Looking For Gearset Options For Lunge/Swipe

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Looking for Gearset Options for Lunge/Swipe
Posts: 363
By Galkapryme 2024-08-31 07:22:11
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I've looked around, but I don't see any recommendations for BiS Lunge/Swipe gearsets. Would love a veteran RUN to provide insight.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Negan
Posts: 2256
By Bahamut.Negan 2024-08-31 07:52:17
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MAB+ iirc
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2024-08-31 08:12:01
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Use itemsets feature to search for the set, it's on the left-hand panel of this website called "Item Sets".


Here's one that looks reasonable

ItemSet 394918

Use accessories you have. Basically Agwu 5/5, mab/mdmg, Orpheus sash. The set above says Ogma's cape with INT and MAB, which is what I have, but as far as I can tell from the modifiers, INT does nothing for Lunge/Swipe damage unlike other standard nukes, So you can leave that part out. Aettir has a lunge bonus stat on it, butt I wouldn't recommend swapping weapons unless you're already using it for Sortie or something. Mujin is for burst
Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2980
By Ragnarok.Martel 2024-08-31 10:44:58
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Hmm, Novio over Hermetic would be +4 more MAB. I suppose there would be a macc cost though.

Lakshmi.Buukki said: »
Aettir has a lunge bonus stat on it, butt I wouldn't recommend swapping weapons unless you're already using it for Sortie or something.
Sadly, despite its special lunge enhancement, Aettir is actually, a rather terrible weapon for Lunge now. It has terrible macc skill, and no MAB, Magic dmg+ or macc+. It can't really compete with the raw magic related stats of newer options.

For situations where you're willing to weapon swap for swipe/lunge, the best modern options are, oddly enough, ambu weapons. even the melee weps have weirdly high magic stats.

So Nandaka/Alber(or Khonsu for macc, but I hate that thing cause enmity- ), or if dualwielding, then Naegling+Dolichenus will beat Nandaka.

Here's a little table I made while I was looking into Lunge wep options.
| wepname     | mskill | mdmg | mab | macc | Lunge+ |
| Epeolatry*  | 242    | 186  | 0   | 30   |        |
| Aettir      | 188    | 0    | 0   | 0    | 10     |
| Soulcleaver | 188    | 150  | 20  | 0    | 10     |
| Vampirism   | 201    | 108  | 34  | 0    | 10     |
| Naegling    | 250    | 217  | 16  | 40   |        |
| Dolichenus  | 250    | 217  | 16  | 40   |        |
| Nandaka     | 250    | 226  | 21  | 40   |        |
| Morglei     | 255    | 217  | 0   | 50   |        |
*R15 aug'd
Serveur: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: maletaru
Posts: 2774
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2024-08-31 10:46:49
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Neat chart Martel, small note: the macc for Morgelai is in the mab column.
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2024-08-31 10:52:19
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I should clarify but mentioning that set above is not mine, nor is it optimized. It's from February of this year, I just happened to do a search in item sets for it to see if someone posted a relatively modern one. I said to "use the accessories you have", which I meant to mean "please don't go out and buy Fenrir rings just for a few extra damage" lol. It's a set you use here and there and it's not necessary to crank millions of gil and time into it unless you're trying to really make it perfect and you want to.

As for my Aettir comment, it was moreso explaining that it has a direct Lunge damage modifier, one of the few stats. I wasn't implying actually swapping to one, unless you're tanking in Sortie in a magic build, in which case it pulls double duty. I believe lunge/swipe takes into account your main hand weapon skill, so epeo should be better anyways and it's the added protection that matters more imo, especially if you're using lunge vs something that can hit you back. I don't bother swapping my weapon, but that's interesting to see Nandaka have a pretty cool use, I might carry mine along.

Sorry for the confusion, just trying to help people make their own decisions with gearing vs always asking to see someone else's set. Then again he does ask for BIS gear set, which I missed so I guess I was not answering his question in full. Go grab those Fenrir Rings!
Serveur: Asura
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user: Gunit
Posts: 1091
By Asura.Bippin 2024-08-31 10:58:46
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sets.precast.JA.Lunge = { main="Nandaka", sub="Alber strap", 
	ammo="Seeth. Bomblet +1",
   head="Agwu's Cap",
    neck="Baetyl Pendant",
    ear1="Friomisi Earring",
    ear2="Crematio Earring",
    body="Samnuha Coat",
    hands="Agwu's Gages",
    ring1="Mujin Band",
    ring2="Locus Ring",
    back={ name="Ogma's cape", augments={'HP+60','Mag. Acc+20 /Mag. Dmg.+20','Magic Damage +10','"Mag.Atk.Bns."+10','Phys. dmg. taken-10%',}},
    waist="Orpheus's Sash",
    legs="Agwu's Slops",
    feet="Agwu's Pigaches"}
	sets.precast.JA.Lunge.Some =set_combine(sets.precast.JA.Lunge, {body="Agwu's robe",  right_ring="Fenrir Ring +1", })
	sets.precast.JA.Lunge.Acc =set_combine(sets.precast.JA.Lunge.Some, {neck="Sanctity necklace",right_ring="Metamor. Ring +1",})
Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2980
By Ragnarok.Martel 2024-08-31 11:07:50
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Carbuncle.Maletaru said: »
Neat chart Martel, small note: the macc for Morgelai is in the mab column.
Fixed, thank you. The table generator I threw the raw text version into moved everything left when I had a blank space. So I had to make them 0's. but I missed a spot on Morglei's.
Posts: 363
By Galkapryme 2024-08-31 14:10:18
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Lakshmi.Buukki said: »
Use itemsets feature to search for the set, it's on the left-hand panel of this website called "Item Sets".


Here's one that looks reasonable

ItemSet 394918

Use accessories you have. Basically Agwu 5/5, mab/mdmg, Orpheus sash. The set above says Ogma's cape with INT and MAB, which is what I have, but as far as I can tell from the modifiers, INT does nothing for Lunge/Swipe damage unlike other standard nukes, So you can leave that part out. Aettir has a lunge bonus stat on it, butt I wouldn't recommend swapping weapons unless you're already using it for Sortie or something. Mujin is for burst

Thanks; I actually did not know I could use it to search for other people's sets.
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2024-08-31 14:20:01
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Asura.Bippin said: »
sets.precast.JA.Lunge = { main="Nandaka", sub="Alber strap", 
	ammo="Seeth. Bomblet +1",
   head="Agwu's Cap",
    neck="Baetyl Pendant",
    ear1="Friomisi Earring",
    ear2="Crematio Earring",
    body="Samnuha Coat",
    hands="Agwu's Gages",
    ring1="Mujin Band",
    ring2="Locus Ring",
    back={ name="Ogma's cape", augments={'HP+60','Mag. Acc+20 /Mag. Dmg.+20','Magic Damage +10','"Mag.Atk.Bns."+10','Phys. dmg. taken-10%',}},
    waist="Orpheus's Sash",
    legs="Agwu's Slops",
    feet="Agwu's Pigaches"}
	sets.precast.JA.Lunge.Some =set_combine(sets.precast.JA.Lunge, {body="Agwu's robe",  right_ring="Fenrir Ring +1", })
	sets.precast.JA.Lunge.Acc =set_combine(sets.precast.JA.Lunge.Some, {neck="Sanctity necklace",right_ring="Metamor. Ring +1",})

Very good set. I forgot about Samnuha Coat, does it flat out beat Ranked Agwu? I have Ghastly+1 R15 in ammo slot over Seething+1, but I see it comes down to 7MAB vs 21MDMG. Locus ring is nifty there. Thanks for the suggestions