How could SE realistically improve modern FFXI?
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1851
By Phoenix.Iocus 2024-05-22 18:36:12
It's a flawed premise to assume that anything SE could do with their current budget would allow a game this old to retain players without losing any. They cannot compete on an even ground, their best strategy is to target prior players who are already interested in some sense or another.
I can't prove to anyone that stricter setups and less handouts make the game last longer, but the opposite is true as well. There's a perfectly reasonable argument in favor of them: it keeps older content relevant and returning players take the time working their way up instead of boosting to the top and quitting.
Sure, I can see how the current endgame population would like to be able to take more than 6 in. I can also see that most of the current endgame population doesn't like Sortie at all, and considers it a chore rather than something fun. I don't think that means the answer is to allow every new player to leech an emp+3 set and then come along to Sortie until they get bored. Pretty sure they'd have more fun working through old content, even if it feels difficult.
To be clear, I'm not necessarily advocating that Sortie become alliance content. I think that it should and I have before, but I also don't think that's the only way to solve it either. The suggestion earlier of cutting it to 30 minutes, adding teleports, and allowing more flexible entry KIs might do a lot to mitigate what I see the problems are, as well. Not only will it increase the pace, but it gives people more flexibility with their time and party. I'm sure there are other options, also. They will all have inevitable tradeoffs and they will all have people that don't like it, so the question should be what brings the most people back and keeps them engaged with the content.
I also agree there is no winning here, Maletaru said earlier he'd quit if most of these recommendations were put in place, so either way you do it people leave. I just know in my circle personally the largest exodus in the game took place in the months following the Prime weapon release and a lot of them were veteran players who were already burned out on Sortie and just said *** it. The bugged release of v25 didn't help and neither did the widespread banning that took place last summer. Had they been given toys to play with, it would've drawn out their inevitable exit, but they weren't willing to spend the months on end doing the same thing on repeat and committing to a static for one toy every few months. When you have new content that is the last of its kind, it's not easy to make it interesting but the rewards at least could've spiced it up more had they been accessible.
Vet players are going to quit eventually, SE recognizes this likely and they lack the resources to infinitely expand content to keep them occupied, but I don't think the answer to this is a long drawn out grind either. I think they could've dragged these departures out further by making Primes more accessible, but I also get that the evidence for this is entirely anecdotal and the opposite could also be just as true. It's just my observation that the game becoming more accessible to peoples time and life tends to lead to greater participation. This doesn't have to translate to easy, there is a difference between difficult and time sink. Me raising the sub issue is just the point that the way things are right now aren't working and something should change, but you might be right, it might just be inevitable and the natural order given the state of the game.
This is going to come off as callous but I really don't mean it that way. SE doesn't have want to spend the resources to keep up with the majority of our demands, I don't think any of us have a problem with that statement. If they are forced with the choice of worrying about 2 different groups of players at end game (extreme simplification), do they keep putting out a road map for people that will leave when things get more grindy like your friends or do they put out a road map for people who will grind for a very long time even if it's miserable but who would quit if it was over too quick because they had completed their objectives? I assume (not know) group 2 is significantly more predictable and more profitable long term.
After you get the dedicated money out of group 2 for a couple of years with Sortie, you can attempt to get group 1 back by making Sortie significantly easier and if you've come out with the new long grind for group 2 when you do this, you probably won't lose them because they'll be eager to show off how much their effort will have paid off versus group 1. As we are still waiting on people to be able to get their 2nd stage 5 because of psyche (I didn't know this obviously) then I doubt they will make it significantly faster until the most grindy of us have made their 3rd stage 5 (no proof, just things work in 3 for a reason) and the change will be welcome for those in group 2 that are finally burning out.
I think they can make minor changes like RoE weeklies to incentivize people who don't fit in either group 1 or 2 to keep them motivated and subbed. I just don't think they will significantly ease the grind until the end of the year. I'm happy to be wrong. I am very much in agreement that shorter duration and great density of gallimaufry in Sortie would make it better. If it's going to continue to be daily, then 30 minutes is a small enough duration that most people could do it.
The grand delusion I'm holding onto is all these extra stones that I'll be able to trade in for a +2 earring of a job I designate. It will obviously roll minimum stats every time even though it has the same chances as normally acquired +2 earrings.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2320
By Bahamut.Negan 2024-05-22 18:55:55
Do what I do - Pretend Sortie doesn't exist and never *** do it Ahhh Nickeny, always the voice of reason!
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1851
By Phoenix.Iocus 2024-05-22 18:59:30
Do what I do - Pretend Sortie doesn't exist and never *** do it Ahhh Nickeny, always the voice of reason! But keep paying the sub, right?
By Godfry 2024-05-22 19:58:12
Carbuncle.Maletaru said: »I have a stage 5 (on Male) and 30 Psyche + 5 more I haven't collected yet this month.
You need to get around 48k muffins every day nonstop for the last 13 months without a single day off in order to have run out of psyche at this point. This includes the times when the basement bosses were supertough and the time before there were public aminon+basement strats.
We run every day and have been doing 9-boss run for a long time now. We did our first 9-boss a few days after the video was released. The good players do it, the rest of us copy it. From that point on it was just a matter of blindly running every day.
Tbh, being bottlenecked by psyches is an indication that you should be doing something else with your life... lol
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2284
By Bismarck.Nickeny 2024-05-22 20:03:00
But keep paying the sub, right?
If I beat Bumba tonight that might change
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 957
By Asura.Iamaman 2024-05-22 20:16:21
If they are forced with the choice of worrying about 2 different groups of players at end game (extreme simplification), do they keep putting out a road map for people that will leave when things get more grindy like your friends or do they put out a road map for people who will grind for a very long time even if it's miserable but who would quit if it was over too quick because they had completed their objectives? I assume (not know) group 2 is significantly more predictable and more profitable long term.
After you get the dedicated money out of group 2 for a couple of years with Sortie, you can attempt to get group 1 back by making Sortie significantly easier and if you've come out with the new long grind for group 2 when you do this, you probably won't lose them because they'll be eager to show off how much their effort will have paid off versus group 1.
I think that's where this comes down to what we disagree on but I do agree people quit either way, it's just a matter of what keeps people engaged the longest.
Are there more players who would have remained active longer if the weapons were more accessible or if the grind was dragged out 6 months? Clearly they have metrics in this that neither of us have, so maybe they like what they see.
I'm biased because I find the content dull and artificially dragged out, but seeing a few people who were among the first to finish v20 and v25 quit tells me the issue has less to do with the people and more to do with the content. Others are clearly doing it still and seem to enjoy it, so maybe not. As I said earlier, I also think organizing a game this age around being in a static is a poor choice, but again that's a matter of perspective, opinion, and your situation.
As for holding onto items, I'm in the same boat, I have way too many stones and cases hoping they'll be of some use. I think the reality is we won't see any major adjustment to it, they seem more interested in balancing the early-mid game than end and Ody has been out for a while now with the only recent major balance adjustment being that adds don't respawn. I suspect they are ok with where the endgame is, so I don't expect it to ever get any different, but seeing skilled players quit because they hate Sortie and Primes weren't enough to keep them around sucks.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 165
By Asura.Toeknee 2024-05-22 21:20:28
This talk of people quitting because some late game content is 'too easy' or they're 'maxed out' seems funny considering that's how pretty much every era of endgame felt once that initial discovery and gearing up phase ended. Weapons and Emp upgrades become easier to obtain? Great, now you can make all of them for all your jobs like everything else. It's not 2005 no one's enjoying a year long grind for a weapon, just let people play how they want - mercing and all.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
By Asura.Eiryl 2024-05-22 21:36:09
Yeah! Let the prisoners run the prison so it shuts down faster, excellent idea.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 165
By Asura.Toeknee 2024-05-22 21:37:54
This is and has been happening in every area of the game for years, yall make a business off of it. Why is everyone so precious about it happening with this last bit of content?
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
By Asura.Eiryl 2024-05-22 21:38:42
There's nothing to take it's place.
We've reached the last rung of the ladder.
(if,big if) the next (actual) content comes out that's expected to last 5 years, then you can ***on sortie and *** it up to your hearts content.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 165
By Asura.Toeknee 2024-05-22 21:50:15
If there's nothing to take it's place wouldn't the average player have more fun and be incentivized to play with the ability to realistically make as many prime weapons as they want - as opposed to being gatekept and time gated by random factors and only able to maybeee make 1 after a year? Would anyone realistically still be playing if they weren't able to bypass or speed up a bit of the boring stuff?
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
By Asura.Eiryl 2024-05-22 22:15:39
Youre thinking short term. A quick burst of normies being happy then quitting. Yay I got everything I wanted, ok bye.
They're thinking long term. The drones will continue to drone, happiness isn't a requirement. A few of the drones will die off, sure, but the rest will carry on, complaining but doing it anyway. Like always.
By Mistressfifi 2024-05-22 23:17:48
Anouther Random rant on an idea of content:
I've Seen people wanting 119 campaign. however this would interfere with normal campaign.
so Make 119 new Shadowreign areas. Zones are semi already made, (need to edit them a bit of course.) need many new mobs & gimmick ideas though.
Could even be Released as a New Expansion. it would be big enough afterall. even if its just 119 campaign/tougher mobs in new [S] zones.
Btw when i said new areas i meant ones we could never go to
like giddeus [S], Zi'tah[S] Tahrongi canyon [S] etc
As far as Rewards... i don't really know... Perhaps finish campaign weapons? likely would be about as good as bonanza weapons? Decent Exm from campaigns would be nice as well. not all of us bot our jobs to lvl 50.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 165
By Asura.Toeknee 2024-05-22 23:30:26
My point was, why do we think people will quit when being 'done' has been the majority of the end game life span of the game. There is no 'got everything I wanted', you just repeat the process on a new job to play the same content a little differently - that's been the whole game.
Everyone here who's in a static, has their friends, avoids Asura etc - you're all doing fine wether peopler quit or not. All these Sortie suggestions are coming from people who aren't doing the content, and are looking for a way in. You're assuming people will quit by arguing with people who already have quit and are telling you why lol
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 136
By Bahamut.Mhysa 2024-05-22 23:44:28
Don’t hate me for this one.
I was telling a friend that I wish the devs did something like they do on 14. (Hear me out before you think it’s a bad idea)!
14 has the infamous daily raids, and the “closest” thing for us to grind like that, is Ambuscade, so, leave Ambuscade as is, but SE could create this new “weekly” or “monthly” BCNM. (But what about the moooobs?) I have seen a lot of XI or even previous Final Fantasy mobs on 14 and 16 and Rebirth, they could put a little effort and give us something “new” even if it came from a random 14 mob. The rewards can be something like Peach Power, give exemplar points for those who need, and maybe a not so broken piece of armor, or a cool mount, idk.
And if that is toooo much to ask, just give us Legion i135 so i can go to bed stressed every night
By Kadokawa 2024-05-22 23:49:57
Bumba And Amonion Strat with no Cheese in it, I think that will improve Modern FFXI.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
By Asura.Eiryl 2024-05-22 23:50:07
My point was, why do we think people will quit when being 'done' has been the majority of the end game life span of the game. There is no 'got everything I wanted', you just repeat the process on a new job to play the same content a little differently - that's been the whole game.
Everyone here who's in a static, has their friends, avoids Asura etc - you're all doing fine wether peopler quit or not. All these Sortie suggestions are coming from people who aren't doing the content, and are looking for a way in. You're assuming people will quit by arguing with people who already have quit and are telling you why lol
And the part you're not getting is that theres 3 people saying they won't do it and 10,000 that do it every day. A vocal minority.
Bigger number wins.
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2284
By Bismarck.Nickeny 2024-05-23 01:03:07
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 165
By Asura.Toeknee 2024-05-23 01:04:23
And the part you're not getting is that theres 3 people saying they won't do it and 10,000 that do it every day. A vocal minority.
Bigger number wins.
Ah - guess all is good then and no changes are necessary, glad we solved it
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2024-05-23 06:52:18
I'll never forget when you used this legendary meme to troll Vize.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
By Asura.Eiryl 2024-05-23 07:25:57
And the part you're not getting is that theres 3 people saying they won't do it and 10,000 that do it every day. A vocal minority.
Bigger number wins.
Ah - guess all is good then and no changes are necessary, glad we solved it
See if there's a group of people who pay for your product, and a smaller group of people who claim they would buy your product, if you change this or that, you have 3 choices.
You change nothing - keep the same money and maybe slowly lose customer base.
You change what they want - lose the current customers for less new customers.
You make a second product - both groups are happy. XI "can't" do that. (14)
This is the most basic of economics. Like, the most basic of the basic. You want something to change, you have to move group A to group B or get group A to boycott. That ***ain't happening. Crabs in a bucket.
By K123 2024-05-23 07:45:44
As you've said many times yourself, the kinds of people that get pissy and quit because new players get what they got a year or 2/3 years later a bit easier, faster, or cheaper, are toxic people and probably need to get some fresh air anyway.
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1851
By Phoenix.Iocus 2024-05-23 08:14:44
Anouther Random rant on an idea of content:
I've Seen people wanting 119 campaign. however this would interfere with normal campaign.
so Make 119 new Shadowreign areas. Zones are semi already made, (need to edit them a bit of course.) need many new mobs & gimmick ideas though.
Could even be Released as a New Expansion. it would be big enough afterall. even if its just 119 campaign/tougher mobs in new [S] zones.
Btw when i said new areas i meant ones we could never go to
like giddeus [S], Zi'tah[S] Tahrongi canyon [S] etc
Does anyone do normal Campaign except for the silver voucher or they want to play with Uriel Blade?
Wings was a particularly stingy expansion. There weren't a lot of rewards that transfer into modern day. The biggest 2 are simply DNC and SCH jobs. The only real rewards are moonshade earring at the end of the story that doesn't require campaign participation which also unlocks the Malignance with the Lilith HTBF. And the only other consideration is Valaineral and the other NPC need to be uninjured to continue the TVR storyline, an easy fix that makes it easier for new people doing TVR is making them practically invincible in ilvl content.
If you're in the past and you don't want to get aggro'd by campaign mobs then simply don't engage them or register for that zone. They will leave you alone.
They can leave the first 2~3 zones outside of starting nations as normal level for people doing silver vouchers that are new. They wouldn't make new zones, when they can repurpose zones that aren't really being used.
As far as Rewards... i don't really know... Perhaps finish campaign weapons? likely would be about as good as bonanza weapons? Decent Exm from campaigns would be nice as well. not all of us bot our jobs to lvl 50.
Those RMT shouts are still going on every server. SE isn't giving up that steady income until it starts to dry up. It was designed to not dry up for a long time.
The only real way I can see them wanting to give away a good source of Exemplar Point farming is if we're paying for access, like a mini expansion that we've been talking about. They are weighting the monthly income of several RMT accounts per server year round vs a possible one time purchase from some of their current accounts. There will be plenty of people who will say no to another expansion charge after they've gotten both Rhapsodies and TVR for free.
Campaign is my personal choice for their next rework so I am not objective about what I'd want out of it. I am significantly more objective about why SE wouldn't do it for free because it's obvious. I'll spoiler my copium.
Hopefully they make new versions of the campaign fiesta battlefields that give 10,000 pieces and other goodies for ilvl with horizontal gear. Hopefully they also make a new ilvl throne room fight and Stronghold Invasions that give horizontal gear as well.
They also need to abolish the nation specific requirements for entering those battlefields because if Asura and Sylvie have taught us anything, people will just dog pile one of the nations and the illusion of choice will be ruined.
If they make ilvl campaign weapons, which I hope they do, they will probably all be AoE. They might continue to allow them to only function in campaign since that will make it so you're paying for access, but not messing with their balance outside of your paid for access. They would probably encounter significantly less complaints if they do this from people that don't want to pay for mini-expansions. I'd personally prefer if the long grind for campaign weapons was you get an initial version that is great for farming campaign exemplar points and then an afterglow version that lets you use a version of the WS outside of campaign that is single target. I'd imagine the grind for the afterglow version would be about as lengthy as a stage 5 prime.
Reasons why I think this won't happen. Prime weapons getting replaced by campaign WSs doesn't force people to make Prime Weapons to get the benefits out of campaign. They really want us to have to spend the most time on their content as they can possibly make us so all their carrots are designed around making us do that. If they make new content, it's only in their best interest to make sure there is a tangible benefit for having a Prime Weapon completed.
By Ovalidal 2024-05-23 08:35:03
Reasons why I think this won't happen. Prime weapons getting replaced by campaign WSs doesn't force people to make Prime Weapons to get the benefits out of campaign.
This entire comment was great. I hate to be the Debby-downer here, but another mini expansion or add-on would be unlikely. The post-RoV development cycle is far more likely to be what they're planning on doing for the next couple years, even if that's scaled down a bit.
What would you think if they just re-tuned all of campaign to ilvl 119 and added Gallimaufry and other REMA currencies to it as rewards along with a new line of decent weapons/armor/accessories?
If you're huffing copium, I'll do the same.
There is a possibility that they're re-tuning of Besieged along with the server maintenance is their preparation for another couple years of new/re-tuned content.
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1851
By Phoenix.Iocus 2024-05-23 09:06:05
They are going to do Besieged. They said it in the most recent Freshly Picked. They didn't give enough specifics to let us know what the implications of that change are. It could just be something as short sighted as making besieged last longer so that silver vouchers don't cause complaints.
My interpretation is that they are doing it as a way to attempt to get community involvement back after so much 6 man content. And this is their test case for future revamps. Pretty much everyone agrees that they won't make new assets and content on even a yearly schedule and the easiest way to shut us up while keeping us subbed is to rework old content with horizontal progression. They put the besieged receiver in as part of the rewards for the TVR story line. I'd hope they would make better use of it than just supporting silver vouchers. I'm completely prepared to be disappointed in my line of reasoning since Besieged is not my rose colored glasses holy land.
Serveur: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2981
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2024-05-23 09:16:10
Love how the title is "how could se realistically improve modern ffxi" and 90% of the answers are something akin to "release an expansion a year and overhaul all old content with new enemies and rewards"
***went off the rails real quick.
I'd say what they can/should do:
Allow teleporting in Sortie between all the teleporters (boss -> boss, boss -> ABCD entrance) and reduce the time to 30 minutes (maybe 45 if they want people to hit 9/9, but that's excessive TBH)
Allow up to 3 moglophones and 3 shiny plates to be saved, same system as canteens.
That's all they need to do to resolve 99% of the problems with the status quo. We have plenty of content and a TINY percentage of people are actually done with what currently exists, they do not need to add 100 new events to do. If anything, they just need to encourage more people to engage with the content that does exist.
By Ovalidal 2024-05-23 09:43:58
Carbuncle.Maletaru said: »Love how the title is "how could se realistically improve modern ffxi" and 90% of the answers are something akin to "release an expansion a year and overhaul all old content with new enemies and rewards"
***went off the rails real quick.
Some suggested enslavement and addiction too. Can't forget about those...
Quote: I'd say what they can/should do:
Allow teleporting in Sortie between all the teleporters (boss -> boss, boss -> ABCD entrance) and reduce the time to 30 minutes (maybe 45 if they want people to hit 9/9, but that's excessive TBH)
Allow up to 3 moglophones and 3 shiny plates to be saved, same system as canteens.
These make perfect sense. Though, I wouldn't mind seeing some extra one-time RoEs for entering Sortie and Odyssey, like others have suggested.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
By Asura.Eiryl 2024-05-23 09:46:30
I didn't suggest anything, I stated fact
Won't get better, because. Addicts. Not an opinion. Not a suggestion. Fact.
Not can't. Not if. Not maybe. Just why.
If you want anything to happen, convince the addicts to *** stop. They are only going to listen to metrics. What customers say and what they do are not the same.
Serveur: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4548
By Carbuncle.Nynja 2024-05-23 09:51:41
By kishr 2024-05-23 09:55:58
game is dated. nothing more to it. either modernize it, or it's dead.
The common complaints I see for modern FFXI is Sortie and LFG for Odyssey.
I'm not familiar enough with current endgame to say much about Odyssey, but I do have some ideas about Sortie.
The fact that Gallimaufry only comes from Sortie rather than being able to buy it from the AH or earn it in other content seems like a big issue. I think making Gallimaufry and the other Sortie currencies earnable through other content would go a long way towards helping the Sortie burn-out. There are even some mostly defuncted content they could recycle/rebalance to reward it, like the Sea NMs, Voidwalker, and Campaign. They wouldn't need to change much, it might even be easier than what they're doing for Besieged.
What are your thoughts?