<[Ready]> <[Please check it.]>
Initiate a basic automated Ready Check.
Download from Github repo
Members can indicate they are ready or not ready as well as change their status
Automatically ends when all members are marked as ready
Automatically ends after a 2 minute timer if not all members are marked as ready
Does not require each member to have the addon installed in order to participate in the Ready Check
Does not include trusts
Displays in party chat an "all ready" message or a list of members that were not ready when the check ends
Allows only one Ready Check at a time to run, even if started by another member
On screen display
○ Displays all members in party/alliance and their ready/not ready status
○ Displays the timer countdown
○ Activates even if started by another member
//readycheck or //rc (with no additional commands) - Start/Stop a Ready Check
○ cancel - Cancel the current Ready Check
○ hide - Hide the current Ready Check window