Run/blu blm/dnc cor/dnc Sch/whm Sch/whm geo/Sch
D[boss] -> H[boss/mid] -> A[boss] -> B[boss] -> C[boss] -> G[boss/mid] -> F[boss/mid] -> E[boss/mid] Seal
Mega boss
Run/drk COR/Sam Sch/drk blm/drk geo/drk rdm/drk
Mega Boss
A[boss] -> B[boss] -> C[boss] -> G[boss] -> E[Mega/boss] -> F[boss]
Basically how we’ve been doing it.
I’m writing up a more in depth guide to it as I’ve been in every roll for each set up except COR as I’m not a fan of that particular job. When I care to finish it up I’ll post it somewhere.
There’s often times plenty of time left on the clock to do some extra like flans in E or running back to H for the re entry chest less you were able to squeeze that in beforehand. Or even naakuls in F.