-12-22 13:14:14
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pffft "fun" you guys dont know how to live.....

Real Fun.......
is watching that one guy aggro the whole murder-house in dynamis, and bring the whole "train of mayhem" back to the alliance, like their screen is going to all the sudden read "someone starts casting miracle and saves your dumbarse"

sorry off subject
Serveur: Kujata
Game: FFXI
user: Daus
Posts: 3451
By Kujata.Daus 2009-12-22 13:17:47
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Gilgamesh.Rwgun said:
this thread is now fun because it's about kittens.

Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Billzey
Posts: 1335
By Bismarck.Helel 2009-12-22 13:19:17
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Taking a dump on your chest is fun for me. Come on, I just wanna have fun, man. Why you gotta ruin it.
Serveur: Ifrit
Game: FFXI
Posts: 24692
By Ifrit.Kungfuhustle 2009-12-22 13:44:36
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Gilgamesh.Rwgun said:
this thread is now fun because it's about kittens.


Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Panthra
Posts: 714
By Odin.Kalico 2009-12-22 13:49:29
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Fyi Im selling Christmas ***logs and a few other items on the list
Pm me with your orders WU only.

Christmas ***logs $50
Christmas ***sandwich on wheat $20 w/corn $25
Christmas ***ball wedge W/cheese $30
(footlong w assortment of christmas color corn)

Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: dwyte
Posts: 128
By Shiva.Dwyte 2009-12-22 13:49:46
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For me, exp or meriting isn't all that fun, neither is sitting at sky/sea/in dyna/limbus forever and a day. But its part of the fame that you just kinda do. But out side that I have fun when I'm with any of my friends n were just messin round, could be just seeing who does more dmg, or attempt new things. I also love the wotg missions. Just my 2 cents
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: misacat
Posts: 22620
By Bismarck.Misao 2009-12-22 13:52:58
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Fenrir.Akuma said:
Lakshmi.Chimeran said:
I'm still p!ssed about being main healer all of the time as RDM. YES RDM are DD's ... they have a B in sword and dagger and a C- in healing!!!!!!! Get the d@mn SCH to do it! At least their skills are a B with light arts in healing. /end rant

Hell because all people want is for rdm to do is heal, refresh, and haste I can no longer think about lvl'ing it. Main heal puts me to sleep now if people let me toss heals while melee'ing and everything that would be different.
Serveur: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
user: rwgun
Posts: 60
By Gilgamesh.Rwgun 2009-12-22 13:54:00
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Odin.Kalico said:
Fyi Im selling Christmas ***logs and a few other items on the list
Pm me with your orders WU only.

Christmas ***logs $50
Christmas ***sandwich on wheat $20 w/corn $25
Christmas ***ball wedge W/cheese $30
(footlong w assortment of christmas color corn)

Mr. Hankey?