New addon Cards to track AFs and P. Cards.
Cards will look for any AF reforged NQ, +1, +2, +3 that you own or are stored in mog slips and will check how many P.Cards you already have and need to augment them all to +3.
Three commands:
//cards {JOB} #will check for P.Cards on the current character
//cardsall {JOB} #will check for P.Cards on all your mules (you need to load the Cards addon at least once on your mule to create a data file)
//cardsmats {JOB} #will list all mats needed to the next tier upgrade and tell you how many of those items you alreayd have/need
//cards GEO
//cards WHM
//cardsall PUP
//cardsmats WHM
//cardsmats PUP