Siren.Akson said: »
Siren.Akson said: »
Fenrir.Niflheim said: »
so you mention a solid, can you clarify what you mean by solid? is a human a solid?
and how do you explain the bat tracing a larger circle? how can this happen if the tip is not moving faster? please explain in detail as i really dont follow.
and how do you explain the bat tracing a larger circle? how can this happen if the tip is not moving faster? please explain in detail as i really dont follow.
How about a Helicopter Blade instead?
— This is Demonstrable & Provable
The Blade moves 60 Rotations per Second from One end to the other End
If y’all are CORRECT then y’all should be able to EASILY Explain why I am MISTAKEN w/ this Stance I had taken.
In my own Mind the 60 fps Camera can NOT lie nor deceive anyone w/ Mathematical ERRORS in Calculations.
The Blade Motions at 60 Rotations per Second at all Points on the Blade. It’s y’all MATH that’s Bending, Twisting & Distorting our Reality into a Fabricated False Reality proven by that Video Upload.
The odds of myself being WRONG are literally 0% chance when the Camera Shutter PROVES such as being the case.
Is the Extended End of the Blade covering a Wider Circumference?
— Well obviously indeed
Does that mean the Blade motions at Varied Velocities inward to outward?
— It cannot do such without Breaking itself apart
Via Measuring Earth Rotational by Dividing the Circumference by Hours per Rotation
— The only thing such Math is telling us is that Earth is Widest at the Equator
— Yet the Equator cannot have a Velocity moving any more swiftly than any other point on the Globe
So please tell me WHY we say Earth Rotates 1,000 mph at the Equator and 0 mph? At the North & South Poles
— Such is an Extreme Impossibility to be Occurring w/o Earth shattering into Segmented Pieces