I grew up with the Animated Series as a kid, not knowing who Kevin Conroy is, or that Mark Hamill (who portrayed Luke Skywalker in Star Wars) played the Joker. Then I got away from cartoons and didn't bother with anything Batman, other than the movies. A few years ago, somebody bought me the Arkham video game trilogy. I slotted the first games disc into my PS4, heard the voice actors of Batman and Joker... and thought wait, I know these guys. I've heard these voices before.
It warped me back to the memories I have of watching the animated series as a kid, and this alone encouraged me to finish the entire trilogy. I finished Arkham Knight earlier this year, and I have to say that Kevin Conroy and Mark Hamill were a delight. The games are pretty good, but it's the chemistry between Batman and Joker that pushes it to the next level. I would highly encourage anyone to play these games. Kevin Conroy is a legend in Batman history, having played him for 30 years. An absolute natural. RIP.