Sortie Release - Info

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Sortie Release - Info
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Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: androwe
Posts: 1,869
By Phoenix.Iocus 2022-08-28 15:08:48
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I think it's big kill shots. When we remember wizards roll we go 3/3 kills. When we forget, it's usually 4 or 5 kills before the chest either because we wait longer or because we put wizard's back up.

It could also be SC killshots. It could be magic kills, large kill shots or damage. It could be a lot of things.
Posts: 16
By Gokulo 2022-08-28 15:09:51
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Asura.Jokes said: »

Great info. When you say respawned the zone - do the NM’s repop if you leave and come back? I did not know that

You can use the Device to respawn monsters in the zone
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: androwe
Posts: 1,869
By Phoenix.Iocus 2022-08-28 15:10:45
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Asura.Jokes said: »
Phoenix.Iocus said: »
I just did a 4/4 red chest run.

A - Just killed it. Red Chest.
D - Found NM, killed. Found 3 of it's friends and killed them too. Red Chest on 3rd kill.
B - cdc > Leaden kills on eles (wind and thunder eles, but we've done the same on fire) to make Blue chest pop. Found Porxie, killed. Red Chest.
C - Walked into C, took forever to find the Bhoot. Killed it for Gold chest but no Red chest. Respawned the zone, found it fast and killed it. Red Chest.

We didn't kill any real bosses until after. All NMs were killed with Leaden > Seraph Blade (Water V) > Leaden (Stone V) or some variation on it.

Great info. When you say respawned the zone - do the NM’s repop if you leave and come back? I did not know that

If you have the plate for the teleporter, your bottom option is to respawn the zone associated with the teleporter. That includes the mini NMs.
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2022-08-28 16:00:02
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Has anyone tested if you can land Cruel Joke on the Acuex in section A? Very unlikely that hecteyes or leeches are vulnerable, but Acuex don't appear too have any special dark resistance. Seeing as how there are 48 acuex and they are the lowest level, might be a solid thing to do with your time if you've finished all of A objectives and just want some additional points. Provided it works
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Firedemon
Posts: 1,332
By Bismarck.Firedemon 2022-08-28 16:03:47
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Lakshmi.Buukki said: »
Has anyone tested if you can land Cruel Joke on the Acuex in section A?

I tried, it doesn't land.
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2022-08-28 16:05:11
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They thought ahead to include only monsters immune. At least AOE cleaving still works.
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Soybean
Posts: 28
By Phoenix.Teorem 2022-08-28 16:44:52
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There's a promising lead on twitter regarding the #A shard, where they believe the condition is the number of spells cast has to be greater than the number of weaponskills used. This clip shows most of the acuex's HP taken off by Jinpu > Jinpu > Detonation, along with 2 Dias, a Dia II, and a Fire V:

He also has a video of himself meleeing an acuex to death for the shard--Ukonvasara's Aftermath really chews it up--where you can see in the log Koru-Moru casting Dia III off-screen for the spell damage:

I was able to replicate this tonight on a THF/RDM mule using only Dia; the fact Dia was landing for 0 damage didn't seem to matter.

I had a harder time replicating it on a PUP/RDM mule (and aligning the condition with the same PUP mule's result from yesterday), though this could possibly be because the automaton's "uses Ranged Attack" and Barrage Turbine are considered weaponskills for the objective. I don't have a conclusive result yet.

However, while it works with most of the logs I've made a cursory glance over, I can't quite get the condition to line up with other #A shards I've gotten unless I make it "number of spells >= number of weaponskills", and include Aspir as a valid spell for the count.
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By 2022-08-28 17:07:14
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Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2022-08-28 17:07:47
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Has anybody tested if BST pet Magical Ready moves (like Fireball from Warlike Patrick) count towards the A shard/metal objectives?
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Velner
Posts: 433
By Fenrir.Velner 2022-08-28 17:42:56
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While AoE cleaving the Acuex, were they all claimed when they died? It appears if their name is still white when they die, they do not count.
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By 2022-08-28 17:43:29
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Posts: 233
By cuddlyhamster 2022-08-28 17:45:55
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Lakshmi.Buukki said: »
Has anybody tested if BST pet Magical Ready moves (like Fireball from Warlike Patrick) count towards the A shard/metal objectives?
Phoenix.Teorem said: »
Tonight, I tried to use WarlikePatrick's Fireball to see if that would trigger the chest objectives, but I was not able to get to get either after clearing all 12 acuex in the north (including killing 5 at once). Fireball hit for 10k every time with this alt's decent pet MAB gear. Unfortunately I timed out before I was able to finish the entire south area pull with Unleash'd Fireball (~15k).
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: sahzi
Posts: 227
By Lakshmi.Sahzi 2022-08-28 17:47:35
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Phoenix.Teorem said: »
There's a promising lead on twitter regarding the #A shard, where they believe the condition is the number of spells cast has to be greater than the number of weaponskills used. This clip shows most of the acuex's HP taken off by Jinpu > Jinpu > Detonation, along with 2 Dias, a Dia II, and a Fire V:

He also has a video of himself meleeing an acuex to death for the shard--Ukonvasara's Aftermath really chews it up--where you can see in the log Koru-Moru casting Dia III off-screen for the spell damage:

I was able to replicate this tonight on a THF/RDM mule using only Dia; the fact Dia was landing for 0 damage didn't seem to matter.

I had a harder time replicating it on a PUP/RDM mule (and aligning the condition with the same PUP mule's result from yesterday), though this could possibly be because the automaton's "uses Ranged Attack" and Barrage Turbine are considered weaponskills for the objective. I don't have a conclusive result yet.

However, while it works with most of the logs I've made a cursory glance over, I can't quite get the condition to line up with other #A shards I've gotten unless I make it "number of spells >= number of weaponskills", and include Aspir as a valid spell for the count.

[Discussing section A shard/metal boxes]

Jinpu is a hybrid WS and the burst from the SC is considered magical damage. Is it possible "total magic DAMAGE > physical DAMAGE" ? Or has that already been disqualified by posts I didn't bother to read through properly....
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2022-08-28 18:07:30
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Just thought of something. ML30 Jobs get both Chocobo Jig, as well as Spectral Jig. Both are incredibly useful in Sortie for travel. Both are instant and free. I know people say MLs aren't "needed" for anything in the game yet, but there's an incredible convenience factor to consider. Just a random thought.
Posts: 142
By Sockfoot 2022-08-28 19:22:40
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Lakshmi.Sahzi said: »
Phoenix.Teorem said: »
There's a promising lead on twitter regarding the #A shard, where they believe the condition is the number of spells cast has to be greater than the number of weaponskills used. This clip shows most of the acuex's HP taken off by Jinpu > Jinpu > Detonation, along with 2 Dias, a Dia II, and a Fire V:

He also has a video of himself meleeing an acuex to death for the shard--Ukonvasara's Aftermath really chews it up--where you can see in the log Koru-Moru casting Dia III off-screen for the spell damage:

I was able to replicate this tonight on a THF/RDM mule using only Dia; the fact Dia was landing for 0 damage didn't seem to matter.

I had a harder time replicating it on a PUP/RDM mule (and aligning the condition with the same PUP mule's result from yesterday), though this could possibly be because the automaton's "uses Ranged Attack" and Barrage Turbine are considered weaponskills for the objective. I don't have a conclusive result yet.

However, while it works with most of the logs I've made a cursory glance over, I can't quite get the condition to line up with other #A shards I've gotten unless I make it "number of spells >= number of weaponskills", and include Aspir as a valid spell for the count.

[Discussing section A shard/metal boxes]

Jinpu is a hybrid WS and the burst from the SC is considered magical damage. Is it possible "total magic DAMAGE > physical DAMAGE" ? Or has that already been disqualified by posts I didn't bother to read through properly....
Definitely not this.
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Byrthnoth
Posts: 6,224
By Lakshmi.Byrth 2022-08-28 19:57:01
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Sylph.Gobbo said: »
Unsure if this is known or even relevant but you could use those Ergon Tinctures inside of Sortie. The single one I had I popped in the Boss Room with D Boss pulled which did not trigger anything.

I was unable to use a Tincture in the main area.
Posts: 71
By Ultimaetus 2022-08-28 20:23:44
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Hitting Leshonn with a single wind hand with enough ice damage from blizzard will force him to switch to lightning. Unknown what to do about both hands on.

I think its fair to assume that earth damage will force him from Lightning to wind, but lightning is easier to zerg and hes dead after one stance change anyway
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Byrthnoth
Posts: 6,224
By Lakshmi.Byrth 2022-08-28 20:25:03
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Got through 3 NMs + 4 mini NMs tonight. If we had another 2 minutes, we could have pretty safely done the final boss.

I think we can figure out how to get 2 minutes faster and reorganize things so we get the red Porxie chest as well.

Have people reported Caskets C1/C2/D2? Any active theories?

* C(1?) Casket - someone reports that fast kills result in a casket. Log shows one spawning after a <30 second kill
Serveur: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Athenair
Posts: 14
By Siren.Athen 2022-08-28 20:28:44
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Shiva.Larrymc said: »
Question about boss C, Skomora - after a while, it will start using this move "setting the stage" which does 4000 to 18000 AoE damage. I have never seen anyone report this or report having problems killing it - so I cant figure out what we are doing to cause this. We all have the Metal/Plate/Shard for C.

I think Skomora has a 3-minute rage timer, because he hit our party of six with Setting the Stage for about 4k each (3960+), one-shotting us. When I got up with Reraise, he immediately hit me (and only me) with it for 24,000 even. We tried to be disciplined on only doing Light or no skillchain at all.
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: androwe
Posts: 1,869
By Phoenix.Iocus 2022-08-28 20:47:45
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That's about the time it took for him to do the same to us. Everything was fine and then he ran us over with setting the stage.

It seems like everything in C is about doing things quickly.

Anyone know if D also has a soft enrage?
Posts: 153
By klayy 2022-08-28 21:12:22
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Phoenix.Teorem said: »
There's a promising lead on twitter regarding the #A shard, where they believe the condition is the number of spells cast has to be greater than the number of weaponskills used. This clip shows most of the acuex's HP taken off by Jinpu > Jinpu > Detonation, along with 2 Dias, a Dia II, and a Fire V:

He also has a video of himself meleeing an acuex to death for the shard--Ukonvasara's Aftermath really chews it up--where you can see in the log Koru-Moru casting Dia III off-screen for the spell damage:

I was able to replicate this tonight on a THF/RDM mule using only Dia; the fact Dia was landing for 0 damage didn't seem to matter.

I had a harder time replicating it on a PUP/RDM mule (and aligning the condition with the same PUP mule's result from yesterday), though this could possibly be because the automaton's "uses Ranged Attack" and Barrage Turbine are considered weaponskills for the objective. I don't have a conclusive result yet.

However, while it works with most of the logs I've made a cursory glance over, I can't quite get the condition to line up with other #A shards I've gotten unless I make it "number of spells >= number of weaponskills", and include Aspir as a valid spell for the count.

Tried roughly this but no dice. Wondered if August might screw that up so I tossed him after a bit. Solo COR/NIN made sure I did 3-4 katon nukes (possible ninjutsu doesnt count?), did 1 large leaden killed many this way. If the kill shot has to be a nuke (he turns in the first video and allows a trust to nuke kill) then eh. Whittling it down to COR/NIN katon;Ni killshot range no thanks. Plus the other duy said dia landing for 0 seemed fine so im guessing no nuke kill shot there.

Ditched August for shantotto II let her nuke a bit, tossed in some katons. One large leaden. Nukes def were > WS but I couldn't get a brown in 10+ tries. Came back at the end and tried a few more. No dice.

Other interesting tidbits. I got the kill blue b chest (mostly leaden till it felt like it was taking longer than it should so i added in some AEs for good measure) and one brown in the fire ele room as expected. Porxie was right there. Id already blown 10-12 mins messing in A so I decided to kill it with just those chests (not all 3) for science. It still dropped red. Think only the blue chest is relevant.

Went to C, tried to get to the bhoot quick but between needing DNC roll to not blood aggro, needing bolters to get there in time... no chance lol. Feel like wildfire > fire shot > wildfire spam would be best for COR solo but august messes up a fair # of SCs.

Went to D, tried to get cute and no snk/invis thru fomor pt room.. aggroed idk at least 2 im assuming all 6 I didnt stick around to find out. Ran to D device, ported to the start then ported to C bc I didnt wanna go back to D too soon. Reset C cuz why not.. but yeah bhoot was nowhere in range for me.

Went back to D, managed to yank the NM out of a pt with just 1 WAR somehow (time was low, i basically had to go for it). Killed it after a time, killed the WAR... went to go yank another WAR (still hadn't really seen in confirmed that it could be any 3, rather than all 1 job type)... a THF came with the WAR. Killed WAR #2 then dropped the THF for science. Red box acquired. That and the aurum off fomor NM kinda saved the run. 6K muffins, a case, a late saph despite that I musta wasted a good 20-25 minutes >.>
Posts: 153
By klayy 2022-08-28 21:16:19
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Oh one other thing I did for science. Maybe known already but meh, ill mention...

I had 1 hr ish till my shiny was ready. Had like 8-10 ish hrs stored on the ruspix plate. Used it for science. Entry into zone gave me no info at all so was a bit concerned it used all up the time and reset to 0. Not the case. 19 ish hrs till shiny due back but the ruspix plate is usuable is 11ish hrs.
Posts: 71
By Ultimaetus 2022-08-28 21:49:08
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I decided to try B Casket without Sanguine Blade, Lo and behold it immediately pops up on the same kill as the shard chest did. Only WS used was Leaden by cor and Seraph Blade by rdm.

Why sanguine blade disqualifies it /shrug
Posts: 1,506
By Chimerawizard 2022-08-28 21:57:33
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A7/7, B7/7, C5/7, D6/7 ?1/1. Killed all four bosses as well with 10min~ remaining.
With the spare time we tried killing lots of undead w/ 50k+ ws's the whole time. We killed pretty fast but still failed to get the casket C1.
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Aladeus
Posts: 351
By Fenrir.Aladeus 2022-08-28 23:20:14
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Just killed the Bhoot NM as the first mob in C. Didn't drop chest.
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By 2022-08-28 23:50:35
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By 2022-08-29 02:03:32
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Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Jakey
Posts: 300
By Quetzalcoatl.Jakey 2022-08-29 02:07:43
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my group failed to kill bhoot within 2.5min no coffer then reset killed again this time within 2.5min of reset and got the coffer, sadly I was not recording.
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