Sortie Release - Info
By Mirdain 2022-11-01 19:50:04
Did a full clear on H and did NOT get the chest so that must not have been it and I was wrong.
The differences I could think of was I died this time (longer clear) and did no skillchains this time (previous was distortion I believe).
I did get the chest on formor (all of one job) this time by making sure to "tag" that job type. Chest dropped on the last of the jobs I was tagging this time (PLD).
By Tokimemofan 2022-11-01 20:45:26
Maybe it only is required to walk for any party members without KI. That was in my line of thinking and I will try to test it in a later run since I often take newer players in my runs
Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 139
By Ragnarok.Kanryu 2022-11-01 20:51:31
So the chest B5 objective isn’t accurate. Today I did that with one other party member. I walked through D and my other member device warped to help kill deleterious. We walked through the rest of D then A and finally to B. I then inspected the bitzer in B and the chest popped. My other member had completed the objective in a prior run. More investigation is needed here
The wiki's objective states that everyone has to do the walk. It is just the person who actually pops the chest. We've done it that way multiple times. Using a boss device does not count as teleporting for the purposes of spawning the B5 chest.
By klayy 2022-11-01 21:20:38
So the chest B5 objective isn’t accurate. Today I did that with one other party member. I walked through D and my other member device warped to help kill deleterious. We walked through the rest of D then A and finally to B. I then inspected the bitzer in B and the chest popped. My other member had completed the objective in a prior run. More investigation is needed here
I feel like not only does only one person need to make the run, but they only need to enter B before others port in. I "made the run" today or yesterday, someone else ported in "early" but still got it. We've also gotten it with like 4-5 people in the zone.
By klayy 2022-11-01 21:20:40
So the chest B5 objective isn’t accurate. Today I did that with one other party member. I walked through D and my other member device warped to help kill deleterious. We walked through the rest of D then A and finally to B. I then inspected the bitzer in B and the chest popped. My other member had completed the objective in a prior run. More investigation is needed here
I feel like not only does only one person need to make the run, but they only need to enter B before others port in. I "made the run" today or yesterday, someone else ported in "early" but still got it. We've also gotten it with like 4-5 people in the zone.
By Tokimemofan 2022-11-01 23:19:03
So the chest B5 objective isn’t accurate. Today I did that with one other party member. I walked through D and my other member device warped to help kill deleterious. We walked through the rest of D then A and finally to B. I then inspected the bitzer in B and the chest popped. My other member had completed the objective in a prior run. More investigation is needed here
The wiki's objective states that everyone has to do the walk. It is just the person who actually pops the chest. We've done it that way multiple times. Using a boss device does not count as teleporting for the purposes of spawning the B5 chest.
That’s my point, the only device used for warping earlier in the run was D. I ran south East and north to hit the key/plate in D while looking for deleterious. Found him at the device where my other party member device warped. If BG-Wiki was complete and correct this would have blocked the B5 objective. We never entered any boss areas during the run. So the chest B5 objective isn’t accurate. Today I did that with one other party member. I walked through D and my other member device warped to help kill deleterious. We walked through the rest of D then A and finally to B. I then inspected the bitzer in B and the chest popped. My other member had completed the objective in a prior run. More investigation is needed here
I feel like not only does only one person need to make the run, but they only need to enter B before others port in. I "made the run" today or yesterday, someone else ported in "early" but still got it. We've also gotten it with like 4-5 people in the zone.
Possible. I can indeed say for sure I was the first to enter B via the locked gate in the lower hecteyes room after casting invisible to trigger the device A objective. I certainly look forward to testing this objective in future runs to see exactly what breaks it since I can do so while doing other stuff nearby.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 48
By Asura.Helmaru 2022-11-02 13:21:13
So static m8 was off today so i went to E boss to try some stuff out.
Some of my findings:
Hybrid NIN Ws are ***against him XD
When he spawned the clouds he only seemed to completly stop when i pulled him faar away from them (like other side of the room) looks like the clouds trigger him to do more? or he spawns a certain amount and stops
At some point he went super evasive, that never went away, couldnt hit ***without katanas.
At some point (near the end) he stopped having a DT window, that was either a bug or its possible to deactivate it somewhow, it did however resume after a while. (screenshot)
By SimonSes 2022-11-02 14:29:49
Hybrid NIN Ws are ***against him XD
Im like 100% sure you didnt have enough acc/att/macc here. Blade:chi should be great against it.
This is from JP twitter
Dhartok WAR/BLM #FF11
Lv145 HP about 1.56 million
INT363 MND338
Slashing Demon Breath +0% Wind -50%
Earth 85% Fire Wind Lightning 70% Ice 50% Darkness 5% Water absorption
Magic Defense 100 Evasion 1581
Cumulative fulfillment/cumulative WS - 90%
Myuin/No same skill resistance
85%SDT on Earth means it has no forced resist on Blade: Chi and it only has 100 Magic Defense. Blade: Chi with malaise and capped (or at least close to capped) attack/accuracy should do 99k pretty regularly.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 48
By Asura.Helmaru 2022-11-02 14:55:46
Hybrid NIN Ws are ***against him XD
Im like 100% sure you didnt have enough acc/att/macc here. Blade:chi should be great against it.
This is from JP twitter
Dhartok WAR/BLM #FF11
Lv145 HP about 1.56 million
INT363 MND338
Slashing Demon Breath +0% Wind -50%
Earth 85% Fire Wind Lightning 70% Ice 50% Darkness 5% Water absorption
Magic Defense 100 Evasion 1581
Cumulative fulfillment/cumulative WS - 90%
Myuin/No same skill resistance
85%SDT on Earth means it has no forced resist on Blade: Chi and it only has 100 Magic Defense. Blade: Chi with malaise and capped (or at least close to capped) attack/accuracy should do 99k pretty regularly.
ill have to retry with chi, not 100 percent sure i tried that, which in hindsight is /facepalm
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
By Asura.Disclai 2022-11-02 15:46:35
Hybrid NIN Ws are ***against him XD
Im like 100% sure you didnt have enough acc/att/macc here. Blade:chi should be great against it.
This is from JP twitter
Dhartok WAR/BLM #FF11
Lv145 HP about 1.56 million
INT363 MND338
Slashing Demon Breath +0% Wind -50%
Earth 85% Fire Wind Lightning 70% Ice 50% Darkness 5% Water absorption
Magic Defense 100 Evasion 1581
Cumulative fulfillment/cumulative WS - 90%
Myuin/No same skill resistance
85%SDT on Earth means it has no forced resist on Blade: Chi and it only has 100 Magic Defense. Blade: Chi with malaise and capped (or at least close to capped) attack/accuracy should do 99k pretty regularly.
Last night I also happened to be messing around on NIN and was doing 5k Chis on Dhartok with SV BRD songs, but no GEO. (Wasn't hitting dmg wall.)
Might also be a macc issue on NIN's usual WS gear. Was using rolanberry daifuku. Chi does well against the A boss, so I was surprised to see it doing so poorly on E.
By SimonSes 2022-11-02 16:05:09
Hybrid NIN Ws are ***against him XD
Im like 100% sure you didnt have enough acc/att/macc here. Blade:chi should be great against it.
This is from JP twitter
Dhartok WAR/BLM #FF11
Lv145 HP about 1.56 million
INT363 MND338
Slashing Demon Breath +0% Wind -50%
Earth 85% Fire Wind Lightning 70% Ice 50% Darkness 5% Water absorption
Magic Defense 100 Evasion 1581
Cumulative fulfillment/cumulative WS - 90%
Myuin/No same skill resistance
85%SDT on Earth means it has no forced resist on Blade: Chi and it only has 100 Magic Defense. Blade: Chi with malaise and capped (or at least close to capped) attack/accuracy should do 99k pretty regularly.
Last night I also happened to be messing around on NIN and was doing 5k Chis on Dhartok with SV BRD songs, but no GEO. (Wasn't hitting dmg wall.)
Might also be a macc issue on NIN's usual WS gear. Was using rolanberry daifuku. Chi does well against the A boss, so I was surprised to see it doing so poorly on E.
I bet if only BRD would think about Earth Threnody II with SoulVoice up it could be a massive factor. It's around -400 earth magic evasion.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 48
By Asura.Helmaru 2022-11-02 16:45:41
Hybrid NIN Ws are ***against him XD
Im like 100% sure you didnt have enough acc/att/macc here. Blade:chi should be great against it.
This is from JP twitter
Dhartok WAR/BLM #FF11
Lv145 HP about 1.56 million
INT363 MND338
Slashing Demon Breath +0% Wind -50%
Earth 85% Fire Wind Lightning 70% Ice 50% Darkness 5% Water absorption
Magic Defense 100 Evasion 1581
Cumulative fulfillment/cumulative WS - 90%
Myuin/No same skill resistance
85%SDT on Earth means it has no forced resist on Blade: Chi and it only has 100 Magic Defense. Blade: Chi with malaise and capped (or at least close to capped) attack/accuracy should do 99k pretty regularly.
Last night I also happened to be messing around on NIN and was doing 5k Chis on Dhartok with SV BRD songs, but no GEO. (Wasn't hitting dmg wall.)
Might also be a macc issue on NIN's usual WS gear. Was using rolanberry daifuku. Chi does well against the A boss, so I was surprised to see it doing so poorly on E.
ok glad im not completly going mad :D
I had a GEO didnt seem to help much. (makes sense if problem is macc)
Threnody might be something to try sa SimonSes suggested.
Serveur: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 44
By Valefor.Aspens 2022-11-02 17:17:55
Was hitting for trash w/sam hybrids too but I will try again after stacking macc+
At first I just assumed the phys part was hitting and then the magic part was being resist walled as if it were counting each WS part as separate WS, but they might just have insane meva
Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 53
By Ragnarok.Siyual 2022-11-02 17:39:10
Some questions for soloers (and I mean real soloers, not multiboxers)
How do you deal with the following chests?
1) Casket #B1 - I managed to do this only once on DNC, Evis > Rudra > Rudra, using climactic for the 2 Rudras. Any other way?
2) Chest #D5 - I guess a dedicated run for this? On a job who can use some form of crowd control, like BLU? It's a lot of Fomors...
3) Casket #F2 - I managed to this only once on SAM, but I haven't tried that many times to be fair. How much time on average does it take you? I think it's >20minutes for me, and you need to watch out for unwanted aggro or it could mean a wipe (in the big room)
#B1 - MNK/WAR on Umbrils. SS > VS > VS kills them super fast.
#D5 - I was able to do this solo on MNK/WAR doing Shijin > Victory > Victory, which usually killed them.
Trust setup was: Cornelia, Yoran, Koru, Qultada, Monberaux.
Start from A device and go West, then run the circuit. I finished off the last one with about 2 minutes to spare, and did a mad dash to get to the Bitzer.
Time is extremely tight, and you can't afford any deaths.
#F2 - Usually about 10-15 minutes. Depends on if they let me keep Impetus up or if they dispel it.
I usually pull 2-3 at a time from the big room into the hallway to avoid pulling too many.
I do #F2 in this video starting at 6:30 https://youtu.be/-ppUi0fDDqE
By Ruaumoko 2022-11-02 22:39:52
At first I just assumed the phys part was hitting and then the magic part was being resist walled as if it were counting each WS part as separate WS, but they might just have insane meva I think it is exactly this. Hybrids are being counted as two weapon skills in one since it calculates the physical aspect before calculating the magic aspect, and the magic aspect (which is the vast majority of the overall damage) is slamming into the resist wall.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
By Asura.Disclai 2022-11-02 22:49:22
At first I just assumed the phys part was hitting and then the magic part was being resist walled as if it were counting each WS part as separate WS, but they might just have insane meva I think it is exactly this. Hybrids are being counted as two weapon skills in one since it calculates the physical aspect before calculating the magic aspect, and the magic aspect (which is the vast majority of the overall damage) is slamming into the resist wall.
Yeah, this is the conclusion I'm coming to as well.
They shouldn't be anywhere near as consistently weak as they are if they're merely failing a macc check, especially when magical WSes aren't having any such issues.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10,298
By Asura.Sechs 2022-11-03 03:08:38
#D5 - I was able to do this solo on MNK/WAR doing Shijin > Victory > Victory, which usually killed them.
Trust setup was: Cornelia, Yoran, Koru, Qultada, Monberaux. This is QUITE impressive I gotta say.
I managed to do this myself the other day with some friends using BLU AoE timing Spectral Floe > Entomb with a GEO using Focus/Malaise, a COR using Warlock and a WHM to keep us healed.
We barely made it in time, altough that's probably because we wiped 2/3 times because we pulled too many so we wasted a good >10 mins in recovery.
Still, managing to do this completely solo, and without the buffs from Sylvie, just relying on Impetus uptime and managing to handle the huge amount of links on the big room, well, I still find it quite impressive!
Kudos to you.
Concerning the umbril approach, I did that on SAM once. I can see it working just fine on MNK but if something goes wrong and your healers/holywaters fail to work then it's quite a mess I gotta say.
By SimonSes 2022-11-03 03:35:07
Concerning the umbril approach, I did that on SAM once. I can see it working just fine on MNK but if something goes wrong and your healers/holywaters fail to work then it's quite a mess I gotta say.
Umbrils should be super weak to both fire and light. Kagero>Koki>Fusion could do wonders there.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10,298
By Asura.Sechs 2022-11-03 03:38:20
When I did it on SAM it worked just fine with Physical WSs.
I think I was using Shoha > Kasha > Fudo for Radiance? I could be wrong but I think it was that.
But a few times I got doomed and had to spam those holy waters and every bloody time I get heart attacks lmao XD
I can see Kagero > Koki working even better I suppose.
By SimonSes 2022-11-03 03:47:34
Was hitting for trash w/sam hybrids too but I will try again after stacking macc+
At first I just assumed the phys part was hitting and then the magic part was being resist walled as if it were counting each WS part as separate WS, but they might just have insane meva
Yeah that could explain it. Another SE fail. Their targeted nerfs always backfire at something, because they either have no QA at all or it's limited to one tester from FFXIV team jumping to FFXI for 30 minutes :roll_eyes:
By SimonSes 2022-11-03 03:50:29
I can see Kagero > Koki working even better I suppose.
The point for Kagero>Koki would be to avoid tp move if you could kill with 2 WSs. Also I would just throw all JA on them tbh. Start with 3000TP and do Sekkanoki on first one, then use meditate on 2nd one and Meiko on 3rd, so you can avoid feeding them TP as much as possible.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3,185
By Asura.Geriond 2022-11-03 09:40:29
Concerning the umbril approach, I did that on SAM once. I can see it working just fine on MNK but if something goes wrong and your healers/holywaters fail to work then it's quite a mess I gotta say. A BiS Holy Water set gives you an 83% chance to remove, and you've got 30 seconds. 5 Holy Waters like this is a ~1/7000 chance of failing, while 10 is a ~1/50000000 chance (not even counting the cursnas you're getting hit with as well).
If you have a good Holy Water set, the only times doom should ever kill you is if it gets coupled with with status effects preventing you from acting (stun/terror/incredibly strong paralyze/etc), or you're the healer and you're trying to get it off everyone else first. Even people with extreme inventory issues should at least pick up a Nicander's Necklace, which by itself reduces the chance of Holy Water failing 5 times in a row from ~1/7 to ~1/145.
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2022-11-03 09:49:47
Just to note, you can stun Terminal Bloom from Umbrils to completely avoid the doom. Last night had a DNC just violent flourish every time and he was able to stop it. So you should be able to replicate this same function by just summoning AATT (or soon, call Matsui-P last so he's out of range to melee) and have him stun Bloom.
Serveur: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3,017
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2022-11-03 09:54:18
A BiS Holy Water set gives you an 83% chance to remove, and you've got 30 seconds. 5 Holy Waters like this is a ~1/7000 chance of failing, while 10 is a ~1/50000000 chance (not even counting the cursnas you're getting hit with as well).
Query how many people are carrying around and using BiS holy water received sets, but this got me to thinking about how the holy water received gear works.
Presumably it uses a similar formula to Cursna+ gear, right? The wiki doesn't have much to say about this and I couldn't find any testing or references on there.
Using the Cursna formula with a 33% base rate, I get 49.5% chance to remove doom with +50 doom removal (2 Blenmont's ring +1 and a Nicander's Necklace).
Or of course we can just take the 33% chance and add the percentages known on the gear, getting 83%, but I'd be surprised if they made +Cursna work drastically less effectively than +holy water gear. Sure seems pointless to require WHMs to get 12 pieces of gear to be less effective than a 1,000 gil item.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3,185
By Asura.Geriond 2022-11-03 09:58:20
It works like the latter. Holy Water gear is a flat number, not a percentage like Cursna gear is. I've been doomed thousands of times by Shinryu (killed him 1200 times in my attempts at Cloak), and with a BiS water set, there's only been a handful of times I've failed to get doom off with 3 waters or less (and I've never failed to get doom off with 4).
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2022-11-03 10:03:20
Carbuncle.Maletaru said: »Query how many people are carrying around and using BiS holy water received sets
I mean I do, and I don't even carry a BIS version (Purity+Blenmot +1, Gishdubar (for a trust simultaneously hitting me with Cursna), Nicander's), it's only 3 pieces of gear and monsters deal doom frequently enough for it to be a problem. If you can't remove doom you die, so carrying 3 pieces is well worth the tradeoff imo. That's an easy 80% Holy Water received set which also adds +37% Cursna received in the same set. Also, any doom you remove quickly on yourself frees up Monberaux, Sylvie, or other healers to remove on it each other, as it indirectly aids in keeping them alive, too.
By SimonSes 2022-11-03 10:56:36
It's not really about removing doom. It's about how removing doom destroys fast kill chain for me and Im not getting chest.
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2022-11-03 11:10:23
The doom takes a while to go off. I just kill the Umbril first before trying Holy Waters. It usually doesn't use doom until <50%, so there's more than enough time to kill the Umbril and then remove doom rather than panic and spam Holy Waters while fighting and lose the kill speed.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10,298
By Asura.Sechs 2022-11-03 11:41:39
Given how much time some of the basement objectives require if u're solo, I think its probably a better idea to just ignore that objective and focus on the basement ones for a chance at starstones.
I'm afraid soon enough many of us will be swimming in sapphires with nothing to do with them anyway xD
Unless SE will implement a method to trade sapphires for something (Gallimaufry? Starstones? But clearly that would be way too smart so no chances of that to happen :P)
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2022-11-03 11:48:26
Given how much time some of the basement objectives require if u're solo, I think its probably a better idea to just ignore that objective and focus on the basement ones for a chance at starstones.
I'm afraid soon enough many of us will be swimming in sapphires with nothing to do with them anyway xD
Unless SE will implement a method to trade sapphires for something (Gallimaufry? Starstones? But clearly that would be way too smart so no chances of that to happen :P)
That depends on your goals. The basement objectives that can be done solo in a reasonable amount of time are non-combat objectives, so you only need the time need to travel to find Bitzers, that's really all. Unless you're doing the Esurient/kill ones, but those take so much time, I'm not sure it's worth it. YMMV. I still do the main floor objectives (4 mini boss for aurum, 6 job fomore, in order, locked b, heal) for easy Sapphires/Cases, which don't take more than 35 minutes or so solo. If I can get blue from Umbrils I will, but I move on after like 3-5 because it's not worth the time.
We don't know what they plan on doing with Sapphires or Starstones beyond Empyrean upgrades, but it may be required to upgrade Prime Weapons, so having a surplus of them ahead of time is probably a very good thing rather than later when you need them for upgrade stages. Just speculation there, though.