Ppl makes mythic in a week these days!?
No REMA is easy. It's certainly "easier" then ever before, but no not easy. Unless you bot. In which case everything is easy. You try to grind out rema like hotworks above and, yeah, you wanna quit.
Source: I'm vanilla with lotsa REMA.
There's nothing functionally difficult about making any REMA besides maybe an Aeonic, and when we include Prime that can be difficult for some people if you don't want to spend 2 years making a stage 3.
Making things like Empyreans and Mythics is, however,
tedious, repetitive, and time consuming rather than offering difficulty or gameplay challenge. You can absolutely blast a Mythic in a week or even less if you already have the gil for Alex and 9+ hours a day to sit at the computer weaving assaults/nyzul/znms with einherjar. It isnt fun but it isn't hard.