Informer - A Bar With Info!

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Informer - A bar with info!
Serveur: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Keyser
Posts: 50
By Valefor.Keylesta 2024-02-23 14:39:34
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Presenting: Informer
Displays a bar with information (much like InfoBar!)

Download from Github repo


  • Main bar
    ○ Can use a different layout per job that can be customized however you'd like using placeholders.

  • Sub1 and Sub2 bars
    ○ Not tied to job like the Main bar is.
    ○ Can each be individually turned on or off.
    ○ Can be customized using placeholders.
    ○ Can be centered and stays centered as the data in them changes.
    ○ Can be turned off if the area has no map (to match how the FFXIDB minimap doesn't show when there is no map).

  • Minimum widths for most sections.
    ○ Controls how wide these sections are, creating a more static overall width for the bar, and preventing other sections after them from moving around (see food in the demo picture above).
    ○ Set to 0 to turn off

  • Colors! (which can be turned off)
    ○ Day, weather, food, etc
    ○ Time colored based on daytime, nighttime, and dusk/dawn
    ○ Warning when your main inventory is near to or full
    ○ Warning when tracked items are low


  • ${day} - Current Vana'diel day

  • ${direction} - Current direction your character is facing

  • ${distance} - Distance to current target/sub-target

  • ${earth_date} - Current Earth Date*

  • ${earth_day} - Current Earth Day*

  • ${earth_time} - Current Earth time*

  • ${food} - Current food you have on
    ○ Tracked per character!

  • ${gil} - Current gil amount

  • ${inventory} - Current number of items in your main inventory / total main inventory slots

  • ${job} - Current job/sub you are on

  • ${mlvl} - Current jobs master level
    ○ (NOTE: mlvl is updated when the packet for it is called, so will not be correct immediately upon loading)

  • ${moon_percent} - Current moon phase by percent

  • ${moon_phase} - Current moon phase by name

  • ${name} - Current characters name

  • ${pos} - Current map position

  • ${region} - Current region

  • ${reraise} - Current reraise status

  • ${speed} - Current movement speed

  • ${target} - Current target/subtarget

  • ${target_w_hpp} - Current target/subtarget including its HP%

  • ${time} - Current Vana'diel time

  • ${tp} - Current TP

  • ${track:Item Name} - Current number of X item in your main inventory / current total number of X item between your inventory, satchel, case, and sack
    ○ Able to track amount of any item in the game
    ○ The item name must be spelled exactly as it appears in the items list (not the longer descriptive name) and is case sensitive

  • ${weather} - Current Vana'diel weather

  • ${zone} - Current zone you are in

*See Github repo for list Earth Data Formatting.

The default layout does not include all of the placeholder options that are listed above, so feel free to go into the settings file and customize to your hearts content :) Heck you can even go in and gut everything and make a layout full of tracking placeholders if you wanted!

Maybe even share some of your job layouts here :eyebrowwag:

This was one of the first addons I made, just as a small "can I do it" test while I was learning and figuring things out. Originally it had a single layout that displayed specific things and no customization, it also relied on the Text addon in order to work. I recently went back and did an overhaul to it, removing the Text requirement and adding some minor customization giving the ability to to turn sections of the layout on or off. Then a week later did another major overhaul to it. I added the ability to customize the layouts (and per job now) via placeholders, and added the ability to track literally any item in the game without needing the items id number (that was a fun puzzle to get working). I'm now super happy with how it has turned out and ready to release it here. Any suggestions (for placeholders or otherwise), please let me know :)
necroskull Necro Bump Detected! [92 days between previous and next post]
Serveur: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Keyser
Posts: 50
By Valefor.Keylesta 2024-05-25 13:04:06
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Updated to version 3.2

  • Added Earth Time placeholders (12HR and 24HR formats).

  • Added Movement Speed placeholder.

Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Tomasello
Posts: 313
By Quetzalcoatl.Tomasello 2024-05-25 13:42:38
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necroskull Necro Bump Detected! [224 days between previous and next post]
Serveur: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Keyser
Posts: 50
By Valefor.Keylesta 2025-01-04 14:31:42
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Updated to Version 4.0

No changes to functionality, but I redid a lot of things to focus on efficiency. Much better now when tracking multiple items.


  • Overhauled overall addon efficiency, especially Item Tracking.

  • Fix update job on SJ Restriction.

Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: toralin
Posts: 1,427
By Asura.Toralin 2025-01-04 16:42:26
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Anyway to add a distance measure? I’ve been looking for ways to measure sortie routes to see which routes are most efficient
Serveur: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Keyser
Posts: 50
By Valefor.Keylesta 2025-01-04 17:33:06
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I have that integrated with Bars so I hadn't thought about adding it to Informer. Will be easy to add though!
Serveur: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Keyser
Posts: 50
By Valefor.Keylesta 2025-01-04 17:48:29
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Asura.Toralin said: »
Anyway to add a distance measure? I’ve been looking for ways to measure sortie routes to see which routes are most efficient
In fact... Done and done

Updated to Version 4.1
  • Added Distance placeholder (thanks Asura.Toralin!)

Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: toralin
Posts: 1,427
By Asura.Toralin 2025-01-04 19:22:00
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Will it work for like an aggregate, you start sortie and enable it, exit sortie and you see distance covered
Serveur: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Keyser
Posts: 50
By Valefor.Keylesta 2025-01-04 21:51:46
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Asura.Toralin said: »
Will it work for like an aggregate, you start sortie and enable it, exit sortie and you see distance covered
Oh I see, I misunderstood what you were asking for initially.

Hmm... for what you're looking for I'm not certain of a good way to do that. I don't know of any way that measures the distance that a character has moved. I'm sure someone could finagle a way to do the math on time in motion and movement speed, assuming the character is running and not walking. Either way, that would seem to lay a bit outside of the scope for this addon.
Serveur: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Keyser
Posts: 50
By Valefor.Keylesta 2025-01-04 21:52:48
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Updated to Version 4.2
  • Added Moon Phase Name and Moon Phase Percent placeholders (thanks Asura.Jhoo!)

Posts: 61
By Jhoo 2025-01-05 02:04:20
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Valefor.Keylesta said: »
Updated to Version 4.2
  • Added Moon Phase Name and Moon Phase Percent placeholders (thanks Asura.Jhoo!)

Thank you !!!!!
Serveur: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Keyser
Posts: 50
By Valefor.Keylesta 2025-01-17 23:10:12
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Updated to Version 5.0

Informer is now more flexibler! Two new, independent bars you can use for any number of things. Make a bar down on the bottom right with Earth Time, Day, and Date. Place a bar above your FFXIDB minimap with the zone, region, and position, and center it too so it looks nice. Want to put a bar above your chatlog with the Targets name, HP%, and distance to it? Well you should go download Bars for that but yeah technically you could do it.


  • Added two new sub bars. These bars use the same placeholder system, have their own settings for visibility and position, are able to be centered, and can be hidden when there is no map for the current area (matching how the FFXIDB minimap functions). They are not tied to jobs like the Main bar is. (thanks github user Zorlac!)

  • Added sub1pos and sub2pos commands to set the position of the sub bars.

  • Added Region (thanks github user Zorlac!), Earth Day, and Earth Date placeholders.

  • Added settings to edit the earth data formatting.

  • Adjusted the layout structure in the settings file to accomodate the two new sub bars in addition to the main bar.

  • Adjusted Earth Time 12 and Earth Time 24 placeholders down to just Earth Time.

  • Renamed the pos command to mainpos to accomodate the two new sub bars.

  • Renamed the "display" table in the settings file to "options" to be consistent with my other addons.

  • Removed the default layout from the settings file as it wasn't actually used after the file is first created.

  • Removed the lock/unlock commands.

Serveur: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Keyser
Posts: 50
By Valefor.Keylesta 2025-01-26 16:38:34
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Updated to Version 5.1


  • Added right_align options for Sub1 and Sub2 Bars. (Main Bar can still be right aligned using the flags/right option)
