You Are The New Director Of CBU5

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You are the new director of CBU5
Posts: 68
By RiggityWrekd 2023-08-20 02:21:02
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On one hand I agree that we form ideas of what we like and don't like when we are young and after a certain age is difficult to still be open to liking things.

On the other, it is obvious that the entertainment industry is pushing for remakes, prequels and sequels because it's much cheaper than establishing and promoting new IPs.

We don't know or we are not interested in new IPs because they are not crafted with high quality (which means putting resources in to it) and they are not promoted heavily like everything mainstream.
Posts: 704
By kishr 2023-08-20 03:04:14
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A fully remade HD of 11 to today's standards would be highest on my list.
Instead of a 17or18 being a new mmo, I would prefer a 11HD.
UI+all graphics.(80%+ of 11 mobs are already HD in 14, also including most gear, for example)
Close too 99.99% won't happen, but if was in charge of cbu5 I would try to make it happen.
But a ff8 HD/remake I'd totally be down b down with that too.

Most 11 players if not nearly all, dislike 14 mainly because the bis model the game has.

IMO, 11 is great(outside lore, etc...(11 is supurb for lore)), because gear hunting, and swapping gear sets during combat which 14 doesn't allow.
For me, I enjoyed making teams for hunting certain mobs just for a abil/ws/spell.

That's where 14 fell short, and was a very wrong move.

If (which imo won't happen) they HD 11, and kept it true to the original, it would most likely be openly accepted.
(my oppinion of course)
Until then, I refuse to sub to 11, and I'll do my routine with other game instead.
By Afania 2023-08-20 05:57:39
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RiggityWrekd said: »
We don't know or we are not interested in new IPs because they are not crafted with high quality (which means putting resources in to it) and they are not promoted heavily like everything mainstream.

There are still big budget new IP being made, such as Starfield. After a few years you can try to compare the sales with The Elder Scrolls 5/6 and see which sell better.

Personally I am more interested in TES6, even if both has similar quality and budget. because I have more emotional attachment to TES lores and the world, Starfield set in a world that I know nothing about.

IMO Budget is one thing that gets our attention but not everything. Emotional attachment plays a big role.

RiggityWrekd said: »
On the other, it is obvious that the entertainment industry is pushing for remakes, prequels and sequels because it's much cheaper than establishing and promoting new IPs.

Even indie new IPs often use old IP to sell their games tbh. I played stardew valley a few years ago because people said it's like harvest moon, and I have emotional attachment to harvest moon. Same can be said for Crystal Project and Cassette Beasts. I got interested in these games because people mentioned FF5 and Pokemon when they talked about these games. And I love FF5 and Pokemon.

Even genre defining indie hit like Vampire Survivors has castlevania reference in it. I have to admit I clicked on it when it showed up because of Castlevania reference lol.

It's definitely true that it is easier to sell an old IP. But I don't think it is pushed by the game dev. It's how consumers behave so game dev only make money off consumer's behaviour and emotional needs.